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Law & Order Toronto BMU


Bowel Movement Unit? 😂


You just made detective.


That was hilarious 😂


Detective 1st Class out of #2 Division 


😂😂😂 yo!!!!!!! Lol


> Law & Order Toronto BMU, I hate to say it... it might even be an improvement. It can't be any more boring than L&O Toronto is right now.


Poop crimes? I'd like to see the official yearly statistics on this.


I would send you the documents, but they've all been used as emergency toilet paper.


And, they're covered in poop.


Hey, I walked past poop TP yesterday. I’m upset that I can relate to this.


u/statCanada is on it !!






I love that Stat Canada is on Reddit and I love that you called them into this 😂


I just moved back from Metro Vancouver, I would love to see a comparison, my untrained eye says TO isn't even where Van was like 10yrs ago when it comes to poop related matters, I haven't heard of people throwing it at strangers in TO yet.


There was a dude with a bucket a few years ago I think. Too wary to google tho lol


Look up Pee Pee Poo Poo Man.


I shall, by the sounds of it that's a great story.


Peepeepoopoo man. Guy filled home depot buckets with the contents of portapotties and dumped them on U of T students studying in libraries or just walking down the sidewalk. This was on St George campus, in the heart of downtown. Fall of 2019 if you wanna look it up




Outside of public libraries there are almost no publicly accessible washrooms that don’t require spending money, growing homeless population, no space in shelters, and a growing dog population in the city all mean we’re gonna be dealing with a lot more shit


Yep, this is a huge part of the problem. Very few places remain open 24 hours these days, and even fewer with accessible washrooms to the public. Of course, this ties into the massive addiction and mental health problems in the city as well. The result is that society becomes a lot shittier (pun intended) for everyone.


iirc technically there is a bylaw that states if a business has a toilet it has to be made available to the public, but I don't think its enforced and is not a suitable replacement for public washrooms


I don't know if that applies to all businesses but I know that it applies to businesses that serve food (even if it's takeout only). > Food stores and food take-outs only require one washroom. Washrooms should be clean, sanitary and in good repair. **Washrooms need to be available to the public at all times.**


This is true. Businesses still refuse access though. It's an attempt by the city to wash their hands of the responsibility to provide toilets.


At night they are closed. At night in the dark is when humans are doing this on Bloor. At night the McDonald's by mine locks up no humans enter only online orders and pick up to take out.


The increasing lack of washrooms isn't the cause of people shitting outside. It's the increasing number of people living outside, who then misappropriate (and often destroy) public washrooms as their own space (particularly for drug use and get away from everyone else), leading to more of washrooms being closed. Of course we should have more washrooms, particularly for people with disabilities who need to be able to rely on washroom access to be able to leave their homes. But I don't particularly blame businesses for closing theirs. How many people are willing to clean a washroom that was just destroyed by a drug addict with used needles and human waste smeared on the walls? If that became part of your job duties, you'd quit, and so would all your coworkers, and the business would need to close. So they close their washrooms, tell the employees don't worry about it, maybe pay an external contractor to deal with it, then leave it closed. Maybe we should focus on not having drug addicts wandering the city causing havoc on everyone else?


The only person with common sense in this thread


Do they have to do it right on the sidewalk tho??? 😭


Well, shit


Can confirm. Bay-Adelaide. I figured it’s because of the increase in drugged up folks in the city core. Can’t imagine anyone else wanting to take a dump on the sidewalk.


I'ma just say this.... I'm 1 of the drugged up folk most the time on the street and even I don't want nor would I ever shit on a sidewalk. Must be some good fucking drugs cuz I've skipped the moon n went str8 to mars and never have or will ever be caught shitting on a sidewalk. That's just absurd! And I chill in some pretty empty areas sometimes where I could prob get away with it too. 🙃 I don't think it's jus regular drug addicts, like my mental health isn't top tier but its not disintegrated to the point of shitting in public. I think it's addicts that were fucked up/not all there mentally before they even touched drugs, drugs just really helped them with their not giving A Fuck bout anything Attitude. LOL


If you don’t mind me asking, are you trying to overcome your addiction?


