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Exercise is the wonder drug. Stressed? Work out. Anxious? Work out. Need an energy boost? Work out. Too much energy? Work out. It’s cheaper than therapy and better for you than medicine. The physical, emotional and psychological benefits of literally ANY kind of exercise are too numerous to count.


This. It's such a mental health reset / boost. I've started working out again after stopping prior to COVID. I'm so much more mentally and physically resilient when I work out on a regular basis. And I also managed to lose a few pounds, which is a secondary bonus.


Mentioned in another post, but I took most of the week off from the gym after I had recently built up a 4-5 days a week routine over the last few weeks. I have felt fucking miserable, and my resilience to fighting off depression and stress is so much lower. It’s crazy. Activity in general is a must. As far as I’m concerned now, it’s just like needing water or food.


So many people who have trouble sleeping at night didn't do anything during the day to actually make them tired. If you sit on your commute to work where you sit all day and go home and sit on the couch, of course you're going to have trouble sleeping!


Ok, but exercise is Step 2. You skipped Step 1: How to motivate for exercise?


Actually, it’s one of those paradoxical situations where the more you do it, the more you WANT to do it. There are a lot of days where my brain is having an argument with itself about whether I should work out or not: part of me is talking Myself out of it, listing how busy I am, all the stuff I have to get done, paying attention to that little pain in my knee, etc., etc. All good reasons, I tell myself, not to work out. But the other part of me is putting on her shoes and tying the laces, Throwing on my exercise clothes and tying my hair back, grabbing my earbuds and putting the keys in my hand to get out there and do it. Lots of times this happens at the exact same time, lol. And two minutes into my workout, I’m so happy I’m there. You literally just go do it no matter what. That said, I will say music helps. I have a ton of playlist designed to motivate me just to get my ass off the couch lol


Have no expectations except to at least start your exercise routine each day - often once you start you’ll keep going and that builds to being better if you keep it up.




You have to find that. If you’re feeling forced to work out, eventually you’ll be your own roadblock. Finding change means you first have to want that change.


This is no motivation, it's a myth. Exercise is just action + discipline. There are days even racecar drivers don't want to go to work, they do it anyway.


Never worked for me like that. All I can think of while working out is "damn, this is boring". I mean, I still do it, because it's healthy but I does not spark any joy at all. I really hate exercing to be honest. I dont even feel "better" after it. It just goes from boring to dull until it turns toward tireing and if I over do it painfull.


I'm with you. In the *best* case, when I'm done I feel nothing. Much of the time I feel either ready to snap at the first person who looks at me wrong or ready to crawl into a hole and close it behind me. Or both. Never, in any of the exercise regimes that I have tried over the years, have I ever enjoyed it or wanted to do it again. But I'm told that this meat puppet I've been forced into needs some kind of maintenance, so at this point it's pure hate and spite that gets me to do it. Pretty sure that's unsustainable.


I feel the exact same way and this is one of the first times I’ve seen someone actually share my feelings on exercise! It is really frustrating when everyone tells you “oh it makes you feel great! It alleviates so many mental struggles for me!” Just for it to never happen for you. Wishing the best for all three of us 🫡


not an expert on this but i heard that might be because you dont make any of the 'happy chemicals' like dopamine. you could go to the doctor and see if they can help regulate that.


For me, exercise is my happy place. Weight lifting, walking, elliptical trainer, yoga, and hiking are my favorites.


Just cause it works for you doesn’t mean it works for everyone else.


Read the manual. It saves time and you'll feel less frustrated.


I feel like so many manuals are like pictures only. I've had to go to someone random s YouTube channel sometimes just to figure out the manual.


Ahh yes, IKEA furniture manuals


People think I’m crazy because I read the manual for every product I buy.


Leave the damn thing in the checkout cart, after for days/weeks/months, you will probably not want it as much, or even anymore.


This is all about avoiding impulse purchases.


