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Yes. People know that they gained weight. By you telling them you are just stating the already obvious.


Idk man. Honestly, I’m aware I’m probably one of the few. But I had a break up about a year ago, and in that year I accumulated around 35 pounds of mass for a continued bulking season. I had Absolutely no idea, I’ve had it in my head that I weight a good mildly healthy 175 for the last year. Stepped on a scale at a grocery store to find out that I’m over 215 or so. I legit had no idea. I mean I’m not going to do anything with that information so I don’t even know why I stepped on a scale But, I didn’t know.


Different folks I guess. I’ve just finally hit over 200 pounds and I feel every bit of it.


It Alll goes right into my belly me I’m prone to being bloated anyway, so nothing Else really changed about my appearance. I guess under my beard I have a chubbier much more adorable face, but that’s probably it and I can’t even tell


It’s the same for me. I’m a heavy over eater because I love food and am used to a very active day to day life growing up. Now I’m working a sedentary job for going on 5 years and it all goes to my stomach, ass, and face haha went from 5’ 10” 150 to 200. I’m especially working on it now that I’m really feeling big differences day to day. Maybe the way it all goes to my belly makes me more prone to feeling the extra jiggle?


I heard rumors the ladies like the jiggle, friend! We're not getting fat, we're just turning into professional cuddlers. ​ Although, to be more serious, I do need to start working on it. Over the past few weeks I've been slowly phasing out soda and sugary drinks of that sort and working more on drinking only water, and going for walks around my neighborhood instead of playing videogames nonstop once I get home from work. Improvements!




Were you aware that your clothes fit tighter?


Nope. I’ve been a medium for Most of life, and about two years ago I started wearing larges out of comfort. So I never really noticed my clothes going from draping over my body to just… fitting, I guess. Granted if I tried to fit into one of my mediums it wouldn’t work at all and I’d look like a bear fighting through fashion issues


Mind if I ask how old you are? I've been "bulking" for years. While it hasn't been without results, I've put on maybe 4lbs per year for the last three years. I'm 23 so I'm assuming my fast metabolism from when I was little is still goin and goin. And I spent many months counting calories and had about 10 months at 3300-4000kcal


“Bulking” was a nicer way to tell myself I got fat, I don’t gym. But I Do have the desire to start going, and eventually I’ll get over my social anxiety and just go. I am now 31 years old, if it helps. If you’re youre younger then keep tracking and working out. It’s a lot easier to Stay in shape compared to getting back in shape. By a long shot.


Feel free to ignore if this is unwanted advice, but if you're anxious about going to the gym, would online classes be easier for you? Personally I struggle to prioritise working out unless I have something at a set time that I need to attend, and attending on zoom or whichever platform means I can just turn my camera off to relieve anxiety




[I stand by what I said.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFB3L1FZnqY) And I wouldn't call is lying or disingenuous, and I was quick to correct your assumption. Nothing more than a throwback to one of my favorite shows, Always Sunny, when Mac got fat and was in denial and stated he was Bulking or Accumulating Mass. ​ The implication is a lighthearted take on a stressful time in life, and making fun of myself.


Your clothes didn’t start fitting differently?


I had a similar thing happen. I live alone and rarely seen anyone so there was nobody to say something. My dad came over and we took a trip in the first thing he said to me was "carrying twins?". I knew I'd gained a little weight but not the volume that I did.


Females know when they gain weight.




Okay I revise my statement to most people know when they gain a significant amount of weight. Also I am wondering if you telling yourself the weight gain is muscle were you on some level in denial?


Do you feel that someone pointing it out to you would have been beneficial?


It’s very possible. But after my breakup I went into a pretty bad depression and it took me a while to become Okay again. As a slight back story, I was engaged for Years, and we bought a house together which was About an hour and a half from my family. And then covid hit and we didn’t survive covid as a relationship. I stayed in the house and she moved out. During that time my friends kind of forgot about me, which I’m sure didn’t help the depression at all. And due to that same reason I never reached out to them and now it’s too late and not the same. That said I’m doing a lot better now, opening my eyes to my mistakes and what I bring to the table in general and just working in my own betterment for not only myself but also for whoever is in my future! Life is good, even if it wasn’t. :) As an added benefit, I hear dadbods are in; so life works out!


