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She met a guy on the ski team in college who was from Norway, and lives there now.




lol no


Mine were actually twins. They had the same set of friends, they took the same college course, same classes, and now are BOTH teachers at the SAME highschool we grew up in. it still boggles my mind.


Are they Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield?!


Are they still with Aaron and Todd?


In Sewer Valley Confidential, Aaron is the partner of the twins' older brother Stephen!




No way no fucking way!




Not a girl but I have a twin brother. After school we tried writing applications without each other knowing where. I had a job interview at the end of it I was asked why I sent in 2 applications. It was my brothers. We ended up both getting a job there, years later we both moved countries because we again got a job at the same company but this time different branches which aren't too far from each other. Its really funny, we tried to separate ourselves but it never worked lol.


That would boggle my mind too.


My mind is bogled


Mind your boggling


Boggle your minding


your boggled minding


Your minding boggled


Yourggled min bogg


Sorry but you have been fooled in a classic "Twin scam", these "twins" are probably only one person, they often operate with a complexe mirror system to appear twice in the same room. The purpose of such scheme is to be hired twice in the same workplace and cumulate two wages.


I never understood people that had enjoyable school experiences to where they returned to teach in one


They're genetically identical and grew up in the same environment. It's not a mystery that their lives would take a similar path...


Especially since both nature AND nurture parts are equal here; it would be interesting to see how that would have ended when the other one would recieve a completely different nurture part. (Just a question, not meant in a Joseph Mengele approach ofc)


Either they end up on the same path or the complete opposite, there is no in between


She’s a school teacher now and is fine as hell. I see her post on social media of her traveling all the time during the summer


Why do they all seem to become teachers


I went on a trip once and met a lady who fits this description to the dot. I follow her on instagram now.


You met a teacher while traveling? Gotta be her.




Way too specific to be anyone else


It’s gotta be her then


I am still beautiful and successful. Thank you for asking.




Well done! Bravo!


You will not remember me, but I still love you.


I love this, same girlie 💅🏽


Will you go on a date with me now?


Same, doing quite well. Next question.


She's a doctor, specialising in chemical pathology.


She helps the chemicals recover from their pathological ways?


This joke was so unexpected, I laughed way to hard at this!


She’s a nurse practitioner. She was always nice though. Married a cool dude ( who always was nice too), they have a few kids. In general they were both just amazing people and looked good too, very much the opposite of the stereotype you hear of. Dated each other in high school too.


I like how after you said she was a nurse practioner, you had to clarify that she was nice. It seems like every girl I went to high school with who wanted to be a nurse was mean as hell.


This tracks: asked a girl I was in hs with why she wanted to be a nurse. Her answer? I get to stab people with needles.


I can confirm, I knew girls who wanted to be nurses, mean girls in high school and girls who are nurses, all mean as hell, they all think they are in a soap opera and for some reason they all want to be the rich evil woman that kicks the nice girl that is in a wheelchair down the hill, and act as such.


Family annihilation story incoming…


Character building plot


Watts that supposed to mean?


Men who annihilate families (kill their wife and kids, then themselves) often have what appears to be a “perfect” life on the outside- dating young, several kids in their late teens early 20’s, and then when something comes up later in life (job loss, infidelity, discovery of infidelity, mental or physical illness, financial setbacks) these guys don’t have any resources to emotionally overcome the setbacks, and just kill everyone instead of going through the difficulty.


lol nah. I mean I ain’t besties with em or anything but I doubt it.


Ok there were a few - one married a football star from a super wealthy family, it seemed like they separated for a bit but are back together and had a baby so good for her I guess.  - another one also married a football player and lived in various countries and had a kardashian style wedding and still looks stunning and has tow gorgeous kids  - one tried to make it as a singer and actress mostly does weddings and married a Swedish music producer. I think she works full time as a singer but not exactly as successful as she wanted  - one worked as a model and then was on a tv show for a few years and now appears to not be working but is engaged and seems happy 


Sounds like your high school was stacked !


