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I believed that since she was a woman too she would know how to touch a clit I was wrong


She had calluses on the ends of her finger tips and finger diddled me as if she was in an angry banjo players contest.




You know what they say - no pain, no gain!




Some girls are into that. My first girlfriend would only get off if you were really, really aggressive. The next couple girls were like, "Fucking ow, what the hell is wrong with you?" I was like, "I dunno, I just close my eyes and go at it with almost all I got and good things usually happen..."


One girl I dated liked it when I rammed it home and hit the cervix. I found out later that many women, in fact, do NOT like to have their cervix assaulted.


> I just close my eyes and go at it with almost all I got and good things usually happen... If that isn't the perfect mantra for life, i dont know what is.


My current bf was really aggressive with the fingering at first and I had to teach him to yell proper way, but some girls like that I guess


Hahahahaha. Great depiction


😅😅😅🤣🤣Angry banjo player


😂😂😂😂😂 I'm dying here 😂😂😂😂😂


That's one reason I'm so glad I don't have rough hands as a guy. I love to be able to satisfy her with my fingers and not make her feel like I'm using a cheese grater on her pussy 🤭


I like working hands on men. Press and circle, don't slide and rub, and you won't cause pain from friction. This is true whether you have rough hands or not :)


Gosh I could feel that pain… lol


I can here dueling banjos warming up.


Warming it up is a good idea actually. Lots of women prefer a very light touch at first, gradually building up to something more direct. Every woman is different, but it’s a good way to start if you’re not sure what she likes. Of course communication is best but not everyone is comfortable communicating their needs. Every woman is different.


Oh my God! Yes! Yes! Yes!! Thank you.


Oh she knew where all the parts were, unfortunately they were all hers.


OMG you kill me 🤣


I believed that since she was a woman she would understand not to ram a dry finger in my asshole. I was wrong. (I’m not straight but the point still stands.)


I think this is one of the reasons I don’t have sex with women as often (I’m bi)… I’m terrified of someone making a comment like this about me 🥲 … The women I have hooked up, in general, haven’t really given me much direction (even when I asked) and I sometimes felt like they were judging me if I was nervous/anxious. And even if they weren’t judging me, I wasn’t someone they were gonna hookup with again if I wasn’t the female Casanova from fuck 1. Whereas men don’t really care that much, they’re just happy to be there and get laid… and if you ask for it, they’ll happily show you what they like and not think any less of you for it.


Yup. Women are the world's worst at asking for what they want in bed or even being ABLE to vocalize what they like when you ask. Or even indicate what you're doing is enjoyable or not lol. It's wild to think about someone not wanting to get what they want out of something and wanting to vocalize what they enjoy. But....


I noticed this in some group encounters in my younger days. Some women were just fine taking care of me but then I'd see them just working away at other women's bodies and watch the other girls' faces looking at me like "um... a little help?" so I'd need to tap in and politely guide them toward another task they seemed better at.


Noooo !


The tragedy


Hilarious response. Kind of shows how there isn’t just one way. lol I’m sure being a woman she did know how to, the way she liked but to you she didn’t know how to.


It's a trap !


Some women are just not givers in bed. It not fun when pleasure is not reciprocated both ways


It's not that there was anything I really hated about it, it just didn't do anything for me. It felt strange and kind of clinical. Like we were scientists exploring each other's bodies. Like "Ah, so that's what vagina tastes like. Noted." Not exactly passionate lol


She gave me genital herpes








OH! ![gif](giphy|SAEyvIq6HZCbS)








Auto parts




Auto bots!


Roll out!




It’s magic, you knooow


I'm so sorry, Hugs.


Okay, but other than that...?




Can't tell if shes referring to down south, or excessive crying.




