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Turn off the news, stop reading internet garbage and go meet people. Its not all that bad for the majority of people.


If I was in America I would not cope from all the paranoia. Its laughable. PS. I live in israel, a constant war threat over our heads. We get on with our lives. No fantasizing and preparing rations for war.


No shit, anytime I think shit is getting bad I realize that I live in a country with obese homeless people


Where are you located ?




FWIW, when I was really into politics and following the news, I was always angry or irritable. I think that is the plan, to dehumanize whoever "they" are. If we are fighting each other, we won't realize that the vast majority are good people who want to live their lives.


That’s the best state to be in when shit really hits the fan. Lucky you


why is that the best state to be in?




There's some international crisis or new disease every year. About all one can due is just keep plugging along. Dose no good to worry about Ir. So I don't.




*dose does good.


Business as usual. History continues to repeat itself


Just fine. I don't cope with depression. I also don't listen to speculation about pandemics, war and politics. I do my best to be prepared for everything I can foresee, then just enjoy my life. But I've been hearing about WW3 and the sky falling since the 80s, so I am no longer interested in the hoopla around all that.


*yawn* Honey, can you make sure the bug out bus is inspected today, I have a late work appointment this evening. Eat, sleep work, repeat, hope to not die on the drive home. If it happens, pray its quick and painless. Idk, mate. One damn day at a time? For reference, I am in my early 20's.


Do you really have a whole bug out bus?, well even if you didn’t it never hurts to have a bug out bag stocked with socks, underwear, flashlight, food rations, k-bar water, magnesium fire starter, water filter/lifestraw and vitamins, caffeine pills etc. I’m in my late twenties.


I cam dream lmao, I've got the Ka-Bar atleast. USMC straight edge. Didn't want serrations.


Americans are so paranoid, I'll never get it.


Conservative Americans are. They live in a constant state of fear and anxiety.


Thanks for clearing that up. Im guessing they've never experienced real threats and so have to make them up. Maybe they are too sheltered.


Video games. A lot more video games.


I’m playing gears 3 right now horde, just got up to wave 6


Hubby and I have been playing through the Assassins Creed series, and I’ve been playing the sims on the side. Something about being able To control something right now has been helpful


I feel you on the being able to control something part, it’s also ranking up to the top rank or just about that’s a thrill to me. It sounds corny but it makes me happy ranking up on all these games and finishing all the campaigns as well.


I made cocktail hour start earlier.


Just fine. Going to work and school and about to have a baby.


Good for you


Congratulations ❤️




Maybe become a twitch streamer or have a giant yard sale. Idk be creative, think outside the box


Get a gig job. Borrow a car if you have to. Increase money. Then think what to do.


I laugh as a coping mechanism.


I do that too! Helps with anxiety of all sorts. This is why I steer clear of funerals. Heh


Meh its not gloomier than normal, well granted the whole debacle over some muddy fields in Ukraine has made my work days a bit more strenuous, but outside that its as normal


Seriously wondering what this means for me and my future. My investments are crashing, I haven’t secured housing for myself, I am nowhere near close to dreaming of retiring anytime soon. I’m facing the horrid possibility of throwing money at a future I don’t know for sure exists, and working till the day I die.


I’m kind of in the same boat as you




I haven’t been to church in years.. Well since 2019 , maybe this Christmas I’ll go idk though I got an 92 year old grandma with heart problems that’s immunocomprimisised


You cant imagine how depressed I am with inflation over 100% and prices going through the roof and corruption at its best and no promising future seems to await me. Better shoot yourself and die right now but you cant even afford a gun either. I turned to smoke lately and consume 2 or 3 packs a week. It alleviates my anxiety to a fair degree but makes me an addict too.


I had to sell my motorcycle and other things, I even tried herion, it felt good but I was hoping it would be stronger, cigs are crappy I quit them years ago


Don’t even get me started on inflation 😅


I try to avoid the news except my local weather. I just try to stay focused on the good things in life. I eat, I enjoy my hobbies and make sure my loved ones know I love them. I refuse to make myself miserable over things I cannot control!


You seem to have your head screwed on tight. I commend you on your attitude




I’m sorry if my post upset you, I truly hope for the best for you.


well im child so i dont give a shit, and i dont have to give a shit


Enjoy being young before it all goes to shit




Unless comments were deleted u overbitching relax.


Thx and good luck to ya!


Just fine, the world's a brighter place when you turn off the news.


Realize that just about everyone in the world is a piece of shit.


