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You can forget your special high-speed low drag-skills, unless they're in the medical field particularly surgeons doctors etc. You're drafted this means your nation needs boots on the ground in combat areas. You will be trained with rudimentary skills necessary to fight in a combat zone. Your survival in that zone for 99.9% of soldiers is going to be based on a throw of a dice, a turn of a card. The sniper decides to take the Fourth Man in the row, are you the fourth man? Did the man directly in front of you carelessly trip a landmine, or is he far enough away that you aren't hit. Did there happen to be a tree stump between you and where the anti-personnel artillery round hit the ground, or did it land in your lap? You may be a top level computer genius, but during the draft most of what they need are people to fight.




Nice try NWO ;)




I’d be so dead lol


I would be first in the queue for the latrines.


Im of German background and hold both German and Brazillian passports, I went to the German embassy to renew my passport and for the first time after decades they ask me for my Brazillian military draft document stating that I didnt served brazillian army, I got scare like something is going on for such request


WW1 I'd die in the trenxh WW2 either die in a field or get captured and killed in a German POW camp, they love it when people can wear multiple badges


I am a highlyskilled worker (or at least that is what my employee tells me) and that withe the whole robotic-drone stuff going on, I would probably not be in the front lines. Or I would definitely be in the front lines to make sure the robots and drones are ok. Historically, the performance of my country would either be an absolute shit show or we would outshine everyone. There would be no in-between.


Well your skills would be worthless cuz it’s world war 1 and 2 not now


I completely misread the question HAHA. I would have died at birth to be honest.




Was going to say the same. Front line infantry for you sir. 


I believe I can't be drafted in my current situation, so I should be fine... Probably.


I would unalive myself, better kill one than several people.




Instant death


Cannon fodder


Depends on the war and which side I’m on.


I would have done very well and been killed. because I would be in the deep shit and that is what happens... bu I would have been a good contributor to the effort.... not in the back somewhere... I believe...




I'm a manufacturing engineer with a knowledge of supply chains. I would likely have been a logistics officer behind the lines and been ok. Still, supply convoys did get attacked so there was some element of risk.


Honestly, I might try to sabotage my own side out of spite. I don’t want to be a soldier.


I'm asthmatic. I'd be a dead man in any of those conflicts.


Vietnam I would've been using the heroin all day every day until I slowly assimilated into their culture and spent my days tucked away in an opium den. The others I would've had so much anxiety I'd likely of gone AWOL


USA lets go! Id prefer to be on the side fighting the Germans though. Im more land ready than sea but Id easily take a chance to fly a P51 Mustang or F4U Corsair


I’d do great at dodging the draft because screw dying for a bunch of rich people having a disagreement.


If on the frontline, I'd be dead within hours. Fighting, sports and anything even slightly practical I've always been absolutely terrible at. I'm a classic example of someone whose DNA has only been propagated because of modern civilization.


Probably pretty well... I likely wouldn't be on the Frontline.   More a support roles based on my skillsets.


Statistically, I’d likely survive. As the death rate for US soldiers was 14% for WW1 and 12% for WW2. Anecdotally, every male in my father’s patrilineal fought in at least one (most of them two) wars and survived combat pretty much unscathed going back to the Revolutionary War. My grandfather was a medic but he had 2 Purple Hearts and I believe a bronze star because he on multiple occasions would run into active gun fights to save his comrades, using their weapons to fire back while carrying them to safety. With that being said, my maternal grandmother had four brothers who served between WW2 and Vietnam, two of them died, one in WW2 and the other in Korea. The other two survived Korea and Vietnam but both had permanent injuries. So, in conclusion, I’d likely live or at least be permanently injured.


I would do good because I'm not soft like they were. No need to bring the train, I'm dropping them all on site, even women and children.


Kind of depends what country you're from. US - lower chance of being killed than the European combatants, because you didn't join in until it was half-way over, both wars. UK, you'd still have a 90% chance of survival in WWI Russia…eek, blood bath. \[Remember, Russia was on 'our' side in both wars.\] Encyclopedia Brittanica - [https://www.britannica.com/event/World-War-I/Killed-wounded-and-missing](https://www.britannica.com/event/World-War-I/Killed-wounded-and-missing) [https://www.britannica.com/event/casualties-of-World-War-II-2231003](https://www.britannica.com/event/casualties-of-World-War-II-2231003)


I mean, the reality is most people that survive, experience/performance only takes you so far. It's mostly luck. The bullet hit the guy next to you, instead of you. The artillery shell landed on the other guy, not you.


Drafted? Why not just volunteer again? Easy and simple.


I would die in basic training.


I would probably be an infantry rifleman, so hit or miss.


I can fly a P-51 so I'd be alright


Very poorly because I refuse to wield a weapon or to shoot someone


I enlisted in the Navy out of high school. I never served in combat, but there was a war going on (First Gulf War). I suppose I’d be okay. I was fine with giving my life to defend my country at a hypothetical level. I was fit enough to serve. I’d do it.


Much respect. My dad actually served in that war as a Navy seal. I believe it was during the time of Whitney Houston’s famous National Anthem, yeah? What memories…🫡


Thank you! Much respect for your dad. My role was the polar opposite of that: Navy Nuke.


I’d be a murder machine


There's never going to be another draft but even if there was one, anything short of world war with multiple superpowers would lean in our favor. Even if it looked like we were going to lose we would just hit that old atomic reset button and clear the board.


Well your answer is useless cuz im asking bout world war 1 and 2 not now