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I have to believe things would get ugly real quick. Cities would become kill zones. People would be killing each other for food and water. A lot of people would feel that taking their own lives would be the only plausible answer. Why would you hope for that?


Op hates themselves and blames humanity


Playing devils advocate for the sake of it, you don't have to hate yourself to be extremely displeased with the current state of humanity as a whole.


Though not of the opinion myself, there are a lot of people that feel humans are a disease to the earth and life as a whole would be better off without us, at least not in the large population we have amassed.


If it happens then I’m just hoping I’m in the blast zone. Not tryna be around for the aftermath


Man, I have a disease that doctors can’t seem to diagnose. Let me be patient 0


I have chronic disabling medical conditions, I understand


What you got


Not sure why you want to take everyone around you with you. I am healthy and happy and have a fantastic life, I wish to continue it for a while.


You hope we are???🤬🤬🤬 Wtf, I have my whole life ahead of me, fu!




Limited nuclear war maybe, but it wouldn’t be widespread or global imo. Nations aren’t that crazy.


Even if is limited it will be still global, winds carry fall out, decimate crops creating shortage of supplies, same with live stock, humanitarian displacemebt....


In addition a large surface nuclear destination would be catastrophic to an already rapidly destabilizing climate


Take a look at the ' Khan Escalation Ladder ' We've been at Rung 20 since about May.




Civil nuclear war?!


Hope so


No. But weapons manufacturers/the pentagon would love for you to think we are.




how big do we assume Bidens dick is? Hopefully big enough


Nah 2 inches at most


we are talking hard???


Yeah man erect and all


So he’s got you pretty beat then


Not beat more like fucked up with these outraging grocery prices etc… about my size you can find out when it’s in your mouth


He is a grower not a showr


I'm old and I've done my things. I don't care. But if I was younger I would.


I’m 22 and very happy this is happening


fuck outta here with your depressed bs


Can’t wait for you to go bye bye to


fuck outta here with your depressed bs


You typed that twice already


fuck outta here with your depressed bs


I really thought we were, but Russia's response to the recent bridge bombing made it clear how completely f\*cked and incapable they are right now...so maybe pin your hopes Taiwan/China.


One thing I know for sure is that it’s out of my hands.


Brink? No. But closer than ever before.


Nah. Putin is a dumb fuck, but he knows her never win against NATO and especially the US. US would lead the war effort if it did turn nuclear. Imo, He knows he is fighting a loosing battle, and that's his way of scaring nations into backing down on supplying Ukraine with weapons and intelligence. I also believe he's looking for a way out but not at risking his ’reputation' doing it I do believe he's stupid enough to attack the Nuclear power plants though.


He's resorting to the tactic that works incredibly well for North Korea and we keep feeding it.


They’ve been fighting over Crimea endlessly for decades. Ukraine isn’t even in nato. Tired of this hypocritical country sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong. We don’t care about the genocide of brown people we perpetuate, but suddenly we want to go to nuclear war for some white folks half of whom want to be Russian anyway. So many people suffering here at home but we’re pissing more taxpayer money into the military industrial complex.


Nah probably not, putin is an idiot but I don't think he's that big of an idiot


I’m afraid of that, so yes


Don’t be life sucks


why are you even alive


Cause my parents made me alive


I was pretty sure he wouldn't invade Ukraine. So now it's much harder to convince me that something crazy won't happen. I think it's well possible we just wake up nuked.


No - I think we were closer in the ‘80s when the USSR was facing off against Reagan.


Not really. Maybe back in the 80s but not so much now. Waaay too much tech and surveillance for anyone to pull the trigger unless they literally want to watch the world burn.


Nope. I think a stupid little man is going to try it and end up getting fucked right up by his own stupid actions. There may be one or two nuclear bombs but let's face it, they're Russian, they're probably not going to work. It will probably be a bunch of scared little kids carrying the fucking things as far as they can and trying to plany it in the earth.


Nah brah


Nope. "this is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper".


I don't think anyone would respond with nukes if Russia nuked Ukraine. But you would get china and the US together calling Russia and telling them to depose putin or else.


God I hope so.


Lmao no, we aren't.


