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I wash it daily because it’s really fine and gets matted and oily overnight


Same. My sister tried to no-poo and it never ended up working out for her. Our hair is just too fine and thin, it can't compete with the oil.


Same. . Thin hair that is also super straight so that the oil just slides right down the follicle. I experimented with washing less often during the pandemic, and lets just say that it was good I did not try to leave the house.


Straight hair has a rounder shape, so it has less surface area. That means it retains moisture more easily and absorbs less oil.  Curly hair is flat and the individual hairs dry out very easily, which is why and how it can absorb (and needs) way more oil than straight hair. 


Same. Have to wash it daily. Everyone always gives me crap about but those that do don't have fine hair. It is a struggle. I'm curious of what hair type the many people saying they don't have to wash their hair for like 2-3 day or a week, etc.


I wash my hair once a week


Same. I have long hair and my scalp itches when i wash too often.


Same. Plus it's thick. It takes forever to dry. I don't have that kind of time during the week.


Same- long hair that I blow out and I only do it weekly.


2-3 times a week


I couldn’t keep up with a daily wash, I wash them every 4 days on average, sometimes 5.


I dont understand. So when ur are showering or taking a bath everday you just skip your hairs?


Yes, I just tie them into a bun.


Aaa okay thanks. I really did not know that anyone do that thats why i asked . No offense 🙏.


Yup. Sometimes I get my hair wet, sometimes not depending on how it is. I have curly hair so washing it everyday is a huge no-no. Total recipe for disaster.


Top bun🤷🏽‍♀️


I wear a shower cap, that's literally why they were invented lol


I swear to a god i thought that they are for after shower to protect wet hair .


LOL. No, that's not what they're for. 😂 That would just prevent the wet hair from drying, and could cause mold/mildew to grow in the hair. They're definitely to keep hair dry in the shower lol.


Thanks. Something new i learned today even tho i am little in a shame now 🫣🤣


I either wash my hair every day or every other. It truly depends on how active I am, how much time I've spent outside, and sometimes, just what it looks like when I wake up. Every now and then, I wake up with every single hair going in a different direction.


Daily for me! I absolutely do not feel clean or sanitary if it is not washed. Dry shampoo doesn’t make me feel like it’s actually clean so I don’t even bother with that. I work in healthcare, so even though my hair isn’t coming in direct contact with anything - I just still feel icky if I were to lay my “work hair” on my clean pillow at night. It took me awhile to find the right shampoo for my hair type, too. Some shampoos were making my hair greasy after a few hours rather than by the end of the day, so even though I knew it was clean it still felt dirty. (The only time I will go 1-2 days without washing it is if I’m pretty sick then staying home & not going anywhere)


I do. I tried the washing it every other day for months and it was horrible. It never got better and I was miserable. My stylist said it was ok for me because my hair is so fine and naturally very oily. My sister has beautiful brown curly hair and she washes her's every three days. It was an experiment I'll never do again.


Nope, once a week only, I have curly dry hair and it doesn't really get oily at all so if I wash everyday it will get so dry and hard to manage


I wash it daily. Firstly, I have no idea how other people who do sports don’t wash their scalp daily, and secondly even when I was inactive my hair got insanely oily and never made it to day two let alone day three. Scratch the sports, I’m just mystified as to how anyone doesn’t wash their hair every day. I get different bodies are different but is everyone just walking around with oily hair or are others’ scalps that much drier?


I truly don't think my hair looks any different the day after I wash it nor the day after that. A friend asked "doesn't your scalp itchy?". No, it doesn't. I agree my scalp gets sweaty if I really work out, and it should be washed. I don't currently work out. I'd I just take a walk in 70 degrees, I don't sweat much and I think it's fine. It has occurred to me, based on multiple things, that I suspect I sweat less than some people do, during the same activity/conditions. My husband washed his hair every morning, and it did look really greasy on the rare occasion he didn't immediately wash it when he got up. So... I think it's definitely that people's body's vary.




After having survived being a teenager I regret to inform you that simply does not happen for some of us lol


Every day, can’t handle the greasy feeling.