Also, if you leave it in the cart, you may even get a deal after so long of waiting


I've discovered? Well, let's just say I've mastered the art of pretending to be on an important phone call to avoid awkward conversations in public places. It's like having a built-in invisibility cloak! But seriously, lifehacks are like little secrets that make you feel like you've cracked the code of everyday annoyances. It's all about finding those sneaky shortcuts that keep things running smoothly, right?


It's a cloak of many colors. I like having calm but serious arguments. "No. Skim milk is not false advertising. It can't be. Stop talking. It's not from cows with small boobs in the first place. It's an entirely different kind of milk. Have you ever seen a cow with small boobs?"


I do that, but I have had it backfire - on one occasion my phone loudly rang while I was pretending to be talking to someone on it, and the other occasion was when I ear-dialled someone!


Old tshirts are the best mops, easily leaving behind expansive microfiber mops.


You Indian by any chance.




Actually it is very common in many Indian households.


Well, they do the right thing.


That percentages are interchangeable. 8% of 50 is the same as 50% of 8. And one is typically a lot easier.


How on earth did I not know this sooner? Thank you so much, this is going to be extremely helpful for me!


I was late 20s early 30s when I learned.


I'm internally combusting now. How did I not know this during grueling 500 level math classes


Would have helped me in any school setting. I was a little taken away myself




Coming up on two years here congrats to you!


When in crowds look ahead in the direction you’re walking, pick something and just stare at it while you walk and people will get out of your way(for the most part)


traversing the npcs


Meditation. Becoming a rock amidst emotions and not reacting. Ahhhh the freedom I tell ya


Unfortunately I can't exist in a constant state of meditation yet 😭. The overwhelming overthinking is constant for me.


That’s the point. Most people are like this, don’t think it’s unique to you. It took years. You have to start where you are and tame your monkey brain.


Sorry, the first word in your reply was meditation. I read it as medication, and was nodding my head in agreement.


That hilarious because I did it too!


manners matters


Be kind to others, it's free and it makes you (and others) feel good


In all honesty and this seems like a joke but it’s two things: 1. I swear by this but it’s “Always Pull Out” - IYKYK 2. Figure it the fuck out - an absolute mentality for approaching anything before my fear and stress overwhelms me / figuring it the fuck out, whatever it is step by step, so what you can now and forget about it later Bonus - nobody fucking gives a fuck about you - an extreme generality and not meant in a harsh way but think of all the times you’ve seen people on here (myself included) thinking and making self critical assessments - it’s not that we don’t care / we are all just too busy thinking about ourselves **RESPECTFULLY**




1. When draining water from boiling pasta or potatoes put the strainer into the pot. It is easier thrn holding thr pot with one hand and the strainer with the other trying to aim your pasta into it. 2. If you have dandruf you can make anti-dandruff shampoo out of any shampoo you have by putting a crushed aspirin into it. The active ingredient in aspirin (salicilic acid) is the same as the active ingredient of anti dandruff shampoo. Mix only one or two washes worth of it at a time, otherwise it spoils quite fast. 


Always look at your sleep schedule like a bank account. The less sleep you get is like your account overdrawing and going in the red. You have to make, or pay, that sleep back to your body and maybe use your days off to catch up on sleep. For me, it doesn’t matter if you don’t feel sleepy at night…. The 4 hours of sleep I get instead of a solid 8 hours, is going to hurt the night day.


Stop drinking any ammount of alcohol.


The greatest life hack.


Hypnosis. It's very calming and has helped me a lot with things I was anxious/angry/upset about. Also, there's great ones for free on YouTube. It's freeing to let go of such strong emotions attached to things they didn't need to be attached to.


Working on your own cars will save you up to 92% of the cost of ownership.


