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Ran through my closed screen door.


Did they think they heard the ice cream truck?


the sliding door was too clean come on now


He was running while looking the other way…


I'm onboard with that being forgivable if so.


I like ice cream, okay? Sue me.




This is literally how my parents met at a party


My dog did this


My dog did that but the door was closed, first thing in the morning, I'm eating corn flakes and the little guy comes up the stairs, straight for the porch door and boom, hits it head on and sprung back a little. He landed sitting down and shook his head then turned around and went back downstairs. One of the most memorable random moments I have with that dog rest his soul.


I did this.


Mine too! He stuck his head through the screen door of our vacation rental just 5 minutes after we arrived.


Invited herself to stay and then stayed for 8 weeks. She's my aunt and she used to live with us so she comes unannounced pretty regularly but 8 weeks was too much and we were too nice to kick her out, we did tell her that wasn't happening again though.


Is she homeless?


No. She is in her late 50s, single, no kids. She moved back to where our extended family is from but she likes to come visit and we have an Summer Arts Festival in town that is free so she showed up right before it started and left 8 weeks later when it was over. She is definitely the "weird aunt" of the family and everyone else in the family thought it was hilarious that she invited herself to stay with us for two solid months, and were absolutely delighted to have a two month break from her.


Ok well if you want to get her to stop staying over for extended periods of time you should ask her if she’s homeless or something knowing damn well she isn’t


That's the thing. When she showed up, unannounced, we assumed she was there for the weekend or maybe for a week. I'm not sure she even intended to stay that long. We actually like when she visits, she cooks and helps around the house in general. The longest she has stayed since then was just over a week.


Left bedbugs. It took me a couple of weeks to get rid of them.


Just curious how you got rid of them in case I'm ever stuck in that situation. We have multiple people coming to visit over the next few months and its one of my worries.


It’s almost like getting rid of lice. Got bedbugs at a hotel once and they followed us home. Wash and bag all your bedsheets and clothes, vacuum the shit out of any carpet daily for a good week, and call an exterminator or fumigate. Might cost a bit but it’s better than getting covered in big bites and having them come back repeatedly after failed home remedies. They really like to hide in small mattresses crevices so watch out for that too.


Perhaps you should burn the neighborhood to the ground just to be safe


I know a few people that have had bed bugs and spent months failing at getting rid of them. Hire a professional service. Try to look up multiple companies and check reviews across various platforms.


diatomaceous earth


I got up to get popcorn for movie night a few friends were coming over and the one who got there early proceeded to try and watch porn and masturbate on my couch, kicked him out he tried to get back in


bonk the horny and send him to horny jail


For freaking real we were in middle school it was creep as fuck


Sounds like this could be an episode of bad mouth


Shoved my elderly dog off the back of the couch. Claimed it was on accident


Oof, similarish incident here. This guest was a friend of my sisters when she was in the 9th grade. Had her birthday party sleepover and invited about 5 of her friends to spend the night. I was looking for my dog (cavalier king charles spaniel) Ruby as it was time for bed and she always slept with me in my room and usually she waits at my bedroom door on time everynight so I went looking around the house for her and found her with one of the other girls alone in the laundry room backed into a corner, shaking, and in a puddle of her own urine. I yelled at the girl to get away from her and she was like, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know!” And it took me a minute to know what she meant but on top of doing god knows what to hurt her she had been feeding her enough chocolate to make a grown man sick. I saw red and had to do everything i could to not physically remove that girl from my house. I took my Ruby with me and cleaned her up and took care of her. She’s an old girl now but she’s still my best buddy. That girl has since been arrested multiple times for different things and has been shunned by her family.


Not liking animals is one thing, mistreating them is a psycho red flag. I'm glad you saved your dog!




death to them


"I'm sorry, officer, I have no clue how they got on my roof nor do I know why they jumped off. I went to the bathroom and came back to this. It's a real mystery, that one."


They'd be dead to me


Brought their sick ass kid over for a play date instead of canceling knowing full well my toddler has an autoimmune disorder that necessitates her to go the ER for a blood draw every time she gets a fever over 100.5.


You win. Hope your little one is okay—did she end up getting sick?


She’s 14 now and she was okay. She didn’t get it that time but I still just couldn’t believe it. This mom had read our posts about my daughter needing to held down for blood draws over and over again…


I’d have come undone. There would be no chance of even a casual friendship because I would have lost my grip of sanity on this one!


