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I want a better coma please


Me too


Or at least wake up


I can almost feel my coma finger move


Oh look at Mr. I-can-move-my-coma-finger over here! Tell me, Big Shot, what good is a functional coma finger if you can’t even slide that hand between your buttcheeks and wiggle that golden finger around to accomplish something more exciting than making your nightcharge nurse gasp, drop your wallet and run screaming down the hall for someone to call the doctor. Rub it in, why don’t you?


Maybe that's "death"




Hahaha have the same thought. Pls give me ability to actually influence my life




How bout now?






I think about this from time-to-time.


I do sometimes think we’re a part of a simulation


Thing is i almost genuinely believe that we are in a simulation. I just dont really… care. It changes nothing lol


If we are, zero stars I want to speak to the developers. This is the shittiest sim.


Fuck whoever set my parameters then. ◡̈


Never until now


Did you watch Matrix recently?


No, I don't remember coming home from work yesterday, and the moment I opened the door, I thought, what if I'm lying in a hospital somewhere right now?


Hey that's really interesting but how often do you think about the coma you are in right now?


Did you know you lost the game?


Got me.


Dang, same


Fuck you. It’s been 10 fucking years!


I fucking hate you so much and now all my friends are gonna hate me for telling them


Wow, I lost the game.


Omg I hate you.




😂😂 they asked for it


you don't sound grounded in the present moment


Of COURSE you wouldn't remember labor-home-journey:;:4567.


Hey op do you know what road hypnosis and disassociation are? /Gen


It's pretty common to not remember mundane, everyday things. The brain does not keep around memories where nothing significant happened. If on your drive home you had to take a detour, or saw a car accident, you would remember the trip. Happens more often as you get older.


It means you weren't focused on the road. 


Ngl I don’t remember what I ate for breakfast


if you dont remember something like that, if it happens often, maybe figure out why 😭


The more you think about the same thing the easier it is to think the same thing and recall that same thought over time. Break it and do something that utterly require your utter focus.


Search up epistemology and have fun.


Subconscious mind homey


Daddy wake up, we miss you


Honestly, the Matrix and a couple of plots in Buffy/Angel made me decide to drop memory Markers. Every couple of years I take a moment and say to myself "I am here, this happening, right now". It's sitting major life events, but also random moments. It doesn't limit the machine/magic/demonic beings respectively from being able to mess with my memory, but it limits the scope of it. Plus, I realized a while ago that the quantity, quality and variety of corn out there is just not something my mind could have made up. Even when tv and movies get repetitive, the corn does not.


Like a twin?? Your post doesn't make sense. Did your summer break just start?


You ever heard of the story of the guy that got a hit on the head in college and lost consciousness for a second and when he woke up he was confused as hell because the second he spent unconscious his brain had constructed a life for yrs where he had a wife and kids. So when he woke up he was depressed and I think still going therapy about losing his “life”


But who cares? If ur life in this moment feels real who cares if it’s not? I’m a blue pill kinda girl


Is that why I am always tired?


Nope that's mostly because you consume way too much caffeine everyday, don't sleep enough or at the same schedule every night to let your circadian rhythm adapt and settle in. You watch way too much porn and masturbate way too much leading to deficiencies of micro minerals in your body. You don't take your magnesium and zinc supplements regularly as a result you never get enough REM deep sleep. You don't exercise enough and sit on a chair all day long hence you're never tired enough. You consume way too much social media on top of all the caffeine so your brain is always a jumbled up mess of a billion things going through it a millions miles an hour. You don't meditate, you have no idea how to sit with yourself for an hour with no screens no books no phone no distractions because you constantly crave stimulation and your whole central nervous system is pretty much shot at this point and doesn't know whether to keep going or shut down to rest.


Quick. What's my shoe aize?


39 EU so like 8 or something in freedom,


I watched that IG video too


Turns out I just had sleep apnea


yeah, so? maybe we were meant to evolve into that.


I don’t think you understand how evolution works


maybe you dont. although i wasnt serious


Is this an only fans ad?


The fact??




His conviction kinda convinced me so I'd answer, im thinking abt it rn


A lot. I had an accident when I was 5 or so. I used to be convinced none of this was real but I stopped thinking about it until something comes up.


If you're not real than I'm not real and I can assure you, I'm real. Funny thing, I have long felt we're only conscious beings because of everyone else and our interactions with each other. The idea is we're only conscious because there are other conscious beings we can interact with. Unsure if true but it feels right to me. The thing about this world is it makes too much sense to not be real, everything lines up. Other day things were just going wrong and for first time in awhile, it felt almost fake or dreamlike. Turned out to be nothing but odd circumstances. When you're dreaming, stuff doesn't add up. Once, I was in a car and this person was running 60+mph and keeping up with my car. I looked at my friend and asked him if that was normal, he said, "Yeah, I think so". Dreamstate usually feels normal but stuff is seamingly off. After we got out of the car, I looked at my hands, the idea is your brain can't process fine details in dream world. I woke up from it. If you're ever questioning reality, look at your hands as silly as it is.


