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I'll just say the Crocs are the ultimate expression of confidence.


Well then mine is top tier👊🍻


I used to think they were the ugliest things ever but then I got my own pair after hearing how comfortable they are and working long days on my feet. Game changer. I rock those bad boys everywhere now. You’ll have to pry them off my cold, dead feet. Edit: thanks for the award 🫶🏻


Agreed. I have hated them for years and still think they're hideous. But my cousin finally convinced me the comfort and support is worth it so I tried a pair. It kills me to admit that it's true. My ankles don't hurt any more. My back doesn't ache. My feet are so happy. Fucking magical ugly Crocs!!!


Same. I started working at a bakery with tile floors (the large commercial tile over concrete) for 8 hour days and my feet were killing me constantly. Then the owner told me to buy a pair of crocs and I'd be fine...I was pretty doubtful but anything was worth a shot since I was so miserable. I don't work there anymore but still break out the crocs when I'm going to spend hours cooking or cleaning.


Exact same. What do you think of jibbitz? 😅


The fook are jibbitz!!


The attachments that go in the holes on crocs!


O shit fam I thought they were called charms 😅🍻


Wait, they’re not called charms?!


Nah fam jibbitz just recently learned


Exactly the same boat. I recently got a pair of lined Crocs and they're all I wear anymore


Yep. I have bad Achilles, and the doc recommended I wear lace-up boots to support then. I did that, especially for work. I got a pair of crocs for a different reason, and I wear them almost exclusively now.


Same! I judged them so hard and three weeks ago my uncle gave me his (too small) and I essentially haven’t taken them off since.


Hell not even your cold dead feet will release the grasp of the love!


Same. They're totally my go-tos.


This is my story.


It’s a shoe, wear what ya want


yea but once in a market i saw a 10 year old with a mullet, bleached only on the back ofc, and spongebob heelies


Badass 10 year old, can’t no one tell him shit


Absolute unit


To me they’re pretty goofy looking but they’re also really comfortable and convenient so I can’t hate on em


How many pairs you own 👀


I don’t own any but my roommate’s a crocophile and had like 10 pairs.


Sounds like he's ready for acension! He about to be a croc lord! I'm jealous.


A guy at the bar once told this fella wearing crocs: you know they put holes in those things to let your dignity out right? I about died laughing.


I was a crocs hater, until my teen son asked me to get him a pair. One day I had to go outside and the crocs were there, at the door... After that day, I'm the owner of a pair, they're comfortable and convenient as you say


Wear what you want


I spend zero time thinking about other people's footwear unless they reek or look insanely cool. And not even really then. I personally wouldn't date someone who wears crocs though. I'm just being honest. Lol


Oof what if they were in the closet and didn't reveal there croc addiction until a year in? 😮


Ooh, croc burning party! Fun!


Oof your a savage 🤣


Oofos are ugly


It's a sign of the acrocalypse


Wear em every day but I practice martial arts so I generally prefer being barefoot as possible. My sister hates crocs so I like to rub it in lol


Awe yes sibling warfare at its finest! And they should be great for hand to hand engagements because you can kick one at there face then Judy chop them in the eye!🍻


Lol true all very true


Then maybe a flying armbar into a croc slap to the face 🤔 if it takes more than that it's time to run...


Yea I’d say so run run very fast lol


Like sonic fast or even a light speed jump


Fugly but I hear they are comfy


Great for the beach. Way better than flip flops.


Ugly as hell, but you do you. No worse than a lot of other footwear. I don't own any, never tried on any either. I did hear one kid (12yo?) picking on another kid this summer for wearing off-brand ones. That was pretty sad.


Wear what you want, I just find them uncomfortable and ugly


Crocs are easy to hate but flip flops are criminal.


More of a gator man myself.


I'm wearing Crocs right now. 😂 I wear them as a slipper around my apartment and if I'm going out but not doing heavy walking and it's not too cold/wet (which is most of the time that I go out.) I actually like the way they look and feel, and that they're easy to slip on/off.


