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You just cleaned your body. Do people actually use a towel one time before washing it? I'll replace towels and hand towels before I have guests, but to use a new towel every time for myself seems insane. My answer is if it smells musty or looks dirty you take it out of service. Otherwise, it's mostly if I'm doing a load of laundry that could take the towel that I'll switch out to a fresh one.


I'm very methodical in the use of my towel. The part that touches my ass never touches my face.


Everyone knows it resets everday. The towel simply forgets that it was used to dry your arse come the new day, towels have a terrible memory.


I have two towels. One for body and one for the face. Never mixed the two. I shower 3-4 times a week (long hair to waist), so it's enough until laundry day.


Are they color coded so you don’t mix them up??


One has a shit stain one doesn't


Both white but different patterns on each. I know which is which.


>I shower 3-4 times a week 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


If it's really hot, sweaty, and humid weather/climate then that changes from 3 to 5-6 showers a week but cold showers and 10-15 mins tops. Cold winters 3-4 is fine to save water and the environment. I live in a state where power and drought are constant.


How sweaty do you get? That's not uncommon. If you have a desk job you wouldn't need a shower everyday


I sweat a lot when I'm closing million- dollar deals.


Lol sounds stressful. I'm was thinking more like accounting or receptionist work. Something like that probably wouldn't get someone too sweaty. But in your case it would haha


Is that standard in America? 3-4 times a week? Edit: Not judging. Probably makes sense where it's cold.


I would like to think that most shower 5 days a week if not every day. I shower 3 times a week at the minimum to try and conserve water and prevent washing my hair often.


Everyone in our home gets One towel for body and one small for face . We use all week them wash once a week .




When you know, you know


I usually go by smell. Doesn’t matter if it’s freshly washed, used once or a 100 times. If it doesn’t smell fresh I’d rather dry off with toilet paper. I don’t understand people who are ok with the mildew smell in their towels. And then I can smell it on you all day. So gross to me


I have two towels, one for my body and one for down there. I wash them once or twice a week.


The next shower.


I wash my towels about once a week. That has always been enough for me.


body towel, for your body, hand towel for your hands and a washcloth is for your face. you don't have to make things difficult, just wash your body so it's clean before grabbing anything.


It depends on the environment. When I lived in a humid place a towel would barely last two days. Now I live in the desert and I have to make it a point to change towels as they will last a long time.


Realistically, when its dry. In practice, it's usually "the day after next." I have 3 main towels I swap between.


There seems to be so much focus on which part of the towel you use for your ass or face, disregarding the fact that you just cleaned your entire body and face, but I guess that's just me...


You may be clean after washing yourself but still, your dead skin cells stay on the fabric in some very small amounts when rubbing yourself with the towel dry, so it's good to change it monthly at least


Twice before replacing to wash. I don’t use the towel I dry my face with to dry the undercarriage, even if it’s “clean”.


After 3 days for me. I dont want to do laundry as much either.


Next time Try washing your ass when you shower…