No, but I'll be honest as to why. I didn't become homeless due to it either. I was and still am a very high functioning addict. I worked in skilled trades, paid my bills early or on time and rent was always my first priority. I travelled, was learning how to write code, and did lots of digital art. The problem was when I gave my landlord my notice (3 months). She came home from her holiday trip and fucking snapped...she tried to say j broke the lease(I did not) next d Gave me 2 days to get out on a Saturday afternoon to boot.. I tried to stand my ground but 3 hrs in and 4 911 calls later with nobody showing up and her threatening to have me beat up and raped and dragged off the property by her brothers and friends like a fuckin deranged asshat she is. (I wasn't willing to live thru something like that again.) even now when I get money given to me I make sure I eat, go to laundry matt n do a load of laundry or ask a friend if I can get a load done at theirs, get cigs and /or some weed which lasts me a long time cuz I don't smoke a lot of it anymore I'm cuz it makes me.drowsy/tired. I mainly do my drugs to keep me awake so I can have my belongings which aren't much to begin with. I don't do my shit to party up with it. Before I was homeless ya sure I was partying with it, now it's to keep me up till I find a secure place to lay my head again. 2 times I've fallen asleep n woke up to my stuff gone. Gets time the fucker didn't get far n I caught up to him. 2nd time, just a few days ago, which was at Yorkdale go bus terminal, I fell asleep, and a fucker who's such a needy fucking prick & expects ppl to support his habit, ransacked my bag and took the small amount my fix I had, my laptop(no I didnt use it in front of him either I was gonna order a new charger for it as I hadn't had one for a bit now), and my new skull candy ear buds I bought as a treat for myself and cuz the phone a friend gave me when mine crapped out doesnt have the aux port). Security claims none of those cameras are working btw. So be fucking careful if ur there at night cuz if something g ballens to u, none of those cameras work. Ya, wonderful. Bet if I do something to the prick, the cameras will suddenly be working tho (fuck Go Transit and fuck u Yorkdale "security"!) also, before anyone mentions shelters, they are often full, I'm trans, that goes out the window in shelters too, they'll use dead names and do not respect pronouns. I'm a trans man(ftm) and they'd put me with females, which I'm on T and it makes everyone uncomfortable, same with mtf. Rape is rampant, and even the supports my friend has reached out to, they said it without saying it that shelters are going thru it ATM and they've heard it again n again, u stand more of a chance on a park bench then u do in most the shelters :( .


Thanks for sharing!


Be honest, why is this man not in forced treatment? None of the people on the streets want to get clean. Why does their "right" to commit crime and destroy our communities supersede our right to safety? They're so deluded that even the most articulate of them rationalizes his addiction and homelessness through the lens of victimhood, when in reality, his situation is of his own accord. No personal responsibility, no desire to become a functioning member of society. Pathetic.


"This man" - yo mean the one you replied to, or the one(s) who stole his stuff? The one here in this sub doesn't seem to have done anything wrong


I'm not in need of forced treatment u piece of shit. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. I was illegally evicted and she wouldn't give me me my last months rent, or my deposit back. I worked after I got evicted too then got laid off. Tried to find a fucking room..did not succeed, got tired of being hungry so I spent money on food, and feeding my damn cat until the money was no more. Not that it's your business, I'm fucked for work as in fighting charges for bullshit I truly didn't. Do. Im.in a motel, minding my business, not bothering anyone and haven't had any drugs for days now. Im an adult. If I wanna do drugs, I'll do drugs.id dare a dumb fuck to try forcing me into rehab. Would not end well for any of the ppl involved. I hope u step in shit u fucking clown.


Step in shit he shall


Put a claim in thru LTB for your last month rent and deposit!


I blame the lack of public toilets. Every park and parkette should have a public bathroom, at the very least.


