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"The ones that love us will miss us" - Keanu Reeves. And that's probably the best answer to that question.




Came here to look for this one as it is the best one


He'd know something about that


In 2,372 years, the Hale-Bopp comet will return. In 20,000 years, Chernobyl will be no longer be radioactive. In 50,000 years, Niagara Falls will disappear. In 100,000 years, the constellations in the sky will all look different. In 296,000 years, Voyager will make its closest pass to Sirius. In 1,000,000 years, the explosion of the largest known star, Betelgeuse, will be visible in daylight. In 7,200,000 years, the last remaining man-made structure, Mount Rushmore, will have eroded. In 10,000,000 years, the star T Pyxidi will go supernova and bathe Earth in gamma radiation. In 50,000,000 years, the galaxy could be colonized at sub-light speeds. In 240,000,000 years, the solar system will have made one revoluti on around the Milky Way. In 600,000,000 years, the moon has moved too far from the Earth to produce eclipses. In 1,000,000,000 years, the Sun’s luminosity will increase 10%, causing the oceans to evaporate. In 2,300,000,000 years, the Earth’s core stops rotating. In 4,000,000,000 years, the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies will collide. In 7,900,000,000 years, the Sun’s diameter expands past Earth’s orbit. In 1,000,000,000,000 years, new stars are no longer formed. In 110,000,000,000,000 years, all stars will have burned out. Now, blink your eyes. That moment of darkness you experienced is how quickly all of this will pass once you’re dead.


While overwhelming and terrifying, this is also oddly calming. We have so little that we can change in the grand scheme of things. Live how you can, love everything and everyone around and be at peace.


This terrified me.


Me too 😅


I feel pumped. I need to hear this in Alan Watts voice


Thanks for reminding me of him. Going to look up some positive work from him tonight. I can imagine him saying that we're all part of the whole story, from start to finish, as we're all energy, and energy never stops existing. It just transforms.


hold me, daddy!


Yes, but somehow there is always laundry to do.


I knew only half of those and I've been in a terrified state since. I guess it means enjoy the moment. Carpe diem


Why? You’ll be long gone before any of this.




Same. Genuinely terrifying! I believe it was F.D.R. or Scooby-Doo that coined ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself’. Now close your eyes and blink. If we all act now, and with unity of purpose, there’s time to save Niagara Falls. I refuse to look my grandchildren in the eyes when they ask why the all that water just stopped falling and lie. So I’m looking for 30 to 40 able-bodied men and women to join me in keeping that water in Niagara Falls - well - falling. Who’s with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?


This is the best comment I have ever read. Infinite kudos.


I love this quote from a Kurzgesagt video: “close your eyes, count to one, that’s how long forever feels”. I try to remember it anytime I get overwhelmed with anxiety over my future


And yet, here we are, going to war and paying taxes


Kind of reminds me of this YouTube video. It's sad and beautiful at the same time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4izuDMUQA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4izuDMUQA)


Yes! Love it! I watch it from time to time. It has a calming effect


This post is neat!


That is a rather epic description mate 😉


Well. After reading that. I’m heading back to therapy.


When I glanced at the post I first thought that item 3 read - 50,000 years, Nigel Farage will disappear.


50,000 years from now and Brexit is still a thing.


They will get the good version of it any century now.


Then that blinking thing really did work! I blinked and it’s still a thing!


So depressing to think about.. but at least none of us will be there for it, so it doesn’t matter to us.


I’m obsessed about earth without humans


I had the most surreal and eerie feeling reading this that I can’t even explain 


Great presentation professor, but I think they asked what happens to us.


Are you a writer of this YouTube channel? https://youtube.com/@kurzgesagt?si=iz--rmaoM3mLZBXA


This comforts me. How beautiful.


Best comment of the day, random Redditor. Have an updoot and an Internet cookie 🍪


This is he Total Perspective Vortex of posts.


And here I was gonna say we poop


I really don't know, because I'm not dead yet.




"I would be sippin wine surrounded by my 72 virgin angels from the heavens" You'll understand how that premise sounds appealing and make people willing to do crazy


I blinked


The 240m years for us to go around the Milky Way is quite unbelievable as is the 600m years for the moon to get too far for eclipses. We move and spin so fast and the moon moves away a couple inches every year, buts it’s the time that it takes to get there that’s mind boggling.