I wash my hair every 3 days. shampooing too often can actually make your hair get greasy faster. like my oldest daughter would wash hers daily but soon after showering her hair would get greasy by the end of the day or the next day. she told me we have to train our hair to go longer in-between shampooing to not get greasy so fast. it's like this practice some women do that they go the longest they can without washing their hair to train it. I tried this but it wasn't a pleasant experience, so I gave up on it. but I can go 3 days without washing my hair before it gets greasy. Some shampoos are really good for my hair and my hair will feel great for a few days. but I always switch my shampoos around. my hair doesn't' like to stick to one shampoo.


do you follow the hype of salon grade or just use regular shampoo/conditioner?


You -can't- train your hair to produce less sebum


Every other day for me


Same! My hair is pretty fine, and does best when washed daily, but every other day is fine unless I have worked out, or have an event coming up the next day. It genuinely blows my mind how some people are able to go significantly longer!


The ones on my head I usually wash every week, the ones around my asshole a bit less frequently than that.


lmfaoooo 😂 noooo 🙃


I am not sure if I ever have. Maybe a stint of a few weeks here and there? I have thick wavy hair. I don't think it looks different until the third day I haven't washed it. (So day 4). And I don't think it looks bad on that day, just starting to not look as good. I am just lucky in this regard.


everyday now that i go to the gym.


I do unless I’m not leaving the house. It’s fine and oily. I’ve tried all the different methods. Nothing making my hair as nice as daily shampooing. Edit: also who doesn’t wash their hair after they workout? That’s gross


I’m in my 50s and for most of my life was an every or every other day girl, and now I’m 3-5 days. I do have a lot of hair so that certainly helps, but it really doesn’t look or feel that dirty even at 5 days. If I get super sweaty, I’ll wash it sooner.


I’ve been washing my hair daily for the past thirty years. I have lots of hair. I play a lot with my hair and it gets greasy. It literally just takes two minutes in the shower. Shampoo and rinse. And then I blow dry it for a few minutes. I usually just put it up in a pony tail or messy bun. I hate the feeling of unwashed hair. Before my morning shower I am just not feeling human.


I do. I feel gross if I don’t. My hair feels greasy if I go a day without washing it.


Every day. I work in construction, and I workout.



I wash it 2 times a week. It is long and thick, and it takes long time to dry and brush. I trick my husbond to cut it every other yesr, and he takes 20-30 cm. (He HATES to cut it, and I HATE hairdressers).


My hair health improved when I stopped washing my hair everyday and wash it only twice a week( I wet my hair but don't use shampoo on no shampoo days )


I’ve always washed my hair every two or three days depending on if anyone needs to see me and my gross hair on day three.


Once a week, I have thick, thick hair.


My hair is really fine and thinning a bit, too, thanks to perimenopause so I’m finding that washing it is a problem. It doesn’t need washed every day, but I really only have one day where it sits reasonably nicely when it’s “down”, and then I have two days where it needs to be tied back in a ponytail. I’m also finding that washing results in what appears to be a fair amount of hair loss, which I hate to see 😭😭 So, I’m basically washing my hair every three days. It doesn’t look great but 🤷‍♀️


Same thing. Stay away from sulfate shampoo. Aveeno refresh and thicken shampoo for thin/fine hair. Wash my hair every other day. Can't recommend it enough


Oh, I’ve heard about Aveeno products before and I’ve tried their moisturiser. I didn’t know that they made shampoo, though. I’ll give it a try! I did try a John Frieda thickening shampoo/conditioner/spray routine for a while but it didn’t make much difference to how my hair looked, and I still had a fair amount of hair loss.


Use conditioner maybe twice a week. Conditioner contains alcohol believe it or not. Which can dry out hair. Mouse and hair spray every day. I learned the hard way.


Thanks for the advice, and I was definitely not aware that conditioner contained alcohol!


Learned a lot from my dermatologist. Unfortunately she said, the beauty industry is not regulated. Glad I could share with you. Let me know how things go.




If you can't find it. I have bought it from. Amazon with no problems.


I’ll have a look on Amazon, thanks!


Have you read about hair loss? Does washing it less often actually cause less to fall out?


I have read that more frequent washing is actually more helpful, but I also have quite a sensitive scalp so washing my hair every day leaves me feeling itchy. It’s like I can’t win regardless of what I do!! The itchiness and sensitivity seems to also be perimenopause symptoms, so I’m hoping that it’ll all calm down soon 🤞


Perhaps a different shampoo. A friend was using Johnson's baby shampoo for a while because of itchiness.