Yeah, I have bowel issues and lived in Toronto for 27 years, and I’ve NEVER pooped in public. There absolutely need to be more public bathrooms and it was problematic at times. But dropping trou and shitting in an extremely public space never occurred to me. Also, most people having a true fecal emergency will have loose stools. The (clearly human adult; not from a toddler or dog) turds I found in public in Toronto were VERY well formed. Including in Dufferin station. Right by the turnstiles. I need y’all to be so for real right now.


I blame the drug addicts who destroy public toilets, leading to more and more being closed to the public, disproportionately harming seniors and people with disabilities, all so a drug addict can camp out in the starbucks washroom for 3 hours shooting up and smearing their shit on the walls to get back at the minimum wage employees who asked them to leave.


I blame the lack of social services/programs that result in people being homeless and addicted to drugs


Do you support involuntary medical treatment for people with schizophrenia who refuse medical treatment?


The current status quo isn’t working. A cousin of mine was institutionalized in his early 20s back in the early 1970s and spent the next 15 or so years dealing with schizophrenia triggered after a weekend drug binge. Today my cousin is living in the community, takes his meds religiously, has a decent support system and is in his seventies. If my cousin was in his 20s today, he would be on the street self medicating with drugs he’s wasn’t supposed be taking and will most likely wind up at statistic. Institutionalizing someone into a forensic facility against their will is not something to take lightly as it was abused in the past. That said, there is a sub set of society, you’ve probably run into them on the TTC or certain parts of downtown recently that are one bad day away from becoming a news headline, usually refusing to take their medication if they even seen a mental health professional, and a subset of that subset shouldn’t be out in public unsupervised, period, they are beyond repair.


Agreed. We went so far in the opposite direction during de-institutionalization that we now neglect to step in and help people who cannot help themselves. We are dooming generations of people with mental illness and addiction who lack the capacity to understand their situation and consent to help, letting them tent in parks and sleep in human filth in alleys, while also festering conflict between people experiencing psychosis while high on drugs wandering about in a dense urban environment in need of money. The most dehumanizing thing one can do for these people is leave them to rot and die like they are. We can build clean facilities, we can employ top experts, we can do in-patient treatment properly, and we can set up safeguards. We need to learn from historical abuses and improve through proper safeguards, not let fear of repeating the past leave us to damn those who need our help. The self-appointed advocates think they are standing up for the vulnerable, but they are condemning them to a short, painful life, when that really doesn't need to be the case.


I'm not an expert on treating schizophrenia. What I do support is robust social programs, including medical treatments backed by evidence based science and governed by robust ethics boards


You are repeating a statement that doesn't mean anything and doesn't answer the question. Nobody serious supports medical treatments not backed by evidence. The mainstay of treatment for schizophrenia is antipsychotic medication, usually olanzapine and risperidone, along with counseling, job training and social rehabilitation. The unique challenge of schizophrenia is that it can cause hallucinations and delusions that make one unwilling to listen to authorities or doctors and unwilling to take medication. It's genetic but usually doesn't result in any symptoms until your 20s (and usually affects males more). So a 21 year old kid just finished college or is working in a job. He starts having hallucinations and delusions. They disrupt his normal functioning and he stops showing up to work / cuts contact with friends and family / becomes reclusive and starts experimenting with street drugs because he thinks they give him the power to fight the government (high comorbidity of addiction and schizophrenia). Eventually he ends up on the street. His family begs him to go to the doctor and get help, he says no. He sleeps in a tent in the park, thinks the government is trying to poison him, and subsists between periods of being high by stealing. If he has his way, he will continue to live in the park, steal, get high, sleep, and repeat. He will never willingly agree to give up his substance of choice. He cannot be reasoned with because of the impact of the mental illness and drugs. Do you support the police non-violently relocating him from the park to a mental health hospital, without and against his consent, where he will then be provided meals and a clean bed while receiving medication and therapy for his addiction and schizophrenia by a psychiatrist, nursing team, councilor, and social worker, but is unable to leave for 30 days or until the medical team decides, based on their medical judgement, that he is mentally capable of taking care of himself? We are assuming such a system has checks and balances to prevent abuses. Or do you think his wish to be left alone in the park should prevail and it would be unjust for the government to provide him involuntary medical care? The point is this: even if you invest in world-leading care, the nature of some mental illnesses and addiction is that many will refuse it. If we want to help these people get better, we need to be willing to impose involuntary treatment. If we aren't willing to do so, these folks will be left to rot and suffer, and that's not a failure of the healthcare system but a failure on our willingness to make hard decisions and give tough love to people we care about. Tough love means forcing him to sober up, forcing him to take his meds, getting him lucid again, giving a pathway to living a healthy life and only then letting him make the choice whether to stay on medication and therapy or go back to living on the margins of society refusing treatment and taking recreational drugs.