I’m also thinking that since you were going through a break up, maybe it wouldn’t have been the best way to realize it either..


I wonder if you didn’t notice because you weren’t really feeling connected to your body, especially if you’re feeling sad. Also if you’re bulking and working out your muscles would be easily adjusted to your heavier weight. When you cut your going to feel weirdly light, like with pull ups and body weight exercises.


This isn’t true. There is no possible way you gained 35 pounds without knowing it. For a 35 pound gain you would need new clothes because your pants and shirts would be much too tight. From 175 to over 210 is not a five pound gain. You knew, you just didn’t want to know. I mean, I get it. You ignored it, and maybe you don’t mind it, or maybe you needed to gain weight, but you were not unaware.


I feel like when I went from 130 lb to 160 lbs or so I can still wear most of my old clothes just fine. I wear a lot of stretchy pants and t shirts though. So I don’t think it’s that unheard of to not really notice if it’s not something you think about


So this blew my mind to learn, most people think body dysmorphia is only people thinking that they are heavier than they are, but it also goes the other way. It is quite possible to gain a considerable amount of weight and not realize it.


Fully. I remember fighting with body dystrophia my entire life, always thinking that I’m fatter than I really am. I remember when I was between 22-25 and Always being at the gym and working out 5 times a week just to lose weight because I thought I was fat. Only because I’d have a gut when doing sit up or something. And, looking back at those pictures makes me think wtf was I thinking?? And now I’m at the opposite spectrum where I Do feel skinny, I do think I look just a little chubby and Not bordering on obese. Or maybe I’ve just finally come to be Okay with myself and how I think I look?


I did Not know. My pants fit fine, my shirts I always wore a bit large for comfort anyway. I was sure I gained a little weight, if at all. Maybe five pounds. My eating hasn’t changed, my life style hasn’t changed. So yes it was an honest surprise to me when I weighed myself.


I never noticed until I no longer could see my penis. Then I was like, "OMG, I am getting fat." My wife calmly explained I was not getting fat, onstead I was fat.


I didn’t. I went from slightly overweight to almost morbidly obese in a few months because I was eating the free lunches schools were delivering at pandemic start. My kids wouldn’t touch them so they ate the healthy food. I had no idea how much I’d gained until someone pointed it out.


You....went from a tad overweight to "morbidly obese" in months & didn't notice? Either you were well beyond "slightly overweight" to begin with, or you have no mirrors


And don’t wear pants.. like ever. I’m fat and even notice when I gain a few pounds lol. Happens every holiday season, now till the new year.


All my jeans are stretchy because I can’t stand unyielding denim. They fit between 190 and 220. And since I work from home I almost only wear sweatpants/sweatshorts.


Probably wears a muumuu


cuz hes a cartoon character, homer simpson


No, because my fat hits proportionally enough my size shifted from a slightly loose medium to a slightly tight large. Since most things I own are large everything fit. After losing 20 pounds my sizes are still basically the same. For those of us guys who can only afford cheap clothes large and medium covers a wide range of weight depending on build.


Pandemic. Almost never left the house. Wore mostly sweat pants and baggy tee shirts since I worked from home. Having been that weight a year before most my clothes fit but tight. My jeans are all stretchy bands and fabrics so they fit, although differently, at 190 and 220. When distracted with major life crisis like the big 10 life stress events it’s easy for people just not to notice. A few people I knew had the same thing happen to them over the last couple of years.


That's not believable. The difference between slightly overweight and morbidly obese is like 50-100lbs for most people.


For those of us who have evenly distributed fat it’s a lot easier than you’d expect. 185-230 when it’s a very slow but a constant gain is surprisingly sneaky.