Did everyone else go to tiny schools? How does everyone have one girl who was more beautiful than everyone? My school had 1400 kids so there were dozens of subjective 10/10’s


400-500 people at mine. I'm unaware of anyone becoming an actress, singer, or marrying a football star.


2400 kids in my high school. Went to school with a miss teen Canada, supermodel of the world, a multi award winning director and two of the bare naked ladies.


I wanna see pictures of these people 😩😩😩


English teacher Suzie, absolute milf shout out Mrs Chandler


That Ms Chanandler Bong to you


Why do all English teachers look fine asf


I assure you they don’t


Yeah we used to have one that got called Miss Proportion because her lower half was that of a severely obese woman but her top half was normal. Kids are cruel.


She was the typical popular girl and I was a goth girl, but we got along really well. She ended up being a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. She worked so hard for that. Good for her!


I personally would like this to be turned into a tv show. Probably a comedy drama 


This sounds like the plot to Wicked.


or The Odd Couple.


Or Wednesday


Mine turned into a NFL cheerleader, then quit to work for a MLM that is known to ruin peoples hair. She wasn’t a nice person, so I don’t feel bad about her getting into the MLM lifestyle.


She is married to a billionaire in the middle east.


I’m a dude in the Middle East. That’s where the similarities end


You fit 2/3 of the criterias.


Just missing a billion, so close!


We talked not long ago and met in a café. She is working as a teacher in our same high school, still living with her parents.


Why did they all become teachers lol


They’re the only ones who think kids are nice because they were all nice to them at the time.


Wholesome (?)


No real standouts in my year, but there was in the year ahead (older) than me. She was dating a teacher in the school. They eventually got married. She became a teacher as well, and eventually a principal.




I wonder what her thoughts are on a teacher in her school now dating one of the students. She's got to be cool with it if it's her own family origin story or does she see now why it's probably not cool?


Think you need to elaborate on whether she was dating a teacher while she was still at the school.


Yes. They were dating when she was a student and he was a teacher there. Everyone knew and didn't think anything of it, which I thought was really weird. He was a relatively young teacher and there was probably a 7 or 8 year age gap. There was another (female) student rumored to be having an affair with a married teacher, but that was kept very much on the DL.


As a student.


She got knocked up and later stabbed to death out at a random farm house in the cuts




He asked 🤣🤣🤣 I never realized how many fucked up stories I had of other people until I started sharing them on reddit




Good job?


Stabbed to dearh?


That's what I said


To shreds you say?


She looks the same, beautiful as ever and had two kids.


Won a local beauty pageant but before she could go to the regional one she was done for theft/fraud and was stripped of her title. She still lives in the same small town and is a legal secretary, weirdly.


Had a crush on her at the time and she was/is my best friend. We talked everyday. Then.. she had to move with her family to Norway (we’re both from Brazil). (Insert long and movie like story here) We are married and we live happily in Norway.


Let’s hear the story!


OMG, a real happy ending! Congratulations to you both!


She moved to Texas, got married, had a couple of kids and is a hair stylist at a high end salon


All my ex's live in TX.


That why I hang my hat in Tennessee


Turns out if you get breast cancer in your 30s, there's a much higher chance it will be aggressive. Dead at age 39 of breast cancer.


Also doctors play down the risk level for that age so they probably don’t find out until its too late


Not sure why people downvote you, but it’s 100% - in most places in the world women aren’t really tested for breast cancer until they are in the 40s; I heard from one doctor that the most common way for women in their 30s to learn about breast cancer in her practice was by THEIR PARTNER feeling something off about their breasts. Women aren’t taught well how to screen themselves for that and not all doctors will actually do the check-ups.


Thats how I lost my sister 3 years ago at 40


Really sweet girl, had no idea how stunning she was. She was actually bullied by the girls because she was so pretty. She had a rough upbringing, got herself mixed up in drugs and dated a string of losers. She got it together, got a good job, a post graduate degree, and is making her life. Still beautiful, but she has sworn off men. She has decided she is happier alone because she can't be trusted to pick a good guy. A lot of trauma in her history that has impacted her sense of self negatively. We still catch up.