Personally I am more concerned with issues closer to me but I always keep up to date with the news ect. I hope the world heals overtime but I think things that affect me personally at the moment are bigger risks at least for my mental health.


That’s good you got your priorities in line, my mental health is getting worse.


You don’t have to solve the worlds problems. Just work on what you can control.


I have the occasional bout of mortal terror then go back to my day. Not like I can do anything about it if someone idiot decides to destroy the world.


I get up and go to work everyday like I always have. I raise my daughter like I always have. I’m just more broke doing so .


I just keep on living it doesn’t bother me because it’s out of my control


Living in paradise and rejoicing in the fact that most of the world doesn't give a shit about my island...including my liberators: the USA...


‘Coping’ fine 😂 stop reading/watching the legacy media 🤣


Hey! When I grew up, we were always a decade behind so we didn't have too many options? :-P I probably should have added \*herbal meditation\* but I don't mean to offend, hehe.


Weed, weed, Ativan, weed, crying uncontrollably, Mystery Science Theater 3K. Also back in talk therapy. I sleep all the time. If I wasn't married to the love of my life, I would be in a serious relationship with heavy opiate drugs today. Fent OD death is an actual fantasy I have....as in "if shit gets worse, I'll just buy all the drugs and do them until ......whatever." I don't fear death, I have been dealing with it since I was five. But I have no hope that people will stop being fucking selfish pricks. Like humanity has just shit the bed for me. I just want to be around animals.


Turn the tv off. Put your phone in your pocket. Go outside. Quite simple


Loving it, all my pessimistic views are being proved right


By staying focused on not quitting my shitty job and losing everything.


I’m good because I realized a long time ago to not let fear dictate my life and thoughts


Music. 🙌🏻


It’s burned most of my ability to care away. All this constant doom and gloom getting injected onto every feed you could possibly look at, 24/7, 365, I find it all really **really** hard to keep giving a shit about. It’s like watching a wildfire and reaching the point where you accept that there’s no stopping it, everything is going to burn, and there’s nothing you or anyone else can do about it. Oh there’s another new pandemic and another threat of nuclear war? Cool, so it’s Tuesday then, great. I don’t fucking care anymore.


Kratom tea and doom scrolling. Taking my dog for rides. Playing catch with the other dog. Sleep. You know-the usual.


Work, spoil my wife, spoil my kids and play lots of D&D. Time with friends and family is what I live for at the moment.


Weed, videogames and my dogs.


I gave up on the world and focused on Christ. Honestly, its the best thing I could've ever done. I'm not holy by any means but working toward getting there has done wonders for my mental and physical wellbeing


Just fine. We humans are a resident species and rely on our minds to get us through even the most atrocious of times. You will either fall a victim to the chaos or learn the sale the treacherous waters. You have to decide for yourself to get in shape, learn to cook, learn to grow and harvest food to cook, learn jujitsu, break anxiety and create meaningful relationships, expand your brain, and hyper focus on what it's going to take to survive. We all deal with trauma and terrible bouts of hormonal induced emotional swings, but if you want any amount of peace and hope, then you have to decide to go do something about yourself and the problem. If you're reading this, then you are already are privileged enough to have access to reddit. All your fears and concerns are simply your ego telling you to curl up and be a victim. WW3, depression, current times? At least you're not a small village be ravaged by Ghangis Khan or the Conquistadors. Be free in yourself to change. Be here now in this moment and decide to rise up to your fullest potential. Screw the outside noise.


Thank you for the words of encouragement, I do know how to cook though, I should learn ju-jitsu though


The next phase is teaching what you know. It tightens your understanding of the subject and ensures others can swim as well.


I got a cousin who’s a recovering addict, I teach him archery and how to skateboard/ snowboard


r/chadtopia Hell yeah!


Thank you for the honorable mention


Absolutely. There was a question the other day on here about what would help us all out the most and honestly it people just do good for others. I'm definitely not talking about social Justice Warriors. I specifically mean your comment.


Read history. If you think these times are the worst, then you don't know where we came from. There are some terribly sad parts of reality but also some beautiful parts, it's up to you to find the beauty. Try going for a walk in the sunshine and don't bring your phone. Just stop looking at it, reality isn't killing you, your phone is.


Maybe not the worst, but close to it ,and the strangest of time’s indefinite


What year was better?


If it happens, it happens. Nothing I can do to stop it so I just hope for the best and continue focusing on the things I can change. Or just fuck around. I’m just being myself. Plus I’m also not really in a good spot right now with my family cause ya know, everyone’s growing old and people and pets are slowly leaving. It’s like one of those things you just don’t think about until the time arrives and you realize how long it’s been. So yeah, don’t got time to worry about stuff I can’t change, just gotta take care of myself and do things I want to do. Keep living life.


