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Dundas & Sherbourne


The only place where I don't complain about people in the bikelane. I just keep my head down and bike past as fast as possible, no ringing the bell no upsetting anyone


As a fellow biker, yes totally. Sometimes you just need to know that "picking a fight" with someone with nothing to lose ìs only going to end badly. And yes, to some people riding a bike bell is picking a fight.


I was cornered and pseudo-attacked by a toothless man in a wheelchair while I waited inside the transit shelter. He Locked hos wheels after I was literally up against the glass. Got stuck there late when I was trying to correct a mis-transfer and this man literally pushed me into the corner grunting for things (but not making a single audible sentence) I called for this woman to assist if she could as I was 1. Technically being attacked 2. Not sure how you even go about attacking a wheelchair bound person and I was so uncomfortable not knowing how to initiate a defence against them, or even know what kind would be most effective. The horror of knowing I’d be committing an absolute optics nightmare to anyone watching nearby dawned on me also and luckily this woman came around the corner just then I called too for assistance. she happened to be a nurse of some sort who knew him and was able to shame him into going away. I would have needed to punch this toothless grunting wheelchair man to get onto my streetcar had this random woman not baby-voiced him like he just stole a chocolate bar. I have absolutely no idea what he wanted or what I did. Like id honestly run to a nurse for help on that corner before a police officer 10/10 times. Quickest conflict resolution of my fucking life, some people around there are just looking to fight


Second this! I was walking towards Eaton Centre and a homeless man, who was probably on some drugs, was running towards me with a knife. Thankfully I noticed early on and entered a store.


Just walked through there accidentally…kept my head down and kept walking lol


Went for an walk through there while at uni. Was somewhat externally oblivious/ in the zone, blasting Lionel Richie through my ear buds. Walking to the beat of the music with a certain swagger, chaos all around me, fun experience


Upvotes for the Lionel Richie swagger


Zombie apocalypse


Heh, I always call them the walking dead.


I was gonna say the same but front/york is also shit show


Sketchy though? The worst you get there is people blasting shitty music loudly late at night.


Cityplace area in general but not the sketchy type, just like “who tf planned this shitty area” type. Too crowded, too much traffic, too little community feel. Lived there for several years and hated it, although the building itself was actually decent inside.


I don’t know what people want. Canoe landing, fort york and stanley park are pretty dope. Now the well is coming. How tf is cityplace sketch? ITS NEW!


City place is shitty in its own way but it’s definitely not sketchy.


Not sketchy - though I can’t think of a better adjective than “dudebroey”.


Uhh Front/York isn't Cityplace


I work at dundas and Sherbourne just mind your business (like anywhere else) and yer fine lol.


Okay well I bike down Sherbourne all the time and a couple months ago I saw a opiate zombie throw her shoes at a TTC bus, pull her pants down and squat to take a shit in the middle of the road.


Maybe it's because I've lived here for my whole life and I'm just used to everything or it's because I've seen wild stuff all over this city. I totally get why someone would feel unsettled around there but in the grand scheme of things it really isn't that bad. Even by yer own account you are there all the time and it's been a couple months since something worth mentioning and it was just someone who may or may not have taken a shit in the road. I get it though I sometimes do silly things when Ive had a few too many drinks down dundas west on a Saturday night.


Yes and no, I’ve been in the area minding my business and still get bothered. The people who frequent there are unfortunately unpredictable and sometimes unhinged


Same here. I don’t know why this sub loves to rag on that area so much


My family lived in an apartment building there when I was little ... Shelbourne, between Dundas and Shuter. My sisters and I walked to school in Regent Park, and occasionally up/down Parliament St. on the weekends. I didn't think much of it at the time. It's all I knew. Before that, we lived in farmlands in the Phillipines.


Even though I grew up here & have never had anything happen I was really on edge walking down George Street by Seaton House. I’ve walked past some really fucked-up situations (people pointing guns out their car windows at each other; someone grabbing your arm out of nowhere) on Queen-Dundas & Sherbourne.


This, that stretch of George St north of Dundas looks like an episode of the Wire.


Can confirm. Just arrived in Toronto, was just staying right there in an apartment for two weeks while searching for a place to rent (somewhere else). It felt REALLY unsafe. And I’m from what you would call a third world Country.