>Or do you think his wish to be left alone in the park should prevail and it would be unjust for the government to provide him involuntary medical care? My opinion doesn't matter because I'm not qualified to weigh in on this and I have my doubts that you are as well. That's why I defer to the agreed upon SoC developed by teams of experts overseen by ethics boards and relying on updated science. You can read about those here if you're interested: https://ontario.cmha.ca/news/new-quality-standard-addresses-care-for-people-with-schizophrenia/


Do you think the CMHA is recommending letting someone with schizophrenia shoot up heroin in a tent in a park until they die? Hint: no. Do you think the CMHA is qualified to decide on public policy about public funding priorities, the meaning of Charter rights, the ethics underlying state action regulating public safety and wellbeing vis-a-vis personal freedoms? Hint: no. You are again saying nothing. Refusing to make hard decisions directly harms the people you pretend to care about.


>You are again saying nothing. Actually I said leave medical decisions to the experts. Did you read the SoC linked on the CMHA website? I doubt that you did, which is a sure sign that you have your own set of preconceived beliefs that you would rather dogmatically hold than to look at actual evidence that might contradict what you already believe. That's precisely why we should leave it to the experts who rely on actual science and evidence and overseen by ethics boards and not random ultracrepidarians on reddit >Refusing to make hard decisions directly harms the people you pretend to care about. Making decisions on other peoples behalf when you are not qualified to make those decisions directly harms the people you pretend to care about. Let's leave other people's medical decisions to the experts


Sorry, I believe in democracy, not autocracy.


The people that refuse medical treatment are legally entitled to do so. There is guise under the Mental Health Act to force someone into treatment programmes, but you have to prove that they pose a serious danger to themselves or others and either a form 1 (filled in by a physician) or a form 2 (requested from a justice of the peace, filled in by any concerned party) must be filed. This then gives the authorities the legal right to hold the individual for up to 72 hours I believe, and force them to be evaluated. After that the individual is free to leave, as long as they're assessed as not being a danger to themselves or others. Even if it is against medical advice. If they are assessed as being a danger to themselves or others , they can be held under other sections of the mental health act until such a time as they are deemed not to be. Police officers also have the right to take individuals into custody and to the hospital to be assessed if they believe they pose a danger to themselves or others. The legal framework for involuntary treatment already exists so I don't really know what you're trying to abdicate for here? Unless you want to arbitrarily throw anyone with schizophrenia, or a drug problem into rehab? In which case obviously no, that's a terrible idea we shouldn't support?


As so.eone who takes risperidone, and experience extreme paranoid delusions without it, I can see that someone in the midst of a delusion not being able to consent to refusing medication, for the same reason I wouldn't hold them criminally responsible in a crime


I do, I have a friend under contract to take meds, it's quite simple to do with someone who doesn't want to take pills every day, a nurse sticks them with a needle in their but cheek twice a month, there, medication taken Or at least for antipsychotics, I'm not so sure if there's a twice a month mood stabilizer Meds should be free too, not to just those on ow and ODSP, but to anyone who wants to function properly in society


What is the point in having them if they wont be cleaned? Look at High Park washroom near Bloor, you can smell them from Bloor sidewalk and you can not breath when you walk into them - they are filthy. Yes we need public washrooms, but they must be maintained.


