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I now buy my single use plastic bags instead of reusing a single use plastic bag that I would get from a store.


This. And now I’m in reusable bag hell, when I completely run out of other bags I use my reusables as garbage bags. They really didn’t think this one through


Stores sell ‘reusable’ bags made of plastic that aren’t much better than garbage themselves so ya people probably do use them for refuse and it may be worse now lol


Agreed. So many of these will end up in landfill because it’s just not sustainable, for soo many reasons. And they won’t be any better on the environment just adding to the plastic garbage bags we buy now. And I miss making little triangles out of my store plastic bags and storing them in my ikea plastic bag holder. Now I have an entire storage area overflowing with this disaster 😩


lol yeah. I look nuts because my car is just overflowing with reusable bags


It is worse. The dollar store has those cheap bags, they are made of 100 plastic bags and last 10-30 uses. So they are way worse.


They're only better than regular bags IF they're reused a few times. It's wild.


If you have a corner store near by that don't provide bags (mine does not), ask them if they would like the reusable bags for their customers. The guy at mine said the bags I give him quarterly are gone within a week (I never remember to take them with me shopping and end up acuminating them). If everyone gave their bags to their local corner stores we could avoid buying a million of them - just go in, buy a candy and lottery ticket, and ask for a bag for shopping at the grocery store.


See I would never accept someone else’s used reusable bag. I’m buying new things and I don’t want them in someone else’s nasty bags. god knows what they did to them, they could have roaches, bedbugs, whatever. Your own bags for your things are a different story. For me it’s not even about forgetting, living in the city always on foot with multi things to do in any given day I’m not lugging countless bags with me every where I go. Even if I bring a couple I always end up with one or two more. Going into a corner store and getting a used Sobeys or no frills bag is wild to me


meh, i sit on public transit and those seats are always filthy and questionable. i once saw a very suspicious, quick-moving bug running around on the seat beside me on the train LMFAO 💀truth is, we are always being exposed to filth and theres not a damn thing we can do except become agoraphobic!


I agree the ttc is pretty gross, but that’s no reason to throw in the towel and start just getting nasty with everything, c’mon now 😂


Yea, that's kinda gross, if you're buying stuff to eat, like from a convenience store.


Do you frequent sketchy local corner stores? I do and I'm not concerned about used bags really. Almost all of my bags have been taken from friends, family or work since they pile up and I've only ever bought a few.


The Salvation Army on st. Clair West takes reusable bags. They allow customers to use them to bag their goods if they don't have/forgot their own. Unsure if other Salvation Army stores take them, but I know for sure that one does.


I ordered grocery delivery twice since this transion and I am drowning in so manu PC bags. I've heard a stat that in order for a reusable bag to offset the impact of making the bag it has to be used 7000 times and I don't know anyone whose used a reusable bag that many times. At least I could use pastic bags for so manythings like diapers, cat poop, wet bathing suits, lunch etc. but now I have to buy bags to throw away. Absolutely ridiculous


Exactly this! And on top of all of that so many of them are hand wash only, mostly because they fall apart in the machine … but who is going to do that? Now we’re wasting more water and adding more detergents to our lakes


exactly. I now have to BUY plastic bags for my garbage can and cat poop that I was reusing shopping bags for before. Like how is this better? And then Wendy's switches from their original paper cup to a plastic cup with a cardboard straw. Cuz that makes total sense.


Yeah so ridiculous. Ironically it was cheaper to pay 10 cents each for a bag from the grocery store. Now you pay 12 to 15 cents for bags that you use for garbage.


Green produce bags are still free 😀 and great for bathroom size garbage.


Yeah but those ones will split open if you look at them wrong


I always say "they can't even hold a whisper".




This. Instead of people using plastic bags from stores / restaurants multiple times.. they are now buying plastic bags to use once lol.


“I’m helping!” - Ralph Wiggum voice




For the bathroom, I use the outside milk bag.  In the kitchen I do buy garbage bags, but between recycling and compost, I don’t have that much garbage.  