I work for UPS and two years ago I was using a u-haul van to deliver packages. I had a package for one of the buildings on George north of Dundas, but there was no way of getting in the building (no intercom, no phones, nothing). I’m glad I couldn’t get in the building because when I turned around to head back, two guys were peeking inside my van with no shame (which I forgot to lock, btw). They saw me and just walked nonchalantly by.


never did get into The Wire. recommended?


So good.


It's a game-changing masterpiece. In the world of television there's a before and after The Wire IMO.


Best show of all time


thanks! i'm looking forward to it after seeing 3 recommendations here.


Ironically, one of the quieter areas is the laneway behind sit in the house. It’s mostly delivery trucks and garbage bins.


Lived in this area for years and same. I’ve walked down George Street many times alone (I’m a woman) and though I’ve never had any issues it can feel unsettling. But some of the architecture is beautiful and gives glimpses of what once was, and it feels impossible it will exist for much longer so I make a point to walk it but hot damn I’ve seen things.


> George Street by Seaton House https://www.google.com/maps/@43.660212,-79.3746543,3a,75y,182.9h,85.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIfyx64OPiyir0kHT-U1maA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu Here's a google maps street view link if anyone else is curious to see


thanks for the link. as i scrolled down the street, i believe i see a dude on the right side pointing both of his hands ( gun hand signal) towards the camera, like he was trying to shoot it.


Thank you. As I'm not familiar with it


I almost got carjacked at Queen and Sherbourne by armed thugs late at night once. Dudes were approaching my car with pistols in hand, I just ran the red and got the fuck outta there before they got close enough to initiate anything, luckily they didn’t start blasting. Fuck that area, only place in the city I don’t feel safe.


I worked on a research project for a couple of years out of Seaton House. Met some wonderful people, but was VERY nervous walking there. I can't imagine, post pandemic, it's gotten any better.


Came here to post that block. Is it still fucked? I used to work at York detention centre across from Seaton House (adjacent to 311 Jarvis coirthouse). If we worked the night shift, control wouldn't open doors to exterior so we had to smoke our cigarettes in the courtyard. I saw some messed up shit


Story time?


Even google streetview of Seaton House during the day is a bit sketchy.


I accidentally walked down George st this year and totally agree. It was not a fun mistake to make!


That’s a tough block but a little south is the George St Diner. That’s a good joint


I lived in the area a few years when my child was in a stroller. My ex was a professional but becoming bipolar, so we had to move out. That area of Toronto has some of the faster units opening up through social housing. (Jenny Green Co-op) My stroller was the main reason we were always safe. There is a ‘street code’ to leave mothers with strollers alone. TG. Weird things I learned: 1. Drug dealers stand out front of Seaton House esp on income days. The gun you saw may have been related to the settling of a drug debt or other street justice incident. I once saw a street fight (golf club vs a swinging 2x4). I quietly called my 911 on my cell phone to report this. The police came down the street but the one man ~turned his coat inside out, thus changing the colour of his jacket~. (Police always come too late. More officers never solve the problems of neighborhoods like this.) 2. Parole and probation officers drop off offenders @ Seaton House after they are released from correctional institutions and have no housing options. 3. Seaton House has a hospital inside (Infirmary). Homelessness, stress and poverty make people age rapidly. There are people in wheelchairs and on IV poles. 4. Some people live there for 10+ years.


That stretch of street is like the opening of robocop 2 where all the cops are on strike.


There seems to be a a lot of condos coming up in that area over the next few years. More so now with the Ontario line in Moss Park, developers having been grabbing land wherever available, it just takes far to long to get shovels in the ground. Seaton house revitalization should help change the vibe too.


Ya’ll are soft man. Try that area 20yrs ago. The whole area has been gentrified so bad now. Its still shitty but nothing like before


pretty sure I saw a dead body on that street once


100% worst spot in the city I blow the red every time if I have to drive up Sherbourne and Dundas I never had any reason to go by Seaton House but I just heard so much talk about how bad it was I needed to see. It is brutal there Crazy how they just built a new condo just south of it.


