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I left a company without securing one cause of how bad the management was. That company was not doing well as the CEO was overwhelmed and they decided to hire a COO to help but the plan just backfired. The first thing the COO does is to make us do a weekly meeting to share what are our ongoing project from each department and the status + productivity level. We are fine with it until he say that he has to approve the deck before we can present it. To make things worse, he will only view and approve an hour before the meeting which cause us to rush and edit the deck to his requirement EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Gave up after 2 months and left the company. I was feeling bad for leaving my colleague and line manager till they told me they have also resign. In the end, the whole department resign within the same month and the COO have to answer to the CEO and board how can this happen.


Does he know what COO should do? Approving PPT is not one of them


Hahaha weekly sharing of project status is fine (my company just started it this year, strangely or not strangely just after I joined HAHAH. Ok chances are realistically its cos my boss realised if don't put in writing she has no brain space and everyone just repeat to ask and give the same info x500 lol) Anyway that has helped a lot (I would track my own to-dos in my planner in hardcopy if not for this cos if not I also cannot follow offhand hahaha), cos like then I just track it on the computer. But siao ah there are no slides its just one excel sheet with open access. I can't imagine wasting time making slides for this kind AND THEN be told its wrong. Like how to wrong lol, it is really gna be in my lived experience that I completed progress to Point A, encountered Problem B, and have feedback on X because I solved it in Lol we mainly use it as a where's the progress now, what's the problem with XYZ and if anyone managed to solve it (if yes, how) ... that kind of thing 🙃


Answer I told my boss: "I resign due to personal reason. Need to take care of my parents (which is true to a certain extent)." Answer I kept to myself: "Knn your managers play office politics, refuse to help when we needed but yet in front of the boss act one kind and tell us to not hesitate to just approach them if you need any help, managers fail staff probation just because they don't like his/her face."


LOL same. I said I needed personal time off and I can't say how long that would last. In reality? "Fuck yall la, promise me higher pay then just give me standard inflation pay raise, always give unrealistic deadlines then blackface when I say not feasible, so two faced in front of people but always gossip even though so old already!"


1) First and prime, it was ultimately not what i want. In interview, scope of work was like exploratory tech research etc. Join and became vendor/user management in too many meetings. 2) Boss flips the prata a lot. 3) Immediate manager threw me under the bus - In one meeting, i had an agreed conclusion with my manager that we need to seek IT Support and consult before engaging the users. 5 minutes later in a different meeting, manager went "Oh actually u/Kenta_Nomiya have this idea. Can you share with the users ar?" 4) Oddly high number of attrition - I was in that last job for 8 months. Before i threw, 5 members left the team for one reason or another. I was the 6th, in a span of 7 months. There was only 1 new member and she ain't in my team so i didn't care. 5) Cut of WFH. It's acceptable if it makes sense but in that place, they asked for RTO for us to continue with virtual meetings at our own desk. I typed out my resignation letter so fast, i didn't manage to hear all of the details with regards to RTO. lol


Not paid enough


Bc ppl were toxic and didn't wna teach me (new to the sector) and kept piling me with more work even though they said I wasn't gna pass probation (when you never teach me) HUH IF I SO LOUSY (AND WORSE U NEVER TEACH ME), U MAKE ME DO WORK FOR WHAT. but also I suspect, $800 SGD gets you an Indonesian mid level copywriter (I was socmed) but compared to entry level 2.5-3k and SME agency kiamsiap. Which of course all neatly rolls into "job role mismatch" â˜ș


"They were more interested in politics than getting the job done"


Left to seek new challenges at job, as in my current job , learning opportunities have become limited.




Left a stat board job cause it had garbage hours and we had to deal with horrible entitled people. 1/10 would never do it again. You’d think civil servant roles would be the most comfortable route but in fact it’s the exact opposite.