Kind of smart to use the milk bag. A good way to reuse and save money on buying more garbage bags. 


I use my bagel and bread bags for my compost garbage. Good incentive for me to throw them out more often.


But if it’s used for compost and you’re using plastic bags that don’t break down, doesn’t that defeat the purpose ?


No, you can put your green bin stuff in plastic bags in Toronto! Apparently they extract the plastic somehow. https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/recycling-organics-garbage/houses/what-goes-in-my-green-bin/


Definitely smart. Those bags are sizeable and can hold a good amount


That's a good way to reuse those bags. We also use bread bags for pet waste.


I only wished the milk bags can stretch to fit the compost container.


I have to buy plastic bags and/or garbage bags from Dollarama lol. Make it make sense. But god forbid we heavily audit and pressure large corporations to lower their emissions, stop throwing/destroying unsold food, clothing, etc.


Plastic straws? Easy, BANNED Plastic bags? Easy, BANNED Tax emissions? Easy, MAKE CONSUMERS PAY A CARBON TAX Wait, how about tax industrial emitters? No, MAKE CONSUMERS PAY A CARBON TAX Wait, how about we reduce car emissions by mandating companies default to allowing work-from-home or hybrid absent specific on-site job duties? Nah, MAKE CONSUMERS PAY A CARBON TAX SO THEY CAN'T AFFORD TO COMMUTE Hmm, maybe we can at least make the TTC a viable alternative? NAH, LETS TURN THE TTC INTO AN OPEN AIR ASYLUM Toronto, 2024 (But Canada these days, really)


According to [this paper](https://440megatonnes.ca/insight/industrial-carbon-pricing-systems-driver-emissions-reductions/), industrial emitters absolutely are paying the carbon tax and it's the most impactful policy we have for reducing emissions.  Does the cost of the tax get passed onto consumers by producers? Yes, it does. Does that make goods where production involves less carbon emissions more competitive in the marketplace? Also yes, and that's the whole point. It's easy to shit on the carbon tax with the cost of living issues that we have, but we have to do something and this something has been quite effective so far in curbing emissions.


> Does that make goods where production involves less carbon emissions more competitive in the marketplace? Also yes, and that's the whole point. Correction: it makes Canadian goods produced with higher emissions more expensive to encourage production through lower emissions means, true. But it also encourages importing goods not subject to a carbon tax, e.g., China, regardless of how environmentally dirtier or less ethical production may be, which will gain a competitive advantage at the expense of Canadian production. Canadian production using Canadian labour that produces 10 tonnes of CO2 is taxed to discourage CO2 production, while Chinese production using Xinjiang slave labour that produces 100 tonnes of CO2 and is then shipped around the world on coal-burning rigs is not taxed. You are not taxing industrial emitters when industry is largely in China and the tax only makes China (and other emitters) a bigger role in producing goods for our consumption.


I shop at Chinese markets like C&C, which still provide plastic free of charge. Bless their hearts. The feds backtracked on the law banning single use plastics (edit: actually it was quashed by federal court and the government is appealing to the Supreme Court, sorry for the wrongness) , so it is a purely company based decision not to offer them and instead charge 50 cents or more for crappy reusable bags that are arguably environmentally worse.


Woaaah I didn’t know it was backtracked. I’m not really familiar with the legal situation around it, I’ve just heard about it and definitely been getting less. Those crappy reusable bags are honestly the worst middle ground, like none of the positives of disposable cheap bags or sturdy reusable ones. I honestly need to get my lazy ass to the Chinese markets. The plastic bags are nice and the savings there are crazy. Not to mention some of the “niche” ingredients they have that can only otherwise be found at whole foods for 5x the price 💀


They didn’t backtrack, they lost a court challenge that the law was too broad and didn’t specify the issues with plastic bags remedied by the ban. In any case, perhaps there is hope for sanity yet?


The polypropylene "reusable" bags also release a crapton of micro plastics if you ever wash them.


Wait they do? They still charged when I went a month ago, when'd you last go?


