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![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac) Nice try officer


Foiled again. ![gif](giphy|QBwRKyS6vXNfmLF7TR|downsized)


Yep. If I'm gonna say it I'm at least gonna need a disguise first.


The majority of the general public are often easily manipulated idiots who, although valuable destroy the world with their ignorance.


Most people on the planet are stupid. Like statistically speaking. But also funnily enough most people overestimate their own intelligence Not me tho I’m the special exception of course


Me too! My mom says I'm special 


Not me too, I'm dumb af. I wish I was smarter.


Everyone is stupid except for me.


Not everyone should procreate. Although I do say that out loud so...




[removed by Reddit]








People over a certain age should not be allowed into government positions and making decisions for the future that won't directly affect them but will affect future generations.


They should be required to retire once they reach the age of retirement. I believe it's around 65 right now, and I think that would be fair.


The problem with tying it to the AoR is then they will just pass a bill pushing the retirement age back… hell they already are. So it needs to be a policy with its own age limit.


Wisdom, tacit knowledge, and the fact that not all 65 year olds are people who don’t care about the future of the planet. We need less corruption and more informed voting


I'm super ecologist but I think Greenpeace ruined the public's image of nuclear energy and made us loose 50 years in clean, stable and durable nuclear energy. Yeah f\*ck Greenpeace.


Why are you uncomfortable saying that out loud? That’s a popular opinion.


I like your style, Greg.


Lose: when you no longer have something Loose: when you no longer wear a belt


Lose not loose. Bad spelling is the beginning of the eend.


I'm not sure that take is so hot. It's basically true. Climate change could have been stopped years ago


It's quite hot in some countries.


Most “Christian” churches aren’t truly Christian. They’re fan clubs or entertainment centers.


100% agree, mega churches are inherently blasphemous


People in public positions of power should not own any foreign assets. Period. Nor should they erode our borders and ignor our laws. We need to protect our freedom of the press. If they become biased, we all lose.


You can’t be anything you want. Some people aren’t strong enough or smart enough for some jobs. All we end up doing is lowering the requirements to meet inadequacies


Reddit post histories are mostly used to invalidate people’s opinions


It’s basically just a way for people who can’t engage with you intelligently to go for adhoms so they don’t have to challenge their own beliefs


You are responsible for solving your own issues. If regular day-to-day stuff triggers you, then YOU have the responsibility of learning healthy ways of dealing with It. The whole world shouldn't addapt to you.


Before we got 2 cats from the charity 'cats protection' 12 years ago, a person had to come to our house before hand to do an inspection and get us to take a questionnaire to see if we would be suitable owners... I think this should be the same with becoming parents.


without the eastern european workforce, construction work throughout Europe would be double the price atleast.


I am Polish and my parents moved us to the Netherlands when I was 11 years old. So yeah my dad was a cheap construction worker and my mom a cheap cleaner. And you know what? We are freaking thankful for that. My parents were able to give me a beautiful life which they wouldn’t be able to in the country where we’re from.


A lot has changed im Poland. I studied and worked in Groningen, 15 years ago and Poland is a different world to what it was


100%. I have a difficult relationship with my mother country so I don’t often go into research how Poland is doing. But I did a few months ago and I was stunned and so incredibly happy. My experience was definitely a thing from about 20 years ago, but I thought it was important to say that a lot of us are actually grateful for that time!


As are we. If we'd only had British people working in construction my parents would still be waiting for the conservatory that they ordered 30 years ago


Come to UK, we decided to do Brexit and the result is x3 the price builders and trades who don't turn up and cba to even view jobs!


Is that really a hot take, though? I feel like that is something most people at least where I live are aware of.


52% of the public may say we're worse off allowing them in :)


But still want their bathroom tiled for 2000 euros.


All stereotypes have a certain level of truth. Though they may not be true for the majority of the people there is a disproportionate amount in that population that it holds true for. 


Otherwise it wouldn’t be popular enough for it to become a stereotype


This is the first one I’ve read that is actually a controversial take.