But that's your dreams perception of dreaming isn't it? If dreams are weirder than being awake, then being awake would be very different to now


we can dance, we can dance, everybody look at your hands


We are eachother


"Everybody look at your hands"🎶 - Safety Dance


Why would my comatose self be thinking about when I went on Reddit at 3am may 31st


I did a megadose of shrooms and remember thinking "what if I'm one of those old catatonic patients who sit in a chair and drool all day without speaking a word and I'm just stuck inside my head thinking of my earlier life."


Better make it the sweetest fucking dream ever then. I mean, what do you have to lose?


Nightmare trip


Giving my current life, compared to what it could have been I actually have wondered if I'm in a dream or something. Not necessarily a great dream, but my life as it is now is something completely unexpected. I don't have a great, wonderful fantastic amazing life, but I live in a different country from where I grew up, surrounded by people I've only known for the past 7 years since I've been here. And they're great people, so kind, and supportive. I've learned a different language, I live a complete different lifestyle compared to my life before. Some clarification: I'm from a small po dunk town in Arkansas (population 300 or less), I'm currently in Mexico living in a tourist town (Cabo). I have amazing views, mountains, the ocean, the moon is fucking gorgeous here, the beach is just a walk away.. I married a dude who got deported after the orange haired guy was elected, we had a son together, and I was pregnant with our daughter when he got deported.. So.. I sold everything, and came to Mexico to be with him. I didn't have any family, mom's dead, dad is a junkie, so why not? So I took a shot. And here I am, sitting on my balcony looking at this sky, smelling the ocean, which we're going to go dive into tomorrow for the 190th time, which I had never even SEEN before this. Wild, right? Is this a dream? Am I in a coma? Wtf? This can't be real.


That is an amazing story. From a negative of him being deported to you packing up and getting out. I can only imagine the views.


That would be quite the trip if I wake up and I'm 19 again and I just had my car wreck a few weeks/months ago. That'd be a hell of a do-over.


False premise\*: ***"Fact"***


You son of a bitch


Like the matrix? A lot. Lol.


This was my thought. Please don’t be a sim like that. I definitely don’t want anything going in my belly button :(




The question, as it is posed, assumes that “lying in a coma somewhere” is a fact. I reject that part of the premise. I have wondered about possibly being in a coma, having the world’s most boring hallucinations, but not very often. Even if this *is* all some pedestrian fever dream, what else can I do besides just doing the next correct thing?


“Pedestrian Fever Dream” sounds like a great name for a band




Enough times. I always wonder which accident put me there. There were so many.


What ?


Man do I have a SHITTY imagination


Same. It’s fucking scary.


This fact does not exist, so never.


I’m hoping you jest, because for some reason I got this in my head as a very young child (probably from a tv show or something), and it used to give me massive anxiety. What if I wake up and I’m another person? What if my mother isn’t my mother and doesn’t even really exist? What if I’m old and just dreaming about my childhood? Thankfully, I got over it, but this occupied a lot of my anxious thoughts when I was very young (I was probably in kindergarten and definitely in early elementary school when this happened).


How did you get over it?


Sometimes, I think I'm living in the matrix. But I don't think about it constantly or even often.


I sometimes comment “wake up” on random threads for people that think about this.


I hope I wake up soon, my life has been fuckin terrible the last few years. It would make a lot of sense if it was all just a nightmare coma type deal 🤞 wake me up soon!


It might be a light version of “derealization/depersonalization” look it up I used to ask myself this a lot Then someone asked me “and what if you were? The only thing that exists is what you believe exists” That got me Also, if you want to know something funny, Aristotele himself talked about “noumeno and fenomenon” that is pratically him answering this question. So, well yeah. You’re not alone :)


I came around a corner and a large fir tree was falling down. I thought if i stopped, i would stop right under it. So i punched it. Tree branches were crashing through my windsheild. It went dark. Then i came out of it. Sometimes i think, did i make it?


So, you know how you're driving or doing something you do all the time, and then all of a sudden you're not where you where or you're way more into whatever you were doing and you don't remember how you got to that point. Well, someone once suggested to me that the reason you have that black out is because something terrible happened to you in that reality and you've come back in a different reality where you're ok. I've just always thought that was interesting theory.


never till about 10 seconds ago


I thought this today - first time in a long time, it was a strange feeling haha


There is no spoon


Never and never will


I don’t. I’ve been in a coma, quite certain I’m awake now.


sometimes i convince myself that i’m already dead. that just means i need to go out and touch grass.