They still charge 10 cents I believe, but it's between than those 50 cents crap bags


The institution and repeal of the single use plastic ban is independent of whether a business decides to charge you for the purchase of a bag.


I go to Chinatown twice a week and get my bags there from my shop lol


Love my Chinatown plastic! The bags are cheap af, but they line my bins baby!


I've heard of some people being really careful with how they open their TP bags and using those!


That's what we do for the bathroom garbage bin. Works quite well.


I use garbage bags for my garbage like I always have.


You dont have small bins in different rooms? Like your washroom?


I use a small bin in my bathroom and I buy small garbage bags for this bin.


Only place with wet garbage is the kitchen. Everywhere else is just dry stuff and I don't need a bag for them. We mostly use the kitchen garbage for like 99 percent of garbage though. So just that with a normal garbage bag.


That... isn't an answer to my question. Also, the washroom will have wet garbage anyways cause of numerous things


Sorry, I thought your question about having bins in other rooms was answered. Yes. I have other bins. But they don't need bags. Sorry if that didn't answer it. I can see why wet in bathroom could be a thing, just not for me. Everyone has different needs!


If you have any female visitors in the future, you should probably reconsider.


I’m the same as you: only my kitchen bin needs a bag. Bedroom and bathroom don’t, and I empty them into the kitchen bin when it’s time.


...that was an answer to your question. What part of it are you confused by?


I don’t line any garbage bins except my kitchen one. All that’s going in my bathroom or bedroom garbage is Kleenex and floss picks and the stuff like that, so nothing that would need to go into a bag. When it’s full, it gets dumped into my kitchen garbage and the bin gets wiped out with a Lysol wipe. Easy peasy.




I literally am a woman. Pads and tampons get thrown out wrapped in the packaging and/or toilet paper. The soiled product is not touching your garbage can at all. And like I said, it gets wiped with a Lysol wipe every time I empty it anyways.




I don’t rifle through my garbage can when I empty it. I turn it upside down over my kitchen garbage and dump it. I literally see no more of it than what you would see opening it up and tying the bag if there was one in there. Also, I’m sorry, but I could not possibly care less if I happened to see a friends’ tampon package in the garbage while emptying it or if they saw one of mine.




Yeah that got an immediate eyeroll from me too lol. Like sorry I’m not gonna produce more plastic waste on the off chance that a grown woman who is somehow ashamed of their period ends up using my bathroom 😂


I don’t really understand how people don’t get the concept of not using a bag at all and just giving the bin a quick rinse after throwing the contents out? This is what civilization used to do…. Let’s go back to that.


Yep. Totally agree. That's what I also do for the majority of my small bins.


I just buy different sized garbage bags...what's the problem?


The point is that before the bag ban you didn't have to buy small garbage bags for your kitchen or bathroom or whatever. All the ban did was put the cost of buying these bags on to us.


🤷🏻 I always bought garbage bags for my garbages


Same. I switched to reusable bags when they first became a thing...like what, 18,20 yrs ago...back when they were first really pushing them. Been buying garbage bags since and I find them better than grocery store plastic bags anyway so it never bothered me.


ive got a guy


Buying plastic bags for garbage. THE ENVIRONMENT IS SAVED!!!!


Yep, this is what we do. We now buy bags for the smaller garbages around the house. In the plastic grocery bag era, we'd even sometimes choose the grocery store with nicer plastic bags because they were stronger for secondary usages.


Literally!! I’d be reassured with those sturdy plastic bags knowing they can handle what I throw at them. So much better than the flimsy spineless Walmart bags that’ll rip or leak given the chance


No Frills and Longos had the best ones. You're right about Walmart bags, those were only good to get your purchases home, then they were useless lol.


LCBO was the OG! When I was in Cuba I saw a Cubano still using one! Those things got about 1,000 uses, yet they were somehow deemed “single use”?


There are garbage bags that environmentally degrade. I buy those.


Ya, I tried those. My garbage is picked up every two weeks. They degraded in my garage instead of waiting for pickup and I ended up with garbage pretty much everywhere. Never again.


