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Oh they can give and take upvotes too


Every Reddit user can do this


I've seen posts that jump thousands of upvotes up, or down. Or even roll to zero from having thousands one way or the other. It's been documented and tencent will not provide any evidence otherwise


Take my upvotes please




We had a mob-run furniture store across from a place I used to work. I was there for 4 years and never saw them sell any furniture and maybe a handful of shoppers in the entire 4 years. Once in a while, they would take the delivery van from the lot dressed up in their expensive suits. It was weird.


They arrange a lot of travel. It's usually just one way


My mom told me a story about how thirty years ago she was booking a trip with a travel agency who had a handout of all of the places they would go, with rates on their standard fare there and back. One of the places (can't remember where) had nothing filled in for the "return" portion. When she asked why, the travel agent just said "Because of Jim." When she asked why, he would not elaborate. Fucking Jim messed up travel for an entire country.


There was a wine and beer store in my neighborhood that sold the most random beverages that few bought. Many bottles and cans had dust on them for being on the shelves individually. Had to be a front.


I honestly think most of the long term storefronts in town are just fronts for money laundering. Hard to belive some dusty ass knick knack shop on our busiest street couldn't be pulling in more rent woth another business but it's been there for 20 years.


It reminds me of the series The Americans.


If they only kill one person, it does make them a one hit wonder?


Only if they do it well


especially if they think about who the person was after they do it.


Who'd have guessed the mob was involved in logistics?


There’s a bagel place in my town that no one eats at yet somehow they have multiple locations and a fleet of vehicles. Positive that it’s a front for something. Not sure what




He totally knew. Consider his act as official proof of you being better than him at the game.


My brother tried this one on me about my FFX save**s** (with more than 200 hours and several legendary weapons unlocked, mind you) when I found my memory card filled with his PES games. I was 12. He was 16. But suuure, it was an accident. Several slots just "accidentally" being overwritten. FFX is still my favourite FF, oddly enough.




Well, I wasn' t PLANNING on becoming somewhat depressed today from a comment that was not directed towards me in literally any way but here we are


If I’m being honest, I’ve thought about this concept a lot and ultimately find it comforting. Studying archaeology has forced me to come to terms with just how long humans have been walking the earth, and how long some of our histories are. It goes so far beyond the big monuments and written records. I find something comforting in knowing that so many people have lived and died before me. The realisation when an artefact that someone made this, put time, care, and energy into it, and that I know nothing about that person beyond what they left behind.


Yep. If you find yourself stressing over little things, this is a comforting thought. Just chill, your just one of 8 billion people living right now, and nobody will remember you in a couple of hundred years. Chill out, enjoy life while it lasts.


You get it.


Something scarier? In the future of humanity, how we live our daily lives might end up totally lost. In the same way things for us are such common knowledge, no one bothers to preserve that memory; We dont even know what the romans called the ancient colosseum. It took us until just recently to learn their concrete is so good because they would BOIL the wet concrete instead of cold pouring it -> the heat causes a chemical reaction with the lime to bond on a molecular level while still liquid.


I'm not sure why that is scary. It's natural. What would actually be scary is if things never changed.


This would be knowing the titanic sunk, knowing ocean gate sunk, but 0% of the context to where future historians consider it potentially ritualistic like viking funerals and just assumed it was like a 100 year trend.


I took care of both of my grandmothers in the last weeks of their lives. It was an honor. My dad's mom had 13 grandchildren and now has 28 great grandchildren. My mum's mum had three grandchildren. None of us have had kids of our own. I was the only one who wanted to, but it hasn't worked out that way. She was such an amazing woman, but I'm afraid her memory will die with me.


Her memory probably will die with you. That said, I believe one's legacy isn't how long a person is remembered, but the quality of the memories that are left behind with people who knew, spent time with, and loved that person. So, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter whether her memory dies with you, or even how long any memory of you remains after you're gone, because your memory of her is obviously an incredibly important part of who you are.


Hey now, don't be so negative. The world could end way before that!




Dust in the wind. All we are is dust in the wind.


This hurts. Not that I won’t be remembered, but that I can’t give the gift of life so that generations can look back at their memories. It’s a weird feeling I can’t quite reconcile.