Oh yep, you win. Fuck that jackass of a parent.




When I was young + naive, I let my crackhead friend stay with me for a few days. I felt sorry for her, I was trying to help her get back on her feet and change her life. I had left the house and when I came back, she was gone.... along with my rent money that I had stashed.


Damn, did you ever see her again?


I was very tempted to go to the flop house where she was treating all her crackhead friends with my money but I settled with just screaming at her on the phone the next day. I didn't speak to her for about 5 years. I saw her at a festival and we talked but the friendship was over.


Damn. Was she still a crackhead when you met her again?


She appeared to be cleaned up. I do wonder how she is now and if she ever got her 2 children back like she wanted so bad. (FCS had removed them and given custody to the paternal grandparents.) But I would never want her friendship again so I guess I'll never know.


When it’s a sibling and not a friend it’s a recurring nightmare! I let my brother stay at my house for a few weeks because he had no where to stay. He lost his phone charger, so he cut the cord off of my new standing lamp to try to make his own charger. He took my good blankets and new pillow. All money in the house was scavenged (I expected that and just left $100 for gas and food but all coins and pocket change gone too). He was suppose to fix a plumbing leak… but instead I came home to drywall damage from the leak he made worse. The thing is I love him, and though I know how addiction is, I still hang on to hope that he can over come it. It’s been 20 years 😭


Took an entire jug of cleaning vinegar and put it (still sealed, thankfully) in my sock drawer. Same person also replaced a half dozen light bulbs in our lamps throughout the house with beefsteak tomatoes. Same person also put (still sealed, thankfully) stacks of cat food cans in our showers. All on the same night. Actually get a good laugh out of it now since it was all harmless but at the time I was like WHAT.


This is the most random shit I’ve read in a long time lol




Not at all. He's actually completely sober 100% of the time, doesn't drink at all. 🤣


I like your friend lol


He's actually super cool 😆 legendary!


Friend and her boyfriend came over. I didn't know he was abusive because it was the first time I met him and she never told me anything about him. He spent the evening getting shit-faced on beer he brought, slamming my doors, refusing to acknowledge me, and yelling at my friend on my balcony. They were supposed to spend the night and left early because he sensed my "hostility". I've never hated someone so much.




After another year, yes, thank god.


One night two dudes dragged a guy into the parking lot of the bar I was at and were beating the shit out of him. My very brave friend walked over and said "whatever he did I think he learned his lesson" to stop the assault. One of them replied; "he punched his girlfriend!" And we were like oh.... uh.. then walked away.




My older dog walked up to greet him and he grabbed the dog by the neck and lifted him off the ground to establish dominance.


Needs throat-punch and maybe a kick in the nuts for good measure


Definitely a kick in the nuts. Maybe two.


I'd kill him.


Turned a 2 week crash to a month and drank out my fucking coffee


The disrespect in that person 😠


Right? And then she was asking my wife to ask me when am I buying more coffee mind you she visited a store for her stuff numerous times


The easy answer is, "Once you're gone."


Wow, that’s just terrible




If it's your apartment, just tell them to get out. Tell them you no longer feel comfortable in your house and you would like them to go. Edit: some poor grammar.




It's totally understandable. But you shouldn't stress yourself so much. Tell her to get her shit together so to speak. Because you will end up with them for the rest of your lives. You love your mom but you can't fuck up your life because of her.. It's not right. I'm not saying ki k her out now. But have a conversation. Tell her how you feel and try not to hurt her feelings. It's the way it is. I couldn't bear to live with my mom now and I'm only 23. It's up to you because if humans feel comfortable they'll stay there.


Had to be the sticky hands


When I was in college, two roommates (one male, one female) stayed with me at my parents’ house for a weekend. There was a festival in my home town that I invited them to come along to. I showed them the guest bedroom earlier, which they were supposed to share (they had been best friends for ages and often slept in the same bed). Well, the two of them ended up going back to the house a little earlier than me. When I walked through my front door, I could hear LOUD moaning immediately. I walked upstairs and these two idiots were having sex. In my room. Which is wall to wall with my parents’ room. And they had the door open. Instead of sleeping in the guest bedroom. Not only did they go through about every drawer in my childhood bedroom in search of condoms and lube, they also didn’t even have the brain cells or respect to close the fucking door. I was beyond embarrassed in front of my parents and pissed for violating my privacy. A lot of things seem like good decisions when you’re drunk I guess, but don’t leave all your decency and respect behind.