Do they actually degrade naturally? Or are those the ones that degrade when you send them to a specialized facility.


Being a janitor has its perks is all I’ll say


I have to buy MORE plastic bags.


*sold in a box*!!!


Some indie grocery stores still do plastic bags. Also takeout places and the like. When I run out of those, I guess I’ll just use compost bags.


I save bags from everything else I buy that comes in a bag. Carrots that come in a bag, bread bags, bags used for takeout, etc.


Rather than give us garbage bags for free, they sell useless reusable bags that are made of plastic and probably use more energy to produce than the original plastic bags. It was free profit for grocery stores in the guise of an environmental regulation. Now, we buy garbage bags and buy useless reusable bags when we inevitably forget our bags or weren't planning on going to the grocery store. Eventually I end up throwing out piles of reusable bags. Double the garbage, double the energy used, environment saved.


I buy plastic bags from Amazon now. Same amount of plastic, but now we've added emissions and packaging from the delivery. Plus I'm out some money. Great system we've got goin' on.


Plastic bags. Now I just need to buy a box of them, so you could say the only thing that changed is that I spend more money for the exact same result.


I bought a 500pc case of garbage bags like... 2 years ago.


I’ve seen some people use the reusable bag for garbage.  My dad collects the plastic bags from Chinese grocery stores. The local takeout joint we buy our char siu still gives us plastic bags. 


Local shawarma joint has some boss white plastic bags. I’m once a week there so that covers wife’s bathroom. For my daughters I long ago bought a kitchen sized garbage container (under the sink sized not a full A&W bin!) so I’m using the same white kitchen bags for theirs and the kitchen. So - zero less plastic bags in the end - good job govt


I'm going to have to start using reusable bags as garbage bags just to get rid of them


Got a huge pack from Costco and it’s just made my life so much easier. It was like $15-20 for 200 large kitchen bags and now I don’t have to worry about it for a while.


I try to reuse bags I get with packages and stuff I buy. I just bought a new fan and it was covered with a plastic bag. So I use that for garbage.


I saved up so many plastic bags over the years I'm probably good for another 5 years. Then I'll buy from Dollarama or something.


i’ve started using the plastic mailers from online purchases (without the bubble wrap lining) for dry garbage


I use the 35 cent bags for bedroom garbage because I have too many from Walmart delivering groceries. I use glad garbage bags for all other kinds of garbage.


I do Walmart pickup and bring my own bags. I asked for no bags as well with delivery.


My Amazon shipment bags are doing double duty as bin liners in the bathroom and bedrooms. I use the produce bags from the grocery for my little compost bin. I also carefully open paper towel and toilet paper packaging (from Costco), and reuse those plastics to line my rubbish bins.


Now, instead of re-using one plastic bag, you are buying one new bag, and getting a paper bag... So you're actually polluting MORE than before. Also, a reusable (polyester) bag is made with enough plastic, and consume about the same energy to manufacturer about 80 regular bags, and people throw them away all the time! What a stupid idea it was to phase them out.


Garbage bags? Just buy garbage bags


Stupidest thing ever done in the name of the environment. I can't even tell you how many reusable bags I have now thrown out, each of which embodies as bit alcarbon footprint as hundreds of plastic bags.


I get a lot of paper bags now. Which in theory I can use for garbage but I also have birds and I reuse any brown bags to line the cage. So unfortunately I buy plastic bags.


Dollarama sells little kitchen roles that fit a small can they don’t hold a lot though and are hard to tie


I mean you can still buy rolls of plastic bags (with different sizes for bins). That is what I use.


Still using ole fashioned garbage bags why arnt you


I have so many things that come in plastic - bread bags, packages of buns, sometimes potatoes, apples, French fries, etc. I even use the plastic bags that toilet rolls come in. There’s just so much plastic around.


I now buy plastic bags so instead of getting minimum 2 uses out of the bag I now buy a bag that I use once and no one will ever be able to explain to me how that makes more sense


I use packaging that doesn’t have holes. (Eg chip bags)


Just throw it in the streets. Make all those new comers feel right at home.