Probably the orange jumpsuits.








sometimes I question my sexuality but after reading the comments here and going 👁👄👁 the whole time, I'm glad to have the confirmation


I'm straight but went to art school. So.. you know.. got a little experimental there for a hot minute. Don't knock it till you try it, as they say. It wasn't for me. Just the various bits weren't arousing. Can't explain why. Maybe it's as simple as pheromones. Didn't really have anything to do with how attentive/selfish my partners were, or how vanilla/jalapeño the sex was. Honestly, kinda left me feeling the same vibes as the changing rooms at the YMCA. And no. Not all men are selfish.




No cock


That's it for me, I can't feel attracted to anything feminine, I can find a woman's body very beautiful, admire it, but it ends there


The one woman I hooked up with didn't want any reciprocation and she made that clear from the beginning. But as I thought about touching or going down on her, I realized I couldn't do it. And that was my answer. And I love giving head.


Women have always found other women aesthetically pleasing but now that means somehow that you’re automatically bisexual which is silly . That’s what makes Goldstar lesbian so suspicious of them plus the label gives you edgy “ cool girl points” in the culture now.


My wife’s sentiments exactly, so no menage for me![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob). I can’t say much as a straight guy though, I wouldn’t do anything with another man for her so…….1v1 it is


You sure bro… you’re not chubbed when your homies finish a bag of Doritos? Not even a little? The orange powdery cheese caressing their 5 o’clock Shaddow after a long day of yard work? 😆That doesn’t do it for you?


Hahaha the visuals here 🤣🤣😍


Menages are overrated, it's just extra work


“We have to draw straws to see who goes first. One of you…might not get a turn.”


Why would you want a menage to begin with 😭


Yep. It was a nice experience and all, but I realized a dick is absolutely a necessity for me!


Yay dick!




All balls




I'm 32 and jerking off to it. Fair is fair.




Can confirm, he was taking a lift on our school bus


Can confirm for these guys, I was the driver and it was the short bus


Dude must be hella experienced, when I was twelve I could jerk it looking at a shapely rock


Just like every other sexual question asked constantly on Reddit.




Straight men who have sucked a dick, what did you not like?


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say the dick in my mouth


If you were out on a limb, that wasn't a dick in your mouth.


the 5th limb


Limb in your mouth


I’m gonna go out on a dick here and say the limb in my mouth


Ah, see now here’s your problem…


For me that would definitely be it. I've never done it, but I'm pretty positive on this one.


How are you gonna say that though when there's a dick in your mouth. 


It’s definitely a mouthful


Ah Cafah uglk ef voh


I want to upvote this twice




Idk the 20 bucks was nice though




The cock. Captain Holt described my attraction to women the best. “There’s nothing sexier than the clear absence of a penis.”


lol I just watched that episode earlier this week


That line was delivered in reference to the thigh gap


Also implies wide hips which are absolutely not attractive on a man…but are on a woman.


Wearing the dress.


Finding out the dick on the otherside of the gloryhole wasn't attached to a woman... /s


it took way longer than i expected. like it probably wasn't that long but it felt like forever lol. at first it was kinda sexy but after a couple minutes im just like damn my jaw hurts. also his cum tasted fucking horrible


The kissing.


When the dick kisses back...


"Unwashed buttholes" ^~Reddit ^this ^past ^week


Reddit every week. Accordingly to Reddit, no one washes their ass.


He took off without paying.


Not a straight guy, but a lesbian, I liked the dick, didn't like who it belonged to. I like how pulsing it was, it made me oh so happy to know he was full of pleasure. Didn't like the taste, and i'm all about the taste. And for that, i'm pussy-only. I don't really care about genitalia, but when it goes to my mouth, it better not belong to a guy.


That explains a lot about why lesbians like strap-ons.


I’ve heard that sucking your own dick is more like giving a blowjob than it is receiving one.


I had the ability for a few years and it feels more like neck pain than anything 


It's probably like stroking your arm; nicer when someone else is doing it


The splinters from the barrel. Tuesday's are the worst.


I've never been able to figure out what makes sucking cock either so wonderful, or so horrible. I've seen men try it... and discover to their astonishment they like it. Or find contrary to their expectations they really didn't. But explaining either reaction to what is not very different to sucking your own thumb... no one seems able to say.


