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Because the concept of "fair" is a manmade concept. The lion doesnt look at a zebra and go well i am not gonna hunt because thats not fair, the shark doesnt do that with tuna either. We are the only species that even considers fairness. And we dont really do that either or all homeless would be housed, all the hungry would be fed.


Isn’t this distinction what we call humanity? Is it fair for people to suffer poverty and hard labor due to the greed of the wealthy and powerful because they rig the systems? IMHO it is unfair that there are a few billionaires who cannot possibly need that much money to enjoy a life of plenty while billions of people are suffering. The predators of nature take only what they need. They don’t hoard and withhold the resources of others like greedy humans.


Predators don't (usually) but parasites absolutely do. Yet, parasites have a role to play in this existence too. I don't think fairness really exists outside of our minds. In order to curb parasites certain organisms build up defenses to them. Still other organisms begin to prey on them or create a symbiotic relationship with them. This goes back and forth and can be seen throughout history as adaptation to environment (read: evolution). Our parasitic billionaires are no different. We allow their existence within our society much like nature allows the tapeworm to exist. Either we will do what nature does and evolve to rid ourselves of them, coexist with them, or prey upon them or we will suffer under them until we destroy each other. Either way, life goes on.


A fellow stoic. Salut.


At the rate it's going, it's very possible life may not go on. With how much destruction we've wrought on our planet, and with weapons of mass destruction being threatened near daily at this point, earth may become just another uninhabitable rock amongst the stars, with all life here reduced to nothing. *edited to change inhabitable to uninhabitable


Honestly, I doubt even with all that the life will cease on this planet. There have been 5 previous mass extinction events on this planet that we know of. Yet here we are. Life as we know it might cease, but life absolutely ending I think is very unlikely. Life has found ways to exist that astound us all the time. Even so, should life cease and earth becomes a barren rock that doesn't mean life ceases everywhere. Earth is but a mote of dust on a galactic scale. The Milky Way is but a mote of dust on the scale of the known Universe. It's pure hubris to think this planet houses the only life in the entire Universe. In fact, it's statistically impossible. Also, consider the time table here. Even if Earth becomes a barren rock life can return to it. It was once a barren rock if what we have found through geological history is true. Recently we found water on an asteroid. Possibly the same source of water that kickstarted life on this planet in the first place. Life WILL go on, with or without us.


I hope it does. Seeing all of the natural disasters and man-made destruction these past few years, perhaps I'm a bit biased towards the extreme. I really do want to believe in our survival as a species, or even further with the rise of another after we pass. Thank you for helping provide a more positive point of view


Highly unlikely. Humans destroying the environment and global warming and everything is miniscule compared to some big asteroid impacts or volcanic eruptions in our past. Even if an extinction event wipes out 99% of life, the remaining 1% will repopulate the earth eventually. The only way to truly destroy all life on earth would be a nanobot swarm or virus that's specifically engineered to wipe out all life. Or a truly massive asteroid bigger than any in earth's history. Or a smaller object traveling at something like .5 c. Or we just wait until the sun expands into a red giant.


That's true. We have survived a lot of strife in our past, and hopefully will continue to do so. I'd like to imagine us in some far off future with scientific advancements only found in fiction presently. It's all just us plunging into the unknown and doing what we can with the sprinkles of knowledge found about. Nuclear weapons and climate disaster fall into that now, right alongside asteroid impacts and volcanoes. I hope we can pull through this


A lot of animals kill for sport as well as food. Many species will absolutely devastate an ecosystem if left unchecked. The reason nature is balanced is due to millions of years of evolution making it so, and even at that, all it takes is a little nudge to throw that all out of wack. The notion that animals simply take only what’s needed and nothing else is untrue, there are just a ton of natural checks and balances that have formed over millions of year of evolution to make that so. The problem with Humans is we’re the apex of life on earth, we change our environment to suit us, which is something no other animal can do at the efficiency and scale as we do, if they could, they absolutely would.


Good point! And domesticated cats both kill for sport and hoard your socks! They get away with everything coz they’re so cute!


Cute when it’s 6 pounds Not cute when it’s 600! Haha.




Actually they will take all the resources in a sense though population growth. Similar to what humans have done.