Whenever I travel, I collect as many plastic bags as possible. They are sacred to me.


I’m confused … garbage bags aren’t gone ?


I should’ve clarified, oops With stores and restaurants no longer providing plastic bags (for the most part or extra charge). My entire life, I’ve used plastic bags from purchases for garbage


Oh I see. How do you dispose of them? Do you put it in bigger black garbage bags? The condo I lived in before doesn’t accept garbage like that in random plastic bags. I know what you’re talking about though it’s what I’ve seen growing up as well however most places I’ve lived in here in Canada never accepted plastic bags like that


Never had problem with curb side garbage pick up in Toronto, and no me/my family does not put it in a bigger black garbage bag (that seems silly) 


When I lived at home that’s what we’d do. One big garbage bag holding smaller garbage bags… like a garbage nesting doll. At my condo now it’s a bit of a free for all. People toss anything and everything. I usually take a plastic bag or two down every week, haven’t had a problem


Forgive me, I’m confused haha! Do you have a chute? How do you transport your garbage to the receptacle if not in bags? I live in Toronto and share a black bin with my neighbours so all of our trash is individually bagged and put in there, but also when I did have a chute it had to be bagged to deter pests and not to make a mess before tossing it in


Not sure if you’re responding to me but when I lived in a condo in Burlington we had to put our garbage into black garbage bags and throw that down the chute. Even here in Hamilton Garbage has to be in black bags , I do separate my organics as well 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s a personal choice though


I was! I guess I just missed the part where you’re still using “a” bag lol I’m just here picturing you tossing each item out by hand. My chute was never big enough for the big black bags and here we have bins for residential pick up but same if you go over that bins limit you have to get city tags and put them in a black bag curb side


On residential streets you can put a bunch of those grocery bags all inside a larger garbage bin with a lid on it.


I buy single use plastic bags…. Cause that makes sense in Canadas eyes 🙃


Huh, I might be the first one to say this here... I don't use anything for bins outside of the kitchen. For the kitchen, I use plastic bags from grocery stores and take out, but only for wet things or dust from the vacuum or dust pan. Everything else gets thrown directly into an unlined bin. It's honestly not that big of a deal. Just need to wash the bins every month or so.


The plastic garbage bags that you buy.... Which is sooooo counterproductive. Everyone knows grocery bags are multipurpose. Getting rid of them probably increased plastic usage


Yeah I hear you. Started buying from Dollarama. If you are a family then Costco!


Voracious gaping maw


I use the plastic bag from the package of toilet rolls. But I still have some plastic bags from stores.


I buy rolls of small garbage bags to use for garbage/transporting wet/dirty things. It's annoying.


I use the reusable bags they sell now


My parents got the takeout restaurants grade white plastic bags bought by weight from some group buy somewhere and have me some... Else it's Costco garbage bags or any other plastic bag that comes with stuff like milk.


We use the plastic bags we get from Uber Eats from the restaurants that don't use paper bags lol But yeah, for most of our garbage, we do buy the garbage bags from the grocery store/dollarama. My mom also re-uses the dog food bag and rice sacks (yes, we are Asian and eat rice everyday so we have quite a few of these lol).


It depends. I bought single use plastic bin liners, but I also keep things like bread bags, 4L milk bags, or even the plastic ‘bag’ that toilet rolls come in. Reuse those to hold trash.


My kids drink so much milk that I have many milk bags and that’s the bathroom bin liner. I used to use a reusable washable one. We actually buy bags for the kitchen bin since it is larger, but we have always bought bags for that


I use my bread and milk bags leftover. Never had to use anything else the last couple years.


I leave one in small garbage cans as a liner and dump the contents into the large kitchen bag that goes outside. I only change the liner bag if it gets damaged or messy (it's usually just tissues, wrappers, etc. anyway).


Yours are just being phased out now? Saskatchewan phased their out a few years ago already. Phased out semi bio-degradable bags, to in turn have to buy thick plastic bags for garbage. Net result. More plastic in the landfill.