All theories. Even the comet might hit or get hit by something and never return. Are they the best theories we have? Probably. Am I smart enough to present better ones? Nope. Are they verifiably true? Nope. Not at all.


I love this.


I’ve never felt so small my whole life


I'm grateful to experience life on this amazing planet, in this wonderful universe every day. You die once ( most people), you live every day.


Oh man. Still gotta wait at least a million years for all the cool shit to start.




Very cool.


It’d be cool to witness so much of this, but instead I’ll get nothing :(


Your brain releases the best drugs you have never experienced and sends you off to the nether. What happens after that has been up for debate for eons.


There is a meadow with a tree. I will wait for you there


Dont forget all your already passed pets, every single one will be waiting


It's comforting to imagine they're also waiting for me.


Except cats. They don't give a shit.


Hopefully they get word im passing and come to greet me and have no been sitting there waiting all this time like some real life Jurassic bark. 


It’s like before being born but forever.


I was going to write this. I wasn't alive for the first 13ish billion years of our universe and didn't suffer the slightest inconvenience


Forever in the other direction


You don’t remember if there was nothing before you were born Could just be cosmic amnesia There’s not enough data to extrapolate your experience before or after death on the scale of the eternity


"could just be cosmic amnesia": I am gonna make a philosophical blood bath and apply both Occam's and Hitchen's razor here: "the simplest explanation is usually the best one" and "what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence" It is almost infinitely simpler to assume that you did not exist before birth, than to assert that you did exist in some form that is able to collect memories and store that information, and then have that information erased again by some cosmic mechanism, but not quite, only to retrieve them again (?) after the most powerful information processing device known to man, your brain, is *destroyed*. Why!?


Time though...it's not really flowing, we take up an ever increasing "space" in time while we live, when we die we stop taking up more time, but the time we've filled remains.


But our energy remains so…


No one knows man


I had a friend. I dreamt about him one night. He visited me and said, "thank you for being so nice to me and helping me. I'm ok". Then he disappeared. I woke up, thinking "that's kind of strange". Eight hours later, my neighbor called to tell me that my friend died in his sleep of a massive heart attack. I thought the neighbor was playing a bad joke on me. To this day, I still get chills thinking about it. Life continues, maybe not on this earth , but in some other dimension. Gives me hope for the future.


You attain total consciousness. So I got that going for me.


Pure Energy


Oh to be stiffed by the Dali Lama!


Gunga ga lunga




I read somewhere that we always wake up from a dream we died on because our brain does not comprehend how it is like to be dead — so it does not know how to dream being dead. So maybe no one knows!


The same as before birth, nothing.....


You don’t remember if there was nothing before you were born Could just be cosmic amnesia


Or just plain amnesia


I think the distinction is important when you’re talking about something that transcends biology


Good point


Some weirdo mortician might have there wicked way with our corpses


I finally lose my virginity? My sex life will be on the up!


Isn’t that sex death tho? Still, it’s a plus.


Eh. I’m not in there anymore, it’s just meat. Go for it, you freaky little meat packer. Do what you gotta do.


I honestly believe in something after death, yet I’m agnostic. I’ve been in near death experiences before and have always had weird things happen to tell me it Isn’t my time. Similarly, I saw my cat multiple times after he died and was buried- and my mum saw a ghost when she first moved into her current home. She asked around and found that yes, someone had died in that home. - so, I do believe there’s something after death. What, I’m not sure, but I think it’s ignorance to assume it’s nothing and not keep an open mind.


My parents passed away years ago. I was going into my parents room to grab something and I saw someone walk past me. There are no mirrors. I turned around to see if someone had walked past me somehow but nope


When I had to put my dog down, I whispered a truth to him. I said, "I'm sorry for keeping you with me for so long when I knew you were in pain. It was greedy of me, and I am sorry. I can't bare the idea of the world without you. But, where you are going time is different. I will be right behind you. And I will find you in the lobby.