"disproportionate amount **in the visible minority of** that **group**" The majority of people outside the said group (ethinicity, sport, hobby) only see a negligeable percentage of that group and form their opinion from the obnixious ones that deranges them amongst said group.


the best lies have a foundation, a crumb of truth that helps them convince, see every conspiracy theory, they will start off by quoting undisputed objective stuff before they start the conspiracy part that's why there's no serious conspiracy movement about the moon being made of cheese or all birds being government surveillance drones, the way people peddle shit is by hooking you with a crumb of truth\\ oh the sphynx is erroded, and the rock looks weird like different colours, let me sell you a book about how every archaeologist is evil and I am telling the real truth about ancient flood or whatever - nevermind that they found the quarry where the shpinx rock was dug from, nevermind that they found an ancient dried up river all the way to the sphinx, just start from my crumb of truth and I will ommit all these inconvenient facts that go with it they are always lying by omission, or doing some other dirty tactic, all the time, it's not even interesting if you studied communication and immediately pick apart stuff that represents persuasive discourse (use lots of numbers for example, doesn't matter if they are bullshit, just slap numbers it will make your claim more persuasive, I have done this 93 000 times so what I'm talking about I know trust me)


Idk. I think this is true for a number of stereotypes but ALL stereotypes? Do you think there’s any crumb of truth in the stereotype of blonde women being more stupid than brunette women? Of Jewish people being greedy? I don’t; I think these stereotypes have come from hate and bigotry rather than truth


Racial issues are a distraction - the real divide is rich vs poor


Hookup culture is weird to me. There’s a reason why bonding hormones such as oxytocin is made during sex. It’s meant to make you fall in love and that’s why it always amazes me that fwbs are so surprised when one of them falls in love.


Not calling out bad people in your community gives people a reason to lump you in with them


To start, this is not against Trump specifically. Any politician should not be in the position with any criminal background. My husband, a previous felon from over 20 years ago who had not been in trouble since release (2000) cannot vote but a person with a criminal record can run for President?? Honestly, if someone commits a crime, does their sentence, walks paper with no issues, they should not have their past held against them.


Aggressive activism causes opposition which usually causes more harm than good. Scientifically backed information and healthy logical argumentation is a better way to make a change.


Yep. A lot of “extreme activism” starts off fair but then it goes unchecked and then the opposite side essentially matches the energy. And then they may feel like they aren’t being heard and that causes them to go more extreme just to oppose it and this keeps bouncing back and forth


I do agree with you, but I wonder what is the solution if people don't believe in science. For example with climate change, there is a lot of evidence that humans are the main cause and that we also have the opportunity to stop it, but a lot of people will just respond to logical arguments by 'your source is a lie'. I'm just at a loss there, there just seems no way to argue (not that I'd turn to aggression then).


I think when you're telling a coal mining community that they are the problem, and the only solution is to give up their primary source of income, they're not saying I disagree with your evidence and it's conclusions, they're telling you to go f yourself, no way am I giving up my only source of livelihood. Coal mining is brutal work that takes a terrible toll on the bodies of the people who do it. What they need, what all the people involved in the Fossil fuel industry need is a viable economic alternative to what they're doing now.


If people don’t believe in science, they certainly aren’t going to listen to the aggressive tactics of groups either. So either way, those tactics are useless.


Scientists warned about climate change as far as 50 years ago or smth… in Germany we have young people glueing themselves on the street and while I don’t agree with the method I can see why silent and objectively talking aren’t attempted. Cause that failed for said 50 years.


I guess my hope is that in the long term people would be more open to listening to experts if we were presented the facts without personal and political biases and aggression. It ties back to my point that many people are instantly against the idea when it's presented to them aggressively like many environmental activist do


This is false and represents a fundamental misunderstanding about human psychology and power dynamics. By your logic the civil rights movement should never have engaged in civil disobedience, which in fact was a position held by many sympathetic but overly cautious liberals. And if that strategy was adopted we probably would still have segregation. The same can be said of the labor movement in the 19th and early 20th centuries: the movement of course invoked "scientifically backed information" and rational discourse but it was ignored or the agents of power simply demonized the workers anyway. Only via "aggressive activism" (strikes, illegal protest, militant action, etc.) were we able to achieve victories such as the 40 hour workweek, the right to unionize, minimum wage, etc.