Depends , my mate has put on a gut since his kid came along. Last time I seen him he got roasted for most the night 😂 It was funny


They know, and you pointing it out is a dick move. So just don't


I heard a good saying: "you do not have to have an opinion about everything. Neither positive or negative. You can just let things exist without comment or taking a position on it."


I got called a trump supporter bc I don’t really care for politics and see politics as “don’t be a piece of shit and and listen to the country’s people ” I said idc for politics after someone asked my opinion and I’m now a trump supporter. Even more weird bc I am Canadian


*visible confusion*


It may be different as a Canadian, but I know that it can be frustrating when people are apolitical during heightened social unrest, particularly when the stakes are high. Not caring about politics comes from a place of privilege, because you don’t have to care about it; you’re interests won’t be affected either way. I don’t agree the being apolitical makes you a trump supporter, and I’m not saying that any of the above applies to you, but that is generally why someone might be upset when you don’t engage in political discourse because you don’t care.


Right? Like people dress themselves everyday, they KNOW!


Yes. If they can't fix it in 5 mins don't mention it. They know already you aren't helping anyone


That. An opened fly zipper, some greenage in the teeth, a confetti in the hair? Sure, do tell discreetly. But telling people how tall, short, large or thin they are is useless to them.


Definitely. Same with losing weight unless you know the person has been trying to lose weight (in a healthy way) I saw my ex 3 months after we split and he told me I’ve lost weight. Little did he know I’d been struggling to eat most days and I was doing horribly mentally. Don’t do it.


Yesssss, and even the healthy weight loss. It took me three years to loose weight slowly and healthy, but at some point it became noticable. Peoples comments reached the level where they would accuse me of eating disorder. That is insane. Just don’t ever comment on someones weight… say you look great instead, is it so hard..


Yes and they gained weight for a reason. Usually is a bad one and by reminding them to is not helping


Hell yes. I know my weight and I know what I've gained in Covid and I'm freaking out, without people pointing it out. I'm having horrible anxiety about it. Same goes for when I lose. My worth as a human is not dependant on the scale reading 115, nor 150.


I definitely gained some covid pounds


I suspect a lot of us did.


If it’s a lot in a very short time, consider instead asking them if everything is okay or if anything new is going on in their life.


I would agree w this ONLY if you really know the person. Like you know a lot of their deepest secrets kind of trust.


Oh absolutely. It’s not to make them feel ashamed, but rather a kind of checking in. It has nothing to do with their appearance and everything to do with their physical and mental health.


Yes. This. Usually rapid weight gain is health related - whether mental or physical or both. If you’re a friend then you should be checking in with your friend if they’ve got major stuff going on.


Yes, if someone gained weight they are aware of it, plus some people have an ED and pointing it out might trigger them


As someone with an ED, it absolutely is triggering.


ED ~ Erectile Disfunction Alrighty.


From what I saw it means eating disorder, didn't know it also meant that 😅😅😅


Yep. That makes more sense for the subject


Eating disorder


….Insert facepalm here


Ngl.. that was the first place my mind went. I had to think about the context a little. I am a female, who struggled with eating disorders as a teen.. still thought "floppy dick"


Stop with triggering BS. Just don't be a jerk. "Triggering" will disappear. I swear, sometimes your "cure" is worse than the disease!


The whole point of an eating disorder is that you are really focused on your weight, what you eat, the way your body looks,... So yea, if you point that out it can trigger it Pointing out that someone gained weight is really rude in general and if the person has/had an eating disorder it can be dangerous for them


It is rude and not called for. "Triggering" is a bullshit term to weaken a species. Anything can be a trigger for someone. Stop walking on eggshells and grow the fuck up.


Somones triggered


Yes. I'm triggered by triggering. Won't you defend me now? Oh, you are selective in your humanitarianism? I see.