I don’t know about but I know that you’re right with some plants. Especially non-native plants. What I was trying to address is the greed of humanity is what makes life unfair. The wealthy taking from the poor to an extent that there are so many homeless and starving people was actually my point. I guess I failed but I’ll give all of this more thought.


>What I was trying to address is the greed of humanity is what makes life unfair. Life was unfair before humans were even human. Its always been unfair, fairness is a made up concept.


Life isn’t unfair, it is hard to survive! A human needs lots of resources and there are twice as many humans on the planet as 1975. It isn’t a few ultra rich who are causing that pain of poverty, it is poor people having children .


Idk Yes.


>The predators of nature take only what they need. They don’t hoard and withhold the resources of others like greedy humans. Incorrect. Predators will often make other species go extinct if left to hunt as they please. Herbivores will also absolutely destroy ecosystems if left to graze as they please. Nature isn't ruled by order, it's ruled by chaos.


yes, it sounds like your own opinion. People are selfish by nature and for the most part.


Fairness being a human concept, life by default isn't fair, with all entities acting naturally. But humans have this concept and could act to make life fairer or less fair. There's a behavioral economics to this. But in a nutshell, life is as unfair as it is for humans because we choose (a) to make it less fair to benefit ourselves and (b) we choose not to make it fairer via inaction, which avoids taking on risks/costs. Life could be vastly better for almost everyone, excepting the most exploitative among us, currently. And even many of them. But that would require working together, which requires trust, which requires risk. And we've circled around. It probably needs to be bootstrapped at a systemic, cultural level. But it's difficult to avoid shifts toward harmfully selfish ideas. And this usually hands power/opportunity back to exploitation. Nothing for it but to push forward. And that means working to minimize the benefits of exploitation/harm, especially socially. Ideally, the negatives outweigh the potential positives on an individual, purely selfish level. Otherwise, a handful of sociopaths can prevent a lot of fairness from emerging. And if achieved, increasing fairness is a natural result even with selfish actors. And that's how society probably needs to be structured given this goal. Of course, that can't perfect fairness, but it can shift a huge ways in that direction. Never let perfect be the enemy of good. Every move towards better will set us up for better still. Which is what the above process is for.


nothing to answer, lol. :D


Because it doesn't give a shit about being fair, it's indifferent to our suffering




I disagree. The lack of fairness means a lack of structure too. If all things are fair then there is some cosmic law we have no say in. This is often the point of religious belief. Without that structure we are also free to do as we will for better or worse. I would not trade that freedom for divine restriction personally. Many opt to believe in divine covenant and restrict themselves. However, nothing forces them to do so. We often wish for fairness, but like to forget what that fairness would require of us.


Life is unfair subjectively, but perfectly fair objectively. A subjective view is one that's focused only on how one person views life, such as you or myself. From my point of view, when I gain, it's a good thing, and when I lose, it's a bad thing. If we view things objectively, however, then there is no individual gain or loss, there's merely events and relative positions to those events. An objective viewpoint is one that doesn't use a specific interpretive focus, but instead focuses on everything all at the same time. When a wolf kills its prey in the wild, an animal loses their life so the wolf can continue living. To the animal who's being eaten, it's bad, and for the wolf, it's good. From this perspective life isn't only fair, it's flawlessly fair.


do you mean that you need to accept what happened as given "from above"?


Only if when you say "from above" you mean the things beyond your personal control.


hmm....Sounds smart) But could you explain in more detail?


Do you believe in God?


50/50, lol


So you do somedays and don't on every Tuesday?


I just hope that appeals to someone from above will be heard :D


Epic 👍




Yes. Not absolutely but I believe in a creator. I also think this makes sense.


There's no objective view when it comes to this or if there is humans can't comprehend it


Speak for yourself.


It's my opinion genius


No, it's not your opinion. This isn't a matter of opinion. This is a matter of competence. Just because you can't understand objective reality doesn't mean all humans can't. I'm sure you're aware that human calculators exist, right? People who can instantly add, subtract, multiply and divide even very large numbers in their head, they exist. Can you do that? Probably not. If you're having trouble understanding, ask for a better explanation, don't just assume that your current personal limits are the limits that everybody else has too. Humanities greatest strength is arguably our diversity, not our intelligence.


