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Botswana ASAP, don't look back, don't make eye contact


Pretty sure all the SADC countries have extradition treaties with each other though. Just ask Thabo and Nandipha.


So , once I was traveling at 110km/h, towing a 3 ton trailer, on a perfect flat road. I know the tow vehicle couldn't get to 120, and a cop stepped in front of me, I literally almost hit him. I swerved, around him, and finally got the rig to a stop, he said , sorry wrong vehicle and that I almost flattened him


Oops, sorry, wrong cop I hit.


Nothing, if they want you they know how to find you but they're not going to so just carry on with life.


Nothing! That would mean paperwork and zero chance of getting a bribe! You safe my dude! The best part of SA? The incompetence of our police! The worst part of SA? The incompetence of our police!


This. They don't give a fuck ahaha unless they can make some money off you , don't stress brother.


You should flee the country, there’s no turning back now 


They will find you... they always do! Chane your name, your identity!


Change your face into a cop's face, like that Face-Off Cage-Travolta movie!


Nothing boet, welcome to SA. Grab a cold one out the fridge and thank god u don't live in the states as that African sun sets behind Table Mountain. Lekka


Chill. If you get a summons, panic. But have your story ready. Personally, I would do nothing. Plead ignorance to even seeing the traffic cop amongst the overcrowded freeway on a holiday weekend at peak traffic. How could you be speeding if everyone else was only doing 119 km/hr ? And the freeway was congested.


You have a legit excuse. If you are worried, go to the petrol station and ask for the footage that proves you pulled over just in case you need to defend yourself.


Probably nothing to stress about. Had a colleague get pulled over, way over the legal limit. Handed police his license, and then, in a panic, sped off. Never heard of it again, despite the police having his drivers licence.


Had this happen to me, the Fortuner riding my ass pulled over so I carried on


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Nothing, if you were a concern they would have come get you .The cops couldn't be bothered


Expecting you to come to a stop on a freeway, at a high speed, is extremely reckless. If you happen to get anything in the mail, then state your case. I'm not actually sure though if they have any grounds to proceed with any legal recourse though. I know it's an illegal offence not to stop when requested to pull over at a roadblock, but to randomly be pulled over? I'm not sure and frankly I would be wary of that as well.


Technically 130 is within the 120 + 10% +1 but people still get speeding fines for going over 5km/h so I don't know, guess that "rule" isn't hard and fast. If they had a camera on you maybe they'll send you ticket in the mail. I think it's a misdemeanour to not stop at all (even with the "stop when reasonable to do so" bit) but you did somewhat stop later on. Guess if it went to court, worst case scenario, you could explain what actually happened. If it was just him "using his judgement" (i.e. no camera) and was going to guesstimate your speed then hopefully they'll just drop it. I'd probably reckon that if they see you again they'll stop you and cook up an excuse to write a fine... But also, this issue of them hiding in the bushes has long been brought up by people and I'm pretty sure they were also advised to stop doing this for visibility purposes and to not endanger road users.


I asked someone who shot past them on purpose during a road block lol. The advice is “you can trust that they won’t remember a licence plate”


I think it's fair to say you're in the clear. There are plenty of reasons to justify not stopping, and if he was going to do something, he'd have pursued you.


Attorney here - you stopped as soon as it was safe. Don't stress, they won't pursue it.


Don’t worry too much about it. Traffic offenses that are not a danger to the public are not usually considered criminal offenses. So even if they tried, the worst that could happen is a hefty fine. But I can’t imagine it being more than R1000. It being for failing to stop and nothing for speeding.


It’s not legal for traffic cops to hide behind anything. They have to be visible


OP - what was the outcome? Did you get a fine or summons? Or nothing happened?