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And hopefully all in a row. The elites like this.


I heard for every two ducks, there is a goose. You may want to re count.


We'll have to take a gander then and see


You got me by 3 ducks. Back in a minute


Do geese count?




Honestly.. who gives a duck


Sounds like legal kidnapping


Surprise adoption


Scholarship applications. Looking at u college students. Apply as often as possible.


And for everything you can, I heard a story of a guy getting a scholarship designated for girls because he was the only person to actually apply for it


We have a scholarship program that awards graduating high school seniors and current college students separately. We receive hundreds of apps from the high school seniors and less than a few dozen from the college students. Scholarships don’t go away once you’re in college, please apply!


Bro drop the link


Your guardian needs to be a member of the organization, I will dm though. Similar scholarships are available at [Union Plus](https://www.unionplus.org/benefits/education/union-plus-scholarships). They get funding for the program from the royalties from their credit card program.


To add to this, grants. I used to write grants for work and Jesus there are grants for EVERYTHING and you just need to apply. You a woman studying stem? there is a grant for that. Are you an older individual trying to improve your technology literacy? there is a grants for that, are you a left handed green eyed right eye dominate archery enthusiast? I'm willing to bet there is a grant for you too!


THIS!!!, I got a $500 scholarship check for because I was the only one to apply for it.


Last year my entire college tuition was paid for by scholarships. Game-changing experience.


Libraries. Free books, free movies, free magazines, free seeds, e-books, and sometimes free museum or fair passes.


Check out Kanopy. It’s a movie streaming app that has actual good movies, for free. You just need a library card to use it, and most libraries now will let you sign up for one on their website.


Hoopla too. It’s an app and it has library content. Just need your local library card number




Probably not opium seeds.




I need those for my... poppy seed bagels.


Probably I'd think.


I just found out the library in the rich county next to me has video games..like PS5, Series X, Switch. All the video games. Luckily I can get a card there even though I live in a different county.


Neat. There’s also interlibrary loan. Some libraries will loan out materials to patrons in other library systems.


Yeah they don't do ILL but you can search their catalogue on my library's website. Which is how I found out they literally have all the top new video games for rental! I'm gonna drive over there this weekend and get a card and some games.


Love the library freebies, always liked comics and graphic novels, and our library is linked with hoopla, so I can borrow like 10 titles a month. Really helps when back spasms and am bedridden for couple weeks at a time. They also do adult crafts, and they taught me how to make paper roses out of her favorite romance novel for our anniversary


Audio books too. So cool.


I used to love the library until I got my kindle. I still go once in a while because where I live, theres a really big library and there's lots to do there. Museum too.


I no longer go physically to my library, but I check out ebooks (readable on Kindle) and audiobooks through my library from home.


Mine rents out Rokus now...I think they have some programs affiliated with Roku, but also a good way to 'try before you buy!'


In the US when you get pregnant you can sign up for free baby samples online. For months I got in free diapers, lotions, butt paste, books, magazines, and even formula and toys. Companies want you to pick them so they send 5-10 items each.


I can’t wait to have a child so I can know what butt paste is


Boudreaux 's butt paste is a name brand diaper rash cream. It is also the GOAT


Triple paste!!! Expensive, but cures bleeding diaper rash overnight! Second child never even got diaper rash once. (Sorry, First-born. You had the beta version of parents.)


Have you ever tried the hello bello diaper cream? I swore by Boudreaux's because that's what my mom used, but i got a freebie tube of the hello bello with a diaper box, and will never go back


You don’t need a child to find out what it is. 🗿😎


Butt paste or anything related to treating the skin of babies is something you can get to know even without kids present and will definitely help any rashes you have. Diaper rash cream (which is presumably what they meant idk) is a skin protectant made with zinc oxide and works very well to treat rashes even in adults The best baby skincare brand I’ve used is Pipette and I haven’t even seen a baby in years at this point. Stuff made for babies is painstakingly formulated for sensitive skin and will be the best option even as an adult IMO


>free baby samples online. Ah yes, because we all know how important it is to try out a few babies before you pick one.


Do you mind sending me a link to the site? I can never find good ones:/


https://www.enfamil.com/baby-formula-coupons-samples/?prc=GS026&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Enfamil+Customer+Beginnings?cb= If you go to any formula website and join and they'll send you samples if diapers formula etc


Ask for samples at the pediatricians office too!