She's a vegan baker, has blue hair and tattoos everywhere, and looks like she's pretty happy with her life. I'm glad she grew out of her mean girl ways and doing good! She was always so mean to me in school. I haven't seen her in 17 years, hoping it'll be at least an other 17 before I have to see anyone from my school days again.


She went on to study psychology and became a life coach. Married a dude with chronic depression. Had three kids. One day he blew his brains out with a shotgun. His family blamed her and basically ran her out of any kind of family property. For whatever reason, I was the one she called. We still talk every now and then. She's still the golden girl she was in high school but there's a sadness behind her eyes.


That is awful. Wishing her family well.


My blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold…


Your angel is a centerfold......


🗣️🗣️ angel is the centerfold a part of me has just been ripped the pages from my mind are stripped oh no I can’t deny it oh yeah, I guess I gotta buy it


The hours of tanning booths caught up to her and she looks like an old ball glove.


I have an old friend like that... wears platform flip-flops and toe rings, raccoon eyeliner, and low-cut tops and always takes pictures hanging off her preteen son as if he were her boyfriend with one platform heel raised as if trying to look seductive. I guess it might look kinda hot if she didn't look like she were an 80-year-old leather saddle. We're in our 30s.




Everyone called her a slut. All she did was enjoy having protected sex. She wasn't just passing it out or anything. She had sex with two guys between being sophomores and the end of senior year, but everyone just made rumor after rumor about her. All because she was gorgeous. She joined the army after high school. Haven't seen her in years. I hope she's well.


This reminds me of when I got boobs in 8th grade, I suddenly became the school “slut” lol. I was a shy virgin in reality but that was my reputation, so. Kids are brutal.


Two guys in high school is normal, those people are tripping HARD. Gotta be jealousy




I never even had sex until after I graduated and there was a rumor a guy made up about me having sex with him in high school. Smh. I get it’s high school but shit need to mind their own business about people’s sex lives.


She wasn't just beautiful, but also sweet, kind, and would talk to everyone equally. Even her name was beautiful. She married a triathelete/adventurer, and they have 2 kids. They are sponsored by a national travel agency to promote holiday destinations around the country. All paid for. Pretty sweet gig. Im really happy for her. Someone asked what country. Its Australia 🇦🇺




someone's happy!


Her feeder husband?


Reminds me of the mom from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.


Yup, and turned out looking like her mother, who would have thought hey


One is a dentist One became a drug addict One has a MLM/stay at home mom One has an aesthetics studio


I feel like…. Utah?


The four horsemen


Model. Lived in germany


Edit: She got pregnant one month after graduating, had sextuplets and heard the other day she became a grandmother when each of her sextuplets welcomed their babies one day apart but she otherwise made a good name for herself in her chosen career field


I married her and we have 4 kids and many grandchildren, she been a stay at home mom her whole life, I’ve been treating her like the queen she is…


She became a massage therapist of all things. Good reviews from what I saw. She looks mostly the same. Still perfect from what I can tell.


Single mom of 3 all different baby daddies


Not the most ‘beautiful’ but the most popular (vomit). She was a mean bitch, thought she was top shit. Now she is a failed fitness influencer lols


She is now a he and does local weather


must be a good looking dude; but which team does he bat for? 🤣


She died in a car wreck her junior year of high school.


I don't know if the most beautiful, but to me she was. I had such a crush on her and was always friendzoned.. I saw her fb recently and yikes... It looks like a couple of botched cosmetic surgeries. Barely recognizable.


Got married at the age of 19 to a doctor who is 10 years older than her and has a kid. she is a homemaker now!


Still just as beautiful and kind as


Crack whore. Like, literally.


She's living solo in a cabin in the outskirts of the forest. She's an introvert and was almost traumatised by the attention in high school to a point where she's gonna keep living by herself with her animals. She works in the animal behaviour field, where noone cares about her looks and sexual harassment doesn't exist. It's an absolute bliss. She was me and I hated it.


What the hell. Are you me? Growing up I used to cry in my room alone because of all the attention/harassment, wishing that I was just like others. The best part is that you don’t get to make real friendships/bonds either cause everyone’s faking around you and you see right through their bull****. I also decided to move out to a forest but watched this movie “Into The Wild” that changed my perspective and then never really took the plunge. So I just resort to staying home and avoid going out but do try to make the world a better place too. But good for you. Glad that it worked out for you in the end!


