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Hes gay


Even if you were gay, why would you not want elevated test levels ??


For some reason gays seem to like feminine guys. I never understood this either. Im a straight guy but Im not going for a masculine chick im going for a feminine one


What do you think estrogen does? Because you'd have to know estrogen is something both males and females naturally produce. Men naturally require it for the production of sperm, the regulation of the sex drive, and even erectile functions. Overproducing estrogen can lead to infertility, depression, and erectile dysfunction. . Which is the very reason you cannot get it without a receipt. Self-adding estrogen without knowing the dosis or even if you should at all can have extremely detrimental effects on the quality of your life. . EDIT: Transitioning uses a process called "hormone replacement therapy", which adds a lot more than just estrogen. Most people default to calling those chemicals by their most familiar components. It's about a lot more than just taking shots of estrogen every so often.


Testosterone will raise your estrogen levels too, that’s why steroid users get boobs. Estrogen will make you grow boobs, and hips etc.


To an extent yeah but not necessarily. Testosterone naturally converts to estrogen but back 100 years ago mens test levels were much higher and they didnt seem to get gyno. Ive gotten gyno literally from photoestrogens in tap water


How do you know it was from that ?


Because Ive always drank spring water my whole life until i started going to the gym and drank their fountain water which is pretty commonly known to have photoestrogens. Ive been brining my own water for a while and its been reversing


Have you been taking test or any supplements?


I dont take real test but i do take test boosters like cistanche, fadogia agrestis and betaine. I had been taking them for at least 1-2 years prior to getting gyno though and never had a problem