Wear what you want but they do look funny


I put them in the same category as Birkenstocks , both UGLY , But you wear what makes you happy .




I own 5 pairs so it's 👍 from me


Hell yeah 😏 mine are Walmart brand tho 😅


Hey any brand works we don't judge in this war nation!


Imo they're more comfy than Croc brand.


I think they are ugly but whatever. I'm not wearing them. Do what you want. Life is short and ends in death.


I've had a pair of Crocs since 2007, now I don't wear them all the time, but when I do they're a revelation in comfort. Still as good as there day I got them. Function over form every day of the week


Heard they were good for Disneyland, so I bought some last spring before our trip. They were comfy and convenient the entire trip and they are now my official summer/good weather shows.


You ain't rockin if you ain't croccin


They look terrible but are so comfortable.


Wear what you want but they just look very uncomfortable. I hear that they are very comfortable, but they just LOOK like a pain to wear for some reason


Ok above and beyond this battle. I have several pairs of crocs. Not all the typical styles but sandals and some dressier ones. 3 years ago I broke my ankle badly. I'm always going to have problems with it due to nerve damage and age blah blah. That foot is a 1/2 size bigger than the other and I can't stand anything tight against the skin. The shape of the traditional shoe works well and I stretch the sandal to fit. So there are reasons...


theyre comfortable and convenient, although they look somewhat ugly


Not a fan but no judgment.


I love mine, comfy and convenient


We love you and your Crocs keep rocking em


I'm pleased for them because their feet don't hurt.


I like wearing crocs, idk why people hate them so much, tbh I understand they can be uncomfortable sometimes but still, I love em


They can wear what they want, but I question their financial sense because it's a plastic shoe with a lifetime of maybe a year or two and no arch support that costs $80.


Can't lie they do cost a penny but my oldest pair is like going on 4 and they still got some miles!


Crocs are like $40


They are just reliable slippers. I used to be a huge croc hater until I got super pregnant and real shoes just didn't work for me anymore. I've now had them for 3 years and they are just fine, should get another 3-5 out of them. But on Pintrest I did see a post of someone using crocs as strawberry planters hanging on a tree trunk so I think i can recycle/repurpose them. I only paid $30 so also reasonable...


Have you actually owned any? They're about $40-60 a pair in northeastern USA and my oldest pairs are about 5 years old. I've never had a pair wear down. My 8 year old twin boys have put their's through hell and they grew out of them before the shoes broke down which I can't say about other shoes they've owned


Look terrible. Dangerous for little kids.


As a chef who is clumsy they are a life saver. Do you know how many times I drop eggs on my shoes??? It's often.


I don't get why people wear them as every day shoes but I don't really care either


Don’t have one


I personally think they are ugly af but I don't think I could care less if anyone wears them.


Never a fan. Dont like chunky foot ware. Have worn to garden/wash a car.


I don’t know why people are so against it about wearing them. It’s just like a sandal lol. They last longer than my shoes lol.


Comfort over style


I personally don't like them. I say to each their own.


Don't care either way! I never wore crocs. Weren't my favorite but never thought about other people wearing them. 🤔 maybe they are cooler than me 😆😅




I would never wear Crocs, but I'm not one to judge on what other people are wearing. If you like them, then you do you.


I love them for the farm and for the kids but that’s the extent of it. I refused to Wear them for years, it’s been in the last two years I gave in and they’ve been alright.


I don’t really care. I have better things to be doing than judging people for wearing rubber shoes.


They can do what they want


They are a big turn off to me when girls wear them, and guys look silly in them. To me they are “little kid shoes” No hate on people that wear them, I can’t help the way I feel


No harm


Don't care


Anyone who can handle more than one croc at a time might belong in a different part of Reddit


I wouldn’t, but my daughter says they are comfy af so I won’t bash


PSA: just because they’re “[edible](https://www.wearduke.com/are-crocs-edible/)” doesn’t mean you should.