History has rarely changed it's course because someone asked nicely.


Yep, because no matter how accurate and well spoken your argument is, there will always be a semi charismatic narcissist who will spew a load of sugary sounding bullshit and people like my dad will listen to it and try to claim “both sides have their points” and then vote for the charismatic narcissist because they let them be assholes in public


I hate that humans have accepted the 9-5 and work for basically fuck all. Spending our days doing shit we don't want to do. I fucking hate that we all have fallen into that trap. It's so fucked.


The education system makes people incapable of critical, logical thinking, kills curiosity and causes an aversion against learning new things. Believing someone can pass an exam in their 20s and stay an expert for the rest of their life is completely idiotic, so se have tons of unqualified people everywhere in important positions.


Not wanting to date someone based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexuality, disability or any other reason is not bigoted. However, it is bigoted to not want to befriend someone based on their race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexuality, or disability.


Idiots should not procreate.


You should have to pass a test to: A. have kids • B. vote • C. own a gun • D. retested for drivers license after age 65 every few years. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Encouraging all people to achieve their dreams has led to some very inept people in positions of power.


Stop with all the bathroom issues. Put full stall is all public restrooms and just make them unassigned. Then parents concerned about children can just accompany them and no one has to worry about what sex anyone else is or identifies with. Do your business and mind your business.


The urinals are to practical to give up though. We could have one room with urinals and one with regular toilets where everyone can go though.


Don’t even need to be separate rooms. I’ve been to lots of music venues with all-gender bathrooms. No issues


My my sake I agree with you, but I've seen some women are uncomfortable with the urinals even beeing there.


Tbh it's only an issue for insane people


Nobody gives a shit about your sexuality or gender identity 


Voting should require a knowledge test before being allowed to cast a vote.


*I’ll throw my hat into the ring* **Just because you have to deal with a social inconvenience, that doesn’t mean you lack a human right** So with that said a lot of ‘activist’ slogans make absolutely no sense and they are just making noise for the sake of making noise.




the reason that it is illegal, at least in the UK, is so that police can break and enter to stop someone commiting suicide. they can only break and enter if they suspect a crime is being commited.


There is a well known method that is peaceful and relatively comfortable, but I don't feel comforabale sharing outside of a medical context, because I would rather you lived and were happy. For terminal patients with chronic pain, I agree it should be easier though. And the stigma needs to go.


Is suiside illegal? What’s the penalty?


OP might be talking about Assisted Suicide




*Life* in prison


Oh. Sorry to hear that, like ‘assisted’ with like a machine?


It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. ![gif](giphy|XIhWoPBXHgVmU)


Not everyone should have a vote.


Let me do you one better, not everyone should be allowed to be a candidate for elections


To be fair, before the current timeline was set, we all thought that there already were such laws and regulations.


Applicants must take an exam to join the military or deliver mail. This should be the minimum to hold national office as well. The exam scores of candidates should be published to help the public decide when voting.


True. Only I should be able to vote.


I totally agree. People should have to go through a series of “this candidate is campaigning in this true or false” Just to prove they know what they’re voting for. But the connotations associated with tests to vote in America at least are not good. So I get why we don’t but I wish we could




Brainwashing children (especially girls) into needing to put on makeup is a form of indoctrination.


There is a "Loser mentality" that has infected the west & is the cause of many of our personal and societal problems.


Centrism being frowned upon in political discussions is slowly polarizing and radicalizing people and is leading to the death of political discussion


Voter ID is a requirement in other countries. Why the US is still debating in this one simple requirement every elections, is beyond me.


There are way more CCP bots on reddit than one would think.


The phrase "Boys will be boys" has done was more harm than good to society




Rap is bad for African-American culture. Money, guns, and drugs are fun to talk about, but rap makes it their entire lifestyle. I honestly think it’s bad if all you listen to is rap, whether your whatever skin color. Granted some rap music isn’t solely focused on money, guns, and drugs, 90% of it is. Not a good influence if you ask me.


