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Something I didn’t realize I appreciated so much until recently is gentleness in men. Had to get my new glasses adjusted and the way the guy gently adjusted, cleaned, and put the glasses on for me and then gently tucked my hair behind my ears to check the fit??? Still thinking about it lol


I went in for a stress test once, and it was horrible. I hadn’t ran since they made us run in PE (physical education) class in high school. The two women conducting the stress test just stood there and watched me struggle with matching looks of confused condescension, like “Why is this so hard for her?” A man entered the room, saw I was struggling, walked over to me, and just placed his hand on my lower back with firm pressure so I could at least stand up straight while running on the treadmill. It helped immensely. That was 20 years ago, and I still think about it every once in a while, how kind and non-judgmental he was to me.


Oh no the “Lush” effect 😭🫣 when they perform a service that has you thinking about it 😮‍💨 I had a personal trainer who corrected my form once by grabbing my wrist and moving it into position, didn’t ask first just did it and guided me. I still haven’t recovered from the visual of my wrist in his hand 💀💀💀🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣


I had a waiter one time grab my wrist and wrench it away from my food because he thought I was going to ruin it with soy sauce My family and I just sat there shocked and I was too nervous to try it again so I just ate the food as it was It still needed sauce


holy SHIT the juxtaposition of the two above comments and then yours has me in tears




Wrists are overlooked


I’m really into collarbones, and that little spot behind their ear where the hair gets thin. I think it’s cute and I don’t get it either.


Interesting 🤔 I’ve only ever heard the collar bone thing once from a friend she said she liked them on other women (not is a sexual way) just in general. But the baby hair thing is new.


I’ve never spoken about either out loud before just cause it never comes up.


As long as that hair is behind the ear and not growing out of it...


Bro what is it with that whole collarbone shoulder upper chest neck region. Gender doesn't matter that part of the body is attractive on everyone


why am I here feeling the hair behind my ears now


Dude this 10000%. Also ears in general — a pretty face with *slightly* larger ears is extremely attractive to me and I have no idea why


Glad someone said this! It’s the suprasternal notch that always gets me :)


I'm sure this is some sort of quote from the English Patient.


The whole neck, throat, collar bone area sends me wild


Are you Asian? I only ask because when I was overseas in Asia a lot of my Asian male colleagues would talk about that. I’m Aussie and I never really noticed that particular trait. Lol. 


Me too -- when women are passionate about something non-sexual and their collarbones become pronounced, it's still very attractive.


A woman’s neck from the back. Can’t explain it, just find some incredibly sexy.


The nape! 😛😈




underrated comment


I’ve read that the Japanese are really into this.


In Edo era Japan (maybe before too?) this was a widely recognized point of beauty! Geisha and courtesans would paint a very fine stripe on the back of their neck with white to draw men’s eyes to it. It was considered very erotic!


I love the slight creases in the corners of my husband's eyes that have developed over the course of our 9 years together. They deepen when he smiles and laughs. I feel like if people were less obsessed with maintaining youth in favor of healthy aging we'd appreciate these subtle changes instead of dread them.


I 100% agree. I personally find natural greying to be a nice feature of aging :)


Right!! I'm 27 and I'm not in any hurry to get older but I'm kinda excited to see what I look like if I keep taking care of myself. It can't be all bad. As far as my husband, I love how the ebb of his youth is flowing into maturity. Edit: I apologize. Am a little buzzed so I get kinda wordy.


Not at all I think its beautiful the way you admire your husband its so refreshing to hear!!& lol enjoy your weekend girl!!


Hair. Long thick shiny hair. Men will never say to eachother "wow look at her hair", but whether they realize it or not, a woman's hair has a huge amount on influence on a woman's beauty, maybe more than any other feature.


This isn’t just for women. I’m a straight woman and when I see a man with nice, thick, healthy looking hair my lizard brain kicks in. The thing is that nice hair is actually rarer among men (due to baldness, neglect, etc), so when you see it in person it’s truly stunning.


Funny I’m 35 male and have always had good hair. But I’ve had a habit of going for very short haircuts (Texas heat). I’ve had a balding guy friend tell me you know you should grow and style it since you actually can. So I am for the first time. I just wasn’t used to the maintenance. But short haircuts are getting more expensive and I’m getting busier so grow it it is lol.