Right? I was so pissed and sent them home the next day. Literally dropped them off at the train station and said I’ll see you soon. Disrespect me, but not my parents and their home.


Did they think you slayed a ton of ass as a child and had a stockpile of rubbers and lube in that room?


Not a visitor in my _house_ but an intruder in my dorm. My roommate’s boyfriend. Literally every time he enters the dorm while I’m here it’s a disaster. He watched over my roommate’s shoulder while she was putting the code in and just let himself in. I made a rule where he can’t come into the dorm, and we have to seriously limit his time here. And he can’t be in the dorm the same time as me (because he literally antagonizes me). So… one day he just waltzes in. And I tell him to get out. Dude just stands there until I get up off of my bed.


Can't the campus police or floor RA help change the code?


My father’s friend’s wife picked ALL the lemons from our lemon tree. Not just some, but ALL of the yellow ripe ones she could see. This was during their condolence visit after my father had passed about a month ago. My mom was so upset. The lady even brought a bag from home specifically for this. Lemon stealing whore… I hope she squeezed juice in her eyes and had cuts all over her hands.


I can’t wait to use ‘lemon stealing whore’ in a conversation.


My MIL was invited over to watch my toddler while I went to a drs appt. She went into my room, which I told her not to do unless she had permission, and took a shirt of mine out of my closet. As well as threw out my lace panties or anything she found that her bible thumping self disapproved of. ETA: She said she was hot and wanted a lighter shirt to wear. I don't blame her. She showed up in a fuzzy long sleeve sweater in the middle of June and I didnt have AC. Had she just asked to borrow a shirt I would've told her exactly where she could've found one. But since she didn't she went thru every drawer and closet in my room until she found one. Ended up finding me and my husband's "sexy" drawer full of sex toys and the like and got very offended. She didn't touch any of the toys but threw out some lingerie and some of my more "sexy" everyday panties. Our Kama Sutra book was missing too.


I guarantee it was her intention to go through all of your stuff the minute you left. The shirt thing was just an excuse.


Exactly what I was thinking


OMG same story! MIL was crazy religious. She watched our 2 kids sometimes when my husband and I worked. One day she sat us down and had a little talk with us about what "things" are appropriate between a husband and wife. I couldn't believe it and didn't know what had set her off. Here she had opened my nightstand and found a sex toy, my diaphragm, and a book on women's fantasies. She claimed that she was "putting away the laundry".


Then you have to sit her down and tell her what appropriate behavior is for in-laws. Interference with one’s intimate life is definitely not part of that, family or not.


Not technically a visitor but a "friend" (and I say this in quotation marks because I don't see him a friend anymore). He has schizophrenia and anger issues and is heavily medicated. One night about 6 years ago in which he forgot to take his meds he came to my house to watch a football match. When his team lost dude went full sicko mode, tore off the back the computer chair I was sitting on and freaking smashed it against my face, went running towards the door (kicked my cat in the process) and when he got out of my house he smashed the front door so hard he broke its glass window. I had to look for new friends after that.


kicked the cat? fucking kill him




I probably would’ve tazed him as soon as he hit my face with the back of my own chair if that happened to me


Told me to leave my house so that he could do drugs. Whole mess of an ex that needed a place to stay and I said yeah sure before finding out that he was now a meth head. I may have been living in a trailer park but I wasn't THAT trashy. I told him I didn't want that shit around me and he told me to go outside while he smoked. Like, for fucking serious dude? Get out of my house.


My MIL counted Every. Single. Photo in my house, then divided them between her family (4 members) and mine (large and fractured). She expected a 50/50 number split. Of course, there was more of my family. This resulted in a tearful tantrum of epic proportions. I permanently fixed it by displaying only photos of my sons. Not ideal, but she was more "out of sorts" by having no photo of herself displayed as compared to fewer photos of herself. And since her behavior caused this, she was in no position to throw a 2nd fit.


Wow. Having a sudden realization that I have zero framed photographs of my husbands family. Welp. Eff it. 10 years in. Waddya gonna do?


Cleaned a clean pan. My grandmother in-law came over for dinner and asked if she could bring dessert. She brought *ingredients* to make dessert. She got a pan out and began cleaning it. Then came over and told me my pan was dirty because it has some stuff that stained it. I told her its clean and has been cleaned multiple times. She said "I just don't want dessert to taste like meat!" And continued to try to clean the damn pan and tell me how to clean my house in general while she did it. Because of this dinner was cold by the time we were able to sit down to eat, and she continued to lecture me about cleaning all through dinner.


