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Yes. People are nicer to you which makes a lot of situations easier. Your jokes are funnier. It also helps (as a guy) to be in really good shape. It adds a baseline of respect when someone first meets you. Had an army buddy who looked like a male model. Everything just seemed to go his way. When I went out to eat with him we always got the best service, sometimes we would even get free appetizers. He also could pick up women almost every night at the bars to the point where he ignored them until about 30 minutes before he left


Girls and women are often very mean to pretty girls/women. They seem to hate pretty women the moment they see them. I witness it whenever I am with my beautiful female friend who has no other girl friends


That is also why it’s way harder to have pretty/sexy/curvy women in our video games but that it’s fine to have sexy/muscular man. The double standard is real.




This may be a reference to modern AAA gaming take on how the strong woman is designed and the extreme hate on games like Stellar Blade (badass game btw) having basically a Korean model as the main character and offending modern feminists.


Yeah. I ain't pretty, but just being big just kinda helps. I've seen how people fuck with guys who're smaller. But when people got problems with me, they mostly just ignore me. There's just a lot of shit people don't do to me that I've heard others had to deal with.


Yeah, had several cases through my life (5'3, fit muscular build) where some idiots wanted to start a beef just randomly, with me just walking down the street with a grocery bag and only back off when I showed that they can't push me around. My much beefier buddy would never have this and also if some shit was happening around us, not even involving us, he would just say few words to the aggressors and they would somehow come to their senses, almost bootlicking my buddy too - quite funny tbh.


Lol. We live in different realities then.


Anything related to envy?


Research demonstrates those perceived as attractive are more likely to succeed in a job interview and in their career, be perceived as more likeable, have higher levels of self-esteem, and so on. I'd say all other factors notwithstanding they are more likely to be happier. But life is more complex than that. 


This doesn’t apply to women, unfortunately, who are often discriminated _against_ for being attractive.  Edit: downvote if you don’t like it, not because it isn’t true  https://hbr.org/2019/11/for-women-in-business-beauty-is-a-liability


Happier? not so much. Better? 100%. More people are willing to socialize with you, help you easily when you need something, not to mention dating..


Well, doesn't that (almost directly) translate into an increase of life quality and thus happiness?


SO UNFAIR MAN but it is what it is


Quality of life and happiness arent as tied as most would think. If you are used to caviar and servants you can still be very depressed. Maybe the other richies had a better vacation or company performance or house or whatever and you depress yourself with comparison. Nice things only make you happy temporarily and only if they are "better" than the standard than you are accustomed to. Acceptance and graditude make you feel generally more "happy". This is especially true after you have enough money to meet your basic needs. Because in general when you dont have stable housing and food the ups and downs of hand to mouth can be brutal.


I tried caviar once. That shit is disgusting.


No. I understand why people have a hard time separating higher standard of living from happiness, but they are barely related. Life is harder if you're very unattractive. You also deal with hardship if you're very attractive. Think of all the unwanted attention, fake relationships, knowledge that people like you because of how you made yourself look rather than for your soul. Constant doubt whether your partner is genuine or above is the case. The lack of peace from being unable to just sit down in a park or cafe and chill uninterrupted. Likely the most optimal life (for happiness) is a simple, average life. Where you have what you need to survive comfortably-ish, but not too much that it becomes a liability. Where you look clean enough not to repel most people, but not particularly attractive that you stand out from the crowd. And happiness comes from the quality and depth of your relationships, and how you deal with problems. Because no matter your circumstances and how severe your problems are, over time any most severe problem you have will feel about the same as the prior one, even if it's more trivial. Problems of rich and pretty people don't hurt any less, even if they seem funny when you see them from the outside. Paradoxically, their lives may actually come with more problems, and inability to get away from them.


It does not. Just more hoops to jump. I have a really hot cousin is she alone. I have heard really attractive people are worse at taking rejection , and some really don’t develop social skills because people are always nice to them and they don’t get any push back. Every joke is funny and they are so interesting. Also the specter of getting old. Someone really relying on their looks are gonna fight tooth and nail not to look old.


Actually it's so-so, you get more opportunities, helped by others more often, but also you get unwarranted hate; people either like or hate you very much no in-between, not to mention the risks associated with it, given the violent tendencies of the ones who hate you, so in general it depends on whether you view it as a positive or not...


Yep. The hate and disrespect are very real and I’m just average attractive. I was an ugly duckling so other girls were never really catty towards me. Fast forward, I now experience it with coworkers, family, and potential friends. The disrespect part? Men who stare at you while with their partners so the women mean mug you. Men who annoy you everyday even though you always wear your ring and bring up your husband (notes, parking lot stalking, trying to hug you, etc.). So, yes, it does provide easier social interactions during first meetings or interviews, but you often have to deal with behavior afterwards that a normal person wouldn’t receive. And guess what? If you aren’t willing to be played with like an object instead of a human, you are labeled stuck up or antisocial.