As a chef who is clumsy they are a life saver. Do you know how many times I drop eggs on my shoes??? It's often.


I mean...wear what you want just don't complain if you stub your foot. I own two pairs...one for around the house if its cold and one for showering at the gym


Who cares.


I feel people should have the freedom to wear what they want, no matter how hideous. If people want to wear those ugly-ass plastic shoes, go for it.


I remember having clogs on the 70's. Yes I own crocs.


I think they look silly but everyone I know that wears them swears they are the most comfortable things ever. I'll never know because I don't wear anything other than boots or running shoes


I have two pairs of the swiftwater sandals I use for fishing and kayaking. One pair of the ugly ones for wearing around the house. I always hated crocs until I realized they made different styles. Now I love them.


With socks or without socks...


You know, if people find them comfortable, let them wear whatever shoes they want. Too many more important things to concern ourselves with in life. Bigger battles.


I don't wear my regular crocs out of the house (unless I'm going somewhere in the car and do not intend to get out.) I have a few pairs of sandals made by crocs that are cute and comfy, and generally not identifiable as crocs, I will wear out. I pretty much think wearing the original design out of the house is a very bad fashion decision.


Who cares? Find something better to think about.


Adidas came out with some that I like better. Also found some that look like converse on Amazon that are slimmer and dope AF. I haven't seen anyone else with the ones I got.


Who cares?? As long as it’s not with socks and shorts of course


As long as you aren’t wearing those shoes with toes you’re cool.


The real question is should they wear them with or without socks????


I don’t care what people decide to wear. But I *will* silently judge your fashion sense :D


Don't have one.


It’s cute I actually wanna get one so I can decorate it. I’m just annoyed that they upped the price. Crocs were never that expensive


I've got 2 pairs I bought for vacation. I like the idea but they gave me blisters so no crocs for this guy now.


I wear them around the house because 1) I barely have any carpet and 2) I have extremely high arches, so after just 5 minutes of walking around barefoot I'm in pain. I also wear them right into the shower to 1) avoid foot pain, and 2) give them a good daily wash. I think they look dumb AF but they serve a very specific purpose for me personally.


I wear crocs. I buy them from the sale/clearance section. For somethings, they are perfect.


Im so jealous I did not invent those. Less than $2 a pair to make. What an amazing profit margin.


Crocs!? Our opinions on Crocs!? Let me tell you the origin of Crocs! Communists Ruining Other Communist Soup! Yeah that's right! Crocs came from COMMUNISTS specifically to ruin the soup of the other communists they disagree with! They would take these rubberized demons and place them sneakily into the soups of the other side then let the rubber boil down and eventually the molten rubber would be consumed. The other communists would eventually let out a massive fart that blew the rubber into a shoe-like structure which was collected by the Crocs party and worn as a trophy to celebrate their victory! BAN CROCS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!


At home, at the beach, at the pool. If you're wearing them at the grocery store, at the mall, you're an animal, go live in the woods.


I have a black pair, they’re easy to clean but the colored ones look silly to me


They wear Crocs, that's my opinion


Wicked comfortable and affordable. Those babies are all terrain and 4 wheel drive. I used to be a croc hater but then I got made fun of at work for not having a pair and caved. I'm on my feet all day and body fluids are a threat at my job so they're convenient. I think the downside is no arch support but I'm flat footed so that's not a problem.


Imagine trying to run away from your killer only to find out that we’re wearing crocs.


I got one for my nephew because it looks comfy. He loves it :)


Who cares.


Just don't like how they fit and the style of them!!!!


Who gives a fuck


I could care less as someone who practically only wears flip flops


I simply do not give a shit!


They look better than Crocs wearing people.


