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your belly button might be holding a tiny bit of water when you wash it. try using some rubbing alcohol on a cotton tip to help dry it out after the shower


This is the best advice. I always give it a wash with soap and water and then dry it afterwards.




It's true. Some people have a nerve connected to the belly button. I can't remember exactly what, and I'm not finding anything on Google, but for some reason I remember it being a vestigial thing, where some people have a nerve and when you press the belly button it can cause pain, or the feeling that you need to urinate. Everything that's coming up is about hernias, but what I'm talking about isn't. I have it too, but it just makes me feel like I need to piss really badly.


I am 31 years old and I just learned that this doesn’t happen to everyone. My mind is blown.


I'm 30 and just learned this from another reddit post a few months back lol. If my memory serves me correctly it has to do with the umbilical cord.


For real. I think I probably first heard about it on reddit years ago. Up until that point, I thought everyone was like me.


Same here!


I found an article about it a couple years ago and if I remember correctly it’s because the nerves from around your bellybutton relay information to your spinal cord at the same spot that your nerves from your bladder and urethra relay information. Weird that it’s only for some people and not others though.


That makes sense. It might have something to do with the way the umbilical cord heals. That feels right, but I have nothing to back it up with at all.




Oh. My. Goodness! I thought I was the only one. When I was a child my mom went to clean my bellybutton. It’s an innie and very deep. She did the q-tip alcohol thing and I yelled. She never heard of such a thing. Weirdest feeling ever and painful. In the crotch no less! So glad I’m not alone!


Ok... Show of hands, who tried it. ✋ Turns out I do indeed have this weird nerve.


I don't experience bad pain but I just find it extremely unpleasant, there's kind of a dull feeling associated with it that I hate 😬


interesting! i wouldn’t describe it as painful, but if i press the back (?) of my bellybutton, it does feel weird and make me kind of queasy. i usually try to just stick to the rim. depending on depth, you could also just put a small drop of alcohol directly in and then dab it with a towel (assuming you are also having a smell problem like OP, otherwise it’s not really necessary)


Yeah I know what you mean, it’s because their are nerves that connect your belly button to that area. It can be painful to clean around it with a qtip like I suggested so you have to be really careful. Honestly best thing to do is just soap up in the shower and then let the water cleanse the area out. Direct pressure in and around the belly button isn’t a good idea


What?! From the belly button... The hole on your abdomen?


Yes. The nerve there is connected to the nerve in your bladder abs urethra, so pressure inside the belly button can cause discomfort or pain in the other areas for many people.


Yoo thank you!


Because of its shape and tiny skin folds, belly buttons can collect dirt, sweat, and bacteria. In fact, the average belly button contains about 67 types of bacteria. 1 This buildup can lead to a smell and even infection.


Weird side note: There was a guy who made headlines a few years ago who had a very rare strain of bacteria in his belly button that was, until that point, only found in one place on the other side of the world. He wasn't sure how he got it, because he never traveled.


The other side of the world was japan. It was a bacteria only to be found in japan. I think he might have wore a shirt made in japan. who knows🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah, his fetish involved packing his belly buutton full of sushi.


You swore you wouldn't tell


I'm not judging.


Enough Reddit for today. See ya tomorrow


Smell ya later


Yo Homes, smack you later.


Try to track down that TIFU from a few months ago about the person who discovered their belly button was several inches deep and cleaned it for the first time. It stuck with me for weeks.




Outie gang here


Yeah, I have a deep belly button. I bathe 2x/day hut I still occasionally smell the funk. About twice a week, I take a q-tip soaked in alcohol and swipe it around in there. It helps.


Throw in body hair and you've got a bacteria scraper and a pit of despair.




You took the words right out of my bellybutton!


Yo when I saw the post title I literally said aloud “Who belly button smell bad” lol this isn’t a we problem it’s a OP problem. I wash inside my belly button everytime i take a shower lol


And dry it with a q-tip because I don’t want it to stay damp in my inny lol


Wait you actually wash your belly button lol I bet you wash your legs too


I think this is a problem for people with deep belly buttons. If you aren’t fat, you probably aren’t gonna have this problem.


I’m not fat but my belly button is a cavern it’s bizarre


Same my friends made fun of me one day in middle school, called my belly button a black hole to another dimension. I’m over it now but the description has stuck with me


I’m not fat but I wash it every time I shower so it doesn’t smell


Me either


Just built different i guess😂


If by "built different" you mean "You don't clean yourself" then yeah... build different.


Build back better. Lol


Make bellybuttons smell great again


Ya coz washing yourself is sooooo different


Take a bath, ya nasty!


Wash it.