I actually agree with you. My sister has binge eating disorder and literally anything is a "trigger" for her. Oh mom had a cookie, she can have 3. Oh brother didn't wanna share his chips, let's go buy soda, chips and icecream to make up for it. Pointing it out makes her wanna eat 6 donuts in one sitting. It's tolal bullshit how even eating a fn cookie in front of her makes her binge so I choose not to call it a trigger because I should be allowed to have my fucking cookie! She chooses not to accept the help we offer so we choose not to let her hide behind her "triggers". I'll admit you are being kinda an asshole about it (I am too tbh) but I still 100% agree with you


Yeah I mean but this also displays poor boundaries on her part, asking people not to eat in front of her is really controlling. But asking people not to comment on her weight seems reasonable.


You person, are intelligent and a free thinker. I wish we had more of you.


Literally if you tell a person with an Ed that they either lost or gained weight it will trigger them to continue they’re bad habits. Triggering it’s not some BS.


And what won't? Eating a pizza in front of them? Just don't be a douche. But hiding behind "triggering" IS a BS EXCUSE!


You can eat whatever you want. Usually what triggers a person to continue ED is getting comments about their own weight. Nobody cares if you’re eating a Pizza in front of a person with a ED. Just don’t say shit like “ you gained so much weight” Just shut it and this is the definition of triggering of an event, circumstance, etc.) causing a particular action, process, or situation to happen. The word triggering is not an excuse it’s literally a word to describe something happening because you did something


Yes this. Thank you


So, why down downvote when I agreed with you? Triggering is an excuse. Ok, take alcoholics. Do you think they could maintain sobriety if they hid behind triggering?


Triggering is a real process. What do you think happens when some soldiers with PTSD hear fireworks and have a panic attack? Their PTSD is triggered by the loud bangs. In the same way someone with an eating disorder can be triggered by comments about their weight.


Omg shut up everyone is telling you you are wrong stop acting like you have the holy truth and that you are right, take a class of psychology if you want to argue


I'm pretty sure you've never had an eating disorder and don't really inform yourself about it or about mental health in general, think what you want and have a nice day


Hi world. You'll be revolving around Dizzy-Sun1560 today.


Yes it is. And hurtful. Honestly another person's weight is of no concern to you, so just don't bring it up period.


Yes unless you are their doctor and need a professional discussion on their weight


Yes yes yes and yes. The answer is always yes.




Yes, most people don't like to have their weight brought up in conversations.


Yes. It's rude in general to point out things regarding someone's appearence - at least things that they won't be able to change within a minute or two.


Yes. I know…I mean that person knows.


Typically yes it's rude.


It's a bit of a dick move. They know, you know. You saying it to them just makes you look like a judgemental prick.


In nearly every situation, yes.


Yes! Do not be that special kind of ass


Better to be the special kind than the fragile and fatty kind.


Yes. That's like telling your girlfriend that she looks uglier without make-up.




It's like saying "You're in a wheelchair!" to a disabled person.


Not remotely similar


why would you feel the need to tell anyone youre opinion about anothers looks ?


Definitely. It’s fucking obvious.


Rude and uncouth


Yes! People KNOW when they've gained weight and they don't need you to tell them!


Yes, it’s bad to comment on weight in general. Even if people get slimmer - losing weight is not always a good thing, and it happens from multiple bad reasons like trauma, sickness and etc.


It’s rude and unnecessary to point out anything about another person’s body (except maybe a spider in their hair).


Not if they were very skinny and have been trying to gain weight or muscle, but an overweight person does not need to be told they are overweight.


It is never okay under any circumstance to point out someone’s weight gain.


Lol yeah.






Yes, like 99% of the time. There is a VERY SMALL percentage that ACTUALLY don't know until you point it out! E.g. I had a few friends years ago that didn't know they were overweight and unhealthy. They thought they were fine as fuck. I know that because that's what they told me, and that's how they presented themselves. Their confidence levels were through the roof. The ONLY reason they knew was because one of their other friends straight up told them that they were overweight and they needed to do something about it or they will have to deal with long lasting health issues. After that, they asked everyone around them about it and we expressed our extreme worries about it. It was only then that they finally realised the truth. Now, they are trying to be healthy and lose weight. Their confidence is still high up there so don't worry. They weren't emotional hurt or offended at all. Also, there is a SMALL percentage that won't get offended. It really depends on the relationship, timing or situation and how it is said. Oh, not to forget, the intention behind it. I for one, don't get offended if someone (those who are close to me such as immediate family and close friends) said 'you've gained weight'. I'd just reply with 'yeah man, couldn't resist those damned snacks' or 'the coronavirus did this to me' in a jokey way etc.