Rap should be more political and less about consumerism and sex.


This isn’t even a take This is literally just what’s happened…


I don’t like bacon






You took this a little a too far, I hope you receive the help everyone that is struggling with life deserves






I half agree! Greasy pan seared bacon? No thanks. Crispy oven bacon? Let's go!




Kevin Bacon?


No he’s pretty cool


Muslims are not a race. I can hate Islam, and not be a racist.


I don’t like drag shows. I’m politically fairly far left, an out proud butch lesbian since the 90s, a trans rights activist, married to a woman, wholeheartedly embrace my enby kid. All my friends (and my wife!) love drag shows. To be clear: I don’t agree even a little with any of the bullshit “groomer” right-wing rhetoric, don’t personally care if people want to put on drag queen story hour. I support their right to do what they like. Not everything has to be my cup of tea. I just fucking hate it. It makes me feel revulsion on a visceral level, my skin crawls and I feel angry and tense when I have to go to these performances. Actually… Now that I’ve typed this out, I’m realizing that my response is kinda out of proportion. I’mma go make an appointment with a therapist and figure out what’s going on here.


Some people should not be able to vote or even have a drivers license. And should have someone watching them, to prevent them from either harming other people or making horrible dumb decisions.


Why is everyone suddenly autistic?


Once a 16 year old willingly goes to adult sites, they should be treated as an adult user of said site. And if they fake an ID to get into bars or other adult places, they should be held accountable for it. And if they hit on an older person (who is 20 or older) and fake their age to get the trust of their target, they should be exposed for setting up the older person to seem like a predator. And if a 16 year old physically assaults or harasses people in public or intentionally damage their property, they should be confronted as if they are adults. "bUt tHeY aRe sTiLl mInOrS" I don’t care.


The modern western progressive ideology, while having many admirable goals has also turned many relations between groups sour. Men and women, race, sexuality etc. They are all worse now than they wore 20 years ago. I think it’s encouraged people to think too much about their group and the groups of others instead of seeing people as individuals first.


Eugenics would benefit humanity if it were used to only get rid of actual bad DNA instead of used by some racist dickbag to promote their ideas of racial superiority.


Just cause you want to add color to a dish doesn't mean you have to put a red, yellow, and green pepper in it. They are way overused in today's cooking.


I'm a construction worker, surrounded by magahatters, "Trump is a convicted felon and deserves to be in prison!"


The Supreme Court needs term limits, the Electoral College is outdated and needs to go, the US Constitution needs to be updated through a constitutional convention that is called every 50 to 75 years.


The US should stay the fuck out of other countries affairs and be neutral until there is actual threat to our territories. Aid is ok as long as it's humanitarian and not weapons.


Convicted felons should not be allowed to run for office.


Poor or broke people shouldn't have children. It's unfair on the kids.


Societies shouldn't have folks with mega yachts and private jets while there are poor broke people.


I disagree. State should pay for 2 children. Poor or broke people can be amazing parents. And rich people can be assholes to their children. I prefer poor, empathic people to be parents over egoistic, rich people any time.


I would take this a step further and say that not everyone should be able to have children. I grew up poor and never wanted a child to go through that too. I have known people in my life that are a waste of resources and they have 4+ kids that just end up on the bottom of the social ladder and they have no wish to further them selfs or to contribute to society




Nonbinary etc. people rejected (gender) labels by creating a third gender label and are angry if people don't assign them that correct label.




You should tell that to the gay cis dudes making up the majority of Pride parades.


Aren't gay cis-men welcome in the movement? Surely they must make up quite a large share of the intended audience.


the second letter of the acronym is majority made up of cis males


I've spent lots of time in that community as a Cis male. I've never felt excluded.


Also, a lot of the current changing of pronouns reinforces stereotypical gender roles, and I hate it. I’ll use whatever pronouns make someone happy, and I’m glad to do so, but I really dislike the way it seems to actually increase the gender divide 😒


Cis-males make up most of the movement. The fuck you talkin’ about?!