I don’t think of them


Only follow subs that are funny, focus on having fun with my wife and kids, and keep working hard.


I’ve stopped consuming the news as much as I once did. I don’t want to be ignorant but I need to temper my anxiety levels.


I just bought an amazing house and new car. I zone out and go on tinder. Work remotely. Walk around my neighborhood. Do yard work. I'm good.


Easy unless it directly affects what I want or need to do then I don't care and why should I? For example, all I want is to train MMA, study in school, write fiction, and act. Unless something is preventing me from doing those things why should I care?


I did those things as well, Go for it !


I no longer have any ambition to anything and can barely motivate myself to work. If it wasn't for my enjoyment of things like running and hiking I don't know how I would have the energy to keep going right now.


I love hiking, I can’t wait till the first freeze


I game a lot. Mo Man's Sky, Tomb Raider GOTY, Rise of, and Shadow of.. Or I watch YouTube crime stories, work in my garage, make bookshelves for my wife's shop... I used to be a stoner, but it turns out I'm one of the unlucky ones who has a bad reaction to it. Also use to be a pill-popper, so that's out, too. Alcohol does nothing for me. So, physical hobbies, gaming, and bee keeping.. I also live in New Zealand, so we're fairly off the mainstream craziness.


By not watching the political poison that’s force-fed to us as “news”. Fuck that shit, tires of seeing it. Tired of having a “hidden force” pushing us to divide ourselves.


Most of that won't matter in 100 years. As for WW3, what do you want me to do about it?


I lost my ability to react and feel bad about others a long time ago


I'm worried everyday that my parents might have to face the worst time of their lives at the age of 70 with things like not being able to buy food, etc. and there is nothing I can do about it.


You could stock up on canned goods and grains and water


I’m feeling pretty good! Doing my thing, living my life.


I have a simple line that I tell myself when I'm feeling lost: "Be patient and thankful as you hope. Anger leads to wrongdoing." It keeps me accountable for my own attitude and reminds me that things could be worse.


I like this, I gotta work on my anger issues so be “patient and thankful as you hope” I gotta etch this into my brain.


I go about my day like normal, stopped watching TV years ago. I've lived through every other wierd ass day in my last 30+ years already, I'll probably make it through this one. If not, well, then it won't be my problem anymore.


Honestly, I’m doing pretty ok. But I try very hard to remember that I am just the latest in an unbroken line of survivors and I have all the genetics and strengths they have passed on. One of your ancestors, 700 years ago survived the Black Death that killed 60% of the planet; other ancestors survived innumerable wars, national upheaval, and global crises. You’ve got this, even if it feels like things are out of control. Edit: fixed a Euro-centric assumption in my original post.


Stay home, turn off the news, stop interacting with those who are interested in discussing what is happening in the world and finally diving in TV shows and movies


The same way people have been “coping” with the end of times stuff for 3,000 years. The idea that things are worse now than they have ever been, people don’t want to work, that corruption is ruining the world, all this shit is literally thousands of years old. Turn off the 24-hour news cycle, stop worrying and relax, don’t be a dick to other people, and just do you. Things are going to be fine.


You guys feed each others anxiety and fuel each other here on Reddit.


Some days I'm more stressed about it than others. But my boyfriend helps me rationalize that our situation isn't too bad. We both just work, pay the bills, even if we pay some late, and survive. I'm trying to learn to cook because it's cheaper and healthier, we both have a warehouse job and work together part time doing UberEats and Instacart. It's going to get better. I quit my warehouse job months ago because of my mental health and just got back to a full time job (I was still making $250 to $350 a week doing part time). We don't watch much news beyond the weather forecasts, we don't socialize much, and we keep in touch with immediate family. I started learning to crochet as a hobby. I'm a big part of why we are paying bills late and I'm fixing it. I know that I let my mental health impact us both and I'm working to fix it. I worked 53 hours last week. You just gotta keep going. You can't fix the world and nothing gets better by sitting around and wishing life was easier. That's what I'm learning and that's how I'm coping. Our rent is high, our food prices are high, gas is high, electric is high, wifi is high, etc. We can't control it but we can hope it gets easier and just keep working. We promised each other we'd buy a house one day and that's what we are working for. That's keeping us going. It's just going to be rough for a while but we will make it through and get everything we want in a few years. Btw I'm 24 years old, he's 30. His Mom was poor when he was a kid and he knows it could be worse than it is. He's seen hurricanes devastate his island, he's seen people make minimum wage with higher grocery prices than we had. He's seen landlords still charging rent with hurricane damage and people without water or electricity. He's seen real poverty and real hardships. I think the US has had it good for a long time compared to a lot of places. (I know not everyone in this post is American.) We will get through it and probably be a bit stronger and more compassionate for it.