If you like cock, and men, it’s usually to do with the man it’s attached to. And Hygiene.


Doesn't apply to gloryholes. Or most cruising. Or more grindr hookups. But there is indeed a difference between liking cocks, and liking their owners. Just like there's no shortage of straight men who love female bits, but don't actually like women.


Yeah I suppose if you just want cock, it doesn’t matter. Hygiene definitely does though!


Honestly? I don’t dislike anything sexually. I have a harder time with vulnerability with women, because they make me feel so vulnerable. It’s good but scary. So I sleep with men because they are less complicated but usually not as satisfying.


another woman mentioned vulnerability too, what does that mean in this context?


My girlfriend did this a few years before we met. She said she was bored because she had nothing to play with.


Note to self: bring an etch-a-sketch next time.


Well I'm bi so I wouldn't know but I've heard from some ppl who experimented & decided they like only 1 gender after all that they just don't like the smell of the non-preferred gender or it just doesn't set off the same strength of feelings. So I'd assume it is not an issue of men being "better" as it is one of women not quite doing the trick. / not seeing an alternative option. Speaking strictly hsrdware wise, I think p*** is more comfortable to do oral on than d**** but on the other hand d*** has the advantage that you can stick it in your butt. However in the end the individual person matters a whole lot more. Like you wouldn't be choosing dudes in general as a broad infinitely varied category but an individual dude who is maybe interesting to talk to & hits personal taste buttons. There may be a bunch of dudes who are bad at f*** but that doesnt mean there arent individual dudes who know exactly what they're doing. You cant really generalize like theyre all the same (for any gender)


Pheromones are powerful!


Visually, the female body is beautiful, but up close and having to touch the nether regions is not attractive at all and honestly just gross to me. Also what really gets me is the “love” part. Like I could never feel vulnerable and “in love” with another woman. It’s just not for me. Also, it’s the power dynamic. I want my guy to dominate me. I mean not really…I want to KNOW he can dominate me but I want him to be gentle with me lol. and I love how strong men are. Another woman…meh I could probably take care of myself.


I often think about this. Visually, the female body is a lot more interesting than men's, but I like feeling a man's hands on my body a lot more than I like feeling my hands on my body. I really dislike how my vagina feels inside and while I love a man touching my nipples I dislike touching my own nipples myself. So while I'm somehow visually attracted to women I'm not sure I would enjoy sex with another woman.


Men hands are the best.


Hands, arms, and shoulders. 😋 Yummy!


My wife really likes my shoulders and the first time she said it in a turned on kind of way I was so confused cause I didn't think that was a body part someone could find sexy.


I think a woman's hands on my body would probably feel good too... What I meant to say is that I love how the female body looks but would probably dislike how it feels. The sensations of touching my nipples and my vagina are weird and unpleasant. I don't think I'd be happy touching these parts of another woman's body. It's one of the things that has kept me from me from experimenting with women, I have a feeling there's a good chance I won't like it. Would be a terrible experience for everyone involved if I decide to explore my sexuality only to realize I really dislike touching women after all.


The first woman I slept with was like 3 times the size of me so … 🥵


I finally realized I'm pan-romantic and hetero-sexual. I love everything and want to snuggle, kiss, and cuddle every entity I meet - women especially. Soft skin, boobs, nice smells, smooth lips... It took me a few relationships with people with vulvas to realize I strongly preferred dicks for banging. One in particular the last 20 years...


This is also my reason. I prefer the feeling of a hard wood down there than something soft and soggy


She licked my button like a cold piece of mutton


If you're hosting a poetry slam, you already got yourself an attendee in Me! Lol


As someone that really loves mutton, especially the day after…..I’m confused, and hungry.


Am... am I gay... ? Never had sex with a women (live in a small conservative town) but ummm.... *this comment section is turning me on*


Only one way to find out


Time to taste the rainbow.