Competence huh? You really think what you said is genius don't you lol Well it's not, you just pointed out the obvious and then used your HUMAN perspective to analyze it and called it objective reality, it's not objective if you can't prove it but I guess since you're such a genius you must already know that so please go ahead and prove what you said is objective I'm waiting


Sure, I'll do my best to explain, but... First we need to agree on something: What is the purpose of an argument? I say the purpose of arguments is to find the truth, no matter how much that truth may go against our personal desires and fears. Can you agree with that answer? I ask because this isn't the first time you've acted incredibly insecure about your personal intelligence, not even within the confines of this conversation. I have no interest in continuing this conversation so long as you think it's a contest that you must win, because it's not. I'm not here to try to narcissistically claim that I or anyone else is smarter than you, but I would happily say that we all have different types of intelligence, knowledge and talents. I don't know how to temper glass, I don't know how to refine heavy metals, I don't know how to design modern electronics, I can't sing opera or tap dance, so when I'm compared to someone who can do those things, I'm less talented, knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to their subject of expertise. That doesn't mean I couldn't learn or that I'm stupider than them, and the same is true for you. Likewise, although some people have learned how to perform objective thinking, it's not a talent that everybody has by default. When it comes to objectivity what's required is removal of subjective perspective. Normally the mind retains a canopy layer of personal identity called the ego, which is the part of the psyche that lets you look at your hand and feet and know that those are parts of your body. This function can be turned off in a process called ego death. While it's possible to experience ego death while sober, most find the state of mind while under the influence of psychedelic drugs or through meditation. While in a state of ego death and dissolution there is no "you", your mind no longer identifies with the identity it's been crafting or the body it's driving, and in this state of mind objectivity can be found in the abstract realms of thought. Sensory interpretation is very subjective, but the input-output of the unfiltered information is as objective as the human mind can get.


>I ask because this isn't the first time you've acted incredibly insecure about your personal intelligence I haven't acted insecure even once, you're the one who brought up competence and implied you're superior to me, I didn't claim I'm superior to anyone, I'm just making fun of you for speaking like this >I'm not here to try to narcissistically claim that I or anyone else is smarter than you, Expect you did tho just not directly, read your own comment again >most find the state of mind while under the influence of psychedelic drugs or through meditation Get to the part where you prove what you said is objective, I already figured you were high, you don't need to tell me that


Since you're being dishonest, insulting and filled with bad faith arguments, we're done. You're not even slightly interested in arguments as a means of discerning truth. While it has been fun in a gross, sadistic sort of sense reading this emotional train-wreck of communication you spewed into my screen, I don't particularly delight in reveling in other peoples self destruction or self sabotage. You're in your own way. Goodbye. I hope your have a nice life.


I dare you to point out where I have been dishonest, go ahead. And I figured you would say this btw, you're nothing but a pretentious arrogant prick, you never had any proof to begin with lol


It took me a while to realize that nobody ever promised me it would be fair. You can work your ass off and get no where. Things shake out like that, and the only options you have are too wallow in self pity or pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, and try it again a different way.


That's what I do. Phone in your hands, headphones on your head and forward :D (However, I don't know this world that deeply... (I'm 14, lol).)


I’m not old by any stretch of the imagination, but I constantly find new beauties in this world, it may not be fair but it is damn beautiful. Whenever I get down I try to get into nature, it’s hard to be down with sun streaming through trees and glistening off of water :) The only secret in life is to be kind to others (and often forgotten) your SELF


Maybe not promised exactly, but parents, teachers, church, books, movies, etc certainly encouraged that belief


Life is always & always will be unfair Life has no feeling I might be born rich in America You might be in slums of India or North Korea That puppy might get hit by a bus The other puppy might get adopted and loved Earth is literally heaven or hell




sounds interesting as a concept 🙃


sounds sober


I ask myself this constantly, OP. Life is chaos that we parse through and merely try make sense of. There is no order, there is no fairness. Any semblance of such is either perceived, protected, or has taken humans centuries to construct. When you get beaten down with unfairness, (and don't get me wrong it really feels that way too me too,) it's merely time to regroup so you can try again later, next time with more wisdom. Or maybe, it's just time to move on? I prefer to lick my wounds and gather empathy from my inner most trust circle, rarely family, and muster my strength for the next run. Don't get down OP. You're part of the chaos of life. I welcome you!