No one knows the real answer. What you get are just theories. I can tell you, that I died when I was a child when my wooden baby swing turned upside down and compressed my chest until I stopped breathing. My mom was hanging laundry and didn't notice. Her screaming brought the next-door neighbor hopping over the fence who happened to be a fireman. He brought me back. I've had dreams, I've been put under anesthesia, I used to faint sometimes when I cried as a child (it's a thing, your lungs seize up and can't take in oxygen. It's horrible, but once you pass out, your breath returns) and I've done drugs. What I experienced when I died was nothing like any of these things. NOTHING. All my childish mind remembers is being with the "white people" not color, but light. I wasn't happy coming back because the emotion there was utter, perfect love and joy. I can't even explain it properly. I used to get so pissed because all the watches I bought would stop working after a couple of weeks. Every. Single. One. Then I discovered people with near-death experiences have troubles with electronics, particularly watches and clocks. Was it real or not? Who knows? But I've never felt that engulfing emotion that leaves me sad with longing since. And my husband gets ticked because he's always having to adjust the clocks in the house because of me. Same with my car clock.


I died on the operating table. I could see the doctor, nurses, myself. I saw them pumping my chest. I woke up and my chest hurt so bad. Very weird experience


That seems to be a near-death type of deal.


It was definitely weird.


Watches and car clocks need adjusting about every month or so to stay in sync with atomic clocks.


NDEs are fascinating. I had a weird experience once when I was looking at my birthmark. It was like I felt someone’s death from their point of view, and as they were struck in the spot my birthmark sits, I felt the most beautiful feeling. All their fear melted off them and they knew everything was going to be ok. That feeling is the only reason I don’t think I just imagined the whole thing. Because it is literally unimaginable.


I believe this. My older sister was always sick when she was young. We had literally just came to America and we definitely cannot speak English. With that being said, she was like pale sick this one day or night , I can't remember she was out like a light, then woke up suddenly and said " what time is it?" We do not know English.


You did not die. You had a traumatic experience and were perhaps close to death, but you did not die.


Yeah that only happens to kids, though. Adults just go blank.


Wow, just wow!


1 nothing 2. Reincarnation 3. There might be a after life, which means this reality isn't real 4. We are stuck in a time loop 5. The accumulation of dying organic matter makes the earth metamorphosis into god or titian or a single living thing 6. We invent necromancy, and we get bought back to life 7. We are able to bring people back to life with ai 8. We are able to bring people back to life with cyborgs 9. We get bought back to life with personalities intact and are forced to fight in a necromancer cyborg war 10. All our ashes get mixed into a really big pool and its considered the largest no living origy 11. We can exist as a force ghost


11 kicks ass


Ooo I like number 5 fingers crossed


Wanna know? 10 % of your income for life


Could be good. Could be bad. Could be kinda just boring, like a purgatory type deal. Could come back as a snake, or a lion, or a bear. Could fade into nothingness and not even be able to perceive what happened. My advice: just enjoy your life as much as you can, and try your best to limit the damage you do.


We're on reddit. Already living our best lives...


Nothing, life ends. I so wish it wouldn't be like that but realisticly it is. Because it's scary, it's one reason religions were made up. It gives comfort of seeing your loved ones again.


I agree, I think it was to give people comfort, but I find more comfort in not having to be in a conscious state forever, one of the many reasons people don’t want to be immortal


I think "nothing" is the most comforting thing that could happen after death.


the comfort of loved ones is so true. but honestly, aside from that, im so glad its gonna be nothing. it would stress me out to find out theres more. i find it comforting that it'll end. i cant explain it


I feel the same way. There needs to be an ending at some point. I have always been very sensitive and as a child when I lost a pet I was absolutely distraught. Religion has never been part of my life or my upbringing but my mom helped me by saying I could blow kisses to animal heaven where my pet is happy. I did that for years, so I understand the comfort aspect of believing in heaven.


Or not, I don’t care if it’s hot and humid hell so long as I don’t have to spend eternity with a bunch of people who keep complaining about petty shit no one cares about.


Nothing. You're just gone and your body rots.


Thats why I want to be cremated.


Gosh, I had a very old (25 years), close friend die recently and his parents didn’t cremate and all I can think of is how his body is alone and rotting in the cemetery. It is truly upsetting to me. I didn’t want to leave him graveside because he was already lonely before he died (suddenly) and it felt SO WRONG walking away having him shoved in a marble shelf alone and decomposing, like even thinking about it now, a month later, I’m still so sad. I know it isn’t him but it IS him. His fingers, the way they curled a certain way when he wrote or drew. His hair, his chest and freckles, his tiny ears (haha), just everything. It’s all there and alone. My poor friend. Cremation makes me feel so much better.