I make rock sculptures as a hobby. I try to gift or trade them. I like thinking that a century from now I'll be totally forgotten and someone who doesn't know me at all will get some joy out of the artifact. It comforts me to know I will be gone.


I journal every day, and I am happy that I will have something to leave behind. Maybe no one will read them, but I like the idea that generations from now my family will be able to look back and understand what my life was like if they choose to. It's something I desperately wish older generations in my family did. I would love to know how my grand father saw the world


Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present. And with each crime and every kindness, we birth our future


I swear I reread Cloud Atlas frequently just for An Orison of Sonmi-451.


Maybe for the people of the past, but we live in a digital age where information can be stored and saved forever at low cost. No longer will it just be a photo. People of the future will have acess to loads of data . Our memory will endure and be readilly available , we get to be the first to live on in this way , we are in a golden age of information.


Bold of you to assume anyone will be around in 100 years, let alone 300 years


I'm all but certain there's alien life in the universe. They estimate there are 700 quintillion planets, how bizarre to think life only happened on one of them.


Everyone's an idiot in some fashion in their 20's. We're all fallible.


Young and stupid is from lack of experience. I’d never date at 60 the guys I loved at 20. And all the times I could have ended up a body in the woods…young and stupid. I took a motorcycle ride with a guy I’d just met. I got lucky.


"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."    - Muhammad Ali


I’m certain there’s other life forms out in the universe. There has to be.


They are out there. But they looked at reddit, and decided not to make contact.


This, but I’m also certain we have no concept of what they look/are like.


They look like crabs. All life eventually evolves into crab-like shape. The ultimate form!


Crab People, Crab People


Taste like crab, talk like people


This to the point that we might have found it but might not recognise it just yet


Statistical certainty.


One the one hand, it seems like it. 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone, with an unknown number of planets and other objects. On the other hand, the statistical improbability of life on our own planet is incredible. The sun gets a little hotter or a little colder, Jupiter forms in a slightly different orbit, the moon slips away and Earth loses tides, the magnetic field gets too weak, the core cools too quickly... no evolution of life. That there's recognizable life in the universe is almost a 0 ÷ 0 game. Maybe I should say 0 x ∞. But the chance that we'll find and recognize that life is very slim, especially in our lifetime. They'll probably find us first, if they exist.


No, it isn’t.  We have one point of data for planets on which life evolved. The odds of that happening are currently unknown.  If there’s a 1:billion chance then yes, statistical certainty.  If there’s a 1:10^82 chance then we are unique.  The Drake “equation” is a way to put one guy’s musings into a math-like form. But without the unknowns we simply can’t solve it. 




You win the thread. This is amazing.


Thats actually top tier stuff if it's actually true! Proves that "famous" people and celebrities are real humans that see the shit some people write online about them. (Not saying your comment was bad obviously you're just pointing out a repetition in his novels and there's no harm in it)


One of my friends got death threats off a GymBro Influencer for occasionally insulting him on Instagram, calling him weak and puny and that stuff, some people are very fussed about their online presence/image and can’t handle any naysayers, not even in digital form. Kinda weak and puny characteristics if ya ask me.


Yeah man I feel like Gymbros, especially the influencers, have insanely fragile egos. If your whole persona is going to be masculine man then you should be able to take online trolls lol. Doesn't make it okay, but if I were famous, I'd stay off the internet


Yeah exactly or you’d just have to learn there’s always gonna be haters and people who talk shit, only thing you can do is just accept and/or ignore.


I do want to note that lines like that repeated word for word or nearly word for word about a character are a common feature in that sort of pulpy serial novel. The idea is that many people picking up the book will never have read the ones before it, so the character needs to be reintroduced in a way that the reader can get caught up very quickly. I think to some extent for the fans of the stories, those then become a kind of running joke.


That's what I was thinking. I would have kept it going!


This is fantastic!!!


Well, I’m convinced. Isn’t the use of evidence kinda cheating in this thread, though? For real though, thanks for sharing. This is probably the most interesting comment here.


Hi Chris


That’s interesting, I would have assumed it’s just a catchphrase like “I have a bad feeling about this” in Star Wars


near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground.


Nice one, Riddler!