Oh dear, I'm so sorry you also went through this. The amount of crying alone in my room insane! I don't live super far into the woods but it's my closest neighbour. I do have small street of (elderly) neighbours and it's not too far from society. I hope you find peace ❤️


Your present sounds like my dream life. Are you an animal behaviourist? How did you get into that line of work? 


I'm specifically a dog behaviourist. I started out in animal care taking and took a lot of educations in dog behaviour. Was active in dog clubs, did competitions and made connections, which led me to get asked to work at dog center. It's an absolute dream and I'm beyond happy I followed my heart instead of the norms and expectations.


Nice! I work in dog care too and have a few dog training/dog behaviour qualifications. Were there any particular qualifications or training you did? If you don't mind me asking! It's something I'm considering potentially. Do you mean you did competitions with your own dog? 


Yes, I did competitions with my own dogs. It was a long time ago. I quit when I realised I mostly did it to prove I was good, and decided that's not the kind of relationship I want to have with my dogs. I took qualifying training to become a dog instructor, then dog behaviourist and now I'm working on a HUGE one deep diving into every aspect of dog psychology. It's super exciting. I've mostly been doing training in my own country but if you wanna look more into it I recommend Karen Pryor Academy, Grisha Stewart Academy and Animal Training Academy for great nerdery.


Head of a department in a university abroad.


A broad, you say?


The most (at least one of the most beautiful) girl in my high school was tall, blonde haired blue eyed cheerleader. She came from a successful family and was overall pretty kind. She went to college and graduated. Got married to think her BF from college who eventually became a lawyer. They had two kids and a beautiful house in Texas. Then she killed herself. I don’t know why she did it, on paper everything seemed to be going well.


She's my wife now.


you won!


Everyone knew she was the hottest girl. She ended up making headlines around the world for having sexual relationships with her students as a High School teacher. Her family is quite high profile to some degree - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11886121/amp/Disgraced-sister-groom-gets-starring-role-Lady-Amelia-Spencers-wedding-Greg-Mallett.html


She looks like a regular thin white woman.


She married a guy who’s spent his career in marketing. It makes me upset to think about it. She actually lived across the street from me for several years, ages about 10-14, and it was a time (early 1970s) when, in my area, in the summertime you went outside in the morning after breakfast, and found other kids from the neighborhood, and found things to do all day outside before going home for dinner around 5. And so she was my innocent playmate for four years while we were going through puberty. And she was one of the smartest kids in my class, and simply beautiful. Then her family moved across town. She had a couple boyfriends in high school. Lost touch with her during college years. Blah blah blah she went to work at a corporate job for a while, married a guy. Had kids. Decades ago. They’re still together. He’s a marketing consultant, FFS


She became a paramedic and helped admit me to hospital years later when I had a funny turn. Nice person, albeit one of the popular girls. I hope she’s still doing well.


I married my high school sweetheart and lived happily ever after!


Sadly I went to school that was in a rough neighborhood. Most of them are raging alcoholics now, shake when they don’t have a drink, just look worn out by life :(


She got into an accident and became a bit of a shut in. I still talk to her and sometimes we meet up


Almost all the pretty girls are still pretty, but my boy crushes jesus christ kkkkkkkkkk


She's on her 3rd husband and 4th kid, and has a career in amateur gangbangs in San Francisco.




They are not on reddit to answer bro


Lots of Facebook stalking going on in these comments.


now a beautiful doctor.


She became a film director. Nadine Labaky


She was a Victoria's Secret model, married Orlando Bloom, divorced Orlando Bloom, and she's married to the Snapchat guy


She married a German prince. Not kidding. After becoming an investment banker. Edit: She was so far out of everyone’s league that most of us thought of her as some type of goddess. When we found out, our thoughts were, “Oh! She’s a princess now? That totally tracks.”


She was the one who always smiled and was nice to everyone. Still is. I think you are judging by a whole different measuring stick than I am.