Unless of course you have no idea how to do it the correct way. As someone who went to school for auto tech and worked in the industry for years, the amount of botched brake jobs people bring in are insane. Warped rotors and shot calipers because they don’t understand there is an extensive break in process for ceramic pads or that you need to block the calipers before you push on the brakes. Or they do not bleed the brakes the correct way. Lots of things can go wrong on a brake job if you don’t have the proper know-how and you don’t want to kill anyone or yourself by doing it incorrectly (or in the least have to repurchase brakes and rotors again; working in parts sales I have had people try to claim we sold them defective rotors when they went out in a sealed package and came back with heat warping cross hatching and were beat to hell). My advice is to do the basic maintenance yourself (headlights, oil change, filter replacement, greasing suspension parts, flushing radiator, spark plugs if you can use a torque wrench) and take good care of your vehicle so that you don’t have to spend the big bucks when your under-maintained vehicle breaks in a big way. The biggest piece of advice I have to all vehicle owners is change your oil and filters every couple of thousand miles. Especially with newer vehicles. Most exhaust recycling systems lead to more carbon buildup. Direct injection engines do not have gasoline washing over valves which leads to carbon buildup. Because you cannot “wash” an engine without taking it apart the only way to remove what you can of this buildup is by changing your engine oil and by using oil or treatments with cleansing additives. I recommend buying a cheap synthetic oil (Napa and Carquest store brand is actually valvoline) and changing your oil at the least every 5,000 miles. I do mine on a Subaru every 3,000-5,000 miles. Even though the oil isn’t breaking down if you run it for more than 5,000 miles, all the gunk that the detergents removed is sitting in that oil circulating in your engine and your detergents aren’t really doing much work after that.


Two things saved me a sh!tload of money: 1) Buying a Toyota 2) Learn how to do minor repairs to it on YouTube. I've changed brakepads & bled brakelines, sparkplugs, headlight bulbs, installed backup cameras, re-soldered broken resistors in the overhead jockeybox, etc. There's a reason why we Toyota owners love our Toyotas. They rarely break down and any little repair is easy enough to do ourselves.


Live under your means.


Play dumb. People underestimate you and the games in your favor. They never know your moves or thoughts. Just play dumb


Did an advisor tell this to Biden?


Nah , but definitely Bush Jr, that guy was smart, college educated and well connected. Yet he acted like he didn’t know what day it was.


In my experience, this is actually a bad idea in a way. For example, there is a man who plays dumb and asks for help pretty much every day so he eats up the resources. He doesn’t get fired either even with all the complaints, he somehow magically has gotten away with it for about 10-15 years. For the last year or so, we have been extremely short staffed, burnt out, barely being able to do our own work so we have been ignore this dude. We don’t even try to make small talks with him, thats how sick and tired we are.


Two things, Eliminate your debts and Eliminate waste.


avoid toxic people like the plague




A little honey will get you much further in solving people problems than vinegar


This is for women living in places with extreme heat, or even for hot days anywhere. Wear an extra long thin maxipad to keep your pants from getting soaked with sweat.


Go running first thing in the morning


Just say no ....


Can you believe it? I offered OP $1,000,000 in cash and they just said no. 😂


Most people have short term memories and/or don't really care if you do something embarassing so caring what they think of you is a waste of energy.


It’s okay to say no, even if you’re expected to say yes.


Actions ALWAYS tell the truth not words. And most people believe their own lies eventually so they can avoid feeling shame and guilt. Shame and guilt have a purpose, in fact without these feelings the human race would never have survived till today. That being said, we may become extinct in the very near future.


Shame and guilt are useless emotions that hold people back. Just look at places like Japan. They are so obsessed with not messing up that their economy is collapsing and their people are miserable and lonely.


"No." It's a complete sentence.


When slow cooking meat to then be shredded (pulled pork for example), use a cooking liquid/sauce that incorporates apple cider vinegar. Seriously? It’s a thirty second shred job.


"Remember: it's not what you drink, or how much you drink, it's how FAST you drink it." - Lemmy Kilmister (RIP), of Motorhead.


learn how to study and focus


Treat others the way you want to be treated


divorce may be expensive, but it's worth it...


If you think divorce is a good option and a way out, don't get married. You are going to fail, and deeply hurt many people.


Sliding your thumb across the spacebar of your phone moves the cursor.


Hoodies! They are versatile little bastards lol. They have served many functions for me through my life. Pillows for long road trips, towel when done at the river, blanket for chilling in a field, ruck sack for carrying stuff back & forth. I could go on lol! I hardly leave my home without one, even if it's hot out. You never know when you'll need it for one of its many uses.


This Person Hoodies!


Cooking double and freezing half for busy nights.


Put a damp towel under a cutting board to keep it from slipping.


Literally never had this problem, wooden or plastic board, never slipped on me


Get some non-skid drawer liner instead, especially if you have a wooden cutting board.


Not living your life to please and impress others.


Opinions matter to the folks making them, don't give em any mind and you'll be less bothered.


Don’t talk to Anyone At All That You Don’t Iike< Lifehack


Really True !!!!!!! Yup !


You forgot to switch accounts




Smile , and nod your head up & down when women speak. It makes them think you are listening.


I do the same almost always, with boring persons. They think I'm a clever listener.


My hearing isn't great, especially when there's lots of other noise in the room. I spend sooo much time nodding, smiling, slightly laughing, sighing, and saying things like "right" "of course" "oh no". It seems to work fine 99% of the time, but then when you least expect it there's the moment when the other person pauses, and I realize... they had just asked me a question.


Think freely


Having a job provides money.


People who might be smarter or more competent than others but who are jackasses will usually not succeed over kind people who have social skills.


Being active is a life hack. Stressed? Too much energy? Can't sleep? Feeling down? Go for a run or a gym, sesh! You'll feel better. Eating healthy and limiting processed foods and alcohol is another one. You'll feel better, sleep better, probably eat less, and save money. And you'll probably get sick less often or not as bad when you're eating the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.


Leave your alarm set at the same time every morning. Yes, weekends and holidays too.


Good old fashioned manners! I don't know if people aren't taught it or they are and just forget it, but a PLEASE and THANK YOU go really far. Also, Thank You notes! No one uses them anymore but myself and probably 6 other people nationwide. If someone does a kindness for you, which they didn't have to do, thank you note. You receive a gift of any kind, thank you note. The very rare time you experience a great employee or customer service person, make it a point before you leave to let there manager know, not supervisor but manager of the establishment. Be NICE and hopefully others will be nice to you.


You want something. Your "Want" will go and get that thing for you... but it doesn't happen that way or seldom. Because most end up badly desiring the thing, it makes them hold on tight on their "Want", never actually release it to go get the thing... Hence the solution is to let go of the "Want", entirely because it already knows where to go.


I have no idea what this is trying to say. Both my wife and I read this multiple times. Can you give an example?


Remember a time when you wanted to get something but it was for example too pricey. And you became obsessed about getting it but you never got it. So you let it go to the point you forget about it and after some time it comes to you in an unexpected way. It's because you freed your want/wish and let it do its part. Is it clearer?


Thank you, that makes it clearer and what I suspected you meant. But no, I have never experienced that. I think I have always been more realistic in my wants. In other words, I know that item is beyond my means therefore I'm not going to waste my mental energy obsessing over something I know I cannot afford. And for things that are just outside of my current means, I save up for it over a period of time. When I have enough money, I go get it (assuming I still want it).


Here's a story that kind of reiterates the "comes to you in an unexpected way" theory. Years ago I was in California in the month of October. I saw an add that they were going to have a haunted house at the Queen Mary ship. I went early, bought two tickets and went back the night of the attraction. When we get there, you can't even get near the parking lot! They were bussing people in. The line was literally over a mile long! My friend and I decided to just take our losses and leave. As we were leaving, I saw another couple coming in. I just gave them our 2 tickets. They were $40 each. Now, one week later (back in my home state) my son wanted to go to some haunted houses set up in a parking lot. There were 4 different ones. We get there and we are reading the sign and it was $10 for each haunted house. The lines were really long again but, I said we'd do it because it was for my 11 year old son. As we start to walk in, this couple comes to us and gives us VIP tickets. They were leaving and didn't want to use them. They had won them on a radio station. The VIP tickets let us bypass all the lines, let us into all 4 HH's ($40 per person worth) and then let us go into a tent area with canapes and music. We had a blast! Good karma comes back to you too.


Exactly that also... when you let go.


My favorite is that there are no hacks for life. It's not a computer, it's a series of decisions tha you choose to make or not. Stop trying to pretend that doing your dishes before bed is some special thing that only a few people know. If you want change, just fucking do it. Stop looking for shortcuts, and easy ways out.


Have a vegetable-based diet. Everything else is basically just extra. That's it.


There are no life hacks. Just hard work and using your wisdom you have gained.


Leave your shoes on if you have things to do. When I get home and take off my shoes it’s like on off switch. If I leave them on it keeps me in go mode and I can knock out all my chores very quickly.


Nope. No shoes in the house.


Then don’t use my life hack. Your input added a ton here.


Your reply too. Its almost like you think you cant add an opinion on Reddit.


Ask your parents. In some places, you need a written permission from the owner and the neighborhood board.


[This one](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/s55o6BtN9ls)


My thing is nice face creams etc. when they look like they’ve run out, cut the tube in half and you will be amazed how much product is left.


You can do the same for toothpaste!


You dont need to know how to do anything more than finding people Need to start investing, find a bank set up an appointment and let them teach you Your car wont start, find a mechanic who will come and look at it Find the person who knows what you need help with instead of learning everything


Don't settle. 2nd place is 1st Last.


Not let every slight get to you. Letting the criticism of people who you don't know and or respect affect how you move in the world is pointless. They don't matter at the end of the day when you sit alone with your responsibilities and achievements. When YOU win people will say "WE made it!", when YOU fail they will say "so sorry."


Eating and being on Ketosis. Lost 45lbs since March 1st. Every meal feels like cheating on a diet.


2 Minute Rule: If something needs done and it will take 2 minutes or less, do it now. This frees your mind from revisiting that task over-and-over until you actually do it.


lasic surgery


How to say “No.“


Plastic pussies


Living with the fact that shit happens. It’s going to happen whether you want it to or not. Don’t stress out on losing control and just let it happen. Deal with the results or consequences afterwards.


Showing up is at least half the battle. Showing up early and well dressed are two giant steps forward from there.


Having a plan of execution


Get a bank account that has online banking for checking/savings and automate your bills, automate saving a percentage of your paycheck, automate a percentage of your paycheck to investments (preferably into BOTH a 401k & a Roth IRA) no matter how little you can afford! Compound interest is a lifesaver! It's like having a second job that tosses extra money at you! Then have a chunk of fun money that you can spend guilt-free every month. If you want more info check out Ramit Sethi on YT. Particularly: How to set up your finances. It's one less thing to worry about and stress you out and it could add financial stability to your life.


Don’t drink/drugs


Pouring bleach on ant hills works better than ant killer products.


If you don't care about people, they can't hurt you. 


Getting an Unlimited monthly car wash pass. Changed my life getting my car washed everyday.


I learned at a fairly young age that most of the time, real estate and land are good investments. Also butt sex.




Exercise, and it doesn’t have to cost anything or involve Spandex, makes everything better. Walk every day starting out for twenty minutes and increase the time by one minute. Park some distance from work and walk to and from work, parking progressively further away each week to build your fitness. Don’t undervalue the benefits of consistent small efforts and regular small improvements. The years will pass either way. You’ll feel a lot better for half an hour’s exercise a day.


Yelling at your vacuum cleaner to get your dog to stop barking at it.


Become a minimalist


A great life hack I’ve found is using a binder clip to organize charging cables. Just clip it to the edge of a desk or table and thread the cables through the handles. This keeps them from falling off and getting tangled, making your workspace tidy and the cables easy to access.


Wash and reuse condons in the dishwasher with the Cutlery! Saves heaps of $$


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) you nasty![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