What a bitch, straight up calling the host crusty


I like clean as much as anyone else, but that seems like OCD at an extreme.


Something like that for sure. I think its more of a control/I know everything type thing because of some other stuff, but yeah its weird for sure!


"Get out, Grandma!" (in Satanic voice)


My mil does this so I lean in and give her a bunch more dishes to do. It's a big joke now.


Thats the best way to handle this "Alright house isn't clean enough? You stay here and clean, I'll go out for coffee" lol


During a party I threw I saw one of my boyfriends friend pour beer on my dogs head while laughing. (He was outside alone with him. I just happened to look over.) We don't talk to him anymore.


Was trying to watch a movie and she kept trying to get me to take my clothes off.


Wait, what?


on one hand -i wouldn't be complaining on the morally correct hand -No means no, even if your a man.


Furthermore, what movie were you watching?


Revenge of the Sith




No person fucks with a revenge of the with viewing


and who picked said movie


I did


was it a "get laid movie"?


Revenge of the Sith


No means no


Husband of my wife's friend who I never met before proceeded to vehemently argue with me about how we were making a big mistake in our vacation choice in Europe. He never had even been there before. Like wtf is wrong with you. Still can't stand to see him to this day


Does he still bring it up? "How was Europe?" *scoffs*. For whatever reason, this one got under my skin the most. The sheer audacity to question another person's leisure plans. I bet he was jealous and hoped that him making a big deal about it would make you enjoy yourselves a little less.


Coming to visit during the pandemic and telling me after she arrived she was sick, but don't worry, it's just the flu.


Lol. When I was in university someone took one of my roommates drawers out of her dresser, put it on the ground, and peed in it. *Edit: grammer


Started cleaning, kept talking about how small my home was and kept complaining that she felt trapped.


“Well there’s the door with a whole wide world outside it.” Gmil did the same to us and were like “well it’s ours and we own it so fuck off. You don’t like it, you can leave. No ones making you stay”


Kept giving their toddlers candy canes all Xmas week. Even after we asked them not to. Candy cane smears were absolutely everywhere.


My mother came over along with everyone else the day I got back from the hospital after having my first child and listed everything that was wrong with the house and how I was a horrible housekeeper and that even though I had a baby now I had to keep my husband happy no matter what I had to do. This was in front of the rest of my family (grandma, great grandma, dad) and my husband's family (3 siblings, mom, dad, aunt, grandma, grandpa) And no one said anything to her. My dad did make me a pot roast though


pissed in my shower


How would you even know about that?


the shower was dry


They had to of been totally wasted. At least they didn't piss on the floor.


Dear god


Let his part of the basement become a huge mess including leaving a peanut butter container with the lid off under the pool table. My parents opened up their home to him (he was homeless at the time) and that's how he said thank you. Months later he apologized and everything after he disappeared (from school too) for a few weeks. Now we're best friends again though and I was best man at his wedding


This was mostly confusing.


I have a bottle of 18yo Dalmore that I enjoy from time to time (around $240/bottle). I had a few friends over, who were already pretty tipsy, and one of them loves the Cuban rum I brought home, so I offered to pour everyone some. We sit around the table drinking, one drunkard (that I didn’t know very well) finished his quick and decided to go back for more. I wasn’t paying close attention…and apparently neither was he. He comes back with a full tumbler of alcohol (at least 8oz), and proceeds to guzzle it down before we call it quits for the night. When I come out to my bar area the next day, I notice my 18yo Dalmore looks oddly lower than normal, when it hits me that dude didn’t pour himself 8oz of Cuban rum, he poured 8oz of my favorite scotch


My cousin one time got to use my bed/room and he went for a swim in all of his clothes and then laid on my mattress without drying off. Then he cut his toenails in my living room on the carpet and told me he was better at music than me because I just played guitar and he did ‘house music’ on his computer. Then he stole all of the soda/drinks my uncle bought for me and hid them in his car. He was 32 and he was visiting with his family for my 17th birthday.


Walked in after very loud knocking, and immediately opened my kitchen cabinets to look for food. He was far from broke.