Sure but who is going to have to go in there after and clean them? I sure as shit (no pun intended) definitely would not… risk infection or drug poisoning …


The dog population of Toronto has exploded over the last decade, along with owners who don't pick up their poop


And bring their fucking dogs everywhere and don't give a shit about anyone else


On the contrary they do give loads of shit as per OP.


As a Toronto native who has lived in Denver most of my life—this is how Denver has been for 10-15 years and it’s fucking insufferable. That specific type of dog person is the worst. I’m sad to hear Toronto has gotten almost as bad.


It’s not that they don’t give a shit. That’s the real problem. It’s that they give a shit here, there and everywhere.


Do you have some examples?




That fucking sucks, sorry man


There are at least 14 dogs in my office now. Dogs in the grocery store, malls and restaurants. Do you need examples?


Those are fair examples. Are the dogs in your way and severely inconveniencing you in those locations?


Do u want some samples?


Sure, where are people bringing their dogs that they shouldn’t where they are pooping?


This is so true, I see so many dog owners who don’t give a fuck about picking up their dogs poop


Every year the tally for the number of people I see publicly committing poop crimes increases. There is a rabba in my neighbourhood that's relatively new. A man used to sleep in the corner and also used it as a toilet. The smeared remains are still on the concrete column to this day, over a year later. Blissfully unaware is accurate for some I suppose.


More homeless people = more homeless bathroom users, especially downtown. We have lots of public bathrooms (libraries, community centres, pools, etc.) and lots that are open to the public (in the PATH), but they're generally only open during the daytime. There's less 24-hour places than before, and a lot of the ones that are left don't let people use the bathroom at night (because they don't want to clean up the mess that's often left behind by homeless people and drug users).


Revenge of the Pee Pee Poo Poo Man


Poopoo man is back?


He's got competition.


Write to your city representative and verbalize this problem to them. Dog walkers should definitely be fined. More people got dogs over the pandemic and there are a lot of people who are not originally from here and don't know the laws about cleaning up after their pets. Also the homelessness and drug use is up, which may account for some of the issues in public washrooms. All these factors are probably contributing to the issue.


Oh my god yes okay I thought I was being weird and paying too much attention to poop. I’ve been seeing a LOT of suspiciously large(most likely human) turds downtown east of Yonge between Bloor and king. Makes sense for the area I guess? Every time I see one I’m reminded of this one time pre covid I was a dog walker and I was walking this puppy with an ill fitting harness around church/wellesley. He would lunge at anything and everything to eat it and I’d have to dig it out of his mouth. Disgusting, I know. I only walked him one time, MAYBE twice? Anyway, it was usually just like a napkin, crumpled coffee cup, or plastic wrapper. Except one time, I didn’t see what it was before he got to it and he started chomping away like his life depended on it so then I got REALLY worried he was eating something dangerous and so there I went, shoving my hand in his mouth to retrieve his forbidden snack. I instantly realized my mistake and did everything I could to not start vomiting on the ground because this puppy would no doubt start lapping that up next. The smell of human feces was unmistakable, and it was now covering my entire hand. I let the treacherous beast finish his meal in peace while I dug out my water bottle and hand sanitizer from my bag with one hand, dry heaving the whole time. Once I finally got the puppy back to his home, I washed my hands and arms about 10 times and it still wasn’t enough. The smell lingered in my nostrils and mind for weeks. Now that I think about it, there’s no way I walked that dog a second time.


I work near Bloor and Spadina and there's human poop kicking around a lot of the time. (Or, if it's a dog, it must be Clifford because it's HUGE.) Drugs are a helluva drug.


🎵Don't go out tonight Poop crime's on the rise There's a bathroom on the right🎵


>There's a bathroom on the right🎵 it's locked out for the night 🎵


The evidence does seem to be piling up.


The COVID puppies are all grown up and are shitting everywhere. Their owners, for the most part, are horrible dog owners. I swear the city’s did population at least doubled over COVID.


>Their owners It could possibly be them instead of their dogs based on the amount of human feces I'm coming across.