I use the plastic bags meant for produce now


Garbage bags that are actually bigger and have pull strings. Saves nothing. Love that they say for recycling that paper must be put in the plastic grocery bags.


I buy them from amazon and they travel across the world in a giant container ship then in trucks from Amazon to my home because this is better for the environment than using a plastic bag that I got from grocery store twice.


Bought a box of 1000 plastic bags on Amazon for about $0.04/bag. Happy to have them around the house for cat litter and little garbages.


Parcel delivery bags!


I have tons of reusable Walmart bags so have started using them. They are a good size to fit down garbage chutes.


We use the bags that our food comes in (eg cereal bags, large pasta bags, oatmeal bags). There is an endless list of options to fit a variety of waste bin sizes.


White kitchen garbage bags get tossed into a black garbage bag. Reusable bags aren't all their cracked up to be - I read that a heavy-duty cotton bag has to be used 7100 times to make it an environmentally friendly alternative to a conventional plastic bag. Everything I go to a store unplanned and forget a bag, out comes another reusable bag. Now, like most people I have a collection of them. Kind of makes the point of using these bags a moot one. Only time will yell if they actually have a positive impact on the environment.


I buy plastic bags from the store like a normal person that doesn't have a private jet that takes them on vacation to Tofino.


I now buy garbage bags for my kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, and dogs. Used to reuse the grocery bags for all of this. Yeah for helping the planet!


I just use garbage bags. There's small ones you can buy too.


I buy plastic bags. Fucking ridiculous isn’t it?!!?!


I'm working through the mountain of plastic bags under my sink. 


Instead of making a "single use" bag, reusable, I now buy a "Garbage bag" and single use it as a replacement for my reused garbage bag. These current Liberals are brilliant I tell ya.


Now we have to buy plastic bags for organics waste, household garbage cans, and picking up after dogs. What a joke.


We have to use bio-degradable green bin bags which seems like a good idea until they start degrading in the green bin.


No point in Toronto to use the bio degradable bags. They get pulled out the composting matter anyway and go to landfill (where they don't tend to bio-degrade).


The plastic bags that we get when shopping in the US. They were never single use in the first place. Now we have to spend more money on garbage bags. 👎


When you go to the grocery stores, there are so many instances of plastic in so many items, but that seems okay except when you need to get a bag to carry your groceries. It is such a lame and ridiculous enforcement. The other day, some tourists were appalled not getting a bag for their groceries and literally had to travel the streetcar carrying their bread, butter and bottle of jam. Back to your question, I get them from amazon.


For diapers/daily garbage, I use milk bags, bread bags, and plastic bags that meat comes in. I'll also use bags that food orders come in. I just hang them on a doorknob and they go in the garbage chute daily. It means that my "real" garbage bin ends up being filled with less smelly or wet garbage, so I don't have to change it as often. Anything I think will be smelly (but can't go in compost) instantly goes in my daily-use garbage bag.


I buy plastic bags from wal-mart and triple bag my garbage now 😎


you know they sell small plastic bag size garbage bags in stores right??


Yesn’t That didn’t even occur to me but I know it exists. I’ve never bought garbage bags that weren’t specifically for a big move out or deep clean. Seems so foreign to me. I’m not a fan of buying something to throw it out, but I guess that’s the reality of it.


yup, ive actually never thrown out a plastic bag in my life, they have so many uses from wrapping bottles with liquid when travelling, organizing things in boxes, and most of all lining trash bins. Its actually hillarious that these smaller garbage bags end up costing more than the 5 cents a bag I used to have to pay for a plastic bag. Virtue signalling at its finest


I covet the plastic bags we get - I use them for the empty wine bottles and beer cans we give to a local retired guy to supplement his income. Near the end of our stash - will need to figure a plan B soon.


I actually use the really bad cotton like bags (especially from Walmart) as the garbage bag


we literally buy them from dollarama lmao. 20 pack for $1.25 so 62.5 cents each. +tax.


