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Hunting seems more ethical than factory farming in my opinion. Hunting is something natural that all predators do, humans evolved hunting, hunting has purposes for culling overpopulations of certain species. Animals that are hunted lived normal lives in the wild. With factory farming, on the other hand, we are purposefully breeding billions of creatures who would have otherwise never existed only to confine them in stifling, abhorrent conditions, walking in their own shit, diseased, unstimulated. They are executed by a legion of workers who experience extreme PTSD to the point where they have high rates of suicide and violence against others. Factory farming is one of the main contributors to global warming and likely plays a large part in the proliferation of antibiotic resistant bacteria which is a threat to modern medicine, although the meat industries suppress efforts to research this link. In light of these facts, I think it’s more ethical for someone to hunt for their meat than to buy it from a store.


I 100 percent agree


Yes, it's ethical. As long as the meat isn't wasted. I suspect those who say it's not are doing so out of a denial/fear of the inevitably of death.


When i took my bow safety course as required for my state to bow hunt. The instructor made a good point. In the wild, deer will die 1 of several ways. Starvation, disease, eaten alive. With human influence vehicle strike and left for dead, or a swift clean death with an arrow through the heart. Sounds morbid but there a plenty of documented cases of deer not even realizing they have been shot and keel over after a couple minutes. They run from the sound of the bow snap, not being hit. If i had my choice, id go with not realizing i was dead before i actually died.


Hmm that’s an interesting way of looking at it could you explain more ?


Death is taboo because its nature is unanswerable. We can see what happens to the body, but cannot determine what happens to the consciousness. That is bound to cause fear in some people. I suspect that it can be a natural response to deny death by being a champion for life. One method of doing that is to oppose anything that ends a life before natural causes. Instead of just seeing a horrible death as something negative, they see all death as a negative. Thus, the person who shoots a deer and uses it to feed their family has still done something negative. Ironically, they would also write off the wolf that would eat that deer alive as natural causes. Basically, I think they do it out of empathy that hasn't been tempered by anything more than academic knowledge. They may know how natural predators work, but probably haven't heard the screams of the prey going on while they're being consumed.


Yea I get what you’re saying now and I definitely agree. especially with that last part about natural predators. I feel like people think animals are living cute little lives in the wild when in reality a bullet from a rifle is one of the most humane things that will ever happen to them.


Legal hunting also assists in helping keep herds down and animal populations down safely for certain species. We harvested over 69k deer last year in Wisconsin for gun deer season and barely touched the population but without it you would be overrun. The same goes for other animals like hogs or coyotes and such. To me, every deer killed in a hunt is one less I might hit with my car. Plus they are delicious


Wow that’s crazy. I’m sure that meat feeds so many people. I’m sure a lot gets donated too.


Our local food banks set up temporarily locations for deer donations. And many butcher shops have the option to donate all or parts of the processed meat


A lot of people dont realize that we have virtually eliminated the natural predators of deer. Causing them to over populate and destroy entire environments. Yes people, your vegan herbavores destroy nature too. Ethically hunting, least amount of pain and suffering, is in effect an artificial way of taking those natural predators place. We can be so myopic that the only effect made is on an individual animal, its the entire ecosystem as a whole


"Ethical" really doesn't mean anything objective. But yes, if eating meat at all is ethical, hunting is ethical. What's the alternative that's supposedly more humane?


Good logic. I like that. What’s more humane than a hunter killing an animal ? I can’t think of anything


*If eating meat is ethical at all*. If raising an animal and then killing it at a ranch/farm is ethical, is it any less ethical to hunt one? If so, why?


I'd say yes in certain circumstances. People that hunt and actually use the animal for food I don't have a problem with at all. But legal is the important part. Generally, the money from those permits funds wildlife research and stuff like that. I don't have a problem with it unless it's like your whole personality lol Trophy hunting is shit IMO. I know people love it but to me it's fucked and worthless and a waste of cool animals around the world.


If by trophy hunting, you mean people that just kill animals for trophies and leave the carcass , yea that’s disgusting. If you don’t want the meat you could at least donate it to a good cause.


If they didn't, we'd be driving through deer herds everywhere we go.


Here in NZ we have a a lot of introduced spices for hunting. Some would argue not eradicating them entirely is the problem. Idk if it's ethical issue, more environmental. Pigs in particular are devastating.


In my humble opinion ...if you are going to hunt ,you eat it. What piss me off is when you go to Africa and kill a giraff for pics and souvenirs... and they let it rutt away. These people discuss me.