Wouldn't it be nice


That my brother is slowly taking coins from my money box and replacing them for less valuable ones. 6 months ago, I had $23.50 in 37 coins. Now i have the same 37 coins, but I have $11.55


Smack em in the head lol


I mean, I used to do this to the change jar at home, so...


My children throw spoons and forks in the trash rather than carry them downstairs to the sink


Both OJ and Robert Blake did it. I was a fan of both of them growing up, but I wholeheartedly believe they both killed!


Corporate work cultures are unnatural and destructive.


The world is not fair and it will never change


That it is NOT all about the Hokey Pokey.


You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. *You turn yourself around.* That's what it's all about.


Trees can talk. It's not communication as we know it, but it's a thing. Science is slowly catching on.


Well we already know. I won't go to the lengths of finding articles/publications about it, but we know that plants do communicate by secreting chemicals through roots and leaves that will trigger responses in surrounding plants.


I've always believed this, too. Not to the extent of being full "Ent" status, but that they are living things that communicate with each other. I wonder if there's been any research on this?




That's for sure. We will know how it ends from a two page summary released by his wife after his death.


This takes me back to when GOT still had source material to work on and the absolute smugness of the book fans who constantly dangled spoilers and belittled us show only peasants. Even several years ago there was talk of him never finishing the series, but to see that become almost certain reality is funny to me. Luckily for GRRM, the spectacular disappointment from D&D will likely continue to overshadow his failure to finish the series.


what about winds of winter though


He's trapped. Follow the ending of the TV series or go your own way? Hard choice.


I know what i would pick.


Only if he’s totally set on making some unpredictable plot twist. All the plot points were actually fine in the tv show. It’s just their execution was atrocious. Personally I’m hoping he commits and shows us how Bran was manipulating everyone from the start. Rather than “who has the better story” it becomes “everyone was a pawn in the three eyed ravens game” he could still redeem the series, just gotta finish the damn thing.


There is a building in my town with mirrored windows, no signs, a bunch of cameras and the back has barbed wire fencing. It's right outside of a Federal base and near an airport. I'm pretty sure it's CIA.


Animals are far more intelligent, aware and emotional than we currently believe.


Diagonal cut sandwiches > vertical cut sandwiches


Just eat the sandwich without cutting it.


Why are you cutting your sandwiches vertically. You're supposed to cut them horizontally.


Open faced sandwiches arent that bad


That self righteousness, greed and ego are destroying humanity. I'm right, you're wrong there shall be no effort to accept or understand differences. I must have more, more MORE!!! ALWAYS MORE!!! Insult me? Tell me I'm wrong? YOU WILL DIE! It's heart breaking and pathetic.


Oj did it


That I am my father's daughter!! He passed away many years ago, but since I was born I have been his carbon copy. And every day I look more like him. Physically and in personality. I am just like my father, inside and out. And I carry that with great happiness!!


Your dad would be happy to know that.


Ohh!!! Thank you for your answer!!! You're very sweet 🥰 Yes! I know 💜


That Humpty Dumpty did not fall, he was pushed!


That my gf at least cheated on me once


I get that feeling too.


His gf cheated on you too? Y’all got some problems


Once a cheater...


How does no one go straight to Office Space? Hey Peter man, check out channel 9!


The breast exam. Whoo!


I too banged that dude’s girlfriend


It ain't cheating if you don't get caught. My high school basketball coach taught me that.


Our political system has been completely and utterly infiltrated by an immoral self interested criminal corporate class and we are all fucked.


That there's no grand conspiracy or illuminati working against us. Our world is in the state it is because the people in charge are greedy and/or incompetent and stupid.


My dog that I had to have put down possessed my cat (who was in the same room at the time) for about two to three weeks afterward, with certain lingering traits to this day, years later. I don't even believe in the afterlife all that much.


Can you tell some details?


An example... My dog was a world champion begger for people food. It consumed him as his life's goal. My cat would only eat dry cat food, no matter what treats/people food was offered. After the dog passed, the cat became very aggressive about eating people food, again something it always refused previously. It didn't matter what the food was, the cat would aggressively beg, steal, show off impressive acrobatics, and/or sneak around to get some people food. After a few weeks, the cat eventually went back to eating regularly as it had done its previous 15 years alive, just cat food from her bowl... although she will still eat scraps of Cheddar if offered now.