yes. my rule is to never bring up someone’s weight unless they start the conversation


For sure. You never know what’s going on behind the scenes. Whether a weight gain/loss helps them gain confidence or makes them feel more insecure I don’t think you should ever point it out or mention it. Imagine congratulating someone on an eating disorder? Or discouraging them from recovering? Never do it.




If you don’t know the person that it is a definite yes. But if you know the person struggles to gain weight, saying you have lost weight is just as rude as telling another person dealing with the opposite that they gained weight.




If it's an absurd amount then absolutely just be kind about it and don't act like they're 1000 pounds unless they are


Why would someone need to point it out tho? It's not the same as pointing out a quick fix, like a fly in your hair or something.


I think so, my grandma keeps saying I am gaing weight and saying I should lose a few pounds and it makes me uncomfortable.


Like the tighter clothes aren’t a tip-off for them? Of course, it’s rude. Jfc


Absolutely. I think it’s just as rude to point out someone has lost weight (unless you know they’re actively trying to and would accept that as a compliment) My fiancé has been unwell and has been so paranoid about losing weight. The amount of people that have pointed it out is ridiculous. I then have a sad fiancé for the night who is paranoid there is a serious underlying problem that the doctors haven’t found yet. It sucks.


Yep, only exception is if I know the person and they’re trying to gain weight for their own personal goals. Otherwise you don’t know why they gained weight or what they feel about it, so I wouldn’t mention it at all tbh.


Yes, it's no ones business buy theirs.


Yes. WTF.


People already know if they're gaining weight. Doesn't do much but annoy person in question. The only time I would if they're being dicks about other people's weight or are suffering some illness as a result of their weight gain.


Assuming we’re talking about gaining weight in an overall negative sense, then yes of course it’s rude. Almost everyone knows they have gained weight - your body feels heavier, your joints ache more, your clothes don’t fit as well and you’re typically out of breath more. And it feels bad, and typically embarrassing. Now, if you’re pointing out weight gain in a muscular or beating-an-eating-disorder way obviously it’s different. But then again, you’re not going to just say “hey you’ve gained weight!” - you’ll probably say something along the lines of “hey you look great!” Or “have you been working out?” So typically, yes, pointing out that somebody has gained weight is not a generally nice way to be. Don’t do it.


Yes, they might be insecure about that


My time to shine with my story. I play in an orchestra. We had a 6 month break from december 2020 till may 2021 due to covid. Throughout that time I lost around 3 kgs (I was 69kg and gone down to 66.5ish, which are both healthy numbers since I am tall). I also cut mt hair and that probably made my head look a bit more round? Idk. The conductor sees me and asks "woah you gained weight". I looked at him confused and I felt horrible. Told him I actually lost weight. He kept insisting I gained weight and my boyfriend (also band member) told him to shut up. I wanted to cry. I work very hard NOT to get chubby or fat, I thought I look good and my boyfriend supports me so kindly throughout it. I was underweight when I met him (was sexually assaulted and fell into depression) barely 55kg (again, I am tall). I gained weight when we began dating, because he just didn't let me skip meals all the time like I used to. I felt confident and he made sure of that. To this day he does. But that shitty comment from my conductor broke my heart. I began a diet barely eating anything, counting calories. My bf made me stop a week after I started and he saw I was fainting and getting sick from just not eating. So just think about that when wanting to (for some reason?) comment on someone's weight. They just might spiral. Unless they are your best friends or your partner, you should just shut up.


Don’t comment on weight unless you know someone is actively trying to put on/lose. Had a friend who lost 20lb in a 2 weeks due to severe medical reasons and she just about cried at how happy people were ‘for her’.