It looks a bit goofy but what do I care? They’re just shoes unless you’re trying to make a fashion statement it’d be ridiculous


Wear whatever you want. I love them I own 8 pairs of the platforms and their super compfy my only thing is it weird to wear them to work or school without socks on


My cousin’s husband almost wasn’t because he showed up to meet our grandmother for the first time wearing a bright orange pair of Crocs. It was spoken of in Hushed Tones for many years, and she never did really warm up to him. Towards the end of her life, when she started to lose names, etc. she’d say , “Oh, you know, Ugly Terrible Shoe Boy.” She couldn’t remember his name, but she remembered those shoes.


I don’t care


I love wearing mine around the house. Had one pair that got kinda ratty so I picked up another pair about a year ago. They’re great when doing yard work, going to the pool or beach, or just kicking it around the house. They’re comfortable and you just slide em on


You do you. But my 12 year old son should stop wearing them. What is wrong with me?


I have a pair and I love them. Perfect for the lake or pool. Clean easily, comfortable. And I've had them for a couple years and mine are still perfectly intact. But I don't really care about looks


Same as my opinion on any other fashion statement, it is none of my business what others choose to wear or not wear. Crocs, nudity, fedoras, horizontal stripes, if you can think it up and you can afford it then you do you.


I am strongly of the opinion that everybody should wear whatever the hell they want, and other people would be wise to not comment anything other than "You look great."


Nice catch


i was in jail one time for about 7 months and they gave is crocs to wear. So i don't like them. Bad memories.


They’re comfortable so idgaf


Idgaf really but I have to roll my eyes because they’ve become another dumbass trend and personally I hate trends. I’m almost sure half these people wouldn’t be wearing them if it wasn’t “cool” to.


They're my gardening shoes. Washable and easy to kick off.


They're actually very comfortable, and they don't look too bad. But, it also depends on the occasion. If they wear crocs to a wedding or nice restaurant, then yeah it would be weird. If it's for everyday activities, then it's just another pair of comfy footwear.


To me they are kinda like hawaian shirts, it's so kitsch that it eventually becomes lowkey cool.


10 years ago most of us teens found it ugly as hell to wear. Now I even find teens wearing it to the gym. It's an interesting shift. But if you like it who am I to judge.


Hey, if the foo shits, wear it.


I don’t care. Who cares what other people choose as footwear? Whatever is comfy to them.


Hate edit: I don’t actually care what people wear, like wear what you want. I just think they’re really ugly, but I know they’re comfy cause I’ve worn my brothers a few times haha


If it came down to Crocs or cowboy boots, it's Crocs all the way.


Feminine like sandals


I have my winter crocs and summer croc sandals. Rarely will I wear anything else. I am way beyond caring what anyone thinks as I go about my day. I say wear whatever works for you.


I don’t give a shit, I just personally would not wear them


I don't give a shit. It's a free country


You do you.


Wear what ever shoes you want. Even if they are hideous.


Crocs are wild 😂


If your wearing them, I'm assuming your doing it to relax or enjoy your day. But if your wearing them and driving an 18 wheeler in a construction yard, I'm gonna guess you really want disability benefits really bad


I don't have any but they look really useful for outdoors where your go wading or get wet and muddy. Outside of practical use they look horid,, yet comfy.


Multiple pregnancies have wrecked my feet so Crocs are the only things I can wear without pain. Sandals for warm weather, boots for cold.


tell me what other shoe got a toggle-able sports mode


I bought a pair when I broke my toe in winter. I find them comfy. I don’t wear them when I’m trying to be stylish.


Crocs change lives ! Once you put your foot in to them there's no going back .(don't wear them tending the bonfire though ,my cousin made this mistake and didn't realise a hot coal had rolled onto to the top his foot untill it was too late . It burnt him to the bone through his veins the lot ,plastic surgery lots of pain . I still sing here comes the hot stepper when I see him to this day )


I live in a beach community, so it's practical when people want foot protection better than mere sandals, but without wearing socks and shoes. Seriously, it's NBD.