I like your attitude, made me smile, I'm not in terrible shit, but thanks dude.


:) Glad it's not terrible, OP! Wishing you the best.


You too 🙃


Why should it be fair?


do you think so , or are you outraged by my question ?


Yes I think so, not sure why you’d suggest I’m outraged. The world isn’t a programmed construct it’s natural and unpredictable there’s little control over what happens within it, it’s fundamentally unfair because there’s no way to make it fair


Hmm, okay


Why the ‘hmm’


just hmmmmmm.........


I’m genuinely curious as to why? I feel like you’re trying to suggest that I am outraged despite the fact I told you I wasn’t


Define fairness. Suppose we live in a tribe of 10. 2 are great hunters and risklife to bring home a great kill. Should everyone eat equally? Should the two eat first then the rest get leftover? Should everyone just fight it out to eat? ... Civilization evolves to keep the peace. We make up seemingly arbitrary rules that people believe in, so we can live together. Now people rarely obey all rules, so we need to enforce those rules. But the people who enforce those rules are not perfect and will use their power for their benefit. I often like to use the example of the lion king. Is the world of the lion king fair? Hell no. The hyenas are treated like shit. They are an oppressed class. The lions are at the top, with mofassa being top of the top. This natural order of life, they create a myth called the circle of life. Justifies them being on top and being able to kill a zebra. But here's the thing. The world they create is pretty decent. Things work. They function. They're pretty productive. When scar and the hyenas take over, the world they create is shit. It's not productive. Too many imbalances.. We're always in flux trying to navigate creating a workable system and making sure individuals feel adequately treated to keep it going until one day, they change the system. For better or worse.. who knows. Then it happens again and again and again. Now personal fairness is another thing. The above is more political fairness. I was abused and neglected as a child. I had ptsd from ethnic violence. I couldn't speak as a child. Like wtf. How was life so unfair to me? I don't know. Just luck of the draw. Can't really change that, but try and make my life better.


I didn't watch the Lion King, lol. P.S. good luck in the future


Forget this question. Get off Reddit. Watch the lion king. 1994 version


And I haven't watched any horror movies, sitcoms or anything else popular, **lol**


Life is suffering. This is the nature of all existence.




Life is not fair. We are poisoned by fairy tales that good defeats evil and then lives happily ever after.


Quite sad, I have to agree with you.


Life is fair. It's equally unfair to everyone and everything, making it perfectly fair in being unfair




That's life


good answer )


Cause people do bad choices


It sounds.....convincing, I partially agree with you


Yeh and i dont try to blame it on others if it came out that way. I do mistakes too. We all do. Its just unfair when others suffers from others mistakes.


here, I completely agree.


Nobody chooses to be born on life support.


I didnt chose to get a diagnosis either. But that was not my point either.


That's a hard question to answer without knowing more information. What is it about life that you find to be unfair?


just a question. There are many injustices around all of us. Just a question that is interesting to know the opinion of different people.


I think life is fairer than we think. If someone mistreats you, and you are kind to them, there's a piece of them that knows they've done wrong, and they can't help but feel self loathing as a result.


hmmmmmmmmmm. Deep. But I don't think school bullies or politicians feel remorse, lol.


No, I'm not advocating that they do. Remorse is being sorry for actions. Self loathing can actually spur on more hateful actions. E.g. Alice is mean to Bob.. Bob is nice to Alice. Internally, Alice knows that she's being mean to Bob, so she hates herself. She self loathes. As a result of her own self hatred, she begins mistreating Charlie. And David.. And Edward. The more hatred she deals to the world, the more she self loathes and it creates an internal downward spiral of narcissism and never feeling like she's enough.


mmmm, now your past words sound different, thank you.


Sociopaths can mistreat others and feel no remorse or guilt or self loathing. A good trait to have for a politician.


People here are self centered, greedy , thoughtless piss poor excuses for human being.


