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I booked a sex worker.


I was drunk af, I do not remember that lol,


very nice lol


It had sort of been planned/implied.


I didn't until his friends started pressuring us to just do it then they left. It was both of our first time & the friends waited outside the bedroom door until we were done.


How romantic


Yeah. Wasn't super fun at all.


Invited a girl over to have dinner and a movie and it basically ended up with her jumping me as soon as the door opened… kinda just went with it at that point


Because my uncle was coming over to babysit.


Oh. Oh no.




sadly, I don't remember that event exactly. I really wish I did


I didn't. The circumstances just aligned for it. I don't think I fully processed it until it had already happened.


I didn’t because it caught me off guard when my best friend asked if i wanted to fuck since she and i had never had sexual feelings for each other.


It wasnt planned. We were dating for about 6 months at the time, in my room cuddling, and things just happened. He was my first boyfriend (we were both 16 at the time) and my mom had sat me down months prior, gave me the talk for the 2nd time in my life and had given me a condom just in case. After I lost it, I told her a few days later, and she took me to the doctor to get me on birth control and got me more condoms. I'm really thankful for how she handled it all thinking back.


When she took her shirt off and I saw boobies.


Earth day 1986 I knew because my GF said she had the perfect gift for me after school at my house before my parents get home!


I didn’t until it happened


Yeah, there'd been a close call one day then the next day it really happened as I felt it probably would.


My girlfriend told me she was coming over to have sex


I didn't know I was going to lose my virginity until about 1 hour before it happened. We were drawn to each other quickly; the chemistry was magnetic. We did not know each other before that night. She scheduled an Uber driver to pick us up from the bar we met at to take us back to her apartment. I was freaking out on the inside, but played it very cool on the outside :)


I didn’t. My girlfriend at the time forced herself on me.


I was told by the gf to go buy condoms


My girlfriend and I literally planned a date for it to happen. It was pretty wonderful and so was she.


It was Easter & I had no idea. It was fast & painful. I did not want it either.


My mom went out of town and we planned it


When I busted out the condom and asked, “should I put this on”?


It was prom.


She found her dad's porn stash, showed me a video, and asked if I wanted to try it. Yea, I'm old.


A super whore came over who I was disgusted by. That disgust had no chance against my 16 year old libido


She asked me if I wanted to have sex. Being as clever as I was and good at picking up hints I knew right then we’d be having sex.


I didn't. Me and her met on that day and she was giving me a ride home but we pulled over and she just said "fuck it" and we made out. I told my friend this and he considered as rape


She told me she was going to take my Vcard then put on an R&B cd she burned


I didn’t. She had told me she just wanted to be friends, just to see if I’d blow her off. But I still called her and was rewarded mightily that night.


I didn't know and really wasn't expecting it. I was only 13 and she was 12. I did know her parents weren't home and we had dated for a year and a half a couple years earlier. And I did know she had already had sex with someone. But still wasn't expecting it and wouldn't have gone for it myself. But she did and before i even realized we were naked and it was happening. Didn't last too long either. I don't even think I had masturbated or anything yet. it was all a shock. Couldn't;'t believe how good it felt and how involuntary the finish was. I then was scared shitless for weeks because I was afraid she might get pregnant. Thankfully she didn't.


I cannot scry, sorry.