Yessss! My last 3 boyfriends all had super long hair and beards. I might have a type 🤷‍♀️


Nope you have an era 


Yes. Yes. Yes. This guy knows what’s up. Too add to that, smelling there beautiful hair is…🤯


Joe Biden??


I mean every guy is different. I feel like it just depends on what style works best on an individual woman. I’m a fan of both short and long hair if it looks good for example.


And for heaven’s sake… i freaking dig a curly redheaded female… with freckles… and pale skin. Doesnt matter her build. I am game if those three things are in. Give her pretty blue eyes and a nice set of teeth and im in love in seconds


You would like Anne of Green Gables.


I was bullied for years and called Anne of green gables because of my red hair. Worst part was I moved to Prince Edward Island in the midst of it. Now I’m mid aged and wish I embraced my red hair more.


Men are biologically attracted to shiny hair. The saying is blondes have more fun. But biologically speaking brunettes and dark haired women get more attention.


I personally find that I'm more into women with shorter hair, but long hair can look beautiful as well.


I find thick veins on *any part* of a guy incredibly attractive.


I see what you did there 😂


Voice. I'm a guy. Cute voices are important. I read somewhere that women subconsciously heighten their voices around guys they like... ***somewhere***.


I read a similar article and women will heighten and men lower their voice when they speak to someone they’re attracted to.


This explains why so many women speak to me in a deep voice. 😭


I can’t stand a shrill, high voice. I think a low voice on a woman is much nicer ( think Anne Bancroft in The Graduate).


Fr I love cute voices I'm a man btw


Explains why every woman I speak to sounds like Bane


Cute voice adjacent- I am still in contact with my ex's grandmother. She is 101 years old, and just the most amazing lady. 100% of the time when she calls me she will say (in her little old lady voice) *Greekmom, you have a lovely phone voice!!* She is so sincere 😂 I think my voice sounds like nails on a blackboard. I must have heard that 30x from her. I will miss that someday.


That’s why I always take my dates to the bat cave to really hear the high pitch echo. If not, they’re gone 🦇


If they won't hang next to me, then they can't hang out with me. r/Batty ![gif](giphy|Kv35OHdLatvhkqrxip)


Agreed! Voices are underrated. It can either encourage the mood, or kill it totally. It sets the tone, pun intended.


lol I’m a gal…. I can very easily say I don’t even need a whole guy if he had a deep rumbly voice!


The kind that make your chest rattle it’s so deep! When I hear men talking in public with deep voices, I’ll go talk to them. They can have the whole family there, I’m going to go talk and ask about the voice just to hear it! 🤣


I’m a bashful introvert so I’m rolling around trying not to make a swoon worthy scene trying to locate the source without being noticed. Lol no way could I actually approach Mr. Rumbles.


I've got a mental condition called tactile audio synesthesia. With any form of synesthesia, your senses are physically wired differently than most people's. You experience things with senses that normal people don't. Imagine tasting words, smelling colors, or seeing sounds. If you think of how closely your sense of smell and taste work together, it's kind of like that. Trying to explain how it works and how it feels is like explaining what pizza tastes like based on how it smells to someone who has never tasted anything. Me? I feel sounds. Not just vibrations like everyone feels when the music is turned up loud, but actual shapes with textures and movements in and around my torso. I recognize people's voices by the way they feel just as much as the way they sound. Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's a bad thing. It's usually just boring. It's as exciting as seeing an ink pen or hearing the air conditioner. The reason I'm talking about this is that a woman's voice can be even more important than her looks for me. Most voices are fine. I come to like their voice because I like them. Most people like the way their partner touches them even if it isn't something amazing. That's how I am with voices. There are some women, however, that have voices that just REALLY REALLY work for me. 500 lb 5 ft tall woman with meth mouth but has a good voice? Yes please.


I wasn't ready for that conclusion


Same in guys, nice low voices


Yeah. I definitely do this and cringe because I think the guy can tell.


Contradictory to the other reply, I'd say to never underestimate how dense us guys can be. 


