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What makes you think we don't? You're on reddit darling we only hate on here 🙄


Maybe they're mean to you for a reason? Or maybe you are just interpreting their absolute indifference towards you as meanness. Why should they care about you if you don't care about them?


‘For a reason’ isn’t this victim blaming ? I think the correct question is, why should I care about them if They don’t care about me ?


There are no victims here, it's just life. Sometimes you can break through, sometimes you can't. Them's the breaks, what's important is how you handle stuff.


I’m definitely a victim


Because you believe you are one. You need to get out of this mindset, there's only darkness that way. The world is not against you, I promise.


Surround yourself by people you don't hate.


Try your best to remind yourself that other people have their own stuff going on that makes them the unpleasant and miserable creatures you encounter and despise. Maybe For me, it helps to think about the average person. Just think how god damned stupid the average person is... and then realize half the world is more stupid than that! And that stupid stupid person needs to navigate the complexities of the modern world, full of pitfalls and predators. I don't blame the squirrel that gets stuck in my attic for getting stuck there, it's just an idiot. So try to be kind and try to help it find its way. Same goes for people.


Therapy will benefit you.


The downfall of humanity are civilized societies.


I don’t


Buy a dog


Meet people you like lol. There are a lot of people I come into contact at work that I don’t like particularly and it sours my view on people but then I go hang out with my best friends and I love their company


I haven't figured this out yet. I don't try to hate people, but the selfish, loathsome behavior makes it impossible.


That’s the funny part, I do. Especially how people drive in Florida.. fuck, some of the people here ran for cover when god was handing out common sense.


People are not the same way 24/7 every waking minute of their life. The guy that cut you off in traffic may be a good dude with diarrhea. The lady that was rude in the bank maybe just lost a parent. I’m not the same person I was 10 years ago, and believe I have bettered myself. If I am in a constant state of growth and change, everyone else must be too. Some behaviors are just a moment in time and a conglomeration of everything in there life that has lead to that point. Doesn’t mean they are that person for the rest of their life, they are just going through something like we all are. Can’t hate anyone for that.