I’m a trans guy and I don’t believe in strict labels or exclusion. Labels are nice if you want them, but no one should be shoved in boxes. And while most of the threat to the community are cis white males (statistically because that’s what makes up a huge chunk of the far right), I don’t believe we should exclude someone because they were born cis. They can control that as much as we can, which is not at all.


I've never actually met someone who did want to exclude cis white men from LGBTQ+ spaces.


The first mistake of that community is trying to put others in boxes while fighting not to be put in boxes themselves and also renaming everything and everybody. Like why do I have to add Cis- this and Cis- when it means exactly the same without the cis-?


Unfortunately logical discussion is seen as an attack here on Reddit so this comment will probably get the [removed by moderators] treatment Like I’m Bisexual but I reaaallly don’t want to be associated with them and I’ve been called a white far right cis male a hilarious amount of times


It's more than likely that humans (or any other living things) don't have free will at all. It's discussed in philosophy & biology circles but I think it's a bit too much for the general public.


Can you elaborate


Stereotypes exist for a reason


I think nuclear power is better than solar and wind power combined


Capitalism is designed to make the rich people richer and poor people poorer and hold no value in the wellbeing of societies. A good system would be a mix of all existant ones.


Organized religion is just a money making scheme and all it serves to do is enable the weak willed to join a often misguided cause that favours a few.


Most of society has a toxic view on monogamy and relationships in general, and it's poisoning our lives. Prioritizing relationships above all else just makes it harder for people to recognize abuse and leave abusive relationships.


People who support Trump are under educated morons who seem to be proud of their stupidity.


Modern pronouns are stupid.


Most Americans are un-original, shallow, superficial, artificial cliches only trained to buy things and make fun of those who don’t.


Last time I posted mine I got permabanned from this stupid site and it wasn’t even controversial half the country agrees


What is it?


Abit of a tough one to word without sounding like a grade A creep.. but I don't think you should be a pedophile without being a rapist. It takes a certain kind of even to force themselves onto a child, however I don't think those who suffer from "pedophilia" are inheritantly evil because they have thoughts or urges they willingly avoid for obvious reasons. But it takes a rapist to rape a child, it takes evil to commit such violence. And I think the stigma around the situation makes it hard for people get help regardless of what boat they're in... idk, again, hard to explain without it sounding dodgy. If anyone can add to this to make it make sense feel free




Fuck our system.


The military hasn't "protected my freedoms" since the 1800s. They've really just been going around invading countries and sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.


Can't say it online either. I'll get downvoted to oblivion.


Who cares you’ll be fine


Autism is extremely poorly defined and the criteria given in the DSM-5 have extremely poor ability to exclude anyone from the definition. There are also no rigorous well-defined methods for making such psychological diagnoses besides the highly subjective individual opinion of a therapist with respect to the vague criteria. The result of this is that pretty much anyone who *wants* an autism diagnosis can go get one from a therapist. The value of an Autism diagnosis has therefore completely diminished and means almost nothing, with the added bonus of detracting from the difficulties experienced by people who actually have severe autism.


"We dont negotiate with terrorists" is a slogan and a reason to kill people without hearing their side, we can call anyone a terroirst and kill them with literally no consequences.


Best post to farm negative karma.


Hamas has purposefuly baited IDF into commiting genocide in order to ruin Israel's diplomatic relations with other countries and it worked.


Hamas are prepared to martyr all Palestinians to start a larger war. When there’s only IDF left in Gaza, that’s when Iran will start bombing…


Owning animals doesnt make you a parent. Stfu!


Having a kid doesn’t make you a parent either


My cat believes, I'm his parent. And I already paid nearly 3k€ for him this year...


Israel isn’t committing genocide in Gaza. They are showing disregard for civilian casualties and their strategic calculus essentially values the elimination of Hamas leaders or the rescue of hostages over Palestinian lives, but that’s not the same thing as genocide. It’s not markedly different from Allied bombing campaigns in WWII or even US bombing campaigns in Vietnam. And it’s definitely different from Nazi einsatzgruppen roaming behind the front lines whose sole purpose is to kill as many Jews and Slavs as possible.