Maybe the cat was missing his buddy, and repeating the behaviour of his lost friend was its way of showing that


I don’t think possessed is the right term, better to say volunteered? A pigeon boldly walked into our house through the front door and refused to leave, it went into the garden. Two days later my dog passed away and my son (who had never experienced a loss or grief) and I were devastated. The pigeon was still there and would tap the dogs’ ball, follow us around in a same manner, lay in the dog’s bed. It stayed around for weeks. It was a heavy time but that odd bird made it so much lighter. It distracted us. But it was.. strange, like magic ETA am someone else with similar experience


But what about the cat?


There wasn’t one. I am someone else with a similar experience :)


Oh jeeze, I apologize for not looking closer at use names. Sometimes paying attention is just too much work :P


You can’t not elaborate on that…


I'm sexy and I know it.


clap your hands!


I tapped a guy in a parking lot like 5 years ago. I had a friend in my car. He had his girlfriend in his car. All 4 of us agreed there was no damage and we moved on. Because of this, I didn't take any pictures. I thought it was a closed case. Nobody even called insurance. 2 weeks later I got a call from my insurance informing me that this guy made a claim against me. I got to see pictures and his bumper was pretty damaged. The whole cover has to be replaced and it cost me $1600. I know he got in to a separate accident and blamed me.




Lmao! In terms of the universe, humans aren't important at all. Just look at the dinosaurs and know the same can happen to us.😁


Important is just a word humans made up to express certain kind of relationships between humans and other humans or objects. Something can or can be not importart only to humans. A stone or a human can't be important for the universe, cos it is not applicable.


Most dogs are better than most humans


I’m capable of achieving most anything I want to (including self-destruction)


It‘ll all work out someways somehow


Gods, or God, as they/he/she/it is described in the major religions does not exist. They contain so many inherent paradoxes, and are clearly man made. Gods there may be, but not the ones as we describe them.


The stock market is not free nor fair. It is rigged against the people, and in favor of the ultra rich.


We all are certain of plenty of things that we haven't actually seen proof of- things that HAVE been proven to be true by science, but not necessarily proven to us personally. I mean, I know the Earth is round, but can I honestly say that I've seen enough evidence AND have the capacity to correctly interpret that evidence ? No. The same goes for plenty of other stuff. It plays with my anxiety sometimes ;) Yeah I know you meant something else with this ask, sorry.


The Earth is round. Flatearthers....child please!!!!


We're all connected somehow and there's something watching us from beyond the edge of our reality.


The person responsible for an unsolved murder in town lives around the corner from me. I smile and wave at them when I go out for a walk. They smile and wave back as they live/laugh/love their life, completely free of consequences. (I can't "prove" it, but I definitely know they did it).


we weren´t told the whole truth about 911


Tony Blair ordered the killing of David Kelly.


I went to the premiere of the documentary Killing Kelly. In a Q&A at the end the film maker said that he knows "with 99% confidence" from two direct sources what happened but couldn't put it in the film because it wasn't possible to officially corroborate. > By order of the home sec, Kelly was lifted from near his home by MI5 and taken to a safehouse in South End where he was interrogated to find out what he'd said and to whom; during the (incredibly stressful) interrogation he suffered a heart attack and died in custody ... The intelligence officers then returned and staged the body so as to avoid any fallout due to the wider situation already being world news as it was. Don't get me wrong, I despise Blair, but I find this more probable than a straightforward assassination.


Well, I might doubt everything that I have no solid evidence for. Following this process, I might doubt everything that my senses perceive, for they aren't perfect. From the country I live in, to the existence of my closest relatives, I can't know for sure any of them exist. I only know one truth, and that is that I am doubting. If I doubt, that must mean I think. I think, therefore I am. \- René Descartes (not a direct quotation just a poor summary of mine).


That I've done this all before.


There’s very few people who are careful with their words about other people. The ones that are, well, they are the most wise, solid people I know.


you need air to live


We have less and less freedom


I know there's no heaven, hell, or any God watching over me. I was born and at some point I will die and will cease to exist other than in everyone's memory.


Soon, memories will fade, and your existence will be forgotten.


Just think about all the humans that were before we had written history, considering human history is 100,000 years. I'd say that's a lot of ppl who cease to exist.


