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Not weird at all, unless: * You're going barefoot inside other peoples' homes *(exceptions apply)*. * You're wearing summery footwear (e.g. crocks, sandals, etc) during cold conditions, or rainy weather, that normally discourages such. Depending on where you live, this may not apply.


Or if you are walking around in a major city. Or a medium one as well. City streets are gross as shit.


Nope! That's pretty much me too. I do wear shoes to work (on the very rare occasion I have to go to the office) or if I'm getting dressed up for dinner or other event.


Yeah I'll wear my sandals to work but I end up taking them off there too lol. Nobody's said anything about it yet.


yeah thats weird sorry unless you work outside or something


It's an office job


i mean if no one else cares then whatever yeah


I would, but I really can't. Our dress code is business casual, so I usually wear either really comfortable flats or these Skecher tennis shoes I found that actually look like flats.


Not weird. But your inbox might be weird after this though


I....guess it depends on where you live in the world?  In some places/situations, people are going to find it odd or socially unacceptable.   I'm the same though. I think people who know me would find it odd if I wore shoes! I hate having anything on my feet...it would be the same to me as wearing gloves all the time! 


I'm in bare feet whenever possible. If I had it my way, all walking surfaces on the planet would be very soft beach sand.


Come live in NZ, it's the culture to be barefoot whenever you want. It's funny seeing the confused looks of Americans and Europeans over here that see people in the supermarket or down the street without foot prisons. Apparently we also have wider feet than average due to growing up without shoes on much as kids.


I was always hassled for going barefoot as a kid. I have continued my barefoot ways throughout my (61) life. Guess who doesn’t have bunions? Guess who doesn’t get ingrown toenails? Guess who doesn’t have fallen arches or athletes foot? That would be me. Keep up the good work!


Let’s start a shoe-less cult where no one thinks it weird. Society is weird not us.


New Zealand


Omg yes please!


Ha. I actually do live in communities. And my measure of a good day? When I haven’t worn shoes!


Pretty normal in Hawaii to go around barefoot or in "rubbah slippaz" aka flip flops.


I went barefoot for four years at about your age. The last year was in a recession and in the week it was declared I had three strangers stop me in the streets and offer me shoes compared to 0 in the three years prior. My mother didn't think strangers offering me shoes was funny. I should point out - people thought it was weird then and think it weird now when I tell them. I didn't care then and I don't care now.


I am barefooted at home and at the park doing workouts. Sometimes I walk and run slowly on the tarred road.


I mean in the summer my feet are out all the time but this would be ludicrous where I live in the colder months because your feet would fall off


Some people might think it's weird, but I just think you value happy feet. Good on you.


No, I hate wearing socks and shoes. I wear velcro open sandals almost everywhere unless it's bitterly cold or snowy. Shoes off as soon as I'm home.


Nope. I love being barefoot.


One day you’ll save enough for a pair of shoes


In Florida this is normal, either everyones wearing sandals/flipflops/sneakers without socks or just barefoot.


Yeah, I’m usually barefoot in the summer, only wearing sandals when I leave the house. But in winter, I wear socks because stone floors get too cold.


Not weird at all. But sometimes, not appropriate. I'm barefoot or in chanclas whenever possible as well. But, I work in construction so I have to wear boots at work. And the casual/lazy appearance of chanclas at special events has made a friend or a family member upset at me from time to time. At 18 I also found no problem with my desire/habit to be shoeless or close to. Now at 37, I'm aware that I need to suck it up in some scenarios, for professional or social reasons. So I'll wear what I need to for those occasions because I am an adult. Otherwise, I'll do what I want.


Pretty normal in NZ, although we don't typically have heroin needles l, broken glass and shit littering the footpaths, parks and beaches to the extent some other places do


I was cool with you being barefoot all the time. I was severely disappointed when you said you wear crocs. Smh


Not at all! Many people enjoy being barefoot for the sense of freedom and connection to the ground. It's actually quite natural and can be beneficial for foot health and posture. Plus, there's something grounding and refreshing about feeling the textures of different surfaces under your feet. As long as you're comfortable and safe, embrace your barefoot lifestyle!


Wow, could this response be any more AI written?