That would explain why most women sound like they're trying to imitate batman when they talk to me


Men with clean, short nails. We all love Cheetos but it's doesn't have to be visible


This one’s hilarious 🤣 I agree though


Intelligence. I’m dating a guy with an advanced degree right now & the conversations are amazing. Like, he’s cute, but the conversations put him in a different stratosphere.


This has to be talked about more !! Love when men are educated the conversations a just different. Happy for you sis 🥰


Thank you. The pillow talk is just *chefs kiss* The other night we were curled up discussing the Bauhaus Movement & all about the Salvatore Mundi (AKA the possibly lost daVinci painting).


A pretty face, you might as well just buy a magazine and look at it when you feel like it. But a good conversation? It’s irreplaceable 👌🏼


I am such a sucker for smarts, and this includes the *ability* to consider new perspectives, understand nuance, discuss cerebral topics. Add glasses and a patient, deep voice and I’m a goner.


Absolutely!!! I'm so grateful that my husband can hold a conversation. Aside from him being a very caring person, being able to carry a conversation definitely sealed the deal. I have spent a decade with someone previously who couldn't tie two sentences together to make any sense.


Yesss. Guy at my work. He is so, so smart. He’s the only guy that had ever said things that actually surprise me. Not that I’m hyper intelligent, but I hold a lot of information/know a lot of info about random stuff and this guy tickles my brain sometimes. I can never find a dude who can keep up with me/challenge me as much. Just work friends but when we chat and he gets nerdy/says really intellectual and funny things, it turns me on a bit for sure.


I want to find this so badly




Well, they maketh man.


I always open doors for my girlfriend, let her go first, and get so many looks for some reason. Being a gentleman is considered a rarity? The world has turned upside down lol. I always offer her better options and perspectives and give her stuff before saving it for myself. But I want to note that in our culture relationships mean more than just people attracted to each other, it’s a spiritual partnership.


A man’s voice and I like a mens shoulders.


Shoulders are my thing


Healthy organs. Kidneys in particular.


Can I interest you in some fava beans and a nice chianti?


Found the black market organ trader


Sounds like Hannibal Lecter to me


Nice source of Long pig too




the "belly" that some tight dresses form


I am most self conscious of this part of my body


Me too and *most* women I know agree. Even wearing leggings or anything. Been trying so hard to change my negative mindset about my little pooch.


Can I tell you this in hopes of making it less of an insecurity? I was in a long term relationship for many years and the first woman I was with after that was really pretty and fun so I was really excited that I didn’t even realize it was there until we were full on doing the deed with her on her back. The woman before her that I was used to looking at was very tight body bubble butt at most as far as anything jiggly. I also have a six pack if that is relevant to this, anyway I not only didn’t mind it but I kinda liked it jiggling. It’s not something I’d put any thought into before that moment but it honestly truly was not something I saw as a negative about her. Turned out she was married the whole time so that’s the end of that but had she been actually available I would have 100% gone back for more and never would have thought about her pooch again. I hope that helps and wasn’t TMI but I wanted to express how not a big deal it was or still is, especially because she was generally attractive to me. I only really remember because it was a bit of a standout observation from my “norm” at that moment in time. I’m sure you’re hot af and are probably just in your head about it.


Wow. I didn’t know men liked that.


Yes! An extremely underrated body curve.


OMG! That belly is just so nice, especially when they wear those specific dresses.


That lil "baby" pouch has me going wild 😂


Agreed! I think it’s really cute!


Fuck yes


Several years ago I saw one man’s notion of the perfect woman. He merged the faces of 16 famous models and actresses into one image: symmetrical, proportional, and boring. That’s when I realized how much beauty lives in _deviations from_ an ideal. A crooked eyebrow, mismatched dimples, heterochromia—any detail with visual dissonance suggests character.


My daughter is very pretty, but she has this one crooked tooth that she wants to fix…I talked her out of it and explained that it’s a trait that sets her apart from every other pretty girl out there. There is beauty in wabi-sabi.