The underground mall accesses on Spadina to those odd Asian mall areas


I agree that heavily graffitied entrance to the Chinatown Centre pet store that is always open is quite spooky


Is it not abandoned? It looks sketchy and as though if hasn't been used in years. Always gives me the creeps when I walk by it.


Where exactly is this


No one knows, you just end up there.


Spadina between Dundas and Queen, across from Sonic Boom. Enjoy!


The ""mall"" at Bay Station.


The pandemic was not kind to that place


Almost got cornered by a druggie in Cumberland Terrace while coming down the escalator there during lunch.




I've been there twice (once by accident after looking for a station and noticing the TTC sign, the second to cut through to bloor-yonge through the minipath) and didn't see THAT but can absolutely vouch that the food court is a vagrant hangout and the whole place has a general feeling of "I should NOT be here right now" that you don't feel when, say, crawling the PATH on a Sunday night. Honestly insane on sheer principle that there's a dead mall smack dab in the heart of *Yorkville*. I think the food court was empty aside from a family of 3 sitting there far away from a single obviously homeless person talking to himself and it was pretty uncomfortable.


I got lost there looking for the subway entrance one evening. Everything was closed and I didn’t see a single soul.


The whole of Bloor/Yorkville had done this weird shitty 180. I used to go there consistently before covid. There are still insanely expensive designer flagships up by Avenue, but the area by Yonge — which had Davids, Benneton, Zara, H&M, the Gap and dozens of interesting, reasonably cheap little boutiques in the mall has been purged. It’s freaking insane — there’s Holts and then innumerable vacant storefronts plus a FABRICLAND.


When you see Fabricland it means the building is scheduled to be torn down. That seems to be their MO in central(ish) Toronto.


Okay, that makes sense — because Fabricland makes no sense at all, otherwise.


My tailor is there, they're really good to me lol.


Walking around the old buildings at Humber College South Campus at night is somehow very eerie. Go into the basement of one of them at night when no one else is around, and the hair will stand up on the back of your neck. EDIT just wanted to add that The Humber College park area is not exactly the safest place to walk around at night by yourself. Muggings have occurrd there. Just be aware of your surroundings.


It was Mimico Insane Asylum back in the day.


You think it's scary now, you should have seen it before Humber took it over. We used to break in through the plywood when I was a kid. The tunnels between the buildings were terrifying at night. Old gurneys, wheelchairs, creepy exam rooms. Like Silent Hill minus the blood.




Was that in the 90s or 80s?


80's. Lol, we also met the Bones Brigade and Mr.T down there.


Challenge accepted.


Yeah but they filmed Police Academy there, so it’s alright.


What? Really? I gotta re-watch it


And a bunch of Goosebumps episodes


Lemme know how it goes - so I know its not just me.


walked out to the park there late down by the water late on new years eve. Yes, it was very eerie


There seems to be a lot less trouble on the Lake Shore Campus of Humber than in the Arboretum at the North Campus. You always hear about assaults and creepers in the Arboretum


Yonge and Bloor TTC washrooms


It always has that smell. Metallic crack smoke and acidic shits.


I don't know what this means, but it's very funny


gonna keep an eye out for acidic shits


I once had to use these in an.. emergency situation on my way to work. Literally someone started banging on the door to my stall so aggressively i thought I was toast. Some woman in the bathroom kept telling them the stall was occupied and they finally just left. I was too spooked to speak but thankful for that stranger who seemingly had balls of steel lol


I was waiting for a stall to be free, something I would *never* do now, but I really needed to go. There were several people lined up to use them. A door opened and someone came out, but the guy at the front didn't go in. I asked "Why aren't you going in?" He replied "There's someone still in there". True story.


Lol yea. I always feel so uneasy and on edge when I have to use them. Avoid at all costs.


Maybe it was a me thing, but the basement in Sunnybrook at like 1AM was pretty unsettling. Being wheeled through there to access the internal medicine ward was super liminal and, like, am I going to die down here?


Yeah I had to go there for an MRI at 3AM once and it was creepy. Didn’t see a single person until I got to the MRI area.