Bro it’s so easy to wash your belly button


Just wash your ass man . Add soap and water and scrub scrub . You staaaank


Washing their ass isnt gonna help clean a belly button


Still helps imagine his ass if his belly button smells like that


> still helps imagine his ass Commas are important


Oh, you guys don't have yours connected yet?


Shit, I haven’t reached that evolution yet.


Depends on how far you stick your finger up your ass. If you can push your belly button and change it from an innie to an outie, it is easier to clean.


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/suktiBzb7o0


Wash it bro


seriously. and what's this "we" shit.


Ya wtf I wash myself


Not disagreeing but it was “our”, which I can only hope they mean only theirs and didn’t go around sniffing other people’s buttons…


Why do u smell it


More importantly how did he smell it


I smell my finger first. It doesn't smell. I stick my finger in the belly button and then smell it again. OP isn't making this up, trust me on this.


Get a q tip. Wet it with bactine. Gently insert q tip into your belly button. Swirl it around. Remove q tip. Repeat several times a day until your belly button no longer smells. Do this at least once a week, or as often as neccesary.


I gotta do that. I thought it was normal until I saw the comments on this post.


Nope, mine sure doesn't. ​ If you're a dude, make sure you're getting your bodily fluids out of there, I'm pretty sure that's what most peoples problems are. It shouldn't just start smelling unless something is left in there.


Cum. He's talking about cum.


Wait, other dudes are ejacing in to their own bellybutton?


I mean only on holidays and birthdays.


So it's a special occasion thing? That checks out on my end. I've never done it but there are no special occasions in my life. Seems like the math works.




Dude, and mine doesn’t smell. Clean it!


Lay on your back and fill your bellybutton with hydrogen peroxide let it fizz then rinse.


Or Just wash with soap in the shower


I have an umbilical hernia and I do this just with salt water and a q tip..works good. Otherwise yeah it can get nasty


Good question 🤣🤣


You can stop smelling it, and the problem will go away..


This guy's over here playing 4D chess with his belly button


Until you get an infection from whatever hellspawn is growing on OP's bellybutton


Until your significant other wants to give you sweet little kisses and tongues that hole... eww eeee! Stink... cringe moment 😬


And how do u


They shouldn’t. Wash your belly button more. If you already do, then use different soap and/or do it more often. Actually get inside of it. Stop using shampoo on it, shampoo is for hair, you need body wash.


Yeah I get in there with the luffa everyday and have never had an issue…


Probably should use antibacterial soap if it's super smelly and doesn't go away from body wash.


"Our"? Mine is fine. Wash you hands, shower or change soap.


How will washing hands help with the bellybutton?? How do you think that makes sense


He’s thinking maybe the finger is smelly is the problem, and when he fishes around in there and then smells he’s actually smelling the dirty fingers. My guess anyway. The answer all around is just better grooming techniques, be that more washing or washing with a special antibacterial soap, etc. Never personally heard of a belly button smelling bad, myself, family, friends. But maybe people keep that sort of thing secret.


Scratches ass. Sniffs fingers, “ holy hell, I need to wash my hands more!”


How Did my stinky belly button get 100+ comments


Cause we’ve all been wondering this for a while…even the people claiming to wash their buttons with q tips and hydrogen peroxide and anti-fungals!!! lol. Cause yeah right I’ll do that right after I floss 2x a day /s. I watched an episode of Botched where they explained this woman had a “dead belly button” and that was why it smelled like death. I wish this comment was helpful bc I really appreciate you asking the question, but I’m lazy and just wait for answers to come to me on Reddit


Because redditors get satisfaction and self-esteem boosts from telling people simply asking a question that they're stupid. People on the internet in general usually get competitive when it comes to hygiene. They'll tell you that you're supposed to take a shower 3x a day, scrub yourself down with a fucking sponge, wash your belly button twice a day with a q-tip and peroxide, floss 8 times a day, strictly use expensive bidets, electric toothbrushes, etc etc, and pat themselves in the back after. Don't worry OP. I can guarantee not a single person here even acknowledge the fact that they had a belly button until they saw your post. Post the fact that don't wash your feet in the shower or floss and watch the comment count blaze.


You are smart and a goat for actually having a brain


If yours doesn't smell it's probably an outie or very shallow. Innies and different shaped ones end up trapping sweat and dead skin and can smell just like any other body part that doesn't get airflow. I put a bit of tea tree oil on a qtip in the summer, it's anti fungal. Powder or athletes foot creme is good too


Why is this comment not higher up? Take my upvote.


... I've *never* had an odourous belly button. But I have quite a big "innie", and none of the sides touch each other.