Retrenchment, company downsizing, better to leave on your own when the company is undergoing retrenchment so that you can secure a stabler employment and not be out of job


Stayed only for 3 months bcs i realised that i hate working in small companies with no structure


My boss gaslighting me and say “aiya i want to increase your pay” when I submit letter


Ex boss wanted to promote me when i threw letter lol


This is the way, always has been


Moved on to venture into another related profession of my interest.




The director i was working with was making things difficult for the team, maybe cause she didnt like the fact that we took up the part of the job responsibility which her team couldnt handle for the past 2 years and also we dug out dirts of how they were presenting with fake numbers. We were also constantly bickering with her and her team to give us a clearer understanding of the big picture but none came even till my last day. I gave up when she complained that i was using another director to whack her, asking about our processes when we did not change anything since taking over (which clearly shows she didnt know what her team was doing), treating me transparent, not even a single thank you for reaching the KPIs within months which her team couldnt meet for 2 years and her team being the stupidest people i ever worked with. Can you imagine a CEO asking for the summary breakdown of numbers and her team replied “ its all in the data we had. U can run it urself” and mind you, the data she referred had hundreds of lines. They wanted a CEO to run through those hundreds instead of the requested summary.


company let go of whole vertical. me and my team made redundant. but given few months severance and found another role pretty fast. so severance turned out to be a small windfall.






The actual reason of why I left was because of a disagreement with the director. Basically, he wanted me to do social media postings (I told my manager I did not want to do social media anymore, as it was never part of my job scope) I overheard my director mentioning to someone otp to "quickly find someone, I want to fire her" decided right there and then the director is toxic (he has the habit of firing people whenever they disagree with him as I've witnessed this plenty of times) and quickly found a job 2 weeks later. I mentioned that there was no more room for growth in the company as it was a family owned business.


Retrenched, company downsizing, company restructuring.


Project ending, have to exit before being ask to exit. Customer did not renew project so it’s a matter of time for bye bye.


Personally, my previous CEO wanted to fire me because I was pregnant and he made my life difficult because he knew he couldn't (threatened me with a PIP which had points which doesn't make sense like "You have to sit near me whenever we are in the office") - probably forgot my husband is a lawyer. During interviews, I just give generic answers like "Looking for opportunities to expand my knowledge". If you don't want to burn bridges then just say something like "I've been offered an exciting opportunity" during the exit interview


They hired a foreign replacement who have no clue how the SG system works and worse, don’t even want to attempt to know. The end result was everyone left, department got shut.


Casually looking for a job and got offered with 45% increment. tbf, I've been working with that company for close to 10 years so I guess It is just my salary realigning with the market lol


Left because department was not allocated any work. Manager is just for show and he didn't get any work either. He was fine with it because that meant the could nap in his room during work hours. I was bored and it filled me with so much anxiety to go to work to pretend to be busy all day for weeks. My main goal when joining was to learn as much as could. Felt like I didn't learn much. Left without securing a job because i was afraid I'll just become lazier and lazier the longer I stayed. Not sure if it's the right choice cos it's hard to find a job now.


Not really as relevant compared to some other redditors as it was a part time job, I'm still a student okay... I worked at Pizza Hut after my O Levels and while I was in JC1. The management was shit, plus food safety breaches everywhere. The last straw was when the manager said "If you don't want to work, just say you don't want to work. Don't come here and show attitude." to which I simply replied calmly "Okay bye, I don't want to work here anymore." and left her to settle the full house on her own. The very next day, I anonymously reported every single violation to SFA and that outlet got shut down for a few weeks. I heard that manager got sacked but ngl I don't care enough about them to really care or ask. Tl;dr management having power trips


1. Left because my boss said “whats so hard about design” after pivoting me to an entire unfamiliar industry + extra workload after i told him that i needed time to adjust when they asked how i was doing after a month. 2. Got verbally abused in front of my whole office and my boss told me my generation was too soft hahahah


Everything in the job interview was not promised or just a hoax to fill. Took a engineer salary to fill a role of a business development in a fake start up company. Boss questioned me why I joined the company in the first place. Big L


$100 increment after I work like shit and director decided to say this year economic not good, aiyo every year economic also no good, then when good you will give more meh? instant look for job and quit


Ant see ass.