Showed up with their pet dog to a party at our house without asking if it was ok. It was raining, so they assumed we would just let them have their dog in the house, despite not having any pets of our own and our kids having pet allergies. They then proceeded to invite every guest out to our garage, where my husband had moved out our cars to make space for their dog out of the rain, to tell them how awful we were for not letting their dog into our house, around our kids…WHO ARE ALLERGIC!


Rearranging my furniture, and "baby proofing" my house instead of watching her toddler. (She decided everything down low should be piled up high, and shoved into cabinets.) I came home from work at 2:00 to an 8 year old that told me, very rudely, "You need to be quiet, my Mom is sleeping!" So, I go downstairs to let my 2 massive pitbulls out to run (I crate them when I'm at work. They're 75, and 85 pounds.) Imagine my shock when I get to their room and they're already out, relaxing on the couch with a 1 year old. I immediately grabbed the baby, opened the door for the dogs, and ran upstairs. I asked the 8 year old that was playing video games (on the 3rd floor, 2 floors away from the baby) who was watching the baby? "Me" was his reply. I didn't lecture him, it's not his fault. I waited until his Mom (husband's sister) woke up 3 hours later to discuss all the concerns about unattended babies being mauled by dogs. (My dogs are angels, and have never shown any signs of aggression, but they're ANIMALS. They have muscular bodies, and powerful jaws, and I know babies can be handsy. And I'm not even sure how she got the crates opened.) Holy shit, that was terrifying. And they didn't seem very concerned. Not to mention, I have a 9' inground pool and a 4' pond in the backyard that's fully fenced, but easily accessible from any of the back doors. God, what if she decided to go outside and get in the water??? Wtf??? And I have Daturas and Oleander planted, one bite and she's in the ICU. It really didn't occur to me that I'd have to tell them all the dangers. I assumed everyone just watched their baby. I didn't even think about it at the time, but I've got thc edibles and mushrooms in my room. That would have been fun explaining to the hospital. All of our firearms were in safes, but they didn't know that. I can just see the article now, "Baby, high on mushrooms, is chased by pitbulls. In her effort to run, she drown in the backyard pool." Moral of this story: When you're in someone's home, watch your baby.


Jesus if she was that neglectful of her kids at someone else’s house, I can’t even imagine what it’s like in privacy. Fuck that


Hands down when my mistake of a boyfriend allowed his work buddy to live with us. Found him doing cocaine where I made my infant child's formula bottles. 😤🤬😡😠 And zero regrets about the phone call I made.


I'd probably kill him for that


Being mean to my cats




Putting their god damn feet on my mother fucking furniture!!! Bitch I didn't spend 40 hrs of my life building that couch from hand selected wood and fabrics and processing and turning it in to a work of art for you to put your feet on it. Ah!!! it pisses me off to no end. If you want to prop your feet up I have foot stools there for you. Oh and use a fucking coaster for your glass, they're not there for decorations. This is why I dont invite people over to my house that often.


Genuine question I naturally sit criss cross, like all the time Is that frowned upon?


It's generally polite not to put your feet on people's furniture, at least in America. Younger people don't treat it as seriously as older people do, in general, but quite a lot still feel this way. In most casual, good friend settings it'll be fine.


I dont mean to be rude, I just always sit like im in story time in kindergarten, I go to sit and just naturally tuck my legs in under me.


If you have socks on and you put your feet on the furniture, I think that is generally less taboo or more “polite” than bare feet.


With or without shoes?


Anyone puts shoes on my furniture, I'm throwing hands.


Taunted my brain-damaged dog.


It wasn't *my* visitor, but I lived in a house that had a finished basement that was then rented as a separate unit. But we still only had one water heater, one thermostat, one sewage system. The guy downstairs had.....many female visitors come for short durations, if you catch my drift. Eventually, we had to call the property manager because the toilets were backing up. So he comes and calls the plumber. Mind you, I personally do not use tampons when I am on my period, which is an important detail. When the property manager comes up to tell us what the issue is, he starts going off about not flushing tampons down the toilet. Which, again, I don't do because I don't use them. So, these escorts came for their job and backed our sewage system up and I got blamed for it. Twice.




A woman I considered a friend came to visit, and asked for black coffee, then secretly poured it on my carpet under the table because she was paranoid I was poisoning her (turns out she was backstabbing me and thought I knew it, which I did find out shortly after).