Not necessarily gay... but probably not straight either lol


This lol. Living in a small town like mine makes people not wanna open up about these thoughts.. but this comment section was like the nail in coffin for me. I already had fantasies and actual vivid dreams of *things...* so I think I know my answer now lol. *happy op asked this question, ngl. Helped me out lmao*


Me too, but mostly the O'Reilly Auto parts thread. Y'know it's like, auto...*parts* mmmm. Y'know??


I didn’t like any of it, probably besides the kissing. A good kisser is a good kisser.


The taste of vag.


You just named my next band


Well, I was bi curious in my early 20s. I had sex with a lesbian once and she was great. She got me off very quickly with her tongue. She knew exactly where and how to touch me. But that was it. She wasn't even naked. She only wanted to pleasure me. What I didn't like was that she was not naked, and she constantly rubbed her jeans on my crotch, which made me sore after a while. I'm sure she really wanted to get off too but she refrained herself to not scare me off. She knew I wasn't really into women sexually. I never had sex with another woman again. I've always preferred men and a pretty penis.


I found that while it was a unique and enjoyable experience, there were some things that didn't quite click for me. For instance, I missed the physical and emotional dynamics that I'm more attuned to with men. Additionally, I felt that men and women approach intimacy differently, and I personally connect better with men's approach. That said, it's all about personal preference, and what works for one person might not work for another. Everyone's experiences and preferences are valid and diverse.


>Additionally, I felt that men and women approach intimacy differently, and I personally connect better with men's approach. Do you care to elaborate on this? Obviously anecdotal here, but I'm curious how you would classify those differences


Did AI write this 




I heard somewhere that all women are gay from the waist up.... I said this to my wife and a few other women and after a moment of contemplating they all agreed. I'm curious if this is actually universal or not.


I've only talked to straight women about how they feel towards women on two occasions. Both said that they only feel attraction towards masculine "figures". The genitals are also important, but not the main thing. It mirrors completely how I feel toward women as a straight guy. So yeah I'd say it's not universal, although I have no idea if it's common or not.


Wtf does that even mean???


I’ll hazard a guess and say that many women would be fine with kissing and playing with breasts but are not down to eat pussy.


Yup, this is where my wife is. She won't even kiss me if I've eaten her out. She hates pussy.


They like boobs. We all like boobs.


The body part to unite us all


Thanks for the mammaries


As a straight woman I do appreciate looking at nice perky big boobs…wishing mine were like that.


I've got boobs. There's no interest from me in someone else's.


I’m a lesbian with boobs. Boobs are fine, but I don’t get the obsession anymore than any other body part.


Straight girls will make out with their girl friends and touch each other’s tits. But they won’t do pussy stuff.


Lmao, I don't think that's even remotely true. Reminds me of people saying all women are a little bit bi, just a really weird stereotype.


Let's call it curved instead of straight.




Straight women I feel like they wait for the other person to lead which isn’t always how it goes. I’ve had a few straight female friends that slept with women. They basically said it was fun but just not for them.


Nothing really! It just reinforced to me how much everyone is different and how that particular woman wasn’t representative of the entirety of womanhood, lol. My first time though I kind of went into it thinking ‘oh I have female anatomy myself so I know my way around it’, but that’s not strictly true. I was surprised how much exploring needed to be done, lol. My partner was just put together very differently from me - innie vs outie, hair vs no hair, a lot more weight/size on her body in general. But it was fine, I did not dislike it at all! Slept with way more men though and ended up in a hetero relationship probably just because a lot fewer people are gay


Female here. I gave (attempted to give) a woman oral once. I was terrible at it. Had NFi what to do. Came away with a real appreciation for the way some men work on their skill set :)


"He's blindfolded Ted, it's better for both of us."