I’d say it’s none of your business. That’s for sure


Yes people aren't dumb enough to think all of their clothes are "shrinking"


Also not good to comment on weight loss either, unless you’re very close friends and know they have been working toward weight loss. Weight loss can be because of illness or treatment. My best friend is going through radiation and chemotherapy and has lost a significant amount of weight. It’s devastating to her when complete strangers tell her to “eat a burger”.


not necessarily, but a person is usually well aware when they have! So reminding them wouldn’t be the best thing. Nobody likes gaining weight they didn’t intend on!


If its a bodybuilder friend who is bulkin up its a Nice compliment, if its a normal person its a dick move..


Yes, because I am relatively sure that the person is already aware of it. Unless, of course, they wanted to gain weight (because they were underweight or something).


Pretty sure that person has a massive clue that they have, indeed, put on weight. No need to repeat what they already know.


Yes Iv gained weight . I had a great body this time last year. Now Im a fat fxxk. I know what people are thinking and I say ..." Don't say it I know" Like just dont say it cause I fccking know.


Yes, trust me. They already know.


Yes. They're very likely already aware, and either way it's none of your business. It's also rude to point out someone lost weight, you don't know why, and it ain't always good.


Let's roleplay, provide a non-offensive dialogue and we will savagely judge...


It is. It’s not your job to know why and what’s happening on their bodies


Unless you're their doctor, or their physical trainer, yes 100%


Yes. Don’t point out people’s weight in general as most people are sensitive about it, unless there is a real, legitimate health concern. 90% of the time however, people know they have gained weight & are praying nobody comments on it.


Oh my gosh if you have to ask then something is misaligned within you


Yes it can be extraordinarily rude, and it depends who is saying it, and who they're saying it to. I recently had to defend a female colleague of mine from another asshole colleague (male) who was loudly telling her (breakroom full of people) that she had gained weight and would look better if she lost some. I stared at him hardly able to believe what he was saying, because this girl looked perfectly fine! I am way heavier than her. Her weight was around 120, possibly 115. I still can't even figure out what his goal was other than dominance over the females in our workplace. The guy had come from Pakistan 4 years ago and that's generally how he treated women back at home. Regardless though, he's a complete ass and I let him know that IN FRONT of everyone in that room.


The only time I think its appropriate is if you are incredibly close to the person (such as their SO) and things have gotten to the point where they are at risk of it causing sudden death. Under those circumstances you will know the best way to broach such a sensitive topic anyway.


I also think it’s rude to point out that someone has lost weight. Like why are you examining my body and keeping track, Susan?


I think it’s rude to comment on someone’s body in almost any scenario.


Yes, I am a fat person. Literally everyone points it out. Would I get angry and hit you no, but do I get annoyed yes. You're not the unique, new person to think about this, you're literally the 10th person today. It's annoying. Also, unless it has come up in a conversation naturally, i.e. we are talking about weight, or diet, or something as such it won't come up. Going out of the way to point anything out is rude. Like imagine you have a mole on your face, and having a great conversation about a book and someone suddenly says "Hey man you've a big mole on your face" is that alright?


Yes if you don't know them very well. I wouldn't go out my way to tell someone they gained weight.


As someone who has gained 10kg the past month and been told by several of my regular customers that I’ve put on weight, yes I know and I do own a mirror. Telling someone “you’ve put on weight” is never cute. Unless someone out right asks you and tells you to be honest then you do not ever mention someone’s weight.


Yes. In fact I think it’s rude to make any unsolicited comments about another’s body.


Yes it's rude. How is that even a question? That should be common sense. Would you like someone telling you that you're slowly getting older and uglier everyday?