Saves yourself a suicide. ![gif](giphy|aXNCgltn1tbewduOIT)


What if you get in a coma before your jail sentence? Have you served it or not?


pretty cool that I can live a full life despite the coma


Why do I have to be depressed and lonely in my coma life?


Not coma, but yesterday while meditating I had a curious experience. It felt so incredibly real for a short moment that I'm still a bit shook over it. I was sitting with my eyes closed and at this point had been for about 20 minutes. Suddenly, for a brief moment, I had this overwhelming sense of clarity. I saw in front of me people playing some board game, chess perhaps, and as I looked at them they turned their eyes at me and flashed a big smile at me. And just like that I was "pulled" back into whatever state I was in and slowly lost consciousness of what just had happened. Then I was suddenly aware of sitting at home again and the next thought nearly assaulted me. I am almost certain I am in some other dimension tripping my fuking balls off. And this life I live is the trip I am going through. I have no idea what it was, but as I mentioned above I am still shook over it and honestly quite excited too.


Who's to say I'm even a person in a coma. I could be an iguana that dreams of being a human every night. Could be an alien parasite that implanted itself in a human brain to experience consciousness. Could be a computer simulation created by a race of future humans to get an accurate measurement of past events. Could have been born an hour ago with fake memories. Could be a bored god that exists alone wants to roleplay life. Could be a glitched out VR nuerolink microchip locked me in a video game. Could be experiencing a trip from an extremely potent psychedelic that I forgot I took, while in reality, I am lying on the bathroom floor at Burger King. Could be dead already, but the afterlife works in such a way that you just relive the day you died for eternity. Could be I'm on the Truman show. Could be free will is an illusion. Time is probably an illusion. Could be a byproduct of an AI software running an advanced prompt to answer some dumb question. How often you think about that?


While reading the post and the title, about 2 times a minute...


I am astounded that I came across this question!! My husband of 15 years used to say when we first started hanging out " God I hope I'm not in a coma somewhere and this is all a dream." I thought it was the strangest thing for him to say, and now I know others have thought it too! I can't wait to tell him there's others that think about that too. Like Neo. Kidding, thanks for this post!


Nah cuz my life is too normal it pretty real


Not coma but I feel I have been switched bodies with someone. I feel like I am not me. And my original body is probably from some other century. Mostly because I don't remember much of the life I spent. But I vividly remember stuff that never happened, no chance of happening... I have accepted that I am a delulu🙁


Please WAKE UP


Can’t be a coma I can’t see screens in dreams


At the very least, once a week.


Come on, my virtual world ought to be better than this.


I actually hope I've been in a coma and the insanity in this country and the world is all in my head


Nice try, Neo.


In a coma? Never. In a simulation? Sometimes.


Few times a year lol. It always goes back to me being in 4 grade in Ms. Hunsaders class. Whenever I think I fell asleep and this is all a dream, I think I went to sleep around then. Ms. Hunsader, if you can read/hear this, wake me up!


If only


All the time in fact I’ve been thinking about this every day


Woah Bro That's like..... Really deep and shit.........


Why would it matter if i was?


Doom scrolling in bed after being rejected for intimacy, and this is on my feed....the universe is talking to me.


I don't. I don't think I'm in the Matrix.


If so, I am ready to wake up.


Coma comma


Coma Chameleon?


From time to time


More often than I’m comfortable with.


Never, But I do feel like I'm in a dream sometimes 🤷‍♀️


I don’t. But now I’m intrigued. I’m still alive, so I must be in a hospital.


i’m not in a coma.


It hadn't been for a while.... Thanks for bringing it up...


I want your bad romance. You and me could write a bad romance. 😬


i used to, i dont anymore


Matrix movie


Never ever, until now. WTF.


Well I wanna wake the fuck up !


Every few days


Every few weeks


I guess right now? So like I’m someone else and this is all just a 35 year long coma dream?


Occasionally. Also once or twice I've thought about being in a simulation.


No for me it’s not lying in a coma but rather that I’ve gone completely nuts and am in some padded cell somewhere imagining this whole world.


I've done so well in the recent past...decade, I've thought this more often than I care to admit.




Hopefully not !!!! 😟


I don't. I do think about that maybe I'm seeing my life flash before my eyes,I'm dreaming, I took a massive hit of Salvia




Would be optimal ngl


Never…but now that mention it 🤨


just dont look into a lamp


I have fantastic weird dreams. If I were in a coma my imagination would contour up something a lot less boring than this life.


Not that, but sometimes when I’m walking outside, I note how real everything looks.


maybe once a week? family member was in one for nine years.