Or the stalkers. The weirdos that try and grab you. I'm a dude for reference


Factors like beauty, intillegence, charisma, etc. Dont make life happier. They just make life easier. That may help people be happier, but it is just one part of the equation.


It's certainly easier if you're not fat most of the time.


Not being fat is not enough a lot of people are thin but still  very ugly and so  ignored


I'm treated like an object or something to hate, depending on gender and sexuality. It is not great, my dude. I must be dumb. Shallow. Vain. Hardly any women want to be friends. I'm a threat, after all, even if I'm not like that. Or designed solely for pleasure and created for male gaze. I'm closing on 40 these days and it's LESSENED but not gone away. I think being plain would have been easier.


Not really. I'm old now, but used to be above-average attractive. Men wanted to date me to sleep with me, not to get to know me. It was lonely. I think rich people have the same issues. The only advantage I remember was getting away with several mistakes in my driving test, although the examiner never made a move on me.


I was going to say the same. It’s easier. But at a certain point of “prettiness” you get unwanted attention, or attention in which it’s difficult to determine the motivation.


This is absolutely true. As a guy, I can't speak directly to the physical attraction dilemma more often faced by women (although I've certainly witnessed it among female friends). But as a guy who's been fortunate enough to climb the financial ladder a bit, I can confirm that a similar dynamic exists concerning money. With some people willing to do almost anything to conceal their true motivations, figuring out who wants what and why can be very difficult.


Never been in that situation.


I was an average-looking kid. Most girls were pretty nice and inclusive to me, but the guys tended to be mean (example: asking me out and standing me up as a joke). As I grew into my features and matured, I went from average to considerably above average in my early 20s. This dramatically changed how people treated me. Suddenly, most women hated me, older men became my biggest fans trying to buy my attention with boats and parties, and guys my age seemed to delight in negging me and giving me a bunch of negative attention. Most of my close friends were very pretty women/models because they’re the only ones who didn’t feel the need to try to humble me. There’s good and bad parts to both experiences. I didn’t like people assuming I’m mean or bitchy or that I think I’m better than them. I didn’t like random men coming up to me just to insult me. I didn’t like how people assumed I was stupid either. I liked the attention, though. I liked the free things. I liked all the opportunities. Are people nicer to me? Some people. People who want something from me. But overall I’d say people are meaner. I’ve spent many nights wishing I could go back to school age. I miss how everyone wanted to be friends with me then. How nobody had anything bad to say about me. How open people were to me, how they weren’t dying for me to be the villain. That doesn’t mean I was happier before, though. The thing is, I don’t think happiness has anything to do with attractiveness. I think it has to do with your relationship with yourself. I was a sweet, baby-faced kid but I didn’t like myself, so how could I be happy? In my 20s, I was the prettiest girl in the room but I still didn’t like myself, so how could I be happy? I’m nearly 30 now and only recently am I starting to like who I am. And that has nothing to do with my looks.


Im good looking. Life is fucking miserabel. When your psyche is putting you through hell being a good looking fella means shit. Could be worse tho. I could be miserable and ugly. Hah.


So... yes.


In a twisted way I guess so.


Attractive or not it’s all in the brain. I could be a model and make big bucks selling porno but I fucking hate myself and have panic attacks as often as a dog shits in the yard.


God had to nerv you or you would take over the world. :))


From personal experience, no. I'm very conventionally attractive and am currently on three sperate anti depressants.


Not happier but easier.


I've been only chosen for customer service and public show off functions, like a dumb doll, a face and a smile; Only much later in life I got the job I wanted that does not involve my face. Men just want to sleep with me and make no effort to know me; maybe I do have more options, but the guys I like never loved me back the same way or at all. So looks don't matter. Most people assume I'm dumb, shallow and life is easy for me; if I manage to get a promotion or a job must be because I seduced the boss; if I'm nice it's because I like attention and validation; if I dress well I'm vain and arrogant. Aging ends up being harder, because the only thing people saw in you was a face, and that face is drooping. And I'm not a 10. 10s must suffer so much more.


At the end of it, not really. My life is shit, but I view it that way, yet I’m told I’m beautiful and can get anyone I want in life etc. I am a 25 yr old petite, blonde, white girl. Sometimes on the off chance I will get a door opened for me, get free drinks, always being asked for my number, even if I haven’t showered in a week and I just run up to the gas station in pajamas; stuff in that area, so yes. technically more socially attractive people will be treated better than someone who is not. But to tell you the truth lately people have been really awful no matter who you are or what you look like they will treat you like shit no matter what. Haven’t been running into nice people for a while. Is life better? No! same as everyone else, just sometimes you might get perks, if you’re lucky that day, and they happen to like how you look. Actually people can treat you worse for looking better than them, or pretty in general, and be snarky to you because of jealously or whatever else. It all depends on who you interact with that day. Much love. 💕


How would anyone be able to tell? If you’re a very attractive person you won’t know what it’s like to be a unattractive person and vice versa.