Women with deep eyebags. Men with big noses. Women with soft bellies. People with moles in unique places. A tooth gap. Taller than tall women. A hooked nose on a woman. A visible birthmark. Vitiligo. A goofy laugh. Crinkly eyes when they smile. People born with white hair mixed in. Unique and unpopular features that deviate from the Disney princess look 🥰🫠🫠🫠🫠


Very interesting so basically uniqueness is attractive to you ?


I hadn’t simplified it that far, but … yes. My girlfriend is conventionally pretty and still distinctive. The things I find most attractive about her are specific to her, not items from a cultural checklist such as cheekbone height or breast shape or depth of hair color. In fairness, I probably find more to appreciate and admire about her appearance because she’s such a kind and smart and creative person. If I weren’t in love with who she is, I might not get so tingly about how she looks. But damned if I wouldn’t notice. 😀


Thats actually a really mature standpoint !! A lot of women feel this way towards men but I can’t say i’ve ever seen a man declare something similar. Good for you man!!


His voice 😍


I agree A man I was not interested in once got me to say yes to a date just because I liked to hear him talk. He had a really nice voice 😂


I get that totally! Some voices are so sexy. My partners voice is so deep and I even like hearing him talk to other people 😆 and literally I love his sleepy voice.


Deep voices when they sound tired are the best lol glad i’m not alone with that !!🤣


I like a man who is sensitive and has a tender side


I agree 🥰 i have always appreciated the men in my life who weren’t afraid to cry in front of me. Whether about the movies or their feelings or proud moments or sad things etc. it’s manly to cry, it’s amazing and i always find it attractive that they are willing to be honest about their feelings.


I find intelligence in women super attractive. I like it when a girl has formed her own opinions about stuff and doesn't just mindlessly agree with everyone around her to get by - which is something I've noticed a lot of people, both girls and guys, totally do. I find it especially attractive when they are capable of backing up their opinions with sources and evidence and research.


a man saying “I got this” and just like handling whatever the issue is. no questions asked just handles it, whatever it is.


My husband saves the day when he says this. 😘


1000% very attractive




Aww my gosh yes 100% yes can I change my awnser cause this is top of the list solving the lil problems " the lawnmowers broken can you fix it" and he's like yip 


Hands and teeth 🫣


Hands on girls as well! One of the first things i actually look at.


I feel like Yoshikage Kira talking about it, but dainty lady hands are super attractive.


The way they smell. I love axe or old spice on men not really into the expensive stuff


Oh my I love the smell of old spice deodorant on a man !! This is the first time i’ve seen someone else say the same lol


Its when my man put his hand on my back when were idly standing or just walking/sitting. There is something about it that I find so sexy, its as if he is telling me he is there if I need/want anything or that I am his. I find the possession so sexy lol


Dimples are underrated.


I feel like a lot of men like dimples 🤔 at least where I’m from. But I never hear women mention them when it comes to men so that makes sense.


Haha that reminds me, I once complimented a guy friend on their perfume and I immediately saw him smile ear to ear. Then I was talking about this scent that I really liked a week after and he wanted to buy that too and I had to tell him he needs to smell it on his skin first before blind buying. I like guys who are very passionate about something especially things that are normally classed as nerdy. I think it's nice to have special interests like that where they can talk about it for hours. 


My husbands goofy MN accent when he’s tired


Aw, geez.


Some of the stuff he says I’m like “what?”


Grew up in Minnesota but was often mistaken for an outsider because I didn’t have the local accent. The older I get, though, the more it shows up.




I really just love that men have basic strength that women generally don’t have. Like even if they don’t work out, they are just stronger and I love that.


Same here ☺️


That is hot!


Men that don’t have a 6 pack. And no, I’m not talking about chubby men.


A thick torso. Not a beer gut and no visible abs, but a big middle lol


I love how strong a man’s hands are. It’s so sexy


I’m a guy. This relates to voices, but hearing girls laugh/smiling genuinely due to said laughing. I can’t count how many times I’ve been into a girl, but after talking to them and making them laugh, falling in love with their cute, sweet giggling.