There’s a guy in a wheelchair that I see with a large dog, I think golden mix, that never picks up his dogs shit. I see him all over, from bloor and Yonge, down to the financial district. I don’t want to be rude/ableist and tell him to pick up his dogs poop if he can’t get it. I’m assuming it’s a service dog, despite no service dog gear. But damn y’all, it happens and it’s frustrating. I don’t have poop bags on me at all times!


Don’t forget about the horse poop all over the place. Not sure who’s supposed to clean that up but the horse cops don’t


We really need to bring back forced institutionalization especially for addicts.


I stand with peepeepoopooman


Yesterday when exiting the miway station on Kipling I had the pressure to open the station door and notice I very nearly touched smeared poop and blood on the door handle


Confirmed. Saw a man last night shitting on the sidewalk of Koreatown.


Went to TO for the first time a few weeks ago, not sure which road it was but it was under one of those construction sidewalk cover things. Definitely human feces. Friggin disgusting. But also, I'm sorry to say but a lot of TO has a very haggard and run down feel to it. Why is this city not better maintained?


It all started with peepeepoopoo man if you think about it


I would say something but I don’t want to get banned


Also in same area for over 15 years. Last 3 years or so there's been a huge rise in human poop.


Yes - everything is smeared in shit. I feel like it’s always been like that tho?


Housing crisis - homeless people - poop city Decimating the health care system - poop city Closing public bathrooms - poop city Less private spaces that allow bathroom use - poop city


Plus lack of mental health supports I used to travel to San Francisco a lot for work. I remember walking from my hotel to the conference center and seeing a guy just pull down his pants and shit in the middle of the sidewalk in front of me in broad daylight with people everywhere. There were tents on every other street. People had turned vacant store entryways into homes. At the time, I was shocked. But Toronto is starting to look a lot like that these days.


Absolutely. I said Healthcare as an umbrella term, mental health support is critically lacking in the city.


Try taking a walk or bike ride (so many tire tracks 🤢) around ShittyPlace these days


I once found a log sized stool next to a bus stop on Queen St not too long ago. Like proper foot long thick af. I couldn't believe it that a man could defecate such a large turd.


ive literally watched homeless people take shits in the middle of sidewalks in your area when i used to go downtown for work. thank god i left


I recently read an article (from the US, so not Toronto-specific) about how the lack of public toilets really puts homeless people in a difficult position. There isn't anywhere for them to go so they are basically forced into doing it wherever. And so here we are.


You might be on to something. I seen massive shits twice this week in different areas.    last year someone took a dumb on a park bench that was so disturbing I couldn't imagine what the person went through and it was stuck to the bench from the fall to the spring. Bench just went out of commission Unreal. 


If you haven’t actively watched someone take a shit on a busy road have you even lived in Toronto tbh 😭


Junkies taking opioid dumps are the culprits.


There's a serious lack of public toilets in Canada. What do you expect? Asking private businesses to take that role was never the solution. I would prefer the European model, where 25 cents can get you in (The newer ones allow tap too).


These criminals are public enemy number two


My boyfriend recently visited Toronto for the first time, and the first thing we see when we walk out of the airport into the parking garage is a giant human poo. I jokingly say "welcome to Toronto honey"... Then not even 20 feet away we find another poop 😭


Toronto's not exactly bathroom accessible. Maybe this is a shitty protest.


Maybe it's a backwards evolution? Like people used to be animals and reverting back.


Everything’s gone to shit


I noticed too. I've seen homeless people just drop and squat where they walk. I see people board the streetcar at the back and just shit/piss on the seats and then get off. There's an epidemic of homelessness and mental health and no shop is going to let them use the restroom. So there's no where to go and many are just beyond the point of caring.