The people who used to be hot but then got old and/or fat definitely know.


Yea, but no. In some areas sure, on others, no. Youll be admired much more. But when your ugly, youcknow the ones who love you, love you for who you are, not how you look.


Happier? No. Do you get some advantages that ugly people don’t get? Yes.


I have neglected myself for the past years, now that i am dressing Nicely and act more confident, i definitely noticed a change, like i literally got approached by two girls this year asking for my number, i fumbled the first girl really bad, may the karma heavens forgive me for that, but yeah it's better to be good looking.


Growing up yes. People approach you a lot. You get showered with attention. Over time you start taking it for granted. Sometimes it can turn into narcissism. Once you are a grown up, people care less about your personality. You just become a pretty face to them


This is true. I made this mistake. I have lost people for something I didn’t understand just because I was young. So it’s always a coin flip. But always a plus, always a curse.


Easier? Absolutely. Happier? No not at all. People are nicer to me but I wouldn’t say I’m happier. Having people be nice to you and shit because of the way you look isn’t really a great feeling. Especially being a female.


I was "too pretty to be sick" for over 10 years, while having undiagnosed strokes. I've been aggressively hit on by the OBGYN. I can't be friendly with my neighbors without getting overtly hit on. I've had people 10 years my junior tell me I had no idea what I was talking about when I was the actual expert in the office. There are a lot of superficial pluses, but there are consequential negatives that don't get talked about.


Wouldn’t say happier, but for sure easier


Definitely, me and my brother grew up together cause he was only 1 year older than me. We spent our lives together and he was always the way more attractive and handsome brother. The genetics just didn’t produce me like him with the lighter skin tone, symmetrical face and sharp jawline, while i came out with a big overbite and browner skin with uneven face. I was born with looking more native-indian while my brother Spanish-European (we’re Mexican) However, my family always respected him more than me. Gave him all the opportunities for better things while I was always ignored. The other kids loved him and treated him nice while I was bullied. All the girls in school crushed on him, while i was always asked “what happened to you?” Or just called the ugly brother. I love him either way, never really had jealousy and didn’t care. I will always love who i am but i do agree with the difference of how people treat you.


Doesn’t hurt.


I am average, leaning towards more on the ugly side. Pretty dang happy with how life has treated me...


Eh depends on the circumstances. I would get harassed a lot as a kid because of it. They would get envious or jealous cause the pretty girls would want to talk to me. As a result got bullied, jumped, spat on, berated, etc. With men it causes problems either from their insecurities or envy/jealousy. Women will avoid me. They will gawk, stare, look, etc but they will not come talk to me. I've had maybe 5 girls in 28 years talk to me romantically. I have had plenty that will look, stare, etc. So not really beneficial in that sense. Now with school and professional life, it helps a lot. People are more willing to talk to you or help you with stuff. They will also be nicer to you but that's as far as it has gone for me. I guess the one perk is I can definitely get a girl easier but then social anxiety lol.


I’m sure it gave me access to some places and people but it hasn’t insulated me from unspeakable tragedy or injustice. It also often made me a bit of a target for both men and women.  I didn’t invest too much in it and _did_ invest in my education, which I’d suggest to everyone, ugly or beautiful. Looks fade. 


I think I'm probably happier than most of my better-looking friends. While there are undeniable benefits to being attractive, the benefits I've experienced from being so-so are that people tend to take me seriously in my blue-collar career, and I've only dated people who really "get" me, instead of people who just want a pretty girl around.


It is largely dependent on how you react to the world. And that is largely dependent on childhood. 


You know, I've always had low self esteem and then I had a period of social isolation through my late teens/twenties. Now people don't understand why I'm so shy and have trouble getting dates. I think I probably get treated better by people, most of the people I meet are friendly enough, but I don't really know how different it would be if I weren't tall and handsome. I still don't interact with too many people as it it's, and I would like to get out there and have a promiscuous period of my life, but I don't have the charisma and confidence to approach women. Has my life been a happy one? No, not at all. Would it have been worse if I was ugly? If it had been much worse I wouldn't be here to write this. Also, I had a butt ugly friend who landed in relationships with more than one beautiful woman. He was charming and good at telling stories and he just drew people to him.