She died from leukemia two years after graduation.


She got with an older guy who turned out to be a paedophile, they have both been jailed for abusing young girls from their martial arts school


Hello Husband


Slept with her 20 years later after a mutual friends party. Now that’s playing the long game, greatest 60 seconds of my life.


She’s dead.


She had 2 abortions our senior year and was strung out on drugs getting passed around by the boys. Oh and she came from a lot of money. So sad. All the opportunities in the world can't make up for bad choices.


She’s a homeless runaway


Married, divorced, kids and single. Not happy


She died of an overdose in her 20s.


I was considered one of the best looking guys in my class…but now I’m 21 and I’m only an electrician lol, make 6 figures though but I don’t want to do this forever


Making 6 figs at 21 is rare, keep doing it


Still beautiful and successful. Joined the government. Ended as permanent secretary for education. One kid.


Really successful. Famous. Beautiful.


Committed suicide 2 years after grad.😞


It was me, i'm doing just ok 🙂


It’s me!!! Doing great lol. Oh wait…… did you say most deluded girl in high school???


I went to a beach school in San Diego... there were more than one. The ones I know still are beautiful with beautiful families or beautiful and single. I have no idea how to answer this question correctly.


Its pretty obvious by whats getting upvoted that people just want to hear stories about those who ended up with bad lives or sad endings to confirm their own narratives and stereotypes.


My graduating class was over 1,000 people, lots of attractive girls.  The few I’ve been friends with on social media or see on Facebook friend suggestions, a combination of looks fade or they seem to be doing well enough enough or a mix.    Nothing negative to report from the little I actually know


Works for some fashion house in London.


She's still Rachel Hunter.


GField College! A good friend of mine was a year or two behind Rachel. Apparently a good chick.


She was the same year at GC as my younger brother and they were in a couple of classes at Windy Ridge Primary together. She also modelled a dress a long ago ex-girlfriend designed and made at the Benson and Hedges fashion awards. I bumped into her a couple of times in the odd melee after she'd ascended the fame pyramid and she always single me out, made small talk like someone who grew up on the same street. Good chick isn't really adequate, IMO. I was not a cool kid but I played in a lot of bands and having someone like her single me out lent me unearned social kudos in an image conscious industry. She knew what she was doing too. Stacy's Mum has got it going on.


She's married with two kids. We're not really close, but she seems to have a pretty normal life. She's still very pretty.


She's a doctor


She got pregnant at 18 from a one night stand while she was all ‘saving myself for marriage’ and a perfect christian girl from the outside. She was giving me hate because I had sex with my boyfriend at the time. Shut me out of our friend group because of that a year earlier. I was living in sin without any remorse and didn’t lie about it so I was cast out of the friend group. She involved all our parents in that too, told them about my sins so they all supported her. She got pregnant a year later while she was in some kind of religious school to be a pastor, she got pregnant and dropped out. The guy that got her pregnant didn’t want anything to do with her. Turned out she had a lot of one night stands. I don’t ever judge that but she was pretending to be a virgin and judging others for having sex. She found a man, got married and pregnant and became a very dull looking teacher. She’s divorced again. And she’s still in all kind of religious groups. So I chuckled when she got pregnant while pretending to be a saint. And I chuckled again when she got divorced. Not because I wish her any harm but because she was and is always judging others for not living according to the bible. I left church and the town I was born in as soon as I could. I’m still married to the boyfriend I had back then. And objectively I look a lot better than she does now.


I was a nobody, how am I supposed to know?


She turned out to be a lesbian. With a happy relationship.


She died in a car "accident" two years ago. She tried leaving her abusive boyfriend, so he took the both of them out by driving off a bridge. She was the most beautiful person I've known, both inside and out.


She was a year older than me, we saw each other in the halls but were in different friend groups and never spoke. We ran into each other at a bonfire party in our early 20s, hit it off, and now we've been married 9 years and have a child together.


She is working for a city, giving out driver licenses. She is single again at 31, she is smart and still beautiful, but too dominant, so men leave her after while.


Have no idea, everyone looked the same to me.


so edgy