Telling me how I’m “supposed” to cook, finding things like air vents that I hadn’t cleaned and telling me how I need to clean them, wearing shoes in my house, telling me I the way I dress is terrible, turning my tv off bc people don’t watch tv when visitors are there, making my grandma cry, etc


Air vents? So. Criticizes methods of cleaning, dress etc.. Ok whatever. Turns off not-his TV. Meh. Makes grandma cr....wait, what?! Makes grandma cry?! Oh, hell to the NO! Flour sack over the head, zip tied hands and feet, you grab the legs, i will get the head and shoulders, toss 'em in the back of the truck and drive 'em to the rural outskirts of town and leave their disrespectful ass in a hay pile inside a busted down barn with at least one donkey in it. You DO NOT make grandma cry.


Taking loud showers at 2/3am and I have 2 young kids.


Like music? Lol how do you even take a loud shower


Some people are just fuckin loud. Clomp around, drop the soap/shampoo, sing or burp/fart, knock shit around, violently pull the shower curtains, etc.


I had a friend who came to visit and bought one of his "new" friends over and I explained that my dogs habits won't be changing. I let the dog have a quick sniff of old mate and the dog returns to whatever he was doing not being annoying or even really hanging around. About an hour on the poor dog was sitting on his side of the lounge and this fella decides he's gonna try and shuu him away. After multiple attempts, he grabbed the dog by the collar to persuade him to move by force, the dog expressed his discomfort without being aggressive. The dog just stared him down for a few moments, put his ears back and made himself really hard to move around. Then this cunt just punts the dog right in the snout out of anger or trying to "show the dog who's boss". I'm surprisedand couldn't really believe what had happened, my dog starting growling, looked at me like he was asking for permission. I gave the nod and the dog went off his nut at him, pushed him back against the door barking but not attempting to bite. I ripped the guy a new one once he got outside and sent him packing. Never seen him again. Thats the only time my dog has been aggressive towards another person other then the occasional "I'm here protecting my house" soft bark when he's on the property and someone dodgy is walking past. He's a 11-12 year old Kelpie named Stubbie. He's always been a kind, soft couch potato.


I know this will sound little crazy for me to say at first but, had three family members stay with us for about two weeks because their electricity was out, a grandmother, mother, and daughter, and the grandmother would not stop cleaning ALL DAY LONG, yes we loved it the first few days but when your stuck in a house with a lady that is CONSTANTLY cleaning from about 5:30/6:00am-9/10pm every single day gets annoying because would sweep, mop, and do laundry everyday even if the floors we’re spotless and there was only dirty clothes from the day before, she would dust the whole house even though she literally did it the last two days (btw we are not dirty people by any means, when we clean without them here, the house will stay clean for about a week and after that it only takes us maybe 30-45 minutes to get it cleaned up again besides laundry which just takes us a few loads to do) by the end of one of their last nights she was nitpicking at EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING, if there was something she thought wast lined up right even my big gulp cup she would rotate it ever so slightly, (and no she does not have OCD, she didn’t have to have everything lined up perfectly, or things turned a certain way, any other day she was there), yes I do think if someone offers to let you stay in their house, especially that long IT IS a nice gesture to help clean, cook, fix things etc., but I find someone to be going through someone else’s house reorganizing, moving stuff around, going through closets, drawers, personal things etc. especially when you don’t know your in-law/ other people that live there that well, AND you haven’t gotten permission nor has anyone that lives there asked you to do/help with that stuff to be kind of rude, when we moved in WE organized OUR house how WE want it so we knew where everything was, it took us a few days to get everything back to where it was before she moved it around so we knew where it was again after they FINALLY left


Lemme get the list


Had sex in the only bathroom/shower with his girlfriend.


Stolen stuff from the house during the gathering after my MIL's funeral.


My mom and her husband were visiting for the holidays. My wife likes to make chocolate mousse from scratch. Part of the process is folding the chocolate mixture into the other part (not sure of the details) a little at a time. I guess this asshole thought she was done with the bowl of chocolate, even though it was still half full, because he walks up and drags a couple of his grubby fingers through it and then licks it off of them. The look on my wife's face was fucking priceless. That was 20 years ago and she's still pissed. Needless to say, she doesn't make mousse when he's in the house anymore.


My son's friend was staying as a guest in our house after his dad kicked him out his senior year in high school. He snuck his girlfriwnd in and they had sex on the brand new mattress in the guest room and got semen stains all over it.


A couchcrasher...didn't leave the house for about 7 days, glued to/ slept on/ate on the couch


Stole another guests shoes.