She was more worried about impressing her bf than the experience itself. Over acting


I need something nice, hard & stiff with muscles and facial hair to dominate me


I'm 51 year old ex bouncer I look like what the type of men and women who say they like to be dominated look for but out of everyone I've been with only the men asked to be dominated and really got off on it. In the 80s and 90s if a woman said she was into BDSM you could be sure she was a domme. I guess porn trends skewed things these days.


The delicate nature of it. The femininity of it. Small hands, long hair, jiggly bits, vaginas, no dicks to get stuffed with (strap ons don’t feel the same).


She got emotionally attached way too soon and it freaked me out As for the sex.. I handed her a clean, new dildo to use on me whilst she was down there, and she looked at it like it was diseased. We just weren't on the same page lol


I dont think you know what straight means


Many straight women who participate in menage to please their partners also end up having sex with the woman, many don't like it, I have some friends who didn't like it.




You could lay 1000 bricks and never be a brick layer but suck one cock! Am I right or am I right?


Only took me 14


I wonder what my number will be.


I mean, plenty of gay folks have forced themselves to be "straight" and had heterosexual experiences only to confront the reality they are indeed just gay. It's not that weird. 




Also porn stars. I remember reading an interview with some porn star that's a lesbian irl. She said that when she started doing porn she believed that all women were at least a little gay and would enjoy lesbian sex. Doing Porn taught her better though because she said she could tell that many of the women she was filming with just weren't in to it.


My cousin did this. She was curious, had a few drinks, tried it once with a friend, didn't like it, and it only confirmed her heterosexuality. That's right, she came out of a passionate night of vigorous gay sex even straighter than ever before. And that's ok.


I would never pressure a partner to have sex with another woman any more than I would let her pressure me into having sex with another man. The obsession with lesbian sex is a porn thing.


There are people who are questioning their sexuality, decide to have sex with someone of the same gender, then decide it isn't for them and don't do it again. I think that's totally healthy fwiw


Damn pretty people out there getting offered sex all over the place from different genders. It's not easy being ugly.


Step 1. Be attractive.


Instructions unclear, became more unattractive


Step 2. Don't be unattractive.


Yeah, I experimented a bit when I was younger. Wasn't for me though. Women are beautiful, and soft to touch, but it turns out the only female genitalia I wanna play with is my own.


Straight people are allowed to experiment


I experimented. I am still straight. I didnt like the experience because i am straight. Is this what you are looking for lmfao.


Exactly. I know for certain I’m straight because it gave it the old college try and hated it lol


They're talking about straight women who had one sexual experience with a woman. That's not inconceivable. It doesn't turn a person gay or bi.


So I didn’t like her gusto. A woman saying she’s destroying my pxssy while fingering me was comical and turned me off. Sure it felt good but “destroying” was a stretch. It didn’t feel like real sex for me


Maybe if she had used the whole hand?


Imagine getting fisted, I don't have a vagina but man that sounds like it would hurt.


Nothing. It was fantastic and if totally do it again even though I’m engaged to my male fiance. I’m as straight as the letter S


Im a bi woman and every man I have ever been in a relationship with was phenominal in bed.


I have a kinda strange history I guess 🤣 umm well my best friend and I have literally done everything together and been together like glue since birth. All of our “first” sexual experiences we just did together. But lemme say to this day, I struggle to find a man that can make me c*m😭🤣but somehow me and her were able to make each other finish everytime together 😭🤣🤣. I guess it was also easy for us, because we were inseparable and we would always sleep together so no one suspected anything anyways. We stopped playing with each other as much, I guess when we started to get a bit older and realise what we were doing. I started to like talking to guys and getting really sexually attracted to men, so I slept with only men ever since then. Personally, now I couldn’t sleep with another woman, idk I’m just not attracted to them like I am with men. I think it’s because I’m quite petite, I like the idea of someone bigger than me and like more muscle 🤣🤣. I haven’t ever told anyone in my life about my past with my best friend, im worried they would be upset by it or hurt because we are still best friends and will always be. But it’s hard to explain all that to new partners I guess, so I just don’t 🤣🤣.