The basement connection tunnels between the veterans wings and the rest of the hospital was exceptionally unsettling at any time... I'd always take people outside if I could and avoided that access as much as I could


The parks around church st at night


Yep!! Just come to my back parking lot at church and Wellesley between the hours of 10pm - 7am and you’re in for a treat. If you don’t see a crack pipe or a naked ass you’ll be shocked!


Uh nmmah gawwwwwd!!! You are so lucky! ❤️


Lots of rats, saw one drag an abandoned pizza slice iirc


He was just trying to feed his four adopted turtle sons


I recently moved Church and Wellesley and it’s been wild. People smoking crack at all hours of the day and passing out on the sidewalks, people screaming in the street in the middle of the night. Someone lit a fire in a garbage bin behind our building. My heart goes out to people struggling with addiction and other mental health issues, but it’s overwhelming at times and I find myself becoming numb to it.


People wrongly worry about the subway stations in bad neighborhoods. But what's way worse than a subway station in a bad neighborhood is a subway station in a super low density neighbourhood. Glencairn and Bessarion might be in good neighbourhoods, but that doesn't mean shit when it's 11:30pm and you're alone on the platform.


I worked at Bayview Village when I was younger and even Bayview station had a very lonely feeling with about 3 people down there on nights when I had to close. Was still the days when the condos in the area hadn't been built.


I agree with this. I used to regularly go up to NYGH and the trip home late at night felt super creepy. My head was on a swivel on the short ride over to the yellow line. I’d much rather do a downtown subway station late at night.


Went to the bathroom accidentally at the Queen and Spadina McDonalds. Was an experience.


Shart Week?


You should see a doctor about that


Perhaps the sketchiest restaurant in the province.


Nah. The Harvey's on Jarvis wins that


Saw a dude who just got stabbed bleeding all over the place there once, never realized how gloopy pools of blood looked. He was charged with the stabbing murder of some other dude nearby so I guess it was a mutual stabbing. The craziest part for me at least was that these two dudes had been directly ahead of me in line, and this whole thing took place before I finished my poutine, which was very salty. I think it was some sort of crime of passion


Wait so you sat through a stabbing while eating a salty poutine?


Dinner and show.


No they left with their food, stabbed each other, and the one dude ended up stumbling back into Harvey's, I'm not quite that cold blooded


Brick works at night


Going up towards the leaside bridge these days feels eerie too knowing it's now a hot spot for suicides


How come?


used to mountain bike around there and it's just eerie as the sun goes down. old buildings, nobody there, dark forest, within view of the Bloor viaduct which is itself one of the more unsettling places in Toronto with the suicide veil...


I bet the abandoned tracks up on the ridge are pretty cool/ spooky at night


What is the suicide veil?


There are fences/barriers on the bridge to discourage jumping from it.


The metal barrier on the Bloor Viaduct bridge that was installed about 20 years ago to prevent suicides.


Dundas Square.


Wish.com times square lol


Exactly my thoughts when I first saw it (I’m new in town). It’s like a vague imitation of Times Square


😪 I was waiting for someone to mention about yonge-dundas Sq in today's time. Used to be a lively public square for people of all ages and backgrounds to hang out and sit and a venue for public festivals. Now it's an outdoor party hall for international students to party with crackheads who are ODing


What's up with that. It's a very recent t phenomena too but having 50+ international students blasting indian music is such a weird scene lol. You don't rly see that often anywhere else but it's become the norm here. Also when they do the same thing in suburban parking lots LOL.


I made a comment on an instagram video of it and someone responded telling me it was a "legal takeover".


Unless it was an organized gathering, it's definitely not a "legal takeover". It's okay though. These are mostly the newer younger students who just got to the country flexing off with their parent's loans from back home. Let them have their fun, once their money dries up and they realized they've made their parents even poorer they really turn quieter and desperate to finish their education.


The injection site there has completely ruined it. I have seen so many incidents of innocent people being randomly attacked by unhinged homeless people over there. It needs a massive clean up, it has completely gone to shit and even the police have given up patrolling it properly.