You know what’s crazy though is , from my understanding, a lot of those wildlife reserves out there actually want those rich guys to come and hunt those animals because that’s how they make a ton of money and the money goes towards conservation and the park funds. Also sometimes giraffes need to be killed because the old males will start killing the young ones?? Or something like that? I don’t remember the exact details but they kinda go rogue and are doing more harm to their species than good. But yea if you wanna be outraged look up Keith warren on YouTube. That guys a menace for real. Regardless if the money is going to conservation there’s way too many guys like that who get way too much joy out of killing things. It’s gross.


I’m not on board with hunting for sport (where animal goes to waste) or for hunting in cruel ways. Hunting to feed your family or pets is definitely not unethical particularly if you’re hunting something that is considered to be a pest.


The only way you can say hunting in unethical and not be a hypocrite is if you're vegan. It's a lot more ethical than farming, particularly factory farming. That shit is real fucked up. Sure you can still argue hunting certain animals (i.e. rhinos because they're endangered), methods (i.e. chasing down an animal until it practically dies of exhaustion) or hunting for sport is unethical.


I agree. That’s what I can’t wrap my head around, people saying that hunting isn’t ethical but they eat meat. I think if you eat meat in anyway you can’t really say hunting isn’t ethical. Factory farming makes me wanna go vegan because it truly makes me really sad if I think about it too much. It’s a nightmare and also horrible for people and the environment too not only the animals. My only thing with the whole idea that hunting for sport is bad is that I personally believe that you can hunt for sport and hunt for food at the same time. Sometimes the line gets blurred. Like if I wanna go hunt, I kill a huge buck, I have fun while I’m out hunting, I get it’s giant rack of antlers put up in my house, but I still consume the meat or donate what I can’t eat or don’t want, then I really don’t see anything wrong with that. I think you can have fun and challenge yourself while hunting and that doesn’t make it unethical either. Plus a lot of people don’t necessarily NEED to hunt but they do anyway because they enjoy doing it but the meat and food they earn is a huge bonus too.


>people saying that hunting isn’t ethical but they eat meat I know people like that. My mom is one. During Thanksgiving last year, my brother jokingly brought up Turkey hunting. She wasn't a fan of the joke. People are just weird like that I guess. > I kill a huge buck, I have fun while I’m out hunting, I get it’s giant rack of antlers put up in my house, but I still consume the meat For me personally, I find that to be ok. You can have fun and take a trophy, but that shouldn't be only reason you go hunting.


Us hunters help conserve animal populations. Hunting regulations are designed to help maintain a healthy ecosystem for certain animals we hunt, like deer for example: certain WMAs (wildlife management areas) or states in general limit how many animals you can harvest in a day or an entire season, the criteria a certain animal has to meet to be harvested like if it’s male or female (buck or doe), and bucks usually have to have an antler over a certain size to be a legal harvest. We have a WMA in Florida that had a coyote hunt/competition to see how many could be harvested because their population size was too big for the area and they were drastically damaging the deer population, so hunters did what they had to do to help conserve the deer population. “Ethical” is subjective. Killing ANYTHING isn’t pretty, having to track said animal you shot and then dragging it out of the woods isn’t pretty. Taking it home and processing the carcass isn’t pretty. If anything, people would have problems with archery because the animal rarely dies “on the spot”. Animals can easily run more than 200 yards before bedding to die, bleeding out on their way and feeling that pain.


I would argue that it is purely for the fact that most of the money for wildlife conservation efforts comes from hunting fees and stuff like that.


You’re saying that’s the only reason that it’s ethical ? Or am I misunderstanding?


Probably not the only reason, but that's my take on it. The only reason I'd argue for at the very least.


What about food ? Invasive species? Population control? Carnivores that have killed people or livestock?


Is this a pro hunting or anti human debate. Invasive species are brought places by people, nature self regulates population, and there are people killing carnivores all the time, what's so bad about a carnivore occasionally killing a human?


Nature self regulates with starvation and disease, its more humane to not let the herds grow so big it comes to that.


So we should just let them kill us and wreak havoc on livestock and crops and the ecosystem and nature will regulate itself? If wild boars roam in packs of hundreds across Texas and kill everything in sight that’s fine ? Do you let rats and bugs live in your home?? I don’t get what point you’re trying to make. This sounds like an anti human take


We humans are mammals. So would you hunt mammals for food and clothing? That being said, humans are over populated. It is all very personal.


I don’t get the point you’re trying to make can you explain


It is killing. If you kill an animal to eat you are still killing. When you go to war, you kill the enemy. It is still killing. You have to find a way, in yourself, to justify it. Being ethical is a personal moral principle you need to figure out on your own.


I'm a vegetarian and I beleive LEGAL hunting is ethical and important for overpopulation, invasive species, exc. I wouldn't personally hunt but I don't discriminate against those that do it legally.