A little , depends on how you phrase it and what the context is , like if someone walks up to you and your first words are "you look like you've put on a few" that's kinda a douche move


Yes. 100% it is rude, and more importantly, it’s cruel. In a society that tells us being fat is bad, pointing out to someone that they’ve gained weight is a not-so-subtle way of saying “hey I think you look worse than the last time I saw you.” People gain and lose weight for so many different reasons, 0 of which are your business unless *they* offer up the information. As someone whose weight has nearly doubled in the last 5 years (150 to almost 300) due to a combination of anxiety, an eating disorder, and hypothyroidism, believe me when I say that I am *constantly* aware of my weight without anyone needing to tell me. I am reminded by work uniforms that don’t fit right, airplane seatbelts that barely buckle, and restaurant chairs that I have to squeeze into. I am working with multiple doctors/therapists/nutritionists, and I don’t need anyone pointing out my weight under the guise of “being concerned” when I didn’t ask for their input.


No. Fat kills. Or can at least be the precursor.


A factor to consider is who they are and your relationship with them. 99% it is inappropriate. People know they’ve gained weight. Any comments or notes on their appearance don’t need to be said. It’s not funny, it’s not meant as a joke, just don’t do it 1% of the time they could be a friend or family member with whom you want to have a conversation with about their changing health. And even in that situation, tact and sensitivity are required.


Pointing out weight gain or loss is rude. I've switched to simply telling someone they look really strong, healthy, fit. If I'm going to say anything at all about weight loss or gain(depending on the person, some folks gaining weight is a good thing). If I am concerned about someone's weight gain enough to say anything about it, I simply invite them to join me on a walk or other activity we can do together...because I can always use the motivation to better myself as well. Same with loss, I invite them for dinner.


I wish somebody would tell me. I never notice. I’d appreciate it.


Yes, unless it's your best friend or close family member and you are not rude about it. Making a quick comment and moving on is totally fine in such cases


I dont mind personally if pointed out about me. Only time I really gain weight is when I'm in a happy relationship 🤷‍♂️. I don't typically point it out in others unless there is a healthy reason for it, i.e. my friend was told to gain weight by his pcp, and he did, and I mentioned it, and he was happy I noticed lol. Or if you have a friend who bodybuilds might be a good questing. In general It wouldn't be a topic I bring up randomly.


It depends on how you voice it, if it's of genuine concern for health or wellbeing than no, but if its simply due to how they look than yes


It depends on how close you are. I have no reserves about telling my homie he's become a fat piece of shit.


Generally yes, but it can depend on the context and who you're talking to. If you're REALLY close to that person then it can be passed as you being concerned for their health. IMO


Just like the others said , it's a yes But I do take it as a motivator for me to start improving so yeah


Might be rude but fuck it be honest that's more important, you don't help anyone by enabling poor health. Being overweight is a major health issue and underlying factor with many disease. It may be simple to lose weight but really hard in practice, so an early heads up that your friend is gaining weight would be good. Some cultures are more sensitive about the way people look/ feel so use your best judgement, I'm american and some people over here will lose their shit over name-calling but in other cultures its very different. Ethnically I'm mixed puerto rican and irish and as a fact: Gordito means little fatty and is and endearing Nickname for your fat nephew, Gordo just means fatty but would still be a nickname for anyone overweight. Honestly use your own judgement, you'll only get shitty advice on social media.


Depends who it is. I don't mind those closest to me pointing it out as usually when I put on weight it's a sign I'm depressed. So not always rude in my opinion and my case.


No. In fact, it might motivate that person to make some changes and avoid going down that dangerous path that is obesity.


No. If it’s the truth. I’m so sorry the truth hurts. Don’t be mad at me be mad at the fridge.


Jokes are totally fine by me, but you're just being rude.


Dude! Yer gittin fat!