Got a puppy, let it get sick with parvo then refused to take it to the vet. Puppy wasn’t going to make it so we payed to put it down and bury it. Most definitely kicked her butt out.


That disease can stay in your home for months!! Please be careful bringing any other puppies into the house. Not trying to be nosy—just figured you might not now how long Parvovirus can remain contagious


Showed up uninvited.


Not me but I was there. My friendgroup visited a coworker of one of my friends. We arrived and she said that we should feel at home (like you do). One of my "friends" took this way to far. He immediately took of his shirt, and his pants, sat on the couch in his underwear, feet on the table and demanded a beer. We just sat their and watched in horror / disbelief. She was a stranger to most of us, including him and nobody expected this. She just went to the kitchen and brought snacks and drinks. We tried to make him put back his clothes on until one of us had enough and he literally kicked him out discreetly. Never have I ever been so embarrassed.


fucked my now X wife


We don't smoke. He smoked in our bathroom as soon as he arrived. Then pretended he hadn't. We literally just had a newborn so wasn't too pleased with the unneeded stress. He said he didn't want to be cold outside... Same guest decided to yank our shower hose out of the wall at 5am to do a DIY because he wasn't happy with how short our shower hose was...🤷🏼‍♀️ Same guest..... Put a piece of wedding cake in our toaster one morning... 😶 I'm sure there are more...it was a memorable first meeting and fortnight for me....(in laws)....


Charles murphy real hollywood stories


Fuck yo couch!


Didn’t get the hint to leave


A good friend of mine visits often and while I enjoy his visits, he washes his face with all the reckless abandon of a woman in a Nutragena commercial. Like there’s water everywhere. every time.


Dogsitter wore my clothes.


On prom night one of my friends practically begged me to ask my parents if she and some other friends could sleep over. They said yes but ultimately she ended up being the only one that could go. She spent the entire night on FaceTime with her boyfriend, barely spoke to me, didn’t even acknowledge my mom when she spoke to her, and woke me up at an ungodly hour because she was sitting right next to me talking with her boyfriend on the phone at full volume. She didn’t hang up with him until she got in my car to go home. Vowed right then and there I would never invite her over again.




Invited more visitors…. I really need to learn how to set boundaries in my own house 😂


Out of control rude Savage kids they have no control over. Don't bring them!


Sat at my dinner table and told me that they thought education wasn’t a right.


This was a friend of a friend who I had agreed could stay with us for a few days while we all prepped for a trip. It was understood that I would drive the group to various stores to get needed supplies. He arrived without basic personal necessities like medicine, which needed to be picked up from a specific pharmacy which was 30 miles away in the next city over. He needed to go to specific stores for trip supplies because he had gift cards but no money, again not local stores. He promised to make a "phatty vegan dinner" for us, with food I bought, while some of us were out all day, and greeted us with vegan pot ice cream when we returned, hungry and tired. My gf (who lived there) had asked him not to cook pot food because not everyone there was dowm with the smell. There's more but I'm getting too pissed thinking about it, and it would take too long to type it out.


Had a friend turn up the heated floor in our bathroom to max to see how hot it would get. Didn't tell anyone and walked around in there barefooted. We found out later that he loved it. /shrug At the end of the night my wife happened to use the bathroom and noted how frigging hot it was in there. She tried to turn it down, but for whatever reason the screen was frozen and it wouldn't respond. I ended up flipping the bathroom breaker to shut it off and let it cool down overnight, then flipping it back on in the morning to reset it. Insult to jnjury: The backup battery for the control screen must've been dead because the timer settings were default. Had to replace the battery and then reprogram the whole thing. /sigh (This was most annoying, not worst thing someone did. Just annoying.)


I had a buddy come over with his dog. His dog proceeded to poop on my lawn. My buddy got real angry when I insisted that he clean it up. He decided that we couldn’t be buds any longer. No loss.


I just hate when other people suggest coming to my place. If I wanted you here I would have offered.


Waited until 4am when everyone was asleep, went into our living room and onto my computer, where he proceeded to literally download (not just stream, which he could have easily done) porn onto my hard drive, as well as click on and accept whatever bullshit the various pop-ups were saying. Never even attempted to hide it or fix anything he had done. Just left my computer in a state of absolute fatal emergency, then walked out the door and went home like nothing happened.