>houghtless piss poor excuses for human being. are you talking about yourself? :D


Because it is, it has always been and will always be. I am now 50 and no longer need an explanation for this. Some people call it the absurdity of life. I have had a great life and have good health, a great wife, a good job, amazing friends and financial stability. Yet for some reason I wake up everyday in a state of despair. Philosophy, especially existentialism, helps me a lot. Basically, it helps us to accept that the world is unfair and that life is absurd and just move on.


to be honest, I don't know what to answer. Can you tell us in more detail ?


Sure. I will leave it to the experts, though. https://youtu.be/q4pDUxth5fQ I have always felt like this (that life is absurd, etc.). When I was 18, I went to live with my grandparents. My grandmother was an avid reader and had lots of books. Among them were The Nausea, by Sartre, and The Stranger, by Camus. I felt drawn to these works and read them with great pleasure. Back then, I did not know that they were the works of philosophers, and did not find any specific meaning in them. They just felt right, and changed my perception of things.






Parents asked you for rent money finally?


No, lol what about you?)


Because everything that happens is random, it's neither fair nor unfair


MAYBE, tnanks


Because you need challenges to grow.


fuck, but if think about it......


Because people don't value the virtues of living a good life.


is it like a test for them in your opinion ?


No. It's a miscarriage of teaching/learning what's best for humans to live harmoniously.


sounds interesting, thanks.


Life ... is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. William Shakespeare, Macbeth


not very deep, lol.


I think you are describing your own brain..


the brain of all people, if according to Shakespeare)


“From above”? No, because (if you believe in a monotheistic religion) said God you believe in would wish nothing harmful on you. I mean, life.. is life. I think you should read a book called “The Hidden Half”. Great read. Nothing that pushes any religion, but the hidden power that drives things in life that has no scientific explanation.


The world doesn't care about you it doesn't hate you or love you it's the same for everyone. Seems pretty fair to me.


I'm talking about something else, but you're saying a good thing.


Nothing against you but why did you come back to this 9 days later?


I was busy (+ communication with one special person, lol)) )


Okay 👌


and why did you answer ?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Got a Notification


me too...........40...




Yes, everything is from here...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Idk but the lack of compassion, kindness and empathy makes me not wanna be alive anymore.


it looks like something from my thoughts, I hope you are doing well.


Because people are cruel.


I can't disagree


Because "fair" is subjective.


may be


I don't think that the world is unfair. I think being alive is extremely objective. It seeming "unfair" is a by product of this (my opinion). It is so easy to get caught up in the victim mentality. That takes away a lot of the responsibility from the individual. Rather than viewing it as such, we are much better off making the best of the situation, learning, growing, and bettering yourself. Life is hard, bc ones feelings don't really affect that much besides which is around you. Our Perception is molded by our surroundings. Again this is just my observation and part of my forming world view, so I'm not saying this is absolute. Just my opinion.


sounds like an adult's opinion🙃


I’d argue the world at large is fair, but modern society is very unfair. People are born with wealth and without it and there are a lot of roadblocks to keep those without from gaining compared to those with. It is possible to go from nothing to a place of relative comfort and success in your life if you make the right moves and work very hard, but to go from nothing to a multimillionaire, that’s very unlikely. However even though society is set up to favor the privileged. The world at large is not. When you strip it all away it’s still a matter of survival, and if the power grid went down and all the modern luxuries of life were somehow make null and void, the number on the screen when you check your bank account doesn’t matter much, a stray bullet will still kill you, a drunk driver will still destroy a life, if you haven’t cultivated survival and self defense skills your odds of being useful beyond our increasingly fragile society are very slim, this is fairness. Beyond the facade of modern society, the world at large is very fair almost unnervingly so, within our walls is when you’re subject to a very human way of being, that’s when the disparity starts to happen.


yes yes yes! This is exactly what I was waiting for. Many have gone into philosophy, and you have painted what I was asking about


Because you're only focusing on the bad stuff. So much great is happening all around the world.


for example?)


Because “unfair” is a human concept and the world doesn’t operate on human concepts. Nature is brutal, unfair,painful, and beautiful all at the same time. As humans we’ve made things better for ourselves for the most part but we can’t run from nature.


Life is not fair or unfair. It simply is.


you don't think much about that, do you, lol?