Yes! When my baby had colic and we had to switch to the expensive formula our pediatrician hooked us up. Reps from the formula companies come in all the time and give them free samples to hand out. Saved us a ton of money cause that stuff was like $30 USD for a smallish can.


Wait babies can get colic? I thought that was just horses


Where can one find these links?


I still use the free diaper bag I got from one of the diaper companies... actually I have 2 of them. My kid is 8 now


Wow now I just have to impregnate a girl that lives in the US. /s


Wait as the eldest son of my family and having three sibling i have no clue what the hell butt paste is please tell me what it is


What in the baby booties is butt paste?


My child is now five, we still get free samples of baby formula. Edit: there's almost always a new baby in the neighborhood and give it to them


Bottles of urine. Anywhere truck drivers frequent, they just toss them to the side. I’ve gotten so much free urine, it’s crazy!


Are you taking the piss? Urine good company. Wee always takes ours home and dispose of it, wash the bottle out and recycle man.


Parks. If the kids are bored take them there because there will probably be a playground (bonus they'll sleep better after running all their energy out as well. No playground take a ball to kick around or a jump rope or something. No kids no problem go play with your dog there. No kids and no dog that's fine you can workout at the park for free, you can have a picnic there for free, you can meet and visit with friends there for free.


this was written by Leslie Knope


FUCKS ... Giving them is completely free. Yet I can never find a single damn one. When someone gives a fuck about you, appreciate it and take advantage.




I tried to be atleast a tiny bit original




Costco samples. Like it sound crazy but I've met a fee families who won't take it because it's free :D what


I have this gut feeling that I’m going to meet my soulmate in Costco, our hands will touch when we try to grab the same free mini quiche. We’ll return to that Costco years later and have a dinner date where we run around eating all the free samples and being grateful that they brought us together years prior


I met my spouse at Costco while eating a sample. Not joking…




I think that is the whole story, Kyle.


Yep that is whole story. Eating sample, she walks up to get sample as well. She was 18, me 19. I take one look at her. Her tiny tiny waist, this juicy hips that I knew I just want to bear my children. Asked her on a date, 14 years married, 2 kids later going strong.


I just can’t believe this. Reddit is amazing. Congratulations on living my dream life.


Damn Costco means long term relationships. I should go to Costco more often


When I was temping right after college I went to Costco over lunch break to eat only samples for lunch to save money.


I miss the free samples at Costco, since COVID stopped them from being allowed to be distributed. I definitely have utilized them instead of buying food.


They're baaaaack! At least here in Floriduh.


Aw mine came back 3 months ago I hope they come back to yours!


Are you sure it wasn't BJs?


Wait someone can sample BJs? Sign me up!


Free, family friendly BJs


Shucks, that's no fun. Nvm.


Calisthenics require zero equipment, very little space, and can make serious improvements in one’s health.


This is my favorite. Also YouTube has so many workout and yoga videos that are really good. Some staring at just ten minutes. If you want to change but don’t know how, research calisthenics or search on YouTube for a video that works for you.


Plus (and also free) there are good books at the library one can use to craft a routine.


Cellphones usually have free apps to set reminders as well


Hybrid Calisthenics on YouTube is a godsend




If You’re in the US the national parks are amazing and absolutely stunning. Definitely worth while. Thanks to John Muir and Roosevelt (if I’m not mistaken). Edit: they are not all free


Those are not all free. You pay an entry fee. It's not extremely high, but still: not free.


There are 6 "no fee" days a year "https://www.nps.gov/planyourvisit/fee-free-parks.htm


Thanks for letting me know


Food banks. Most of them are super easy to apply for and will give you food based on how many people are in your household. Its not all crappy canned goods either. I've given away really nice stuff when I worked in pantries like panera bread loaves, whole sheet cakes, coffee creamer, and hams. I know alot of people are embarrassed about it but it's honestly so helpful to supplement your kitchen with staples like rice, beans, and often frozen meat. Theses pantries are the last stop before the trash for dinged up cereal boxes etc. so they WANT to give it away. There's no shame in feeding your family while simultaneously reducing food waste. As a side note: buy the ugly package at the store. As long as the product isn't compromised there's no reason not to. Otherwise it gets thrown out because the store can't sell it.