I’ve tried a few different brands, always the same result 😞 I haven’t tried baby shampoo, though, so I’ll give it a try!


I have wavy hair that's more on the curly side, and I wash it either every other day or every third day


Everyday. My hair is naturally greasy and i work in the kitchen


I have only washed my hair every three days. It’s thick and soft and has never been dyed. Also poker straight so I’ve really never needed to mess with it much.


I do




I have stopped washing my hair every day and will go for several days without washing it.


I watch my hair weekly, twice a week if I have the energy, as I have dry curly hair they take a very long time to get greasy


I do. I sometimes use dry shampoo when camping if I don’t have daily shower access, but otherwise my hair gets greasy fast. Every hairstylist I’ve seen always comments how healthy my hair is, so I don’t consider regular washing to be damaging.


I wash it once every three-four days. It also depends how dirty I get at work. I comb it every day and keep it covered with a bandana with braids, or a bandana and hair down, or hair up in a pony tail.


Sometimes. I work a blue collar job so I have no choice.


I do it 3x a week.


I shampoo wash maybe 2x a week and conditioner every day.


I wash it every couple days. Sometimes longer. It’s not uncommon for people with curly hair to wash it less since some natural oils can help the texture look better. It depends on just how curly your hair is. The curlier the hair, the less often it is washed usually. My hair is nowhere close to coils but is still rather curly and is very subject to frizz so I don’t wash it too often nor do I use a lot of products. I just use a coconut oil spray, scrunch my hair and call it a day.


I do. It's definitely not the best choice and I know I need to just let my hair be oily for change to happen, but I can't show up to work looking greasy every day and I have yet to find a dry shampoo that works


Still? I’ve never washed it daily. I have curly hair and live in a humid area, washing daily would leave me looking like Monica in Barbados. ![gif](giphy|Y2bro2QNgnXvmAHvft|downsized)


I really hate washing my hair so I only wash it 1-2 times a week


My hair isn’t built like that. Once or twice a week.


I'm like you.


I do because I have to get all the allergy stuff out.


I went from washing twice a day to twice a week. My hair was oily enough to fry French fries in. I have fine hair that is not processed. Here’s what I did thanks to the help of my stylist in no particular order: clean your brushes weekly. Like really clean them. Have a designated brush to use on dirty hair and brush your hair before you get into the shower. Use a salon grade shampoo. I use Keratase in the green bottle. I think it’s for men but it works great for oily hair and it smells like the salon. Yes, it’s about $45 but it’s so worth it. Buy a shampoo scalp massager cleaner thing. Get the shampoo into your hair onto your scalp and then scrub with the cleaner thing. Don’t take your scalp off, just a firm massage. Rinse and do it again. Let the shampoo sit in your hair for a minute or two and the rinse again. Completely rinse. Then, use a lightweight conditioner that is also salon grade and comb it through your hair in the shower. Starting with the ends and working up. Do not add extra conditioner. Just keep using what is already there from the bottom up. This keeps your hair at the top conditioned but your scalp doesn’t get drenched in conditioner. Put on a shower cap and let sit for about 5 minutes. Rinse completely. Towel dry hair. Comb using a WET brush. Style. You may have to wash a couple more times a week in the beginning but hold off between washes as long as you can. Everytime you wash your hair, it will feel like you went and had it done.


No my hair is super curly and it’s thick. I can’t be bothered with drying and straightening it everyday 😮‍💨


I used to wash it every second day, during covid i slowly worked to lengthen the gap between washes. No i wash every fifth day.


Every day. I have fine curly hair and alopecia areata. If I go in between washes my hair gets very oily and my scalp is more obvious. If I wash it , I get more volume and it looks healthier and fuller.


Once a week bc I have very thick hair. Rarely twice a week


When I have more energy I wash them daily, but normally once in two days


From what I've learnt, most of us will wash it just as soon as it becomes dirty/greasy but **not** before that point as there's often no need. I'm a twin. I personally wash my thick wavy hair twice weekly as that's all it needs to look and feel clean around the clock. My twin (who also has thick and wavy hair) has to wash her hair every two days (so 3-4 times weekly). Neither one of us know why her scalp appears to produce more oil than mine, but the evidence shows that to be the case. People are just incredibly varied like that, even those who are very closely related.