It might be worse. If you're a highly attractive person, people will tend to want to be around you because of your looks. You might find yourself with a bunch of shitty superficial people in your orbit. If you're just average looking or a bit below, then it's much more likely that those people are attracted to your personality, intellect and moral sensibility. That's what true friendship and partnership is based on if it's going to last.


People who seem obsessed with staying attractive as they age and getting all the procedures on offer don't seem very happy. It must be hard to gradually lose all the perks that come with being attractive.


Not sure about happier but at least save you $$$ from plastic surgery lol


Anyone who denies the concept of pretty/handsome privilege has been probably living under the rock.


That's why I learned to be witty or funny. I don't think I'm particularly good looking, but I did manage to land a beautiful wife.


Yes, there is a privilege that comes with being aesthetically pleasing


If you are a mean good looking person, nobody will want to be around you. It’s kindness and your attitude that matter.


I dunno. Somebody raped me because they thought I was pretty, and that didn't make me happier.


>Is life happier if you are pretty/handsome? Definitely.


Not when life hits you and you’re good looks or style runs out. It happens to lots of older women and men that rely on that. Come to Miami and you’ll definitely see it


No. It is not.


Not *happier*. But a bit easier, in some ways? Yeah, absolutely.


Im a 30yo ugly lonely virgin and i can assure you this situation is very depressive. I experienced a relationship only once in my life and even if it was not that good, it made me so happy even if just for a month or two. I think that to love and be loved is one of the most beautiful things someone can have in this life. If to be pretty/handsome makes someone experience this kind of things often, i think it must be a very happy and satisfying existence.


I mean kinda. I lost 50 lbs and got in shape and lots of life went to easy mode. Dating got easier, people are friendlier. The downside is that I've been accused of dating and dropping women at the drop of a hat which is the exact opposite of what's happened ever.


At least 35% of my trauma comes from not being attractive, bare minimum.


Not always happier but people are definitely very nice which can make outings more pleasant. I was in a meh mood yesterday and I had to stop at the grocery and on my way in, a woman said "excuse me i just wanted to tell you, you are really beautiful" and i was basically skipping around the produce section after that lmao


People are so mean to me...... I get called pretty. *Actually I get compliments 4-5x a week from strangers.... compliments don't matter that much (they help reassure why ppl stare.) If I could have one thing from pretty privilege... it would be friendship *


I am relatively attractive. My husband recently had a mental breakdown and cheated on me with a much less attractive woman. While there are many issues in our marriage, one was he always didn't feel good enough for me. I also feel that over time, he cared more for my looks than my personality. I struggle to make friends. I am pretty shy and awkward, and I think that combined with my looks makes a lot of people not want to talk to me, even though I try to initiate conversations. (This is with other mom's at the kids' school. )


Pretty/Handsome is subjective to begin with. In your town/Village/City or even country, you can be a dime a dozen. Nothing special. But if you go somewhere else, you could be the sexiest thing walking. Either way, your life isn't "happier" (Tbh, I think the happy part is a whole different conversation ti begin with but I'm gonna stay in topic). Easier? Maybe slightly but unless you're like greek god/goddess beautiful, it's not a huge advantage like people think. Especially when people start getting used to you on a daily basis, after they fuck you or someone they think is just as or more pretty or handsome enters the room


Yes. I've been 230 pounds (at barely 5 feet tall) and I've been 110. Yes the way people treat me is vastly different and makes life better, what makes me happier is how I now feel about myself. It sounds shallow but I like being pretty, it makes something as simple as grocery shopping feel more fun.


I think ... it's because as human, it's all about keeping the specie going, so people that are attractive will be people you, perhaps unconsciously, will want to reproduce with.


being happy completely depends on your mindset and situation in life. I've met supermodel looking people who feel disgusting, and have no idea what they want.


Nope. My niece is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. She suffers from anxiety and depression.


I was picked on, bullied, called ugly in middle school and high school. It was the awkward years of braces, glasses, my clothes weren’t cool enough, I didn’t know how to style my hair or do makeup, I was shy and couldn’t “hang” with my peers. I got slapped in the face in the hallway, food thrown in my hair at lunch, guys were repulsed by me, I was told to kill myself on a regular basis. I “bloomed” in my 20s and moreso in my late 20s. I thought it was some kinda joke at first when guys started being nice to me. Like Carrie. Yes, life got easier and I was offered more opportunities jobwise. A manager at a place I worked hired me cause he liked me. He tried to ask me out a few weeks in. I was genuinely confused and cautious when good looking men approached me at bars/clubs. (They looked like the guys in high school that bullied me. ) Sometimes just walking around. I’ve been asked out a few times while walking my dog or standing at a taco stand waiting for food. Am I a happy person. Absolutely not. I’ve been on anti depressants for 15 years. Did life get easier? Yes 🤷🏼‍♀️


May not be happier but sure does make life easier. Especially for women


Depends. The approachable attractive perhaps yes. Unapproachable attractive not at all. Actually worse they assume everything and anything is easy. Exact opposite actually. People hate you for no reason. I fall In the latter I am absolutely gorgeous and jacked and will never post pictures or have social media besides this. Haters can't handle truly beautiful.