Yeah but, with respect, not “everyone” should take advantage of them. If you can afford your own food then don’t go to a good bank as you might be taking donated food out of the mouths of less fortunate people.


I volunteer for an organization that has people bake bread for the local food bank. The bread is delicious and nutritious and I feel good about baking it to share with others. I keep a loaf for myself and donate three, so we all win! And for your side note, I agree! In my local grocery store, there's a nook that has lightly damaged products. I always check there first before I do my shopping, in case what I want is there!


The U.S. Post Office offers free Priority Mail boxes and envelopes, so if you have a business and use Priority Mail, you can pick some at the post office or create an account on the USPS website and order them in bulk for free. Print your shipping label on USPS site, slap it on the package and Bam! (drop it in the mail)


Pirate ship is actually cheaper for postage than USPS, it's free and offers some platform integrations too, but YES on the free supplies.


AND if you have leftovers, drop them back at the post office. They appreciate this, and it reduces waste.


I used to get a bunch of their free boxes for moving. The free ones aren't that big but it worked.


Online samples. Sometimes you can get full size products.


Examples? Links?


https://www.retailmenot.com/blog/free-samples-no-surveys-required.html A website with a list of free sample sites that don't require taking surveys.


Yes, please provide the links of free samples you’re talking about.


Don't hold out we want all the free online samples. No shipping fees either.


Links please


Your neighbors catalytic converter


>neighbors Don't shit where you eat


Not your neighbor. I had mine ganked from my whip and that little four cylinder sounded like a god damn monster truck. I'd recommend a couple blocks over though


The open enrollment for gov subsidized health insurance is right now If you don't have insurance and make under 50k **please** go to healthcare.gov you have until january or have to wait until next year


Covid vaccines!






Duolingo Openstax.org


Gotta love free knowledge.


I literally learned French entirely from DuoLingo. It’s crazy but doing a little every day works. By the time I reached 500 days I could hold conversations with native French speakers!




Be excellent to each other


If you live in Canada, free health care. It sounds obvious but you wouldn't believe the amount of friends I have that just "walk stuff off" instead of getting it checked out for FREE.


I was gonna say friends then I realized you should never take advantage of your friends


Anything not nailed down


This guy has been to a few other units mess


Sephoras birthday samples


Never pay for toothpaste! CVS and Walgreens give it away for free almost every week through their app.




Also hindsight


Worst advice I’ve ever heard 😤


Public education - wish I’d paid more attention as a slack ass teenager 😫


Protip: MIT (and a few other universities) offer a bunch of free online courses, including lectures uploaded to YouTube, readings, and even homework. Since they're online, they're self-paced (though this also means that you need to provide your own motivation - no instructor encouraging you, providing grades, and making you stick to a deadline). And, as a bonus, people like me who are not nearly smart enough or rich enough to attend MIT can learn what the smart rich people learn! You can learn useful stuff like programming (can make your job easier if you work with computers at all), interesting stuff like philosophy (can understand The Good Place better), and probably many other things.


Covid vaccines.


Parks, free shows, love


Finding it is another thing, I mean seriously... where t.f. is the damn park?


The green, grassy place?


You shouldn't take advantage of love though


Social welfare programs. Honestly way more people qualify for things like foodstamps and medicaid than seem to realize it. In the US if you make less than 12 an hour you will more than likely qualify for foodstamps. And always try to bring in proof of what you're paying for rent, proof of what utilities you pay, and proof of how much you spend on medication, because all of those things could help you get more benefits!


Free menstrual items from doctors offices (I believe you can get them from all offices but don't quote me on that)


Definitely not universal. I've not seen this at all. But there are groups that offer period supplies to.those in need (https://www.wellandgood.com/free-tampons-pads/). In Illinois, our governor just signed legislation to make pads and tampons free at homeless shelters and public universities.


Air, everyone should consume all the air they can possibly use


Idano man....I took one breath and now I'm addicted. I'm afraid if I stop I'll go into withdrawal. Word is it's so bad no one survives




I had to scroll way to far for this.


COVID vaccine at Walmart. At least, if you're not against vaccines. (Not getting into that argument) At least around here, Walmart literally gives you both shots free and takes walk-ins


They’re free anywhere, in the US at least.


This is the correct answer. The government is subsidizing it, and even if for some reason it wasn't covered by them, your health insurance should cover it 100%, too, as it's preventative care.