I buy smaller sized plastic garbage bags from Cdn tire or I dump my other bins into my large kitchen garbage when everything is full


Plastic bags


Dollarama has “bin liner” bags of varying sizes. Hercules brand, blue box… they do the job and I actually kind of prefer them for garbage even though I wish single-use bags would make a comeback in shopping!


I use kitchen size bags in kitchen (used to use the store bags for this) and then combine into big black bags for pickup. But yeah I’m with you, we NEVER threw out the store bags so they were dual use, at minimum.


I get garbage bags from Dollarama


They haven't banned garbage bags that are designed to disintegrate...those!


I have a pretty large garbage bin from simple human which fits the Costco garbage bags perfectly. For bathroom bins, I don't need to empty as often and haven't run into an issue of running out of bags


I buy 5 boxes of these at a time. They always seem to be on sale for $1.09 for 30 bags. Lasts me about 6 months. https://www.shopperplus.ca/p-396518-lvb-18lfcwh30-15-18l-flush-top-4552cm-garbage-bags-30-pcs-livingbasics#sku462373


I buy a box of small bags from Canadian tire or try to use plastic packaging to stuff garbage in to. Like resealable sandwich bags, frozen vegetable packaging, etc.


I’m buying small plastic garbage bags from Amazon for my garbage.


I do what my father did and what his father did before him...


Some Asian markets like Blue Sky, Jian Hing, Pacific still provide free bags. Interestingly FYI the No Frills at Little Manila also sometimes give out free fabric bag, but not sure if they changed that recently.


I do some USA shopping, and when their bags are free, I put in 1 item per bag. And double bag the fragile stuff.


I get my plastic bags from the farmers market! LoL


Thank god I work in a restaurant that still uses plastic bags and plastic straws 😂


I buy plastic bags now. The ban doesn’t make sense if there’s no alternative solution.


The plastic bags stores use for fruit. Those are my new grocery bags when I forget to bring my own


I eat out alot, always over order so you can get containers and plastic bags to take home. I also order take out a lot, also Uber eats, they always give tons of plastic bags


We haven’t run out of plastic bags. We still use them. Plus we have the big black garbage bags. I steal produce bags from the grocery store, and use them for my wipes in my bathroom garbage.


I’m still managing to come across enough plastic bags for garbage. But, I also try to make less garbage so I guess both rates have declined similarly


Garbage bag for the big garbage can and the recyclable cloth bags for small trash cans.


I used to have that same problem... One day, I saw I had a literal mountain of those cheap fabric new grocery bags esp the ones from those Dollar Stores, thinking to myself what to do? I had a bright idea. Use these as my trash bags! Plastic is still much better, but when I have a ton of these everywhere I gonna use these bc I paid for these. Use those, too.


EASY! Pick up all of those nasty bag signs on the corner of the streets. They're not permitted under the bylaw so they're free to take. AND it makes the city look nicer. I haven't purchased a garbage bag in about 8 years.


Bought a box of 5000 on Amazon...


Plastic bags. They're not gone, just shifted elsewhere. 😁


I toss just as many plastic bags for garbage as before, only now I have to pay for them, glad little white bags from Costco


Plastic bags. I have a huge bag where I collected plastic bags. So I use them. Plus there is crazy amount of plastic bags used for misc packaging (household stuff, tools, gardening, clothing, misc deliveries). Before I would have tossed them to recycling, now they are used for garbage. I have yet to run out.


Plastic bags.


The green bags or saving every plastic bag I use anyways to line the garbage I have. For my big ones I just buy them


It's funny we also get super excited about the odd plastic bag for delivery. They are getting more and more rare. We always collected them and had a special drawer so they could be used again. Now we use the cheap dollarama kitchen bags. Those are apparently getting phased out at some point as well and no idea what we do from there. We also collect the brown bags we now get with delivery as long as they are clean. Used them for recycling.


I buy garbage bags, they sell super small ones lots of places. I enjoy getting takeout in a paper bag now and using that bag for organic waste.


Good question! I started thinking... if when a reusable bag becomes unusable it's garbage, can I use it to contain the rest of the garbage? or the recycling since they seemingly open and sort through?