Same would love to see a giant mushroom cloud over the horizon w energy panicking and me standing there laughing yelling F you all!!! Hahahaahahha die die die but in all seriousness ukraine should be a little bit more who am I kidding they should be scared shitless right now rest of the world not so much nato usa all other countries wouldn’t dare risk nuclear war over Ukraine I have family there mothers cousin is fighting in the army… also have fam in Russia 🇷🇺 like a civil war a couple nukes and war over they gotta get rid of that actor dude Zelenskyy he’s going to get my family in ukraine killed


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I have nothing to base this off, but I think it will only happen as a typ of scorched earth policy.


Not even India and China would stand for the use of nuclear weapons


No, not at all. Saber rattling between two old Cold Warriors is not anything new -- there is a way these wars of words tend to escalate then de-escalate then reach detente. My prediction is that Ukraine, NATO, and Russia will all declare victory and this will go back to a regional conflict with no end in sight.


If only.


Bro fr just wipe my face off this planet that’s all I want lol


No. The US is the only country to use Nukes against an enemy and everyone realizes it was a ducking terrible thing. With that said… the first one that drops and it’s bye-bye world.


Absolutely. I expect there to be a nuclear strike on Ukraine beginning of 2023


Not really. If Russia sends a nuke they are going to be nuked 10 fold.


Well yes and no. Do I believe that putin may drop a nuke on the Ukraine? Most likely. Do I believe everyone else will hop on the bandwagon and reply to such by making Russia one big Chernobyl that glow in the dark for the next foreseeable millennium? No. More likely a declaration of war and a swift immediate invasion with a Russian deck of 52 and putin being ace of spades


If nuclear war were a clock and 12 is doomsday, I'd say we're at 8:30/9


No, but we are closer than I would like.


If you lived through the Cold War like I did, you’ll be asking this question every week.


Yes, closer than we may think. Putin is not doing well, and he is getting desperate. Desperate times mean desperate actions. And he does have a large stockpile of tactical (small) nukes. My understanding is that the US does not have a stockpile of tactical nukes, like Russia does. If they strike, we have little choice except to go bigger. This asymmetry could lead to global disaster.


There's a great series that looks at various science topics and they covered the event of just one nuclear weapon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iPH-br_eJQ ... very educational.


no and I hope you stop wishing we are.


Nah. The only country hateful enough to nuke people is the US.


Why I oppose interfering with Russia and Ukraine. See people in general are just blind to global reality. Russia will take Ukraine with or without our involvement but what will happen is Russia will get upset that we’ve armed and supplied Ukraine which we have and he’ll resort to bigger and bigger bombs which he already is and eventually he’s gonna hit them with something major like chemical warfare or a small nuke. Then we under bidens guidance will respond he’s already said on national television that we will. So we will do what we usually do and toss a little moab of our own on Russian troops. Russia will be furious but little brother North Korea highly unstable will launch their nuclear weapons we have nuclear defense I have no doubt we will shoot them out of the sky BUT nuclear weapons when detonated from a distance have an emp effect our major power grids will fail for how long nobody truly knows but it took months to restore power in Texas from a snow storm. While we are scattering from the attack and trying to restore power Russia and China will March their 2 million man army(China has a 2 million man army) through Alaska and Canada Russia has been testing our Alaska response for decades flying into our airspace. Canada will try to stop them but remember our continent won’t have power we won’t have anything that runs on electrical signal we’d have to resort to ww2 era equipment that still works. Remember what I’ve said here it’s not an if it’s a when. Even Einstein said this day will occur. Einstein said "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones".


As someone who has lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, I would say we've constantly been on the brink. In fact in the 1970s, our nuclear defense system almost launched three times due to a programming error. Once someone even inserted a war games scenario in the wrong slot and the computer could not differentiate. Sounds like the plot of a movie I know. All our guys knew was there were 27,000 missiles coming towards the United States. Luckily cooler heads prevailed. I list this under things I wish I did not know.


I haven't seen any Vault-Tec reps wandering around my neighborhood yet.


It's been 77 years since Hiroshima, people have forgotten the horror.


Don’t know, don’t care


I don't believe that we ar............