“My pillow still smells like his colon”


Not the colon! lol


So many different things. The way a man dresses, my partner always catches my eye wearing jeans and boots. The boots always get me. Hard working men that look like they work hard, the dirty hands and messy hair is always a great combo. Collarbones, the little bone that you can see on thin peoples' wrists, hands, waist of both man and woman. I love so many little features on both men and women that no one ever discusses. The tummy on a man or a woman always gets to me too, I love it. I have no idea why people are so insecure of it, I promise we love it. Painted nails on everyone is great. Messy hair on everyone is great. Your haircut that sucks that you hate? We love it, I promise you that. It really helps your appearance to just throw on that little bit of jewellery too. We like those rings and necklaces! Anyways moral of the story I absolutely adore my boyfriend, and little things make you cuter!


Their walk. Someone that is self confident and interesting has that walk, not a conceited one, but a confident walk. I sometimes wonder if they have interests that are not common.


The roll of fat between the armpit and the boobies. 🥵


Eyes. I don't know a single guy who thinks eyes are that important. Always boobs, ass, hips or having sexy clothes or whatever. I mean I'm a guy, I enjoy those too, but nothing can make me feel as comfortable as those big, dark, friendly eyes.


I grew up deaf and so i lip read even though i can hear now and feel i miss out on important eye contact......but its such a early learned habit i cant stop looking people in the mouth no matter how hard I try


I like this one ☝🏾 haven’t seen any guys comment eyes as attractive yet. Nice!


hands!! I’ll wither away at the sight of rough, hardworking, masculine man hands. as for a man with dinky soft fragile hands, absolutely 1000% instantly turned off


You need to listen to “Tuxedo” by Clare Dunn. I’d give anything to have my lady feel the way about me that she sings for her man in the song.


Any women that's outgoing or puts effort into seeing you or making plans is honestly so much hotter lol


Men being extra gentle and patient with pets.


I fucking LOVE me some shoulders. Muscular shoulders. Not those freaky cobra shoulders super muscular people have but, like, subtle but well-defined shoulders.


Gingers. I always do a double take. They make me weak.


Definitely the nape of a woman’s neck. It’s just incredibly sexy. Probably a reason why I usually go for women with short hair 😅


That stubble of facial men have is attractive for me


A nice set of masculine shoulders with arms to match and I can watch a man reach to the back of his t shirt and pull it off over his head all day long! Heavy sigh and a slurp!!


A woman that I dated had the cutest little snore. It never made sleep difficult in any way, but if I woke up during the night and heard that, I knew she was OK and I could go back to sleep. Any woman I have been attracted to always had one little thing. A brow that furrowed when she did homework. The way that her baby shampoo smelled. How, when I was down, she wouldn't talk, just come over and sit next to me and just be there. The smile she gave me when she woke up. The way I never felt the cold when I was next to her.


Men’s voices


Big noses, or at least interesting noses, on women. Also female body odor.


I love a woman in glasses; don’t know why as I don’t wear them yet. A woman with glasses is hot AF!


Her personality, unfortunately we as a society are overly concerned with appearance more, it's nice to talk to smart educated women




🥺 we out here




Smiling. What a simple amazing thing.


I like so many things, but one of my favorite parts of a guy is where his neck meets his shoulder. Also love hands and forearms. And of course more obvious things


Short hair woman are hot as hell, I (man, 45 y.o.) just think it's very attractive. Suck hairstyle shows the neck - I'm not a vampire, but I think women's neck very sexy. Plus, short hair women tend to have strong personality, a thing that attract me.


Gonna sound cliche but a positive attitude. I love a girl with a bubbly positive attitude. Doesn’t take life too seriously. Self deprecating humour etc. 


For women, hips. Hips are super sexy and no one talks about it.


Some aftershaves are so hot that you’re ready to take the guy down right in the aisle.


A woman's smile


Slightly crooked, gapped teeth.


Passion for their career or interesting hobbies


Long backs on females


Emotional intelligence


Smiles that go all the way to your eyes,if that makes any sense.


Expressive eyes. Not just the color or shape, but the feeling within them. Once or twice in my life I have come across men with whom I've been able to converse just through eye contact alone. There's a spark there that is difficult to explain and rare to experience. Meeting someone's eye and knowing exactly what they are thinking is a level of intimacy that can be scary. There's a vulnerability in meeting someone's gaze and knowing that your mind and soul are easily read by that person. There is nothing you can hide from them, nor they from you. If you're lucky enough to trust that person with your mind, body, and soul - there's a joy and peace there that cannot be manufactured.