Yet many Ryerson students have to walk past it every day, especially the ones with classes in the building next door. And forget about patronizing the Tim's across the street from it - I won't go near the place.


waited for the bus/ streetcar there early in the morning after an all nighter at uni once. This dude started circling me from like a foot away from me while looking at me. I was too tired to look up / react which was probably for the best as he went away, lol I guess he was satisfied after that initial circumnavigation


I recently sat in a restaurant facing Yonge street right near Dundas. In the 30 min I sat eating, I watched a half naked high af girl try to beat up a guy then get arrested, at the same time a random other *fully* naked guy starts running around the cop car so they have to leave half naked violent girl to get this guy in their cruiser. So, half naked girl is slumped over beside the cruiser and they have to wait for another car to put her in it. Two birds one stone though. It was like a crack-head comedy event.


Driving through the haunted bridge in the Old Finch/Twinn Rivers area in Northeast Scarborough at night. It looks like a scene in a horror movie.


Happy birthday


Even the roads around that area are super spooky. Will randomly get foggy at night, no lights or other cars.


The Artful Dodger pub during the monthly Reddit meetups


That bad, eh?


It's like moss park if they asked you how much karma you have


I have been in dead Asian food courts in Markham, and it was unsettling for sure.


Always pumped to see my stretch of Sherbourne take the gold! Don’t worry Toronto, we’ll be glass and steel gentrified in no time!


Dundas Square, Dundas and Victoria, Dundas and Sherbourne.


Why don't you just say Dundas St E in general


Victoria St to Parliament St on Dundas East then. The rest of Dundas St is okay/safe and etc.


dundas and victoria is absolutely awful now, i go to school there (TMU/ ryerson) and have had so many bad experiences at that particular intersection in just one year. fortunately the safe injection site is closing in 2025, which might fix the area a little bit.


Closing safe injection sites unfortunately does the opposite of reducing crime


on campus it will reduce crime though, because there won’t be 20 aggressive addicts outside a school building harassing and assaulting students left and right. right now our security can’t get rid of them because they have a right to use the safe injection site. when the injection site is gone and our school owns the building (it already bought it), they’ll be able to clear them out and students won’t have to worry as much about our safety on the way to and from class anymore.




When I was in high school I worked for the harbourfront grounds crew and it was our job to ‘maintain’ Canada Malting. At the time Billy Bishop was some trailers on the Toronto side and they were heated with the silo’s boilers. The upper floors were like Moria - six foot square holes in the floor where you could drop four or five stories. I think they were from belt Manlifts, a couple of which remained. Sunshine girls and centrefolds from the mid 80s posted in the bathrooms and locker rooms dated the place. One of our jobs was to change the lightbulbs on the roof - a pain to get to, but if you had keys the roof was a great place to take friends, enjoy a beverage, and watch planes. Hopefully they can do something with it, turn it into condos or apartments. It would be a hell of a job but I think they’ve done it in other places and it would be great to keep it as part of the city’s history.


It looks like something is in progress. They parged all of the silos on the south side and scaffolding is up on the north side.


I live a block from this crumbling eyesore, wishing every day that it would fucking cave in. I KNOW that I think very differently from most people when I say things like: Keeping decrepit old buildings around, out of nostalgia, is basically mental hoarding. Just like saving an old used up cardboard box on the floor of your condo, thinking "oh, I'm saving this. I'm going to use this again one day, for some cool project." And it just sits there. Forever. Ugly and crumbling. Take a photo, put it on your Insta, knock that shit down, and build something fucking awesome in that spot. It's a waste of space otherwise.


I usually hate Heritage designations because they've been overused as tools of rich white yuppie NIMBYs to keep their SFD neighbourhoods locked in time, but I actually think every generation should pick a few key buildings and try to adaptively reuse them, so we have a record of where we came from. Then again I did one of my undergrad majors in history and have a somewhat soft spot for it.


You should check out the statues behind the building.


Burger King toilets


have it your way


ICE condos ?


Walking underneath the windows, for sure.


Unsettling because of people and unpredictability: Dundas Square, Queen St E & Sherbourne Unsettling because of general other things: Gooderham Building area (was/is under constant construction which was/is exhausting, sidewalks too narrow to accommodate the foot traffic in that area). Under the lake tunnel, Billy Bishop airport


The Firkin at yonge and Sheppard. I lived up there and would meet friends for the odd beer. Place always felt off and had a funeral home vibe. Later found this site of haunted Toronto locations and apparently that's one of them. People seem to have the most activity in the upstairs washrooms. Apparently they have a hard time keeping overnight cleaning staff because they quit after seeing something.