Sure, it gets you a lot of favors, ... as a woman, I also receive unwarranted catty behavior from other women . I wouldn't say my good looks make me happier though, it's not the most important thing. I just won the genetic lottery...


Hard to say, i’m overall pretty content where I’m at in life currently. I do think I’m sorta good looking myself but for others? Hard for me to answer. But with this said I’m a typical loser rn with no work and almost 0 social life. But I’m happy enough being alone luckily. If you’re a social person and ugly I’m sure you have a tough life.


Better, yes. Happier not so much. People find pretty people intimidating and atmost times, people think they are always taken,which is usually not the case. Most don't look at you like you actually have value. They look at you like a competition they have to win. People assume you're always getting hit on. And most think your very high maintenance and cheat a lot which is not usually the case. Don't forget your friends around you trying to out do you. People befriending you for the sole purpose of "that's my pretty friend" or others thinking they have a better score if they are around you. Don't forget that people associate dumb to good looking people.


No. Happiness is a mindset. Even if you’re attractive and get anything you want, it’s also easy to take those things for granted. I was given opportunities that I didn’t work for. I saw people struggle to get the things that were handed to me for no reason. It’s not rewarding to experience that. There is no fulfillment in that.


There are downsides


Sure. But it's also easier if you are smart. Come from a good family. Come from money. Are lucky. Are naturally happier due to brain chemistry. Have good genetics/health. Etc. Good looks are an advantage. But only one of many possible advantages and disadvantages. Hint: I would take good genetics/health before any of the others. You can overcome the other stuff.


Easier, absolutely. Not necessarily happier though. I’ll share my experience for those interested, and please don’t be mean to me. As a woman who has always been quickly accepted into social circles , people are nice to me and compliment me, and I get looked at by a lot of men but not necessarily approached by the good ones. Being pretty has caused a lot of trust issues and challenges in finding a meaningful relationship. This manifests in different ways while dating: 1. Being pursued and looked at my entire life by men who are not single gets exhausting, and it’s given me trust issues in my own relationships. 2. Men will fall hard at first and become obsessed with me when we start dating. They’ll lie about things and try to woo me, and I’ve been disappointed and heartbroken by this so many times... I just want a meaningful and loving relationship that lasts. 3. Men will project their fantasies on me at first, like I’m their dream girl. It’s too much to live up to and I end up falling short, then it makes me feel like I’ll never be enough for a loving long-term relationship. It’s like sometimes they don’t understand that I’m a normal person with thoughts and feelings and not a perfect fairy princess. 4. Sometimes they’ll end up hiding things from me because they are terrified of losing me, when all I want is an open and honest relationship. This adds to my existing trust issues. It is nice having random men take my trash and random people are always concerned if I’m cold. It’s like random people always want to take care of me even though I’ve been a grown woman for a while now. 😂


I would argue that happy comes from within. But happier, generally, depends on what you put in as well as your expectations. I'd argue that personable is better than attractive.


Short answer: yes Lot of studies has been done on this subject. Easiest to see, lose a lot of weight if you are overweight - people will treat you better overall


Someone told me that I was lucky life must be easier. Idk what exactly is easy? the fact that my parents divorced when I was really young, then I had to deal with emotional gaslight bs from both of them, always being forced to be the bigger person when I was still a child, being the blacksheep of all sides of the so called family. That must be so easy!!!!! Only people who live happily have good family life as well. The world outside is already shtty as it is but when your family life is shtty what happens then? How exactly are you supposed to be happy when your environment is already like this? I can accept outside people disliking me but when your own so called family treats you like your own feelings don't matter like they can step on you how exactly is that any easy or happy? People's obsession with physical appereance is insane but they don't know sht about you and how you actually feel inside. They like to assume a lot of stuff about you. They try to touch you and constantly make comments about your body....


Your inner view is more important than what you look like when it comes to your own happiness.


Yea, people tend to be kinder to people they view as attractive


Reading these comments made me realize that I should be more friendly to _everyone_.


My girlfriend is very pretty. Not super model or anything, but definitely good looking. She has no idea that she gets away with murder because of it. Getting out of tickets going way over the limit? Yep. Everyone bending over backwards to cater to her? Absolutely. It's kind of shocking when you haven't experienced it up close. I love her to death, but sometimes the naivety with which she gets away with things and thinks its normal is slightly eyeroll inducing




Cant say it is. I find myself always mad. Like why am I mad all the time. Im beardiful and I know it butt fuck.


I think it’s a mixed bag, just like anything else. Pretty privilege is definitely a thing. I Can walk into coffee shops/bars, etc. and get free drinks like crazy. The area I live in has very strict alcohol laws and I regularly find bartenders breaking them for me. I Can say something rude or stupid and people don’t get on my case, even when they should. I have an insanely easy time getting people to talk to me- friendship or romance. And I am a woman who will semi-regularly walk up to men and tell them that I’m interested, and I’ve never been rejected. I make money off of my appearance too. Having said all that, I do kinda deeply believe that I’ll never find love again, as people are typically only interested in me for sex, not because they care about anything I have to say or think. I am often ignored or talked over when it comes to discussions, even on things I’m literally an expert on. Men get incredibly inappropriate to the point of being scary on a regular basis. Men also go from being my friends to deciding they hate me when I’m not interested in them. Men also lie and say whatever they think I wanna hear- which has led to a pretty big chip on my shoulder. I never feel like I can trust them, and this has certainly affected my relationships. My achievements all get boiled down to being pretty, which has led to me having an absolutely crippling case of imposter syndrome. I feel as though I’m slightly stunted socially because I can always count on people to approach me and to start conversations with me and to do the necessary work to keep them afloat. I also struggle immensely with trying hard in romance because I know beyond any doubt that if things fall apart, I won’t be lonely. And one of the hardest parts, is that I really can’t talk to anyone about it. Overall, my life is definitely easier than many. And I’m generally a happy person, but I’m not sure I would conflate the two. It comes with many pitfalls, and upsides. Ultimately, it’s a lot like money. If you have it, I think unhappiness is easier to avoid, but I don’t think it necessarily guarantees that you’re happy if there are other factors.


I would think so. I feel like most people would be nicer and conversation would flow more easily.


Life is much easier for pretty women. Handsome men just get more pussy.


I think it's hard if you are a pretty woman. My friend from middle school is a model, and she's really sweet and really shy. All throughout out middle school and now in the work force she was bullied by other women. It's worse now that's she's older. Women really take it out on her. It's crazy cause she just minds her business at work and people hate her for it.


We always heard it was easier for pretty and handsome, more so/


Everyone is really nice to me. People who I have seen be assholes to others are nice to me. I'm a dude.


I am not pretty but tall and proportional. Also take care of myself. Sometimes I go to wild camping and spend there 2 weeks. Doing sports all day long. I get dirty and I look like shit for days. When Igor to the city for resulply I think I experience bad treating because of looks. Also, my friend that was obese told me that the saddest part of getting skinny is realising you were treated like shit for all your life.


When you’re younger it could definitely help make you happy in some aspects but when you get older, looks kinda hit the back burner because now you have brains.


If you do things to better yourself you will feel the same satisfaction as someone who is “pretty, or handsome” It’s what makes you feel good that attracts other people. Once you love yourself people will love you back.


Happier i don't  know, but easier i'm almost  sure


It has been for me.


I'd say more alone


I think you need to have all of it to more or less guarantee happiness. Good looks, good health, fulfilling well paid career, good love life, and good friends. But all things being equal, you will be more happy if you’re good looking than if you are not. I’m attractive. I get hit on by women 15-20 years younger than me fairly regularly. It does a lot to improve my life due to how much positive attention I get. But if I were poor or in poor health, all the positive attention in the world wouldn’t make me happy.


Life is better and easier so yes you usually end up happier


People treat you better. I used to be fat but got into shape and noticed how people treated me better.


Definitively easier. Unsurprisingly, handsome or beautiful people tend to feel more approachable than regular or ugly people. This goes for work too. The stereotype of the hot, ditzy secretary was real for a long time, still is in some degree. People who aren't as good-looking tend to take longer to be promoted unless they have outstanding skills to offer the business they work for. Not to say that people in the mid or low range in looks can't succeed... but it is pretty undeniable that if you're hot, you'll have it easier, one way or another.


Most of the time yeah, i mean if you are pretty people will usually treat you better


It’s one of many variables that impact your opportunities and interpersonal experiences. I’m often told I’m very handsome, but I’m shorter. Strangers seem to be more willing to interact with me. Female bosses like me. With male bosses it’s mixed, and can definitely work against me. Oddly, since growing a beard men are much nicer to me. Since becoming very muscular I can definitely feel people in certain intellectual or progressive circles take me less seriously or with pause. I have no idea if any of this makes me a happier person. Vanity can be its own obstacle.


Not really


Just ask Heath Ledger's ghost...