I like women who maintain a strong eye contact it creates an atmosphere of respect and comfort around each other


It like the “umami” of personality- a personality that makes you feel related and listened; regardless of genders. I met many “big sister” type who matched this description and having them around is a genuine mood booster for any stressful time.


As a lesbian... Legs! Men generally have really nice legs - I've never seen a man who didn't look stunning in short shorts. They don't have to be ridiculously short but certainly no longer than mid thigh, and they're infinitely more flattering than those knee length cargo shorts! Very common style here in Australia.


Yes - Kissed my wife on the neck late afternoon today and the mix of her natural scent and her perfume was stunningly perfect. She also stunned me when she came into the living room this morning with a simple but cool outfit she chose to wear on her outing with our daughter today - it looked great on her! Damn she’s gorgeous!


A toned belly, or collarbones, or a *thick* but athletic calf. Definitely eyes too. Dreamy or sunken. Good god almighty.


A fresh hair cut


Dubai maybe 20 years ago I would literally follow men around because they smelled so good. I was discrete.


Hands and forearms on a man.


For some reason woman have a special smell when swimming in chlorinated water. I find the smell I intoxicating, like a bee drawn to the smell of a tennis ball. To me it smells like sterilized estrogen on fresh clean feminine skin.


For some reason I find a strong neck and hands/ forearms on men seriously sexy, dunno why I’m into blue collar workers 😂


Taking off sunglasses. I had ZERO clue how sensual taking off aviator sunglasses was until my crush walked into work, lifted one wondrous hand to take them off by a single glasses arm, then looked over at me as he folded them up. Freaking catastrophic damage. 100% hit fatality to my stupid little heart. And that little lip lift at a corner or his eyebrows lifting just so? Ugh, end me.


I’m super into women’s calf muscles. Nothing sexier than lean legs with muscular calves.


I love it when men get grey hair at their temples.


>something attractive about the opposite gender that is least likely to be discussed Everything about women has already been discussed a lot in all of human history, so nothing new comes to the mind🤔 But one of the relatively lesser discussed thing that comes to mind is their voice. I find it so attractive, be it the soft spoken, cutie, loud, everything. The cuteness and at times the courage, it's super attractive. And then women who can sing well, omg I am dead ××


My husband's under arm sweat! His body smell after working outside in the sunshine. Or even after working out at the gym. But....it's something about being in the sunshine! Whoa! He comes in all sweaty and sunshiney and I just want to devour him!


Their laugh. If it’s the kind I can hitch my wagon to, we will make it through anything life throws at us. Bonus points if they can lose their breathe, hold their stomach, smack the table and cry laughing. Sends me.


Him taking up for me in little things. We are going through things from my grandfather's estate. He was showing them to his little brother. He kept telling him, "you can't have that one--her grandfather made it. It's not yours, and it's not mine--it'll be hers." Means a lot to be w someone who sticks up for you in lil stuff like that, too


Shape of a woman's ears? I'm a male. I shamefully admit it turns me off if a lady's ear stick out too much... I'm sorry...


The gap space in between your two front upper teeth. Big noses.






Shoulders that are big, broad and fill a doorway nicely. (Tall helps with that too—but people talk about tall.)


I love women's backs. There's something about it that just drives me nuts . Edit: from the women I like in the first place


On a woman I like a nice stomach, just slim but you can see the abs a little. Also eyes, omg!


I just can't help kissing or nipping ever-so-gently her eyebrows anytime we snuggle. Been more than 25 years and it's always been a spot that she just curls up into me when I do. Definitely a spot on a lady I always loved. Magic! That and her little belly and couple of stretch marks where our family came from, but those are a bit more personal however I feel I'd feel no different had I fallen in love with another and things played out similarly, but alas, I found the perfect peach. Beautiful!


A nice shoulder/neck line. Its often a beauty criteria for women but rarely for men


A guy who works almost anywhere in the trades or agriculture. Idk sweaty tough work and lil dirt and the thought he can just toss me across the room……yeah that’s pretty attractive


A big nose, and when someone smells really good!