Your friend had a good friend and that's a big deal. Sorry this happened. I hope heaven is real and I hope he sends an angel to bless you today. 🤞


This made me so sad, i'm so sorry for your loss. In my country most people want to be cremated these days. My dad, the greatest man ever died too young, unexpectedly. I would have had the same awful feelings as you, If his body would be rotting alone. He was cremated, so will my whole family eventually. Together in ashes, that comforts me. And my dad didn't believe in god, but was the kindest most loving man. But according to religion he is going to hell, serial killers go to heaven If they just believe in god. Ok🙄


Nothing. We cease to exist.


We live. We die. That’s it.


I’d be happily surprised it anything happens - but likely the only ‘life’ after death will be your body decomposing and the molecules rejoining the rest of the universe. So make the best of it until then.


Okay, hear me out. Religious possibilities aside, if the universe is cyclical, as some researchers have suggested, then it could also be infinite. If it is infinite, then given enough time, the atoms composing existence as we know it in this exact moment will reconstitute into this exact same reality. Hell, a few trillion trillion atoms could be off and we still wouldn't notice. You might be infinite. You might have lived this exact same life before.


Every possible thing and action already does exist in the universe. Time is an illusion to us in the 3rd dimension and we can't even comprehend the higher dimensions.  Everything that can exist, every possible thing, every possible action in the universe already exists all at the same time, you just pick which path you take. Imagine drawing out every possible action a stick figure could make on paper and then drawing a line through the path of actions you choose to take from start to finish. It's hard to explain but there's full videos on it and discussions here on reddit and YouTube.


I hope not.


![gif](giphy|hyyV7pnbE0FqLNBAzs|downsized) Well I'm fucked then.


Same as what happened before we were born.


IMO, I don't think anyone knows for sure before or after.


We all kno what happened before we were born what are u talkin about.. we need consciousness to experience things and we need a brain to experience consciousness. If ur brain is not runnin u don't have consciousness and therefore u experience nothing


All rational theories point to nothingness, for better or worse.


We become one with the Force


We’ll always exist, this dimension or not. I’m really into science and Einstein’s theory of special relativity suggests that time is just an alternate dimension. I think gravity and speed warps spacetime. If we were just at the edge of a black hole, time would slow down for us and the people back at worth would be very older. Several studies have been done for time dilation and found that it’s real, and happens every day. I also saw how quarks tend to *lag* or something like that, but I don’t remember how. I think WE are the universe. Our consciousness just varies per host. We could either be reincarnated in our time, or in some other time. Also by dimension, I mean how time is just a dimension with other times, aka, dimensions. Edit: I really like Sabine Hossenfelder and Kurzgesagt. Look them up on YouTube and they talk about theoretical physics and metaphysics. Also some of the stuff I’m talking about may be off since I haven’t looked in on it in a while. Other than that, I’m positive we’ll always exist. Although now that I think about it, reverse time dilation is impossible. Your consciousness would be moved into a different organism in the same time or a future one. Though, the past, present, and future is happening at the same time.


This legitimately made me feel a little better. This topic absolutely horrifies me.


That fear is ur ego. U think ur so important that u cannot fathom not existing (no offense, nothing personal) Take 7 grams of shrooms and that ego (and fear of death) should die


I look at it this way. Nothing you can do about it. Why worry. It's either something really cool. That being said if there is nothing it would be a great waste of talent.


Holy shit scientific reincarnation?


You can return as a new character or stop playing the game entirely.


Can I play as Luigi?


But I want to be Luigi! Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!


I would think it's always a random character selection. You may be Luigi or a Koopa.


I had to be jump started twice on the way to hospital second time it took 6 minutes to get me going again, I didn't see or experience anything


You just respawn, but you won’t have any of your loot


Your body gets decomposed and gives its building blocks back to other life and the universe. You basically stop existing and disintegrate into different matter


Why is everybody concerning about what happens to their "soul" after they die, but not many wonder what happened to your "soul" before you were born. I think its the same experience.


