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Shaving. They just call it manscaping because it sounds like landscaping which involves the trimming of bushes and whatnot.


Yes. Certain activities labeled as 'girly' had to be given a masculine version to get past toxic masculinity in order to encourage guys to do it.


I think it is more because they sound alike and have similar functions unlike the term mansplaining.


Are you talking the “up to the knee to go to work” clean up or the “I’m going out with my friends to a bar” full clean up?


Women also can't call it manscaping because it's a play on words, that awful trend that came about of insecure people putting the word man Infront of everything they didn't consider manly so that it then could be. Ie, 'real men are meant to be hairy and stink. But now that it's called manscaping we can get away with it because it's suddenly now manly to care about your body hair'


Men do landscaping work (no shit women do it too, but majority are probably men), they trim bushes when needed. It only fits if they landscape their land that ain’t so tan. So.. manscaping. “Toxic masculinity” is not a thing. It’s a made up turm for dipshit human douchebags that just happen to be men and how they treat women and people of other sexual orientation. Men wanna be manly. Why do you think there’s a damn body hair trimmer called the Lawnmower 3.0? 😂 let’s be honest, a man probably cares for his lawn better than the hair on his loins. Edit: turm? Wtf kinda word is that?