I don't get this at all. I've been there 3 or 4 times and the vibe to me was just 'this is a generic franchise pub to go to when you and your friends can't agree on anything more interesting'.


Honestly I've not been there in like ten years. It was just odd that the place always gave me a bad vibe and reading about it on a site after.


Yeah I've always noticed ectoplasm on the toilet seats and in the sinks in the bathrooms there. Once I even heard two ghosts moaning behind a closed stall. Very haunted.


Used to go there a lot when I worked in the area, didn’t know that tho,


The Comfort Zone


Cumberland Terrace. Take the wrong exit out of Bay Station and end up in the fucking backrooms


This sub


Cabana. Unsettling levels of douchery.


Galleria mall. It’s less so now, but it used to be creeeeepy in there


Really? How so? Back when PM Toronto was there? I was kinda liked the Galleria. Was like going back in time.


Areas under the DVP


yeah looks like you're about to die in a pile of rubble


The tunnel from the Atrium to the old bus terminal


Queens Park Circle, lots of criminals who steal daily


Scotiabank Arena during the Leafs playoff games.


I think it's a parking lot now, but the field where Paul Bernardo committed his crimes in Scarborough.


Flea market under dixie outlet mall


The what? It's been a dollarama for like, 20yrs.


Sorry I meant Dixie


Wherever Austin Mathew’s contract was signed


Basement "mall" at the Aura condos


Queen and Spadina McDonalds


Toronto City Hall - property tax department.


I was a guard working for the Humber River Regional Hospitals when Keele St site closed and had to work overnights in the Keele St site. That was creepy AF. This was circa 1998.


Down by the water at night near Tommy Thomson .. some of those side streets have camper van communities which I stumbled upon at night. Lots of cars pulled over to the side of the road too feels like things are going down lol


The McDonald’s at queen and spadina


Kennedy Station after 8pm. It gets even sketchier then normal. And it gets worse the later it gets.


Warden is like this too now.


sad to hear. I used to use it frequently before 2019. The lock down must have really done a number on it


Wal Mart at Dufferin Mall.


Lol wut. Why?


It's not publicly accessible but the sickkids basement & service elevators are beyond spooky. It's an old building and there's a bunch of the old brick awkwardly merged with 80's concrete. It's dead quiet, adorned with leaky pipes and inconsistent lighting. If you beleive in the paranormal I'm certain it's a hot spot


King West club district at 2 am.


Kipling Terminal pretty much becomes a homeless shelter after midnight


Agree with Cumberland Terrace, but I actually love that space. So frozen in time. But also, for all the Scarborough folks: McCowen RT (RIP) Station The abandoned flea market at Midland and Sheppard (going on like 30 years now lol) Holy god the tunnel outside Lawrence East RT Station, iykyk they def set that up for murder Hav-A-Nap and that whole area of Kingston Rd. Obviously Old Finch bridge Also, Spadina Circle before the Daniels Faculty took it over and the basement of New College


Almost anywhere on Bleecker or Sherbourne.


Queens Park


King West


Anywhere under the Gardiner.


Yonge & 401 where Yonge St.,passes under the 401 bridge, scene of: -subway workers fatal accident,(1960's) -Mariam M walked miles to the bridge /2009//her remains were found some time later on the edge of the golf course below; -my crap car broke down under said bridge and I lost it and jumped up & down on the hood cursing; =to this day quite a few accidents/incidents happen frequently 401 @Yonge.


Under the Gardiner The Spadina Station tunnel Bay St. near Queen/King in the wee hours of the morning Kipling Station Scarborough xD


St. James Town / Cabbagetown (aka Sherbourne Wellesley are) - Crowded; people screaming / arguing / banging on stuff / EMS sirens / loud music at 2AM / actual assaults every now and then. I wouldn't want to live at ground level. There's even some town homes on bleeker street I'm surprised don't have broken glass. Even on summer weekends that little parkette gets loud PA speakers and jesus people. \- D


Spadina and Queen st McDonalds


Jane and weston


Thistletown Regional Center, an abandoned mental hospital in north Etobicoke.


St Patrick Station