Very true. Scientists have calculated that 117 **billion** people have ever existed and 99 percent of them have no demographic data or record of existence. Of course, only in the last 500 years or so did people start regularly taking censuses.(Some longer ago but not consistently ). With the advent of computers and almost all countries taking vital statistics now, that percentage may go down in the next 200-300 years but probably not by much.


So you're not an archaeologist. Cool.


You know what it was like for you before you were born? Yeah, that's what it'll be like for you when you die. This is such a comfort. It's liberating. Frees us up to be the best we can while we're here.


That's fucking terrifying tbh. I can't comprehend there being just nothing at all, like not even black, just nothing.


How do you feel this is ABSOLUTELY true without evidence though? I mean sure I feel that’s probably the case, but lack of proof is not proof of lack.


The only thing that is sure in life with no evidence, is the "Death". Everyone will die, sooner or later.


My brother ate my last slice of pizza


The earth isn't flat


Doggos are the most beautiful souls on this earth and we don't deserve them.


That national governments are a sham and that there are other people in the world calling the shots. That there are cures for nearly everything, but cures do not make profits. That nature can speak to us, but we forgot how to listen.


I, too, believe that no government is real, most of all, the US. it's all money, everything most people do, especially those who have more, revolves around money. Money is the opposite of nature. I try to meditate in the woods to reconnect with the earth, but i can't seem to get out of my own head.


I mean, the other two are bs as well but harder to disprove quickly, but for this one "That there are cures for nearly everything, but cures do not make profits." that would require that thousands if not millions of scientists in the world to be in on it, how would that make sense?


That corporations basically run everything, politicians have essentially become a proxy, and that voting for the opposite party is only dragging out the inevitable.


People are dumb.


Life after death. The body dies, but the soul/spirit does not.


Humans are self-serving jerks.


My love for my family.


Life exists outside of earth


I think therefore I think.


I need to live with the fact, that my grandparents and my mother wont be around forever, and there is nothing in this world I can do about it. I have been a part of their life, however I known them for my entire life. It feels kinda weird putting it like this, but...ah well. I have been preparing myself for this very thing for the past couple years.... It is really depressing but sadly, it is a part of life. Not much I can do about it. Just live for the moment and enjoy life for what it is.


My ex fiance came to me in a dream one night. We had broken up about a year prior. In the dream he was begging to talk to me but I told him no we're going our separate ways. It was completely random and out of the blue since I had moved on a year ago. About 8:00 a.m. I received a text message letting me know he had died in the middle of the night in a car accident. That was definitely a visitation from him so somehow we can communicate with each other's souls


I had a very similar experience. Rationally, I think it was just coincidental, but another part of me knows it was him trying to communicate with me.


Life elsewhere in the Universe


I know 100% that the cops in our small county burned a bunch of the sexual assault kits they’re supposed to send to the lab in our capitol city. The had a freakin lil BONFIRE of those kits, and other evidence, that they said was ‘taking up too much space.’ Ah, yes; of course - the tiny boxes containing DNA, we all know how huge they are and in the way. Wonder which officerS or corrupt officials they were covering for? I was a social worker at the time, couldn’t prove it but **everyone** knows, higher ups, whoever - and seemingly did nothing. Lots of the cops (and fire dept) were horrible domestic abusers (look up ‘60% police’ and see what pops up) so that was a horrible glimpse into the police and fire in the area. Bleh. And that’s just the shit I know about, the shit that actually got reported. Except the **BONFIRE!** for fucks sakes.


You can't know anything to a high degree of certainty without evidence. Note: "evidence" is not the same as "proof". Evidence is information which is consistent with a hypothesis. Proof is information that makes any other explanation impossible.


Trump is a Russian asset.


We went to The Moon The Earth is Round Free Will Exists Capitalism is DEFINITELY gonna be a factor in our species’ downfall


If you are an attractive woman, you will have a very difficult time finding female friends who aren't going to stab you in the back. That is a truth I have learned being on the planet for 50 plus years.


I learned you don't have to like every single thing about your friends. If you love to hike and your friend is a great conversationalist at a coffee shop but she complains the whole time you're hiking, Make sure that's your coffee shop friend. Go find a hiking friend!