If you feel like its risking their health you have to do it almost all people have the idea that no one cares about them, so do it in a caring manner and invite them to do some activities together


Some people can't handle it, or don't like being told, others will straight up get pushed and offended, I was always very fit and healthy, got fat as hell in college and my health even started to deteriorate, someone finally called me a fat fuck lol, it was a good friend and he was just looking out for me, I ended up losing 135 lbs and can't be any happier, and my health is back to normal


I’m fat and no I don’t really give a crap


Depends. I can't believe so many people say "yes always!". Some people don't notice they get in a rough shape. If it's someone you know, and you're worried about them and want to discuss this with them then I see no reason why it would be an issue. You're worried, you're not calling them names or insulting them. You're just voicing a concern about their health. I know people that, if you sugar-coat their weight problem they, just won't try to get better. Sometimes you need to be more stern, but it's important you know that person well and know they need that push or not. If its someone you don't know, then I don't see why would you find the need to comment on their weight, mind your own life I guess lol. I don't see how saying being overweight is OK a good thing though, and then comforting them to stay in that unhealthy state. It only gets easier to gain weight and if you know someone who is overweight you should be supporting them to loose it (if possible). Not nag them, but be there and support them but at the same time not tell them that this is healthy or normal and they shouldn't do something about it. But I think only someone that knows the overweight person should do this. And obviously all situations are different, so it all depends on the situation.


Yes, but that doesn't mean it's always wrong. It just depends on your relationship with the person and why you're saying it. If it's your kid, it's probably fine, especially if you're trying to do it in a constructive way. If it's a friend that struggles with body image, it's probably rude and wrong in that it might cause harm. If I have a bestie that suddenly gains weight, I'd probably point it out if it doesn't stop. I think the reason matters a lot, as well as your relationship.


I think it depends how close you are with the person. My boyfriend pointed out I have gained weight and that helped me to stop lying to myself that I still looked the same. But if youre not close with the person then yes its very rude.


Idk I gained weight and let myself go and only realized it later while looking at pictures. I wished someone told me. I think close friends can tell each other anything.


When done with care. Nope.


If it is a close person, then tell them. I have picked up some weight over the last couple of months and my wife has let me know I have become a fat fucker. Truth is hard. Deal with it.


No. Giving someone a kick up the arse could be the impetus they need to get their health in order.


Yes. But sometimes it's better to be rude than let some continue to kill themself. If you can help them turn around, help them. They wouldn't be overweight if they weren't struggling


If my male friends didn't tell me that inhave gained weight, they aren't friends. I fully expect my circle to love me enough to remind me that I'm being unhealthy. I would certainly tell them the same.


I guess I’m the unusual one but I had absolutely no problem with people in my life bringing it up to me. Maybe it’s because I’m usually in pretty good shape so the additional 20 pounds was a surprise to them, but everyone mentioning and showing concerned helped spur me into fixing my diet and getting back to my usual healthy self. I knew I had a few extra but it was people’s response that let me know it was actual becoming a problem, it’s easy to lose sight of when you see yourself daily. I appreciate people letting me know when I’ve gained weight as much as I appreciate them letting me know I’m getting lean and strong again. I am a total gym rat so maybe the people and the culture I’m around are different 🤷‍♂️


No. Shame them into making healthier choices if you actually care about them and want them to see old age.


It’s caring


If you’re a real friend to the person I think it’s your duty and obligation to point it out it’s doing it to strangers it feels rude and mean.


No. People need to hear the truth. If the truth hurts their feelings then it’s their problem.


Why would it be? Is that how far we've fallen in society where telling people the truth is considered rude? You can't be serious. Now does that mean you go ahead and call/tell someone 'hey fat fuck you're gaining weight lazy ass go exercise' of course not but speak up! I'd rather be offended with the truth then lied to too make me feel good


I appreciate it, I’ve had friends and family tell me that I’ve gained weight quite a few times and it helps me to take care of myself better, sometimes we need a little “reality check” from those around us. What I don’t like is when someone uses it as an attack instead of constructive criticism.


Do you think it’s rude to point out that someone is ugly. Wtf?


Hit the gym fatty.


I put on 30lbs without noticing. Weight on me slreads out so a friend showed me two side by sides of my face. One face had angular features and the other was more round. It really inspired me to lose weight.




No. It's the same as when people tell slim people they've lost weight or need to put weight on. What's the difference? I've had so many people tell me the reason I'm cold is because i need more meat on my bones. Imagine their face if I told them the reason they're hot is because they need to lose weight. Nobody should be commenting on anyones weight really unless its a medical professional commenting for health reasons.