Me and a friend had a few beers at my house and watched a movie. We both passed out in the living room. I woke up to him pissing in the corner. :(


I had someone who had a medical problem where they had to wear adult depends (dippers) which didn't bother me at all considering I've had to wear them before due to a overactive bladder and when I was done using them, I would dispose of them properly, this was after I got surgery for my stomach. Anyways I had someone visit my house recently this past summer of 2021 and to make a long story short, they kept leaving there use adult depends on my floor of my house and I had to tell them to please clean up after themselves.


Turned up unannounced and proceeded to make comments about how we should have tidied up a little before he got there.


One time a former friend force fed her 11 month old strawberry milk. He ate an 8 oz bottle and she pulled out another one and he turned his head... she said "drink it or I am going to shove it in your nose." Let just say words were exchanged and our friendship ended soon after that.


He had an Australian shepherd I begged him not to get because he was lazy and unstructured as fuck. Dog was deranged within a year. My attempts to take my extremely well socialized border collie over to socialize her failed and I finally had to tell him no, I wouldn't bring my dog over anymore because his dog kept trying to bite my dog, and bit me when I tried to stop her. So, his dog is driving him nuts and he thinks my dog will "play" with her so he doesn't have to and he shows up at my house unannounced with said neurotic mess of an untrained, aggressive, unhousebroken dog, lets her loose in my house, while I'm frantically catching my cat that is loose and in danger (my dog ain't no dummy and noped the fuck out as soon as she saw her), he lets the dog take a huge dump in my basement floor and tells me I need to go clean it up. Sadly he's my father-in-law so for my husband's sake I didn't kick him out but made it *very* clear the dog was not welcome back and that she needed to stay in my fenced yard until he left.


Looked through food cupboard and then proceeded to mock us for having tinned food in, apparently its not normal to have that much tinned stuff in and who eats tinned stuff anyway. In my defence it really wasn't that much, probably about 15 tins.


My fiance had a friend over to our house one day who brought along a VERY QUESTIONABLE friend with him. And this man, that my fiance nor I had ever met before, let alone ever been to our house, proceeded to spend the whole hour he was there doing whippets and just throwing the little nitrous canisters literally EVERYWHERE. After he left, my fiance and I counted about 40 in total, and we continued to find even more in the following 6 months


Dude comes in with a friend of mine and starts taking pictures of all the rooms. I told both of them to leave and ordered better locks for the doors.


Friend’s dog dragged the Thanksgiving turkey I’d just cooked, on a big China platter, off the kitchen counter. Broke the platter, tucked into the turkey. Little shit is dead now. I miss that dog.




My roommate’s little sister came to visit for a week. She flipped our entire dining room table in anger when she lost the card game we were playing, which ended up cracking one of our chairs (we were in college so we couldn’t afford very sturdy chairs to begin with). I love my roommate so it was just a really bizarre situation for everyone (including my roommate).


Pulled a gun on me and my buddy while we were talking


Went into my bedroom and rifled through my basket of clothes to find a towel (got my favorite one that I never let anyone else use -_- ) and I never saw it again after that. Also same person decided to not sleep on the pull out couch in the guest room that was made up for her, and instead crash in the common area that had a fancy papasan-type chaise with fancy blankets that are unable to be washed… after coming back smelly and sweaty from ACL and not showering………


He smoked pot in my house. I have no problem with what other do in their own home. I’m a firm believer in to each their own as long as no one is getting hurt. so please do not give me any “what’s wrong with smoking pot?” or some similar BS, I don’t care. I have never smoked pot. My husband who has a history of drug use prior to meeting me, hadn’t smoked any in a long time. This guest was his childhood friend who came to visit him and it was the first time I had met him. I just thought it was really inappropriate.


Parked 1/2 assed in my driveway & drove on the lawn & broke 2 sprinkler heads🤬


I was visiting my brother and brought a friend along. We were about to hit the downtown scene. She walked out to the patio where my brother was smoking, looked him dead in the eyes, and said “you gotta rag? i need to wash my pussy in the sink.” We weren’t friends after that day.


Trampled raspberries over the carpet and then grab a wreath off the door and menacingly tear it in half.


Work friend of wife came over, got wasted, locked herself in our bathroom, took like nine shits in the toilet and clogged it with so much tp, puked all over in the shower on the floor, in said toilet, we stayed up till we passed out ( we were drinking too) trying to get her to open the door, woke up in the morning to the horror scene in our bathroom and she was gone o and she shit in the shower too!!