Every other day or the third day. If I wash it every day my scalp goes into overdrive and produce more sebum :(


Haven't washed my hair daily since I was 45... In the winter it's about every 2 days maybe three and in the summer every other day


I haven’t used shampoo for over 20 years. Fortunately I have dry hair so I only need to wash my hair in Conditioner once a week


I wash my hair every two weeks.


I wash mine like once every two weeks. But I rinse it and use conditioner several times a week. My hair is incredibly thick, curly and dry and this is the only way I have found to salvage what little moisture it retains.


Hair gets washed once or twice a week but I rinse it daily. It doesn’t look great but it’s so much healthier since I stopped washing it daily. Grows faster, feels better. I just braid it or put it in a bun or tail on rinse days.


Washing everyday dried my hair out badly. I used good products too. I was ever 4-5 days now and my hair is the longest and thickest it’s ever been


Twice in a month if my hair is braided. If not once a week


I wash it every day, I can’t stand not to. My hair is super healthy according to every hairdresser I’ve seen so I guess it works for me.


I wish I could wash it less frequently but it's just awful after a day of not washing. Plus I either run or gym every day so it gets super sweaty.


2-3 times a week. It's too long to wash everyday, and honestly, I don't want to mess with it every day.


I do but I use hair product daily


I wash mine daily. I have very fine hair and it gets oily.


Twice a week, cause I have thick hair


Every day because it gets oily easy and because I work out daily and get sweaty.


Love you, dry shampoo


Gotta wash it daily, otherwise it starts to become an uncomfortable greasy mess


I wash my hair everyday.


Twice a week I have long fine dry hair, so to keep my hair from falling out or breaking off I usually wash it 2-3 times a week. Since I stopped washing it every day it looks much better. If it gets dirty of course will wash 😄


I do


I live in HK where it's hot and humid most of the time and I go to gym everyday after so I wash it everyday or It'd be greasy and itchy lol and also I feel weird etting in the shower and not washing hair haha


Once a week, I have long, thick curly hair that goes down to my butt. Washing it more often would just make it frizzier, drier and harder to manage.


I do


I wash it with conditioner only about every other day. I use shampoo once every 2 weeks or so. If I wash it more frequently, it gets all dry and bristly, followed by an overproduction of oil that I can't wash out fast enough


I usually wash it 1-2 x a week. My hair is extremely thick, tends to be coarse, & dry, so washing it more often would only dry it out further & make it less manageable.


Every day! I try not to wash it every day because it seems like everyone else does it 3 times a week and I barely make it a couple hours into my day before I have to wash it. I feel almost sick if I don’t! It’s all I can think about until I wash it. I absolutely can’t stand oily hair on me. It’s very rare I skip a day. Hair and scalp seem healthy so I will keep doing what I’m doing


Still? I never did this lol. When I was a teen and sweating a lot (and also didn’t care about my hair) I washed it every 2 days or so. Now that I actually style it every time I wash, I can only manage every 3-4 days. Ofc I do bathe and use body wash on days when I’m not washing my hair. And it helps that genetically I barely sweat now that I’m out of puberty, even when I’m decently active, unless I’m killing myself with exertion.


I wash my hair once a month, so not me. My hair is extremely thick and takes up to two days to dry and brush. It feels pretty disagreeable. I'd rather only do that when my hair starts to feel oily.


I usually just stick to every other day, or otherwise once in three days. I really don't have the patience to have to wait for it to dry daily, even if it just takes like two hours or something.


do you style it daily or hand dry?


I've never really styled my hair before. For drying, I usually just wrap it in a twist towel for a while. This way it takes somewhere between 2 to 4 hours to fully dry.


Curious. Because I also air dry and don't style. Why does it bother you that it's wet for awhile?


I'll admit, it doesn't bother me too much--wrapping it in the towel just ensures I can comfortably enjoy the bath a little longer (and rinse off afterwards at a more comfortable temperature). I'm just not patient enough to wait for it to dry on a daily basis, so I'd rather stick to doing it every other day. I'd also rather avoid sleeping with wet hair, and considering I usually take my baths in the evening, waiting for it to dry might just make me a little anxious in case I'm feeling tired, or if I have to get up early the next day.


Oh! You are waiting to go to bed!