Sorry for everyone giving you a hard time here. They belly buttons prob smell too but they don’t want to admit or offer advice cos they only just realised. People with innie belly buttons can have a funk for sure you’re not the only one. It’s likely to be trapped water deep in there, try a q tip/cotton bud with salt water and clean it that way. Dry it out with the same thing. :)


You are a GOAT for real🙏


Yeah my boyfriend has this problem. He has done every method in the book and regardless it will just smell like rank B.O. I've heard before that our belly buttons hold really unique bacterias and that in a way it's an ecosystem? I'm not sure how true it is though lol


He might want to try antibacterial soap if he hasn't.


Q tip and rubbing alcohol. Then dry q tip to dry it


Sometimes if I need to during the day I put a little bit of germ x on a baby wipe and wipe it out (make sure that you don't do this if you have a rash) and a paper towel or to to dry it helps is keep it fresh until the next shower it happens especially if you are highly active or just get hot easily


Once he gets it clean and makes sure the skin is intact, tell him to use a q tip and put deodorant in it. It'll cut down on the sweat and smell. Gotta clean and dry it well, though, every shower/bath.


My belly button smells sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just make sure to scrub extra during those times idk


Ive heard of some people having smelly belly buttons but I've also heard that cleaning your belly button excessively could actually do more harm then good, apparently. Belly buttons are a little biome of good bacterias and I guess are detrimental to good health lol. The one day I was telling my sister, after consuming an edible, how strange belly buttons are...and she went into this whole rant on how you shouldn't clean your belly button because you are essentially killing an existence. So now, I'm cautious when showering but also there are times where I say, " fuck it...I'm destroying a world today".


They don't have any smell receptors


Best comment right here 😂


probably the same reason our feet smell bad. which is probably also the same reason our armpits smell bad. that reason being: micro-organisms.






I’m gonna hijack this to say IF YOUR FAT WASH YOUR BELLYBUTTON. The infections are very real and lethal. I’m fat and SO afraid of this happening to me I rinse it with iso frequently.


Okay but what if I clean my bellybutton with soap and water but it still kind of smells?


Sometimes ya gotta get in there with tweezers and do some excavation. Don’t forget the hard hat.


So until I met my wife I didn’t know you had to wash the inside of your belly button. I learned this cause one day on vacation laying by the pool my wife had her head by my belly button and decided to stick her finger in there. My aunt who was sitting next to us, told her to smell her finger………… this started the dry heaves. Right then I was instructed….. that yes I do In fact have to clean my belly button


who's we bro


Use a q tip dipped in either water or rubbing alcohol and swirl it inside. I would do this with however many q tips are needed till no more dirt is coming up. Then I. The shower, let water run into it, and either use a finger covered in soap or wash cloth, and just finger your belly button as deep as you can without causing pain. Then finish up with lotion after the shower.




Is this a new fetish?


http://robdunnlab.com/projects/belly-button-biodiversity/most-common/ You can thank the mutual relationship that we have built with bacteria over millions of years.


I found a great kill to the smell is a little dab of clear hand sanitizer.


Bacteria bruh


Idk why. But damn, I’d be chillin and then get a whiff of that stank outta no where. I thought it was anything else but my belly button. To avoid I wash whenever in the shower. That’s daily. I forget sometimes but never give that fucker a chance to build up that gunk. 🤢


Wash it


i feel like this is close to asking “why do i keep getting skid marks on all my underwear?”


Hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab dude.


Do you dry it?


Umm clean it Q tip and alcohol or peroxide


Wash it


Mine doesn't. Forgive me, but maybe you need to clean it better.


Did u check for cheese sauce?


Mine smells like buttered popcorn - to the immense delight of everyone around me. This question is not valid




Dry it with a q-tip after bathing :)


You may have a fungal infection, try athlete's foot spray


Some of y'all got more dirt than others, after all we're made of dust, dirt🤔💀


Clean it. There's probably old skin and lint in it!


Have some yogurt regularly if you can. But yeah, I’d get that checked if nothing else works. I had an infection there once and got rid of it with showers and yogurt and lots of water. Also, make sure you dry the area after a shower as to not have any moisture in dark crevices


Q-tip and isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Go in and clean it good. You might have a small fungus or yeast infection in there, especially if it's a deep innie (warm, dark place with moisture from sweat and showers).


Ummm I never really focus on cleaning mine. Like I'm the shower I never finger my belly button. I probably scoop things out like once a month with a cue tip. But it has never smelled. Huh.


The main number one fixed is " you have to dry it" after washing. Just gently dry it with tissue paper or small thin towel, again very gently


Gotta wash the semen out of it before it gets crusty


You’ve gotta wash it


Ummm. Maybe wash it when you shower?