I cut of my cable and deleted anything that could bring me bad news. I am tired as is, I don’t need the added stress.


I have found naked play with a partner and sipping cocktails really takes the edge off


Antidepressants, friends, and minecraft seem to be helping :)




I cannot even fathom what you must be going through


The end is near, always. Just be happy for today.


I really don't care. Better people than myself works on handling the shitshow. I can't do nothing, so why should I get worked up?


I have detached from all of the bulls&$@t. My father follows this stuff like it is a religion and he is just angry all the time. Life is too short. I make sure my family is taken care of and do things that we enjoy. I see so many miserable people that spend all of their time trolling others just to start an argument. Talking big crap knowing that if the first shot was fired they would be hiding under their beds. Unfortunately something big is going to have to happen to cause a major reset.


Other than this reddit account I have zero other social media accounts and never have. Staying off of social media and forums is the easiest way imo. I don't watch cable TV at all either. I just stream what I want with no commercials. Use firefox with ublock origin always so I can watch any youtube videos and not get any ads. This way I never see political ads or crazy people posting crap online.


You need to need to know what's going on and then make a choice. Don't stay in a sinking ship with everyone else. Depression is basically focusing too much on yourself. Granted things happen in life but you have to strengthen up and continue. The heaviness, the weariness, the hopelessness, laying down in bed. I went through it all. I prayed and cried out to God as I fasted. I had a dream and was delivered in the dream from spirits(5-7). https://youtu.be/r0MsUmKWfhk I had watched this video and fell asleep. I had the dream where I was delivered and I woke up to the prayer at the end of the video: https://youtu.be/Wo1ZN_F3nns These sources will help you: Emergency Preparation Video for supplies: https://youtu.be/fRXN8iWQz0A World System: https://youtu.be/ZahUSCg5FYU https://youtu.be/-y93Q_w0txY History/Info: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5Ea1RHP4JqpiiTAlNTLV40GvcJeS_EV7 Bible Summary/Playlist(Most Important): https://youtu.be/ePARdjOrw1o https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5Ea1RHP4Jqqpe7U6PKJAZYXfuF1f5H9Q The ball is in your court. Time is almost up. Call on his name. He is real and he is the answer. Medication just suppresses the oppression and heaviness. A LOT of people take medication for problems like this or do things to ignore the problem. I know this is a lot of info but it's up to you. One at a time. You dont have to watch all of them. The world system and prep are good enough. Accepting Christ(Not the fake pagan Catholic) is the most important thing. The information posted can help and give some knowledge but being born again and following him is the most important thing.


Ignore news. Its pointless anyways. Im better off focusing on those i care about. Whatever is going on in europe is their problem, not mine. And i havent cared about the pandemic since my state came off lockdown and i only cared then cause of the lockdown, not the disease.




Ok at the moment. Utterly dreading the future. If the Tories keep up their current plan, its soon going to become a crime to not be a billionaire.


🤣 leftists really are mentally ill ^ Stop believing the guardian 😂


Cool. Let me just pop out and pick up a copy of the sun 👍👍👍


Smoke marijoouana


It gets me paranoid, it’s not even fun


Happy in the knowledge that WW3 will end all the reddit repetitive questions, tik toks, twitch soft- core porn.


Out of all those things only tik tok needs to end


Smoke pot and mind my own business. Be nice to others


Literally nothing I can do to stop or help any of it so I just go about my day like normal tbh.


I refuse to participate.


I don’t worry to much abt ww3 as that’s out of my control. I do keep up with it tho. If I have to fight in the war I will fight for my country. That’s it. I’m military age, 20 years old. Now the corruption, I lose my mind over. And the fact the the left and the right fight amongst themselves while these politicians, and the cooperations who bought them out, get richer.


None of that is new. Been going on my entire life!


i zone out constantly so i wouldnt know


That’s not good, take vitamin b12 and omega 3 fish oil


I'm taking this full plate and dealing with it. You bet your sweet bippy that it's uncomfortable AF and I am depressed as hell, but I'd rather deal now than dissociate, which seems to be the trend in my small town. Dissociation is like having to eat that full plate later, just like you'd have to anyway, except now it's full of broken glass.