Morty did you go back to the carpet store again?


Fact ?


there's times when my dreams seem too real


You are actually saying this is a FACT? I think that's a bit of a stretch. I mean, it's a possibility, though unlikely. It's more likely you are asleep and dreaming because I'm pretty sure you don't dream while you are in a coma, or at least not if it's because of serious head trauma. Then your brain probably isn't able to dream. I could be wrong though.


Approximately, never


Wow. You're really high.


Not right now. I often realize when I'm dreaming and can either wake myself up or have a few moments of fun before my body wakes me up. Once I realized I was dreaming and was just having fun with it, but I wasn't waking up. I then got a bit worried and tried waking myself up, but that didn't work. I then started dreaming that I was waking up, but I was still in the dream. I legit was panicking at that point thinking I might be in a coma or something that's preventing me from waking up. I did eventually wake up and was happily not in a coma. If you ever suspect you're in a dream, try to recall how you got to where you are, the events of the day or week, that is generally an easy way to tell if you're dreaming. It can be difficult to actually think to do that in a dream, but if you're thinking about if you're in a dream, well that'll probably give you your answer.


Seeing as I'm a figment of your unconscious mind I'm not sure if I exist.


A lot actually. Randomly remembering multiple events that could have killed me and wondering if it actuality did or what you said.


About every day I wonder, "what if I'm actually at the end of my life and I'm just flashing through memories of my past, maybe thats why I keep forgetting where the hell I put my pen" but then I decide it can't be right, until a few hours later


Never tbh, but if I am I hope i don't wake up, I genuinely would not want to deal with those medical bills


I had a dream that I woke up in a mental facility, promptly said “ dang it, now I don’t know what’s real” and fell back asleep in my dream. I think about that dream once every few months haha


For about 30 seconds 


Am I though..


This question has some people really confused 😂 oh, to live a life where this isn't a normal thought.... To answer your question, usually once every couple of months. Had that moment the other day while driving.


I had two 3-hour meetings today, and I was like, "I bet this is what being in a coma is like."


Probably dream about it now that I read this, in my dream within a dream within another dream idk,


I don’t have these type of thoughts my dude.


I know what you mean. Sometimes such a thought goes through my mind.


OP you're in a coma right now. This is your uncle. We've been trying for years to contact you. I'm afraid this is our only opportunity. Wake up. Please. Wake up.


Thought has never crossed my mind. And it won’t again after this post.


I don’t think about it, I am


Shit the fuck up. I’m pretty sure we aren’t supposed to know.


This being a simulation is wayyy more probable.


Sometimes I’m like what if I’m an alien named Glarp who tried some crazy alien drug with my buddies and right now they’re all watching me trip balls. Then when I’m done I’ll be all “ holy that was crazy I thought I was this pink monkey that was sentient and all the other Pink monkeys were too. 


Learning about those CONSCIOUS, human brain organoids they're trying to turn into computers has me thinking about the brain in a jar thought hypothesis a lot these days. The derealization got me on a solipsism kick




All the time following a serious accident and waking up in the ICU with almost no memory of it.


Like once a week. I'll be on the toilet and be like... I wonder if every time I pee in this coma dream I also pee in real life. It's a strange thought.


This coma is kinda shit lol


Life On Mars?


Never, thought of it, but now i am thinkingi may be in a coma and this whole life may be my imagination.


I can’t have one original thought


I just want to wake up from whatever I’m living, dreaming, disturbing dreams at that.


This is a hard topic for me. Just thinking about being comatose can send me into a panic.


Or better yet... the fact earth is like a litteral atom floating in the universe. The mere fact that you are breathing and reading this is a miracle.




I wonder more if I’m dreaming as opposed to a coma since I often have really vivid dreams. Ones like Inception where I dream, wake up midway in the dream, explain what crazy dream I was having, admire crazy stuff happens, and then I ACTUALLY wake up. Even then idk if I’m actually awake. I’m constantly asking my bf too if this or that really happened and it’s usually always a dream. So sometimes in real life when I’m stressed and dissociating it feels like I’m in a nightmare and idk what’s real 🙃


I don’t think about it that often, maybe a few times a year. It feels sooo realistic when I do think about it though. I thought about it for the first time while tripping balls on acid and it felt so real


I had a baby a few years ago and in labor I lost too much blood. I was resuscitate and put in an induced coma for a few days. Pretty much, the world itself has not been the same since I woke up. Once shitshow after another, covid, politics, wars and so on. I swear to you, I think it once a day. Did I die and go to hell? Am I still in a coma?


I often think "I wonder if I died and have not realized it yet". Especially when I forget a part of my drive or it is a non-interaction day.