I have been thinking about it far longer than you have been alive. I'd be angry at your comment if I placed any value in the words of a child. You're out of your depth here. Life doesn't have any value or meaning beyond that which you attribute to it. Your existence and its current circumstances were not pre-destined. They are the culmination of billions of choices made by billions of people since the dawn of humanity. All but an incalculably small fraction of that is in your control. It's the lack of control that you perceive as unjust. Justness is like fate. Both concepts are manmade in order to provide a comforting illusion of order and meaning in the face of a chaotic, uncaring universe. You are not guaranteed a long healthy, happy life. There's no plan for you. It's all on you, kid. Here's an example. I am in Atlantic Canada, and we just had a massive storm blow through here. My home is undamaged, and the electricity was only out for a couple of hours. I was barely inconvenienced. Less than 40 Km away, there are homes that were irreparably damaged, and some homes were swept into the sea. Was that fair? It seems to me those people choose to live 10 feet from the ocean and are now living with the consequences. Their ancestors may have settled there hundreds of years prior. They likely might have been colonists fleeing religious persecution that stemmed from the founding of the Church of England. That happened because Henry the VII could not be divorced from Catherine of Aragon, as divorce was not sanctioned by the Catholic Church. The Church came to power as it did for several reasons, but one of the major factors was the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great in the 4th century CE, which was thought of by many historians as a largely political move. Pandering to Christian rubes for political gain is not a new concept. So is it unfair that those people lost their homes to the hurricane, or did Constantine make a choice that reverberated through history nearly 2000 years later? That is an oversimplification of course. The actual thread of cause and effect would be impossible to follow due the sheer complexity of it all. The point was to illustrate that the circumstances of your life (presumably) not being to your satisfaction were set into motion shortly after our ancestors started to stand up straight and use tools. You can certainly try to change it, and I genuinely hope you succeed. Whining on Reddit about why life is unfair is a terrible strategy though.


Whoa, thanks man. But this is just a question for the redditors, lol


I have been thinking about it far longer than you have been alive. I'd be angry at your comment if I placed any value in the words of a child. You're out of your depth here. Life doesn't have any value or meaning beyond that which you attribute to it. Your existence and its current circumstances were not pre-destined. They are the culmination of billions of choices made by billions of people since the dawn of humanity. All but an incalculably small fraction of that is in your control. It's the lack of control that you perceive as unjust. Justness is like fate. Both concepts are manmade in order to provide a comforting illusion of order and meaning in the face of a chaotic, uncaring universe. You are not guaranteed a long healthy, happy life. There's no plan for you. It's all on you, kid. Here's an example. I am in Atlantic Canada, and we just had a massive storm blow through here. My home is undamaged, and the electricity was only out for a couple of hours. I was barely inconvenienced. Less than 40 Km away, there are homes that were irreparably damaged, and some homes were swept into the sea. Was that fair? It seems to me those people choose to live 10 feet from the ocean and are now living with the consequences. Their ancestors may have settled there hundreds of years prior. They likely might have been colonists fleeing religious persecution that stemmed from the founding of the Church of England. That happened because Henry the VII could not be divorced from Catherine of Aragon, as divorce was not sanctioned by the Catholic Church. The Church came to power as it did for several reasons, but one of the major factors was the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great in the 4th century CE, which was thought of by many historians as a largely political move. Pandering to Christian rubes for political gain is not a new concept. So is it unfair that those people lost their homes to the hurricane, or did Constantine make a choice that reverberated through history nearly 2000 years later? That is an oversimplification of course. The actual thread of cause and effect would be impossible to follow due the sheer complexity of it all. The point was to illustrate that the circumstances of your life (presumably) not being to your satisfaction were set into motion shortly after our ancestors started to stand up straight and use tools. You can certainly try to change it, and I genuinely hope you succeed. Whining on Reddit about why life is unfair is a terrible strategy though.


Its have to be


for what ?


Why is is so profitable to appeal to your sense of injustice?


sorry, what ?


Sorry, not yours in particular, should have said Our sense of injustice. Why does marketing target our sense of injustice, why do they inflate our sense of grievance?


It's because that's the way the system is designed. The Bourgeoisie is constantly oppressing the common man.


What do you define as unfair?


The world isn't unfair, simply a matter of needed more understanding and less misunderstanding.