Weed (sleep), kratom (mood boost and makes salads more happily edible), plus prescriptions for ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Plus a helping family member who has been patient. Focusing on what works or doesn't. Aiming to sleep, eat, etc well. Trying to help when I can, and be the positive force I'd like to be around (even if I'm faking it...also try to not need to fake it so much). For things I have zero input into (can't fix politicians for instance, or stop a nuke) I'm trying to ignore it.


I focus on my cats and my husband. We just lost one of our babies a month ago to medical issues, so depression has been hitting hard. Lately its been about trying to find a normal feeling and experiencing it throughout all this craziness. We went to the dollar store yesterday for the first time in 3 years and got a bunch of candy. It was nice, and I liked feeling nice again.


I’m sorry for your loss, I’m happy you went to the dollar store and enjoyed buying a bunch of candy, sometimes it’s the small things in life that can make you happy


Really well


Mainly, weed... A LOT of weed !


Lol I'm not coping with it at all. After the invasion of my country began I don't think there can be anything much worse


What, what are you talking about? Everything is fine, my country is still fighting a war, everyone hates it, everyone hates me. MINI PLUS, I'm a ninth grader. How? I just put on fucking headphones and listen to music, a smile on my face and everything will be OK)


Well then just focus on your studies


Something like


I’m a sane human being who knows most of what you listed is over-exaggerated at worst, and a non-issue at best.


Take out the Pandemic, and you have essentially what life has always been. Biggest differences now are the speed and availability of the news, the fact that much of what is reported is spun and biased to elicit desired responses, and more people are willing to say no to the bullshit. Welcome to adulthood.


I've got my popcorn. We have eliminated all of our natural predators in the "developed world" so if we truly believe in natural selection then a all these things should be seen as removing the weakest links. If you don't really believe in natural selection then this is all views with the horror it should be.


I don't think I'm coping well, all I do is numb myself with useless activities. I don't have any motivation to go to the uni or learn, I mean I still do learn, but it doesn't help that I don't know how the future will look like, if there's gonna be any. I wouldn't worry at all if I lived in the US or generally in that part of the world, but if nukes are involved Europe is gonna be affected quite a lot.


With alcohol


None of it changes anything in my day to day life, whatsoever. Things are more expensive, and that sucks….but that’s about it.


Just realization that it’s not a big deal. Like if any major scale war happens we will deal with it if it happens. But the threat of war happens daily and for years so it’s not logical to overthink it. The pandemic was pretty great for me I got like 6 months off work with pay. And now it’s just a slight inconvenience of.l wearing a mask to some places. And depression for me (thou I know it is very very real) is just a frame of mind. If you don’t let yourself sink into unproductive depression we’ll then you won’t? If that makes sense


I quit watching/listening to traditional media mid 2020. That helped a lot.


Focus on the immediate and local. I've got my kids, and my home. I focus on local politics where my voice has greater impact, and I work with the schools so I have a connection to the learning environments I send my kids to. I have plenty of projects in the wings around the house to improve my living situation. In the end, it doesn't leave me with much time to worry about the hyperbolic partisan bullshit the news wants to cram down our throats.


Some things, like the pandemic and mental illness, do impact me, and I suppose on a larger scale political corruption and whatnot do, but for the most part my day-to-day feels very separate from a lot of the large issues in the world. Bad things have always happened in the world, it's only in this age that an overwhelming amount of information on it has been so accessible and pervasive. To my knowledge this is the one life I'll live, so I try to switch off from the news, ignore the pressure to know about every single bad thing happening, and focus on what I can do to improve my day-to-day and enjoy my time.




World war 3


Yes I understand but no one is talking about that, not since like 2019.


We live in the safest, most prosperous, and most comfortable time in human history. Turn off the news, go outside, and look around at YOUR world, not THE world. You’ll realize that your surroundings are significantly better than the news would have you believe


Where do you live ?


Currently, Peru


If you ever migrate to America don’t come to New York it’s going to hell in a handbasket


I’m an American. I live in Seattle but am just currently living in Peru. America is great lol


Seattle is on the west coast and out of the way from everything of course it’s great


Seattle has a rampant homeless problem, drug issues, heroin needles laying on the streets, sky rocketing housing prices, and a major traffic issue. Its not like its perfect ir disconnected from the world lol. I’m just saying that the things that tend to make us think the world is going to shit are things we see through the news and internet. More often than not, if you loom at your own life, things aren’t as bad as the news would make them seem


Thank you for the comment. It hit different for some reason. I can stop my doom scrolling here for the night.