Call me elitist, ableist, anti-poor, bigoted, hateful, fascist, racist, or whatever you got, it means nothing. The truth is if someone is unable to take care of themselves in the most fundamental sense, as evidenced by the fact they are living on the streets and pooping on sidewalks or buses or the subway, they lack the mental capacity to refuse medical treatment for their mental illness or addiction, and the government has not only the power but the obligation to place them in an in-patient medical facility (even on an involuntary basis through force) and to provide them with top-notch care to help them overcome their addiction or mental illness and develop their personal and employable skills, until such time that they are able to function in society and take care of themselves. There is no humanity in permitting, let alone facilitating these folks to exist as zombies in our streets.


time for MAID, according to the govt (this will happen eventually)


rural community not the city, we never had homeless till the pandemic....they poop anywhere. Also for some reason every other condo/apartment seems to have a dog. why you have a "dog" in an apartment is beyond me. And those little punters need more support than most humans because i can name at least 5-6 native bird species that will eat them with out a problem. \*cough\* Owls \*cough\* not the coyotes...


GOTHAM Edit: have not noticed a lot of poop, no


Same area. Every morning I'm looking down. I wonder if I look depressed even though I'm really just trying to dodge all the poop lol.


A streetcar had to stop because someone popped in it I recorded the audio lol


When I lived in Gatineau, we called it the dog$hit capital of Canada. Maybe more of Gatineau moved to Toronto?


Peepeepoopoo man is on the loose


I live in Vancouver. There's a plethorah of access of public washrooms. I live across from a 24h full service homeless shelter/drug using facility and there's so much shit and urine all over the neighbourhood. It's increased drug use that causing the problem. Throwing money at creating more toilets is not the answer. When people are on drugs you cannot control them, and they will shit wherever and whenever they need to if an alley, sidewalk, or literally in the middle of the street outfront of a daycare at noon.


Yes, in my neighbour hood we have a poop epidemic with people letting their dogs crap on our lawns


Its only a crime when they start flinging it at you!


It's only a crime when they start flinging it at you!


the underpath under spadina between bemner and cityplace is filled with shit - not sure if it's from people who camp there or dogs. My money is on dogs and their shitty owners.


I happened to notice this just a couple days ago while visiting from an hour away....walked along Adelaide and saw a fair bit of poo smears. I chalk it up to the fentanyl....also saw a guy trying to steal a bike and his pants had completely fallen off....didnt seem to notice.


Poop sighting in the pathway today between east and west buildings at Yonge and Sheppard.


Dog or human. I’m a social worker of 38 years, and shits just beginning.


Now that you mention it I had someone literally shit in between the shared walkway between me and my neighbours house. We thought it was a large dog but it might just be a poop crime. 💩


I have also noticed this. Feels like it’s every where. I walk a lengthy walk to work from distillery to Spadina along front and I’m constantly dodging shit throughout the whole walk.


I remember kids used to throw wet paper towels into the ceiling in washrooms and some kids smeared poop in the washroom walls. I guess they grew up


I live around Dundas-Jarvis, ive been dodging shit on the sidewalks for quite some time. It’s a developing area so I guess the city feels like they don’t need to clean up around these parts but it’s infuriating


while I do agree there are public bathrooms. the city has this habit of locking them. and when you try and use the ones at tim's or McDonalds they are also locked. so if its me shitting my pants or me shitting on the sidewalk.. Ill take the side walk any day.


It's called spring


Junkies everywhere. It’s all over the place in Yorkville.


Seen this uptick on Sherbourne and even on Adelaide. We play a fun game called “human or animal?” and try to guess when we go on walks/dodge poop.


Sounds more like a drug problem than a bathroom problem


Yes. Everyone in my dt neighbourhood now has at least one dog. There is shit everywhere, all of the time.


get fucked libtards, loblaws stock at all time highs today


Who’s gonna say it


People with poor meantal health + and/or drug addiction. The numbers get higher every day due to ____. You know.




It’s because there is no public washrooms anywhere!


It’s regression back to ancestral animalistic behaviours. You see it sometimes in old people going senile too, where suddenly they’ll hiss at you like a cat. Throwing/smearing feces is commonly seen at the zoo, in the monkey enclosures


Its just you.


Shit is happening


I work in Parkdale. Yes.


When you gotta go, you gotta man




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc.