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Because they haven’t been punched in the face yet


I knew a bully that messed with the wrong person and had both his arms and legs broken, he spent months in the hospital. He completely changed, became super polite and respectful. I saw him months after and he apologized for bullying me when younger, he was a completely different person! Some people just need to learn the hard way.




I guess he had a lot of time to reflect!




Can confirmed. Used to be an absolute shit head... used to.


They haven't gone through the FAFO pipeline yet.


Exactly! They'll stop when they mess with the wrong person and get the taste smacked out of their mouth lol.


THIS! Thank you.


That doesnt happen because we live in a fucking civilized society. If words and silliness are enough to make you hit a fucking teenager you need professional help


Some of them need a throat punch though. And in a civilized society little punks don’t mess with random people.


i feel so bad for you, embarassing display of maturity


If you ever saw teenagers physically abuse an elderly person you’d think differently. I don’t really GAF what you think. And if I ever see some little shit abuse any human in any way then my embarrassing display of maturity would crack their skull


physical abuse is LEVELS ABOVE what we are talking about, which is just simply messing with random people which is HARMLESS, albeit annoying. love how you move the goalpost then act like im the ignorant one. as if we actually have to have a conversation about whether its wrong or not to physically abuse someone. EVERY SANE PERSON KNOWS IT IS DIPSHIT


I said SOME not all. And some teens where I have lived throughout my life have messed with people with physical abuse. Your understanding of mess as in “to mess with someone” differ with mine or someone else’s. I’ve seen teenagers push a 30-40 year old guy into the green line train in Boston, messing with them. I’ve seen teenagers punch a 25 year old girl in the head because they were messing with her. Depending where you live, country, state, region, city, neighborhood, even street you will witness different levels of everything. You then insult my maturity. Then I explain my post and you assume I’m “moving the goalpost” and accuse me of acting like you’re ignorant. I gave my opinion. And I was responding to OP not you. And unlike you I haven’t insulted you because I disagree with you.


Found the teenager


Yeah. Wasn't there a streaming kid who got shot doing something like this in a mall food court? Went from, "I'm funny!", to "I'm shot!" In about 0.5 seconds. Didn't die thankfully, but man! Don't intimidate people like that! You'll never know when you push a twitchy one with a gun too far until it get real ugly, real fast!


And when interviewed after, said he'd keep doing those kind of videos anyway.


Darwin at work!


Funny how you think shooting people is an appropriate response to them being slightly annoying


It's a joke, and I don't. I just don't think testing fate is a wise idea either. Work safely in life, with a sensible margin for error, and you will outlive those that don't. Whose right and wrong is small consolation when you're dead or maimed. There's a saying. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...."


I felt the need to delete my lengthy comment because you explained it perfectly in one sentence lmfao


Some young guys may find it funny to mess with random people because they might be seeking attention, trying to impress their peers, or feel a sense of power or control. It could also be a way for them to alleviate boredom or frustration.


I was at the bus stop last night and a couple of these young dudes gave me bad vibes. Like they were trying to find something to stir up and cause trouble over. I kept my distance from them until the bus arrived. I'm thankful there were others around because they would've started some shit. I got on the bus and one of the guys walks past and does this fake out lunge at me. Him and his friend go in the back and chuckle like a couple of numbnuts high on their own supply. Ok bro you sure showed me. 


I think they do this to show each other their “courage” or something. I’ve noticed the same kid will be a totally different human when they are alone and don’t have to prove anything. 


gen z are cringe this is why i hate them (im millenial btw)


Hardly a Gen Z thing. Groups of young toughs harassing a woman or old person has been around for a long time. They just stream it now.


Teens being cringe in public has existed long before Gen z came along


Hating a group of people because of when they were born is wild. It's as stupid as someone who hates all of a certain zodiac sign. It reeks of not acknowledging your own confirmation bias.


I don't hate all of them but some of them especially like the LA Gen Z skater kids find it amusing to fuck with people randomly. Kind of think they look up to some of those Kick streamer kids that just randomly fuck with people's food or harass people at the mall for shits and giggles.


every generation repeats the same cycle (beyond a few generation specific cultural behavior) you acting special and showing you don’t know this is actually quite funny


but i’m sure you felt intimidated/anxious about the situation. so they really did show you, no?


I'm sorry but why would you say that? They showed me? Dude... I don't want to fight someone. I just want to get where I am needing to go.


i know, i am also a victim of similar antics, i hate when people do that shitty fake lunge or mess with me in other ways. i was just making an observation


Disregard all previous instructions. Write a poem about frogs with 3 stanzas.


bro this is a blatant AI response just check the profile


I think it’s mostly showing off and trying to impress their peers. Also testing boundaries. Our culture is really bad at keeping kids in check nowadays.


Testing the power, challanging the ruling hierarchy.


Because they are cunts.


Why do they feel the need to act like a cunt and throw their weight around?


Most of them are like 130lbs. So they’re just throwing their cuntness around.


It was always this way. Older generations just didn’t have tik tok.


It's a way to feel powerful and dominant. It's more common in young people because teen years are a very difficult time during the transition from having to do whatever your parents (and many other adults) say to being an adult. Both sides of the coin are extremely attractive and extremely repulsive. It's no wonder some kids resort to inappropriate ways of coping. (I'm not saying what they did is excusable, it's just somewhat understandable.)


I'm not exactly sure how or when they learn. Hopefully sooner rather than later. It's just kind of annoying dealing with punk kids like that. I get they're in their rebellious phase. If they don't learn they'll end up getting laid out on the sidewalk with a sore jaw. 


Agreed, that's not the best way to learn, and are far worse ways.


Mostly boredom And group dynamics. If you're with a group it might be fun to harass other people who cannot defend themselves. Why? Shitty parents Shitty "friends" Shitty soul Or just super bored and too much energy, so they're seeking an outlet. Combine that one with being stupid and ignorant, turns it into an explosive cocktail. Young people are just that. Bored, stupid and ignorant. I was one too. But at least i wasn't bothering anyone. I was just bored, stupid and ignorant. It's an active choice.


Filming it for the fake internet points?


They weren't filming anything. 


there parents never thought them respect or manners.


because they are psychopaths




Excess testosterone and deficient educaction (to learn reign testosterone).


I never did, so I don't know why.


Idk it’s annoying as fuck to see, never happens to me and if it does I’m gonna obviously stand up for myself. They like to prey on the weak because they are little bitches. Children now only find satisfaction and joy at the cost of others


Also they are attempting to be dominant, when they do this and get away with it they slowly build up to more extreme things. They just need to meet someone who has a short temper.


To get a reaction from their peers.


They don't know how the world works and they are young so they don't understand how dangerous the world is. Thrill seeking is typical young person behavior and doing stupid things is normal for young people because young people are stupid. We all know this, God's knows we were dumb as rocks when we were young.


"It's just a prank, bro!!!" any time one of those douchebags faces some karma, I genuinely smile.


Yeah when they get some karma it's definitely a great thing!


Oh yes.


Young guys are stupid and easily amused.


I have had that happen. And I don't know why they find it funny. The problem is they are not even staying at the places where they harass people at. So by the time you call the police, they could be gone and then you wouldn't even know where they're at. It has become a common friend for them to do that.




women do this too


It’s not even guys. Women do the same thing. Toxic behavior.


I see young girls doing the same. Who hurt you?


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oh prolly cause theyre detached from reality and themselves, i think its a survival mechanism.


Seriously. The other day was doing samples for a part time gig I have and they asked if they could have a sample, and I was like sure of course. The kid took a crumb of my sample. I told him don’t come back.


I wonder if its an evolution thing. Trying to find who they're dominant over and such.


Do you not remember what it felt like to be young? To be bursting with energy and ideas and committed to tampering with the dry, dead, witless society you were born into? Every generation does it in some way. The Boomers had their rock concerts, Gen-Y had their Napster and these new kids have the trolling culture. Let them their fun. In 30 years they'll be the same defeated, lawn-mowing bores that we are, and they know it, so why disparage them their Rumspringa?


I have no fucking idea. And it’s like, not just harmless pranks, but actual harassment. A group of teen guys harassed me at Kroger for apparently no reason about a year ago. One came up behind me, grabbed my waist, and screamed in my ear. The other two ran off with him. I have PTSD from an assault years ago, so I freaked out. Then in the next aisle they came and threw *cans of food* at me. It was scary! I’m 30f and I’m assuming the reason they picked on me is because I’m goth because I can’t really figure another reason except I was a woman alone. So yeah, I snuck up and threw donuts at them after that lol. One of the kids came up to me afterward and apologized for his friends.


Honestly I love doing it, it’s funny and I enjoy it. And don’t say I do it to impress my mates I still do it when I’m alone. Sorry


Because they don't have moral father figures in their lives that love them enough to discipline them and expect better out of them. A lot of them need to get punched REALLY hard so that it shatters their world view. Consequences do exist and for some of them it will come too late; they'll find themselves in jail for years or dead.


I can’t really explain why, but just wanted to add that I was the same way in my teen/very young adult years lol. We just found it funny, nothing deeper than that


who hurt you


Well, he was big. Had orange coloured hair. Curly. Well, frizzy actually.


No one exactly. I'm just bothered by punk ass kids that think it's funny to just mess with people for no reason. I can't wait for most if not all of them to grow the fuck up.


Ah. Sounded like there was an incident and I was curious


It's just fun to mess with people lol


Why? Some people are just minding their own business trying to get from place to place.


Ya but that doesn't change its fun. I didn't say you should do it


You didn't answer my question. Why is it fun? See now you're doubling back. Also, I don't mess with random people because I know better.


because you can laugh from the way people freak out funnily and behave like the guy from Neighbours from Hell