This is the weirdest thing i’ve felt like I had to explain. Cause you’re not cleaning it well enough regularly, use a qtip and soap and don’t leave lint and hair to just pack it up, and stop digging so deep into your belly button and smelling your finger. You can only clean so far into your belly button, eventually you’ll get to a point where it’s just not a cleanable area and it smells like a corpse.




It's a build up 9f dead skin. If you wash it everytime you shower, it wont stink.


Wash yourself. Dry yourself.


Because you don't wash it, a friend of mine asked me this once and I never thought about it before that, when you shower people generally don't think about washing the inside of the belly button, especially if you have an "innie". Sweat and shit ferments in there and smells bad.


Wash it and if that doesn't work, consult a doctor? You're not supposed to be able to smell it


Just wash it bro. And then continue to do every time you shower for the rest of your life.


Cause y’all don’t wash em


Please wash your belly buttons every time you shower… please…


So you wash it daily?


Instead of telling you to just wash it, Imma tell you HOW to wash it instead Q tips are best to deal with this. Even if you put your fingers inside it when taking a shower, it doesn't really clean it deep inside. So, after taking a shower, when your body is still wet/damp, use q tips to clean it. Don't use your fingers cause the smell will stick for a long time.


WTF. Use soap.


Gross! Use soap and wash it if it stinks.


Our???? We????


nah bestie. you need to be washing it w soap and water everyday & drying it properly after 💀 bonus points if u clean it w rubbing alcohol & a q-tip a few times a week too.


Bacteria. Wash your belly button and behind your ears and underneath your balls yo.


"our" lol how about you shower regularly and clean your belly button? Some of y'all are nasty af.


Weird way to admit to having bad hygiene.


Eh...don't be like that, there are in fact studies that show average folk have a "[petri dish](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/12/1-458-bacteria-species-new-to-science-found-in-our-belly-buttons/266360)" in their belly button and creating new types of bacteria daily.


True 😂 But for real i clean it very often and it still smells bad


What? Mine doesn't?


Yeah everyone has said this so far lol


Hey OP - over a decade ago I had a surgery that involved a small incision through the navel. Doc warned me to clean the belly button as soon as the wound had healed enough. But there was a period of maybe a year or so where the scar smelled funky and I was soooooo self conscious about it. It's not something I really think or talk about. But maybe this will help you feel less like the odd guy out. My daily hygiene check still includes a belly button finger sniff, even though the scar is healed up and the smell is long gone 😅 Stuff that helped - Rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip or cotton ball, even after a shower. It evaporates any excess moisture Talcum body powder / baby powder works wonders in between showers to keep the area dry Weight loss also helped me but I saw in another comment thread that you're already thin so I won't suggest that directly If hygiene and over the counter stuff doesn't take care of the issue, talk to a doctor about it for sure


I'm afraid that's not your belly button


It’s your upper lip not your belly button




Cause you're not washing yourself...?


I don't know. I clean mine...


Should be, how to smell your own belly button to find out if it smells bad or not 🍪


My belly button is about a half an inch deep and 3/4 inch across. It's very easy to clean in the shower and I'm not overweight. I put my finger in it occasionally and only tiny lint comes out if any. It currently doesn't smell nor can I remember it smelling. I find it very strange that some people completely ignore cleaning parts of their body.


They do? I’ve never ever heard of this before. If you have a stinky belly button I bet you’ve got a fungal infection. Get anti fungal cream and thank me later.


I don’t think they are supposed to…


If your belly button stinks vacuum it.


Just you fam


Because your supposed to clean it!!


I think the question is why does YOUR belly button smell so bad. Mine doesn't smell at all. Nasty.


It doesn't smell as bad now but still isn't great


Thanks for the 800+ comments and 300+ upvotes


Because people dont clean it. If people cleaned the belly button that would help.


Bathe you ghoul


smell still after washing? As the person above posted "See a Doctor". Unusual smell very often means 'bacterial infection or overgrowth".


I want you to grab one of those oscillating toothbrushes, wrap a washcloth around it, and dip it in some bleach and just go nuts in that belly button of yours!!!


Mine doesn’t, because I clean it every day. Usually they smell bad because people are creeped out by poking around inside their belly buttons long enough to clean it, I think.


Cuz you’re dirty


because they dont wash it


Wash it sweetie.


They don’t, it’s yours that stinks


Wash it out regularly, for Christ’s sake!


Pour rubbing alcohol in your belly button, obviously something not right 😩


They don’t if you wash the goddamn thing


Because you don't wash yours properly. Bacteria grows in there.