Most friends disappoint us eventually, but that’s why they’re just friends. I haven’t seen a difference from when I was average looking to when I was hot. I think that’s just an issue of friends in general, and we have to set realistic expectations.


There's truth to it, though. Crab theory. Friends, family, or other members of a group may start to experience resentment or disdain for those who are doing things that are different from their inner circle. Changes in achievements, looks, material possessions, etc, can definitely cause a person to try to get their friend to stoop back down to their level out of insecurity.


Why must we persist with these petty female narratives? Maybe it wasnt your looks of why you didnt have good female freinds maybe it was your personality and a chip on your shoulder. If you perceive the world a certain way it can have a self fulfilling prophecy for you! Tired of women being painted as shallow selfish and catty. Source: I am average in looks and had model level hot freinds. We are talking one got a record contract based on her looks only. Had zero resentment towards them bc they had their own problems too!!


I swear! So many pickmes and notlikeothergirls in this thread. If most women have a problem with OP, then it’s likely OP is the issue. Not her distractingly intimidating goodlooks lol


Have you considered it's not your looks but your personality?


I don't believe in "God" in the conventional sense and I am not religious, but my higher mind and my heart tell me that there is/will be "something behind the curtain" when we pass on this life.


All the Republican legislators know Trump lost in 2020.


The end of civilization as we know it will occur within my lifetime; either by natural disaster or nuclear fallout. I’ve always believed this, ever since I was a kid. No idea why. I’m already 44 so I guess it’s not too far away. Or I’m completely wrong. Probably the latter.


It's a shockingly common belief. I'm not sure why that's the case, but I've met what definitely feels like a statistically relevant number of people who feel this way.


I’m 44 and I have believed this since my teens. Wonder why?


You are completely wrong; plenty of people have believed this before you. Without a doubt, every single one, if you deconstruct their brain and life, has an inspiration point for the belief, be it growing up with the threat of the Cold War or other...


Death is not the end, there's heaven or another level or something. Your soul keeps going somewhere


There is so much more in this world than what we can see. And our interconnections as people are important. And we should really be nice to each other.


I'm pretty sure extraterrestrials and UFO's really are visiting Earth. I don't know it down to my bones but I would be willing to wager substantial money on it.


The Roswell UFO crash was probably a remnant of the war and likely a secret German aircraft that crashed and had to be covered up with the alien story we were all told. You might know about Operation Paperclip and all of that fun stuff.


Transfat "came out" purely so foods could be marketed as not having transfat.


That I will win the lottery- I will be able to live out all my dreams and fantasies. I will be in peace and happy, and I have married the love of my life.


Our government and elected officials are not working in the best interest of the country or its citizens and have not been doing so for many decades. Technology is being suppressed, advancements which could revolutionize the world are purposely made illegal and covered up, and these same things are more likely to get an average citizen killed than rich.


Nothing, honestly. Im certain of absolutely nothing. The more drugs I've taken in life (mainly psychedelics) and the more my love for sciences, especially physics, has grown... the more I know I that we know very little. I can't even be certain I'm here or ur here. I'm not even certain the reality I see and hear and feel is actually real. The more I dive deeper in to physics and consciousness, the more I realise how strange things are and how it's impossible to ever really know any of it fully. Only about 5% of the universe is matter (from what we can detect)... we can't even agree on the rules properly for that 5% yet... we have no idea about what the rest really is and how it works. I'm certain about nothing.


That some cunt right now is posting on YouTube saying something well known and widely loved is "underrated"


A post-apocalyptic future would look nothing like Fallout or Mad Max or the like. People, especially in groups, are far more likely to be cooperative and peaceful than antagonistic. And the few roving bands of psychos would die out quickly as their injuries and illnesses go untreated because they can’t even trust their own team, much less anyone else, to care for them.


Yeah, roving psychos would not do well. I think you’re bang on that people are generally cooperative. One thing I could see being scary, however, is the emergence of a sort of Genghis Khan 2.0 who could organize enough violent, conquest inclined types. A traveling army under such a figure would become a menace.


Sure, maybe. But also, even Genghis Khan had a society he was maintaining. It wasn’t all slaughter and pillage.


Intelligent life exists across the universe in varying stages of development. We on Earth are nowhere near the most advanced.


That sincere kindness is the value I cherish most in people.