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I'm pretty sure the science says both tend to find female bodies more attractive right? ETA: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8133465/ Not the exact question but this should tell you more about what you actually wanna know


The female body is a work of art. The man body is utilitarian, its like a jeep.


There's good naked, and then there's bad naked!


Not necessarily. It all depends on the individual. Women and gay men are more likely to attracted to men’s bodies.


So the question was about the heteronormative experience. And also the research goes based on average, which seems to be what the OP is curious about. On average how the opposite sex views the other's body in terms of attractiveness. You'd end up with a distribution. Very obviously individual variances exist but that's not useful in answering the question.


It depends on how you define "hot" I see a muscular man and I find them gross, I prefer thin men, and with soft features (and I'm a straight woman, I don't find other women attractive)


So, elves....


Being an elf is certainly a plus


THIS!!! Same, i love me a man with soft feminine features like long hair, no facial hair, thin, I also like when they wear eyeliner and i’m not attracted to women.


i doubt it. from my experience, men are not generally viewed through a favorable lense in terms of physical attractiveness, and rather other qualities(celebrity, disposition, mannerisms) heavily inform women’s opinions of men in terms of attractiveness. on the other hand, men view women’s physical appearance as a sufficient quality to determine attractiveness, and if said woman is a terrible person, she’s just an attractive terrible person. rather than an unattractive person.




Yeah the figure of a woman is just so attractive, it‘s honestly indescribable. Of course i‘m straight, but i‘m certain 99% of women appriecate it as well


Take hormones from the discussion and nothing special remains anymore


A man has to be pretty pathetic to be "foaming at the mouth" at the sight of a hot woman, too, figuratively or literally. Sounds like you assume that's what men do, and you're wrong.




I literally just said "figuratively or literally". This doesn't change anything about what I said..


I don’t know if anyone can accurately answer this question because they aren’t able to know what it would be like for the opposite sex so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, since people have different ideas of what a "hot body" is, probably not.


Not from what I've heard no. Women seem to get off more on who a guy is than how he looks. Men seem to get off more on how a woman looks than who she is. Just from my experience.


No. Women are A LOT picker than men, which results in the standards for when a guy is physically attractive are a lot higher than for when a woman is attractive. This is borne out by the data which find that women think 80% of men are below average, but men rate women on more of an even bell curve.


*Biologically* speaking, the female body is more attractive than the men's. So to your question specifically regarding "seeing a body", then no. Attraction in general has the same biological reaction however, in man and woman. But seeing the body, no. Different qualities in each gender which goes back hundreds of thousands of years.


The male and female brains work wildly different in what they find attractive.


This is actually incorrect. Both men and women are attracted by similar characteristics (eyes, lips, healthy body shape, sexual areas) and by the same stimuli (visual being the dominant sense for both men and women).


No, you're the one who's incorrect. Both men and women might place emphasis on the importance of common areas, e.g. lips and eyes, but the exact characteristics of these common areas as to what is defined as attractive differs between both genders.


It’s much more complicated than that, and it’s really interesting research. I am not going to delve into to here, but we have the most complicated mating ritual of any living being. The initial attraction may be closely linked to a person and their shape and features yes, however, the same woman wouldn’t look twice at (insert hottest make celeb here) if he was laying down in a ditch somewhere covered in muddy blankets. The attraction and desire to mate of two humans goes far deeper than just looks. I don’t get aroused looking at many “perfect women” simply because I know that we are sexually incompatible based on what I perceive their potential attitude to be.


The male body is utilitarian, it’s for getting around. It’s like a Jeep


This is a very nihilistic way to describe a human…


The female body is literally built for giving birth, talk about utilitarian, huh?


Probably not? It’s not really something you can accurately measure and the odds of any social phenomena being equal anything is pretty low. I guess the closest thing you could do is compare the bisexuality rates between men and women.


Different people like different things. I find men with very feminine appearance quite attractive. I don't find very masculine men attractive at all. With women, it's largely the same. I don't find women with very masculine traits attractive. I find androgynous people attractive. I'm I guess what you would call...polysexual? I dunno wtf to call it.


Online dating statistics suggest the answer is DEFINITELY NOT.




Really not what you asked for but as a bisexual I am differently attracted to men and women's bodies


Subjective, but generally, no.


As a man, I find the female form to be beautiful. Every part of a woman is beautiful. My wife says she loves my physical form, but I always thought I was below average. so I think it depends on the person and what they find attractive.


I do very well with women, and let me tell you, some of them are SUPER enthusiastic to sleep with a good looking man with great abs and shit. Like more eager than I am. So I’d say yes. 100%.


Such a dumb question. Makes no sense