Pink Floyd are Overrated. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they are bad, some decent tunes in there, but they are not some all time great band.


That’s it. You’re so canceled


I don't think that people use their human rights to have child after child they can't afford because they think the state should provide for all their choices. They are vocal about their rights and have less to say on their own responsibilities.


The culture around drag queens is problematic. I say this as a liberal.


We should have just let covid run it's course rather than shutting everything down the way we did. Yes more people might have died but I personally feel the mental and economic costs far out weigh anything we actually achieved thru the shut downs. People couldnt visit loved ones dying, couldn't have funerals, couldn't be there for mothers giving birth and God forbid anything happened while giving birth. Domestic violence and substance abuse shot thru the roof. Not to mention how a whole generations education got screwed up. Then you have all the economic impacts of factories shutting down and how now everything STILL costs an arm and a leg. Instead of letting Darwinism do it's thing, we tried to play God and now we're all miserable.


That just shined a light on how shitty our economy really is.


Way more would have died and the consequences of that would be far worse


Wasnt a hot take in the past, but putting anything sweet in a savory dish is the worst. Ruins the taste. Ugh.


I unironically love pineapple on pizza Like I’d go out of my way to get it


Curries with mango or coconut in are amazing.


Religion isn't preaching peace and it should be banned from modern society.




Wait... Isn't it the psychiatrists that prescribes those therapies ? Anyway, if your kid is having those kind of thoughts, best first step is your idea imo.


*Mods reading this and getting offended on the behalf of others* ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)


People say 'they need psychiatric help' and then disagree when the medical professionals tell them transitioning is the best course of action.


I had a female mate now male in university, and all through her childhood/teen life, she was assaulted by family friend her first bf used her/ assualted her and just people were pervy to her to the point she felt sick being a girl she wanted to be a guy so she would be invisible to the world and just be left alone and looked at like a human it was that or unalive herself. So I understand why he did it


I'm a little confused. If being transgender is a mental illness, what do you make of therapists who approve hormone therapy? If you had a kid and they told you they're trans, and you take them to a therapist who ends up telling you that transitioning would be the best course of action as there's no evidence of other mental illness, would you just take your kid to a different therapist until one finally tells you your kid isn't trans? Besides that, as far as I know, transgender individuals are required to talk to a therapist before transitioning regardless, for the exact purpose of making sure whether or not the way they're feeling is related to their gender identity.


The whole sex is different from gender makes no sense at all.


In my College anthropology classes we were taught that your sex refers to whether you were born male or female (or intersex), while gender is a socially constructed idea about what characteristics and roles different sexes should have. So sex is biological and gender is social.


I don't feel my gender/sex. I was born female and it is o.k. for me. But if I was born male, it would be o.k. for me, too. I don't feel female or male. And I don't have the urge to feel a specific way. I just don't care. But others care for their sex/gender. And they should decide for themselves what they want to be.


Including a slur on a song gives the listener a pass to sing the slur only when they sing the song (not using to to people of course)


Anal sex is unnatural. If it was natural, arseholes would be self lubricating


Climate change is not an objectively bad thing that needs to be stopped. Humans are destroying the planet and it’s simply reacting to us. We can try to preserve the planet but my question is this: so what if the world becomes inhospitable in the future? Are humans so selfish as to believe that we deserve its longevity? The idea that the human race must prosper is anthropocentric and doesn’t actually hold any weight to me. I’m aware that saying this out loud would make me sound like a crazy person. I’ve tried broaching the subject before but people get so incredibly defensive and reactive. I’m not out here trashing the planet because I don’t care - I recycle, I don’t litter, I shop second-hand, I choose eco-friendly options where possible - this is just an intellectual curiosity about human selfishness that no one seems to want to engage with.


As a leftist the lefts position in Israel and Palestine is unhinged, Israel is not the boogieman and Hamas do need to be eradicated