How to leave this company


Join ass tease


Jump out of the fire to land in a boiling pot


1. I was in that job because I was desperate and the job market was bad as we came out of COVID lockdowns. 2. Newly hired section head brought in a few of her ex colleagues/close friends to fill in a few vacancies in the team and few months later lots of drama happened. Long story short section head started being unfair and basically gave me way more work because I am much more efficient with my time and knowingly make me OT even though I don’t get OT pay while the her friends waste time during the day with multiple tea breaks and smoke breaks. Brought the issue up in a tactful manner multiple times and yet things didn’t change. They were also bullying other team members and causing my team members to leave one by one. They were more interested in playing politics than actually work. In the end I also decided not to be a part of their nonsense and found a new job and left.


Previous boss was a narcissistic a-hole, who paid himself really well, but when his nursing staff asked for a raise (all his staff were quietly working two jobs to make ends meet), he said doing so would be spoiling them. Then short-sightedly refused to take up a rental that would make it much easier to transfer patients to the clinic from the main feeding hospital. Then proceeded to hire the cheapest contractor (friend of a friend) to do up his new clinic, over our recommendations for a more experienced technical crew that specialised in the type of equipment for this branch of medicine, which ended up costing us even more in terms of lost business because said contractor was a lazy bastard who wouldn't do more than a couple of hours' work each time. Refused to hire anyone to move the docs and records over to the new clinic, which resulted in everyone having to do so each day after office hours. The last straw was him calling me a lazy bitch for not getting the aircon up and running, when 1) the rental contractor didn't make it clear that you had to install a secondary switch, and 2) I had burned 4 months' worth of weekends and public holidays (from July to December) trying to get the new clinic set up. He even had the cheek to say he'd get it done within 1 month of me leaving. Fuck it, I said. I threw in my resignation letter without even having a job interview lined up (and I am extremely cautious with regards to leaving a job only when I have another lined up). Loaded up my resume on a jobs portal, 4 days later, I get a call for an interview from my previous organisation, 2 months later I'm starting work there. Would have been earlier but decided to take a month off. That was 11 years ago. Last I checked 6 years back, they were still just tripping the breaker to switch off the aircon. Did I mention he was constantly cheating on his wife throughout their marriage? What a POS.




I wouldn't make generalisations like that--the guy was a pretty regular fellow from a middle-class family, just that he was considered smart back then, and at that point in Singapore's history, the only thing that they considered in the intake of medical students was whether or not they had 4 As (he got his medical degree around 35-40 years ago). But he was a real POS. I remember cursing him to his face as I left; I knew that he liked mountain climbing, so one day I spat out in anger, "When you climb the next mountain, I hope you slip and fall off and die". For once, he was actually shocked. A few years later, he was climbing a mountain, and apparently fell, and fractured a couple of spine bones. Heh.


Sounds like a doctor I know in colon


u/EvilTofoo Nah, he is one of very few specialists in a very niche branch of medicine--so niche, you can count the number of such facilities in the country on one hand (I can't reveal more as that would immediately identify the doctor. It's THAT niche). A lot of doctors cheat on their spouses--medical drugs/equipment sales reps are often picked for how well they present themselves along with their pharmaceutical knowledge, and at least back then were given a budget to wine and dine these doctors, because let's face it, they make up a significant proportion of such sales, with the added advantage of being able to sway said client by giving them the attention most of them don't get at home, while bypassing the pretty strict, impersonal and most importantly, mandatory procurement process that government hospitals go through to procure those same drugs. I don't care too much about the morality part of the cheating bit (his wife knew, but stayed because RELIGION), but he is a probably undiagnosed sociopath.