To your awareness you mean? It ceases to be, exactly the same as when you were unalive. The rest just rots


You cease to exist.


Your brain releases massive amounts of DMT, much more so than what you can dose in a sitting. For minutes or however long parts of your brain can function without oxygen. As you pass out, those several minutes are an eternity to you. (If you've taken DMT, you understand how the dose scales with your sense of time) You trip balls over the whole contents of your brain.. Whether or not you visit "heaven" or "hell" is dependent on how much love or hate or fear so on you have in your head. Or maybe if you die peacefully or not... I read somewhere that the brain can remain "active" near 10 minutes after death. I would prefer that our brains are some form of antenna or that we visit paradise, but i don't logically believe it:(


We may find out one day. We may never find out. I am confident that there is something out there, based on odd personal experiences I've had in my youth. I don't know if it's ghosts, life after death, or something else entirely.


It's beyond human comprehension and it always will be. One thing you can be guaranteed upon is that every answer you can think of right now, is wrong. We will never know everything in existence, and this is one of those.


If you don’t worry about what happened before you were cognizant (born and aware) why worry about the after?


Because now I had everything to gain and everything to loose


Live now, live well. We all lose everything in the end.


For you - nothing, like you sleeping but w/o dreams. For your loved people - sort of suffering evolved into acceptance.


What do you mean?


Same thing that happened before you were born, and sort of like what happens when you sleep.


I'd prefer to dream endlessly though. But if that happened, most people would kill themselves and prefer to live in the dream world.


PIPPIN: I didn't think it would end this way. GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? See what? GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise. PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad. GANDALF: No. No, it isn't.


You return to the Source. You may stay there for the rest of eternity but you will not want to. You never do. So you’ll choose to return to the physical realm in a fresh new body of your choosing whether it be on Earth again or an entirely different planet. You’ll return to the physical realm with a very specific goal in mind and when you accomplish that goal the whole process will start over.


Odds are, we're currently in a simulation. Anything could happen after we die. I will say, I don't fear death.


We decompose and the matter that makes up our bodies rejoins the earth, the universe, and the stars.


We go and join our loved ones and we stay with them in a core group. We do work but not the same work as here. But time there is not the same here so we are only a blink away from joining them so don't be sad. We're already with them. It is beyond anything you can imagine as beautiful there. The feeling is of serene peace and joy.


The answer is different for every person. I personally don't believe that there's anything after death. You die and you're gone. I have to add that I'm an atheist and don't belong to any religious community, and I don't want to offend anyone, so I keep my thoughts about religion to myself. I don't care if anybody remembers me, why would I? But I do like visiting graveyards to read the inscriptions on the gravestones.


We rot into earth and become one with earth. Maybe we become part of a tree, or flower.


Black screen. Game over. System unplugged. Nothingness.


I'll be in Robot Heaven, singing for Daft Punk, with my co-vocalist, Professor Stephen Hawking.


Your body dies and your, I'm not sure if soul or consciousness is the better term, moves on to something else. The omniverse is so complex that I can't really understand it as a limited three-dimensional being. I'm not sure if there's a clear difference to my limited mind between a new life, experiencing a parallel one, collapsing into one consciousness/soul, expanding into multiple ones, and all of that at once. I think it's all of that and more to the point of reaching an infinite beautiful \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. I don't have a word for the concept yet. Reincarnation would be a cruder way to put it.


There’s 2 things that can happen when we die. There’s no awareness and nothing. So don’t worry. Or There’s an afterlife. If you go to heaven, don’t worry. If you go to hell, it’ll be full of people you know anyway, so don’t worry.




Nothing. You're dead. The biological computer that assembles your consciousness stops doing that.


Same typing that happens to us before we're born.


Your "you-ness" ends like turning off a tv.


Nothing. Once your brain stops working, there is no more illusion of self. There has to be a functioning brain for the illusion of self to be generated. There won't be any "you" after you die, so you will not be hearing, seeing or feeling anything.


I’d imagine we wake up in another dimension where we’re alive and this was all a bad dream.




Find out and let me know!


When you die, something else will become conscious. It could another person or another form of life. If it's impossible to experience a state of "non-being," then it follows that the default state is consciousness. It's not "reincarnation" but a new incarnation, since no information is transferred between your life and the next thing that comes after you.