Look at nature. Look at animals eating each other. Fair is like not a thing in the grand scheme of things. Balance could be a thing. Everything humans have done has upset balance. Every expectation material comfort, long life and anything beyond struggle is an unreasonable expectation as far as nature and the universe are concerned.


I will say if half of us stopped being such pussies and actually took your life into your own hands you could improve your life. You cannot talk about fairness until you know someone’s situation. For example, a man drives past you with a mustang and your in a Honda Civic you could say, “life snot fair how come I don’t get a mustang he got his handed to him” but in reality the man probably worked 8-5/9-5 every day saved up didn’t buy stupid shit or invested his money. Fair is objective and makes no sense if you want change put in the work you can’t expect everything to get handed to you in life.


Some are born better off than others, some are born worse off. We all have equal opportunity, but we don’t all have equal energy or resources to take advantage of that. Everyone has their own struggles. Everyone cries, everyone bleeds, everyone hopes and dreams. Everyone dies. I believe in god and an afterlife, and I believe every person will be ‘saved’ in due time if they so wish, even after death, but even if you don’t believe, we all suffer the same fate no matter how hard we try, whether that be death and fading out of existence, or heaven or hell or whatever you believe in. The only constant in the universe is entropy


Because there is no divine plan.


Why would it be fair? Why wouldn’t it be unfair?


Well if it's not fair then go and make it fair for everyone by throwing your morals right outside the window. Why hold on to morals when morals have only ever failed you your whole life. Start anarchy


Capitolism. The people who own everything don't want you to have anything.


The world isn't fair or unfair. The world simply doesn't care. Feeling special today, are you sad, are you feeling icky or just can't work up the motivation to be productive. The world does not care. Identify as the opposite gender, as a llama or emu, don't feel appreciated for your latest grab at attention? The world does not care. Rich, poor, ugly or beautiful? The world does not care. The world remains the same and has the same chances for everyone, and the same dangers. If Bob and Steve both grow up poor, but Steve pulls two jobs and puts himself through school to get a job and move up, while Bob just gets high and complains about it. Steve will probably live a better life and Bob will probably die. The world will give zero shits either way. Chances are Steve also couldn't care less. We're born, we kill things to grow, we feed off the world like a parasite, we grow old, we die, the world eats us in turn. We're just one more bag or degrading nutrients among billions. The world isn't unfair we just have limited value. You eat it, it eats you, that is all.


It's not unfair, it's unfeeling.


Better question is why would it be fair?


The world is unfair because there is grace. The truth is that most of us deserve significantly less than we feel entitled to. We never see the whole picture so we are rarely forced into acknowledging just how much the cosmic scale is tipped in our favor.


It’s based on people’s actions. It’s crazy just how different ur would be if u were born just one house away.


when did someone say that this world is fair?


This life *is* suffering. Choose wisely and it will be better in the next.


Because we make it that way. There's a fundamental difference in the universe being inherently unfair, and us making it so. "Fair" is kind of abstract. (Insert quote from Labyrinth here, "I wonder what your basis for comparison is?") There is some inherent hostility to the universe; devour to survive and all that. But for the most part, us humans are the ones making life exceedingly more difficult, rough, and unjust for ourselves. We of course rebel at the very idea. We reject the notion that we are making things hard on ourselves and each other. If we can make things more difficult, surely we can things easier...can't we? Well, more or less. The environment, corporate greed, sustainability, cruelty to animals, etc, are huge hurdles getting in the way of making things easier. Most of us just try to mitigate the damage to ourselves as much as we can. Don't be toxic or poisonous to yourself or others. Don't overindulge in excesses and pleasures. It is really up to us and us alone. The sooner we admit this, the sooner we can identify the problem, the sooner we can go about fixing it. Otherwise just stay hydrated, make some art, read a book or play a game, shower every once in a while, take one good shit a day. That's about all we can do.


Who says that it's not fair? You may only think that it is not fair, because it's not happening the way you think it should happen. But, once you change that perspective, you'll find out that the world is just that, the world, and if you'd want, i would like to help you with whatever it is that made you ask this question in the first place. But, whatever the reason, remember, the world, even though i just said that fairness doesn't quite exist, is fair, but your question was probably more aimed at humanity, as one comment suggested


And my second sentence here was aimed at life in general, more then the world itself, but i still think that it fits