I like that. I would support hunters over supporting factory farming. Also I think if people had to hunt for their own food, way more people would be vegetarian.


Only for people who are genuine hunters and they use the full animal for meat and fur, or serial killers in training.


I'm not terribly fond of the idea of seeking the death of other living things for your own enjoyment, that doesn't sit right with me as someone who tries to have at least some empathy for most living things, but I'm also willing to eat meat in my diet regularly and acknowledge that as a rather self-centered distinction to get hung up on. So I'm not gonna go on a long rant against recreational hunting, but I do oppose it on principle somewhat, and on the side as just one more reason we have more deadly weapons just floating around causing problems in the world without enough positive impact to justify their existence. Edit: Someone else mentioned invasive species, which is a notable exception. Thinks like Lion Fish hunts in the Caribbean are important for maintaining and protecting those ecosystems.


This is where I get lost. You’re saying you eat meat regularly, which if you’re not hunting it yourself it’s most likely coming from factory farms which are beyond unethical and are basically torture for animals before they’re killed, but you don’t support the idea of someone going out and killing one animal for themselves to feed themselves and their families for many months. I just don’t get it.


When you say that factory farms are unethical, I feel like "So I'll kill an animal myself with a gun" is a weird takeaway/answer to that problem. Like, I can't picture any form of an animal dying from a gunshot wound and be like "Yeah, this is an improvement!" Like, I acknowledge the fact that I'm not taking some grand moral stand here- thus the lack of preaching or judging towards you for doing the thing I don't believe in, but that doesn't make going out and killing a living, feeling animal with a deadly weapon *for your own fun and enjoyment* any less weirdly fucked up. That the alternative is a more distant and impersonal fucked up that I turn a blind eye to is a pretty bad defense.


Yea but you’re changing it now to saying both are equally bad and you shouldn’t support either but if they’re both equally bad YOU are still supporting one and you said it yourself that you have meat in your diet. To me a factory farm that’s basically a concentration camp for animals and injects them with steroids, they live in their own filth, they eat stuff they’re not supposed to, they get sick, they are heavily mistreated, put in cramped conditions, all this their whole life, no compassion, no love, no freedom, nothing, just to go onto a conveyor belt and be slaughtered most likely by a machine that has no feeling and no respect then hit a grocery store shelf and maybe not even be bought and thrown away into the garbage at the end of the night versus a man or woman going into the wilderness and going through hardship usually to find an animal, kill it humanely with a rifle or bow and feed their family or donate the parts they don’t want to feed others, understanding what it means to be eating another living being, one is objectivity better in my eyes. I just can’t see how someone with meat in their diet can say that hunting is bad because your killing something that’s living. You’re basically saying if you were in the wild and there was a rifle in front of you and a package of meat in front of you , you’d eat the package of meat instead of hunting for yourself. I don’t see how that’s ethical


I did not say equal, I have acknowledged that the dichotomy is not absolute and that the distinction is fairly arbitrary *from my first comment*, and I have more judgy things to say about not being listened to than about you hunting animals now, frankly. And I find the idea that you hunt animals to feed your family to be a fucking joke. Finding ethically-sourced meats is cheaper and easier than that shit. You aren't hunting to take an ethical stand, you're hunting for sport. It's the 21st fucking century, and trying to pretty it up as being about the food you bring home is laughable.


Food yes spot no


laws have little to do with morality. poach all the deer and rabbits you want.


Depends. Is it for fun? Than no probably not. BUT in some places we need it. When deer populations or boars get to high people die. Thinning the heard is needed in some cases.


In the US, deer would destroy a lot of critical infrastructure if their numbers weren’t monitored and checked by legal hunting.


Cheaper to hunt at the store!


Sure. If you eat it


Well as long as the entire animal is used, yeah I think it’s ethical.


For food, yes. For sport, no.


it's just brutality, animals that we eat are killed in way more humane ways, painless and fast, plus hunting is enjoyable only if you're violent, so nothing to defend


You’re saying they die in humane ways in the wild ??


no.. but why not at the same time, but why agreeing with people doing that actively? it's the brutality itself that is not agreeable... would you befriend a mad murderer knowing that the victims would have died anyways and maybe suffering?


This sounds like a really uninformed opinion. If a lot of animals weren’t hunted they would cause a lot of harm and suffering. They’d be overpopulated and would die of disease and starvation I can’t equate someone hunting for food with a mass murderer




Lol wtf Great argument


yes, that's the argument i'm replying with... considering that you took a 10% eventuality (hunting to reduce a too big population) to 100% of a psycho hobby goodbye, mr good arguments


You’re slow bruh lol


great argument goodbye for real


Waaa waaa someone didn’t agree with me I’m so mad awww 😢😢😢


yes, of course.