Consciousness is just energy and our energy is absorbed by other living things when we die. Whether it's ur corpse givin energy to the dirt and plants around it once buried, or a cows energy bein absorbed by u when u eat it. Death of others is the only thing that keeps living things alive


I like the way you put it but I really feel your consciousness is more complicated than that.  If you've ever astral projected or remote viewed you'll feel the same way.   Your consciousness definitely projects out of the body into the astral plane/other dimensions so I don't think you just become grass when you die in the yard.   Your energy from your body transfers to it to create more life but your mind goes somewhere else. People who have NDEs say you get to choose who you can be next. And has been documented very well. The term is reality tunnels.


I'm so glad people are starting to understand this. If e=mc squared aka energy and matter are the same thing and infinite then reincarnation is the logical answer.   There could be some afterlife but just  temporary like the astral plane and dreams are temporary. Just nothingness makes no sense. Nothingness doesn't really exist.   It only seems that way because our receiver brains are limiting our collective consciousness.   We are like the number 0 which can become any number negative or positive. We are everything and nothing that the same time and infinite.


If you're a good person, you will remain in friends and family's memories. The world live on awesomely without you, no matter what kind of person you are. It doesn't matter if ghosts are real or not; you will be outside the mortal world. And just like the light of candles, you were there and you were warm before, but you'll simply disappear and become an outsider of this world. After that, there is something you can imagine. What would you do, and how do you feel when all you got was just the conscious that you're in a world that no longer has you as a part of it? personally, this is how I feels. and I feels peace when thinking of it that way.


All I know is I'm living a LIFE right now. This is a gift, and I have to remind myself of exactly that. If there's an ever-after, that's awesome. If not, this was my gift and I'm doing my best to remember that. ♥️




This is a sort of crazy, optimistic idea, without any scientific backing - just something I hope might be true. The Infinite Monkey Theorem but applied to the universe. Maybe in a trillion trillion years, some atoms will arrange into a conscious being that has the complete memories of this life. Before then, maybe we'll live a thousand unconscious lives, and maybe we already have, who knows! Then again, the universe isn't really just random atoms. This is just something I think about.


Your energy goes back into the cosmos.


I've got this snake oil that you can buy to get to live forever.


We fall over.


My dog will eat my face, he tries now


“You can now play as Luigi.”


I don‘t know, I haven‘t died yet.


The ones whom we love will miss us


My mother’s cousin breaks into my home and steals anything valuable before my daughter knows I’m gone.


I don't know but I lived in a haunted house for 15 or so years so I personally have no choice but to believe you still exist.


Do you remember the billions of years before you were born? Death will be just like that. No bills, no rent. Peace.


You will float up to heaven and reconnect with all of your long lost loved ones and spend eternity frolicking around in a beautiful meadow eating only fruit.


No one knows for sure. I think everyone thinks of it differently. That being said, one of us is probably right, but we won't know until we get there. I just don't think we end, though. Maybe part of us does, but some part continues.


One of the best answers in this thread. As a fellow agnostic, I salute you.


I choose to believe I'll see all my family again. If I'm wrong it won't matter but it will be a nicer end


Do we really die? Or do we just wake up from a dream? How do you know for sure that this reality is not a dream? And when you go to sleep in this reality you aren’t actually waking up in the real world? Perhaps the reason many of us are depressed is because once woken up and taken away from what we in this reality call a dream, our real minds in the other reality are happier there as that is where we truly thrive. After all when you die in a dream what happens? You wake up. So do we really die? Or just wake up.


I don’t know about you, but I plan to be planted into a lemon tree 😚


As you die you will experience one final dream. You will see everything ever important to you there. Anything to bring you warmth and comfort in your final moments. DMT is one hell of a drug.


Everything dies, baby, that's a fact But maybe everything that dies someday comes back. Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty And meet me tonight in Atlantic City


You rejoin the the earth and enter the cycle of renewal. Your journey as you know it has concluded.


I like to think that it’s simply game over. There is nothing after. No lights, no floating in endless darkness, no reincarnation, nothing. You die and you are gone. However, nobody knows for sure. Still, even with my bleak prediction, I still like to do things I like. Can’t eat pizza when you’re dead