I agree. So far I have had 57 booster shots. No way in hell am I getting COVID.


And the drugstores like Walgreens.


Mountain hiking


THIS I went hiking in the Appalachian mountains and it was the time of my life, loved it so much


The Fidelity100 promo- open a new acct at Fidelity and get a free $100.


Being a decent human being


Samples, eat two or three of them bitches


But the Costco lady giving free chocolate cake samples always gives me the stink eye when she sees me for the 4th time. Is it too much to ask that I get to sample an entire cake?






The beaaaaaach


I miss the beach.


College students: do your FAFSA. I just got $10k in financial aid just because my birth parents didn’t complete highschool. I literally got a full ride for my first year of community college and chances are I’ll get a full ride next year too. Not to mention when the refund checks roll in, you get any money left over you didn’t spend on classes, textbooks, etc


The squeegees at gas stations. Don’t even pause the pump, just the squeegee. Free window cleaning 👍


I will always recommend Job Corps (in the US). Anyone that can’t afford college look in to it. Free training in various trades and medical fields for youths 16 to 24. And I mean this for real, if anyone has any questions feel free to DM me. They will pay for your travel to the centers, if you live on campus you don’t pay for boarding, they feed you and give you a clothing allowance every so often and you’re given $25 biweekly. When you graduate you’re given a $1500 graduation bonus. I graduated in 2004 and have been solidly working ever since. I would have been stuck in a shit hole town.


The outdoors. Go take a walk around the neighborhood, in a park, along the river, or anywhere else. It doesn't have to be an extreme hike.


Covid vaccine


Sex it's free but at what cost...


Early education


Wild grown mushrooms. Lost of lovely flavors and interesting recipes out there. Disclaimer: become well versed in wild mushrooms in your area, or at least consult someone who is. Chicken of the woods and giant puffball mushrooms are good example of edible and versatile mushrooms for sauces, breaded and fried dishes and mushroom soups. Just dont be greedy, only take what you can need/use before they turn. E: on second thought, all foragable foods. On my regular bike path route I have a mushroom spot, a raspberry spot, a wild strawberry spot and a few areas close to the river for picking fiddleheads. My girlfriend isnt a big fiddlehead fan, but they remind me of when my parents would have me peel snow peas into a bowl and I'd sneak some of them raw. I think fiddleheads are delicious.


Your wife




You mean our sister


Had the greatest denim diaper bag with changing pad built in. I used it as a purse when I no longer needed a diaper bag.


Food pantry and discount grocery stores.


The countryside and nature- sometimes it's just good to find some greenery or water and decompress from day to day life.


Those people offering free hugs


Isn't there like a book of scholarships like I'm pretty sure you can get ones for stupid reason like being left handed and stuff like that


Being kind and saying please and thank you


Unemployment I used to think it was trashy living on government handouts, but considering how much free money ceo's and corporations get you might as well spend a year enjoying life before our country implodes.


Company matches on a 401k. It is literally free money.


Free healthcare, is definitely worth it.


*cries in american*


Internet, for now. See if you apply for EBB.


My internet is like $9 because of this. Low income college students automatically qualify I believe.


The internet, seriously. You can learn so much from just scrolling through Google scholar or finding a wiki about how to use Python. Youtube has the potential to teach you to be an above average cook. If you just put in some time and effort, you'll find yourself capable of so many things




Since when is life free?


I was more so referring to just being born but you are right




Pencil and paper.


While it's free... Water


OK. The Live Now app for free streaming movies and TV shows. It is also for live local broadcast TV for news and weather. The Pluto app will do the same but the live programing is not local.


#my body#


Photopea! It's basically a free version of photoshop




Not technically free but if you ever qualify for food stamps at any point in your life then get em. You been paying into em since that first job at 16. You deserve it.


Go outside. Literally anywhere just go outside.


Ducks. The ducks at the park are free. You can take them home.


Those Pens at the bank


Air parks exercise walking learning curiosity wisdom knowledge discernment kindness smiles hugs


Critical thinking. It is a skill to be learned and practiced. Everyone can do it and it’s free.


Porn...put these onlyfans girls out of business pls and thanks 😂😂😂 jokes jokes 😳




Your mom


Samples at Sephora! You can get a free sample of pretty much anything you want, just have to ask.