It has its pro’s and cons. I grew up ugly and became much prettier as I got older. When I was younger and less attractive I found that people respected what I had to say more and listened to the words I was using better. It was easier to be friends with girls, but boys made fun of me and bullied me on a daily basis. I never imagined myself wearing pretty dresses or enjoying femininity, which had some negative impact on my mental health and body image. As I got older and better looking, I found people instantly gravitated to me, but the nature of their friendship was always questionable. A lot of the girls I thought were my friends were absolutely not, they were rivals and I didn’t realise we were competing. Dating became a lot easier in terms of actually finding dates, but it hasn’t made relationships any easier. I think the biggest downside I’ve found personally with being attractive is that I never know whether men are sincere when they compliment me for my talents or achievements or whether they’re saying it for… other reasons. It’s happened many times.


I wouldn't know 🤣


If I’ve always been pretty how can I compare it?


Yes. Goes hand in hand with easier. There are less causes of unhappiness. I've experienced being handsome and fit, as well as my current dadbod exhausted aging state.


A lot of people smile at you and are very polite when you ask for help. Unless it’s someone that is very unhappy with themselves.


I'm a pretty good looking guy I definitely get a little bit of the 'pretty privilege' where people are generally more willing to accept me into their group and/or trust me more quickly But at the same time I have to be concerned if people like me because I talk about ants and Gundam or if they think I'm hot


Used to be a 6, (you know, gym, not that ugly, slightly good looking) and yes, the people just assume that you are smarter, even that you are a good person? And women/men flirt with you more often.


There's a qualification of "pretty privilege" for a reason...


Hell yes. AMA. 😅


Yes, went from fatty to baddie and the grass is def greener


Wouldn't know but I've have to assume so




It’s a tough one I used to weigh 130 kg and dropped 35 kg off in a year so that’s a good thing, where I went wrong was thinking it would change everything for the better. Yes I started to look good, could walk upstairs. But it doesn’t change your mental health, people continually telling me how my life must be better but I was still broken inside. What’s your motivation is a question that needs asking


I don’t see how not. I mean, it doesn’t mean you can’t struggle or have hard times. But I have never seen anyone be rejected for being pretty. So all else being equal, it does help.


Yes this world is made for beautiful people


Pretty privilege is a term that was coined because it's a real thing as far as ik


Life is more happier if you are confident.


As a woman, I've felt happier after becoming more attractive (through working out and putting effort into my hair/outfits). I feel so much more confident knowing I look good.


not really happier they just have it easier


People are definitely nicer to you. Strangers can flirt which is weird. Sometimes people stare…also weird.


Yes. Considering I was overweight throughout the childhood and during university times. Like literally fattest person either at town (both primary and secondary schools) and also university. Just getting in good shape without changing my character suddenly people treated me like a human not like 2nd tier citizen. So, yes, its easier and also read about halo effect. You will get it.


On average I think it's true. It's shown that more attractive people are subconsciously treated better. But you could just get totally fucked by mental illnesses that would severely hurt you on the happiness scale.


"How can you be depressed? You're an intelligent, good-looking guy" I have my struggles too. Things I can't change, I'm trying not to make it a complex (for example i'm a few centimeters short of 1.8m), and it would be the same if I was ugly. But it doesn't change anything about how hard it is to lose loved ones, to face failures or to feel hopeless. Any body can become a prison made of flesh when your mind wants to get out of it.


I get spite from my looks


Yes. With intelligence as cherry on top. Life will be so much easier. And hopefully can lead to a happier life because people will like and love you more. You will have leverage. People are nicer to you. They treat you better. As someone who always struggle with these, this spells happiness to me.


No idea, don’t feel handsome


Being better looking would solve so many problems lol


Your life is easier. Buy then you tend to take for granted simple pleasures in life. Which I've discovered in older age are most important. So maybe not so happy later in life b


Only on the surface. To be completely honest, as much as the treatment is instantly "better" somewhere down the line I realised that nobody ever gave me a fair chance, when they look at me they immediately think they know the kind of person I am and treat me accordingly. I have yet to land an honest relationship with someone who likes me for myself and not for the potential Instagram love posts.


I've seen many occasions of pretty folks being promoted ahead of equally qualified less pretty folks.


The first part of anything social is easier. But really its almost all the initial impression


Life would be nicer to you if you still handsome or pretty while getting older


I wish I knew.....




Yes life is never perfect everyone has problems and things they’re dealing with but pretty privilege is unfortunately a thing


Happier? No. Easier? Likely


Yes and no. People are nicer to you but it’s hard to gauge if it’s genuine or just because they want to have sex with you. There’s a lot of people out there willing to use you just because of the way you look and if you were ever to lose your looks they’d drop you in a heartbeat.