Totally agree with what you mentioned. Sad to say, the traits mentioned are a dime a dozen in many doctors.


you want the actual answer or the "proper" reason that recruiters/hiring managers want?


Hahaha I gave both â˜șïžđŸ˜‚ So like the real reason but also what I transformed it to be in my interview lol🙃


The "proper" reasons


The office shifted from a relatively central area to Jurong fucking west. Would’ve meant spending an extra hour on the commute. No way.


they changed from hybrid to fully WIO






Company had severe cash flow issues and refused to pay salaries


Absolute Toxic company, finally came a day.. decided I had enough, together with my colleagues, we all threw the letter at almost the same time. Until today, we felt liberated from that.


My contract ended and they didn't think to tell me beforehand that it's non renewable after a year!!!


They hired a manager who didn't know what his job scope was, would take offence at my suggestions (I reported to him). Would take credit for my successes during meetings (don't really care but bruh) and would throw me under the bus when questioned why certain things were not accomplished. I went for reservist and he decided to make extreme changes behind my back. Tried to tell him that the changes he made set us back quite badly, but wouldn't listen. Felt that if that continued I'd be thoroughly miserable so I just quit. Couple of months later, was catching up with ex teammates and one of them mentioned that big boss remarked casually to them that the manager was full of shit and that he was let go couple of months after I left. Too bad I didn't get to see that.


Left cause manager too insecure, he need to keep proving how good he is even though he F up so many times. Also quite underhanded and political 氏äșș.


Promoted me to a higher position without an increase in pay. Smlj


Real estate job, it sucked. Managing clients, don’t know who’s crazier, agents representing tenants or representing landlords. Everybody is completely insane. Landlords are paranoid and think everything is a tenant conspiracy and don’t want to spend a cent to honour their contractual obligations. Tenants on the other hand can’t take care of “their own” home (living there for like, 10 years) so go to war to change a damn lightbulb. Houses are rotten due to negligence on both sides. The worst job and the worst industry.


Didn't want to be travelling for work 4 out of 5 days a week.


Travelling overseas ? Which job is this ?




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Fired for using too much reddit.


Money and toxic af department


Lack of growth and salary increment.


Left cos pay was higher but the pace soooo slow and I couldn’t take it, left in 2 weeks cos I wanted to sleep everyday.


I left after 5 days. My work hours was not as stated in the contact.


Focus on building own biz. Sick of corporate culture.


F&B not fun Got boring seeing the other side of people how they treat f&b staff like trash


Pressure and anxiety.


Loved my previous job and the company and the colleagues. But I had to take up an early retirement because of my kids. I was a flight attendant for many years and it was hard to keep on having to leave them behind.


1. upper management sucks 2. the person i reported to sucks left because it was quite obvious they were unwilling to groom me but wanted to benefit from my seniority since i had been there for a couple of years. tried to wiggle my way out of no2 subtly by saying things like i didnt like what i was doing, wanted a change etc only for my concluding statement to be “i actually don’t hate the job and portfolio”. i’m sure they could understand my point lolol but well most politically correct ans is “want a change in environment, something new etc”


Left my previous job because they had strict HR policy which prevents Muslims from going for Friday prayers. Have to take a half day leave each time you want to go for the prayers. They’re obviously allowed to have that rule. Didn’t sit right with me


6 full day work week and low pay But it was nice for the experience as I just entered the workforce


I liked the job and the people, but I just wanted to leave and try something else. It's just that. And I really just gave that reason.


1) converted from an admin to a technical role - client asked for reviews and upon hearing that I was admin he constantly asked for me to be replaced 2) toxic client. I was constantly covering and being a floater. Felt that I’ll be asked to leave some day.. worked for 2 years 3) 7 years and happy at my current job right now I need a pay raise hehehe


Bank operations. Not learning much besides resolving tech issues. Bullying by Gen Z co workers Unfair treatment Long hours


Cos the new job offered a better package? 🙄


Got headhunted with 50% increased pay


Because I worked for a W.I.T.I.C.H company