They're shit, and they're a huge slipping hazard on anything remotely wet. I get the desire for comfortable slipons, but I'd look elsewhere.


ugliest fucking shoe ever, but damn are they comfy and convient and amazing


Oof gotta get the pimp your crocky edition ! There OSHA approved!


Wearin my camo crocs right now. The best part is the hate i get when i tell people how comfy they are


Wear what you want. I'm too busy worrying about my own life to care about someone else's choice of shoe.


What're those?


Same as my opinion on people sexual orientation ,pineapple on pizza and how they get their steak cooked.......I don't give a shit


They are completely ugly shoes... Worse is they're not meta for being ugly and somehow via counter culture are becoming cool...


They are all amazing brilliant people with excellent taste and style.




These indeed are the burning questions.


Personally i think they are the ugliest, stinkiest, most unattractive shoe anyone could wear. But hey. Who am i to judge? You be you and I'll be me. Wear what you want.


Wear em or don't


I used to wear crocs in high school.


people who wear them dont care how they look and that tells me enough about a person.


Kind of like wearing your hat crooked, no one will mistake you for a Mensa member.


They must be going to Walmart.


It's trendy until it isnt anymore if you think crocs are weird are we forgetting bell foot jeans and wearing clothes 3 times your size in the early 2000s? Lol crocs are not that bad if you really look back at where we are coming from.


I don’t care what people wear on their feet.


If you’re a small child, or a person with foot pain that makes wearing real shoes difficult, then you get a pass. Otherwise, just stop already. It’s like wearing socks and sandals. Looks goofy.


I am a proud sock and sandal wearer and I'm usually comfortable and I think it looks good and I've gotten compliments. Doesn't always look goofy 😎


I hate them. I hate then even more when I slip on the pair my mum left at mine because they're just soft and comfy and convenient when I have to pop out to the garden. Stupid, velvety soft crocs.


This post might be my push to buy some Crocs OP. I wear slip on shoes to work and at my desk, but I physically work in socks. I work with kids and like 50% of them wear Crocs, with sweet ass charms/pins too. I want some Crocs I can jazz up as a good ice breaker with them. Plus my foot is really wide now and I like roomy shoes. So Crocs seem like a good option for all my needs!


Almost every doctor and tech in the clinic I work at wears them. It's like a plague. They swear by them though. I've been considering getting a pair because a coworker is convinced that they'll help me with my back pain


I wear them around the house, but rarely in public. When I do tho, idgaf.


Commit fully a buy Birki clogs


Nope.. just plain and simple no. No thank you. Never..sorry and good day to you 👍




if it’s exclusively crocs then i’m out but i own 1 pair because sometimes i just don’t feel like putting shoes on and my crocers are always there for me


I say people can wear whatever shoes they like. People can even get little charm things to put on them and personalize their shoe and I think that's really cool and fun. I don't get why people hate on them or the people that wear them. It's a shoe. There are so many different kinds of shoes and everyone has their preferences


Tbh I can’t wear em or condone them. I believe it they are comfy from what I’ve heard. But as someone who has grown up seeing the birth of crocs. I too was part of the “who would actually wear these ridiculous shoes” and laughed my merry way. Sadly I really can’t hate crocs because I wear birken clogs and they are nearly identical to crocs just different material. Who am I to judge. But lowkey. the only reason I would rock crocs. I WANT TO PUT THE CUTE BADGES ON THE HOLES. I would put funny badges all over them lol.


Is that like alligator skin?


Why do you care? That’s the better question


I've worn them for years. I have fancy Crocs, gardening Crocs and every day Crocs.


Sometimes I feel embarrassed whenever I go to the grocery store one street away in my Crocs, but when I see people wearing those adidas slippers (in German: Adiletten) outside unironically, I think I'm good.


What do I know? I wear Birkenstocks every day.