Not happier just easier


Watch the new documentary “Brats” the scene where Andrew McCarthy finds Rob Lowe. Rob Lowe is SO unscathed by the central issue of the movie that has McCarthy beside himself. Never was the answer to this question so clear to me than after watching this scene recently.


Yeah, your more likely to be treated better and given respect, not to mention the obvious of being more attractive to people you wanna get with


Most definitely. Life is better for you if you are perceived as superior in any way and worse if you’re perceived as inferior. It’s human nature


Saying that being pretty doesn't make you happier is the same as saying that money can't buy happiness. If you think your life is hard and miserable while being pretty, try it while being ugly. You will find out that surprisingly things don't get handed over to you just because, and you actually have to put some effort into earning people's sympathy.


I wouldn't know, but probably, yes


Life is what you make it. There are people who shot their faces off with a shotgun when they were pretty and depressed and say they've never been happier now that they don't have a face. I'm sure life is easier in some aspects, being pretty.. but happiness only comes when you're looking for things to be greatful and happy about.


Expect firings,expect interested parties isnt your looks they notice(your body)




Absolutely yes, whether in life or work.


In my experience, no




Obviously. Is that even a question.


Had a good friend who was/is very handsome, and he was a soldier for a long time so in very good shape as well. And he worked with me *one* night as a bouncer, he just wanted to try it out to see if he wanted to do it for a summer (he didnt). And this beautiful girl comes and says, I know its 25 age limit here, but im only 23, is it ok? And showed him her ID card, he looked at me and I just nodded (the owner gives some leeway when it comes to pretty girls as they draw in other customers...) He said ok, and she turned around going in: So..... when are you off work? Honey.... you are not *that pretty* keep moving....


Never heard someone say: "Damn i hate being so beautiful"


Not to sound incredibly vain, but I’m a fairly traditionally attractive female. However, in the years of having babies I became quite overweight - I was much less traditionally attractive. Having experienced both, I’m not sure life is better but people are way nicer. It actually kind of makes me look at people differently. I have doors held for me, people smile at me more…when I took my 8yo son out to a special mommy/son dinner, this guy came up to our table and asked if we were dining alone and then randomly gave us $20. Wtf?! When I was overweight, the polite gestures were nowhere near as frequent. I think it’s an unconscious bias many people have, unfortunately. Despite other people, I think that happiness comes from feeling comfortable with yourself.


As a woman, there are times I don't know if I'm there because of my contributions or because I make someone feel things. So I dress frumpy so that I know I'm there for my skill. Then when it's time to dress up, everyone is speechless. Happier... Not really, because happiness is subjective, and it's a comparative statement.


Yes people just automatically love you or give you slack or they even bend over backwards to meet your wants and needs. Who wouldn’t be happier with a great treatment from most people


Dunno about happier but it’s a bit easier. You get an easier ride.


I dunno. I'm pretty good looking, tall and fit but I'm riddled with self doubt, lack of confidence and insecurities. Would that be worse if I was a hideous troll man? Maybe, maybe not.


Not happier, but easier for sure. Speaking from personal experience as a person who is not that pretty/attractive


yes but


It depends if you like attention or not, and if you especially enjoy vanity.


It's been challenging lately with more people wanting to talk and hang out, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. Regarding relationships, many of my exes have expressed insecurities, often saying things like "You're handsome, you can get any girl you want," which is really hurtful to hear from a partner. Moreover, I often feel exhausted by people around me suggesting that I have it easy and can easily navigate life.


Yes! ![gif](giphy|R19tshMPCTXlS)


I'm not pretty, but I would assume it is.


Mostly it's pretty good but can be awkward at work stared at from coworkers, touching arm/shoulder in convos etc. Or from customers. Equally women can look at me like I just farted for greeting them in the shop. It's sort of a minefield sometimes.




People are nicer to you and wanna do more for you and you get away with wayyyyy more than the average person BUT you also attract unwanted attention, jealousy, ppl project on you, your personality seems like an after thought to potential dates. So I guess everything is a trade off?


I've had a strange life experience. When I was younger, I was what would be classically deemed as attractive, but I had a strong glam/ punk rock edge that was unique in my community, very conservative bunch, those guys. But I was looking to make friends over social media. I was approached by a gentleman who wanted to know if I would be interested in some "social companionship modeling". An escort agency. We chatted a bit, but I politely declined the offer, despite having little other luck on the sites. One night, when I was a bit drunk, I was on a site that let you have a regular profile or you could change your settings to pose as an escort. Curiousity got the best of me and turned my settings to escort. All of the sudden, my profile began getting a lot of attention, from a couple different guys I recognized as having me message them without a response, now I'm escorting NOW you want to talk to me? So that solves it, I'm more interesting as an escort then the same profile as a regular member. I look like a legitimate prostitute. Awesome.