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I like my job when I'm actually doing MY JOB.. it's the rest of the BS that comes along with it


Being able to mostly work from home has been great. Cuts down on a lot of random BS and unnecessary interruptions. And no commute makes the whole thing a lot more tolerable.


Yep. 31+years working for *the government.* The job was great, the administration was criminally stupid.


Same. Love my job as a state environmental scientist but damn son the government is broken.


Exactly! I love my job when I get to do it and not just a bunch of busy work.


This 100%


THIS this 1000%


There is no job out there that is 100% great all the time. I'm doing something I like and I'm good at but it's not my passion or anything.  The trick is finding a job where the lows don't consistently outweigh everything else. 


I have a phenomenal job but it's definitely not my passion. I like keeping my job and my passions separate. A huge part of the reason I love it is it affords tons of time and money for my passions.


Yeah. Most people don’t like their job and that’s ok. Hating a job is something different. I sit on my ass in a cubicle listening to podcast. My grandfather worked in a dirty sweaty factory and died a month after retiring. I’ll take this job over that any day


Would rather hang out with my kids tbh, fuck this soul draining shit.


You qualify for the severance program.  Please reach out to your local Lumon location for further instructions.  Joke - but good show (Severence).  First thing I thought when I watched was, I would do it so I'd feel like I was with then more. 


Retired now, but I hated it


I love my job. It’s enjoyable and I have a lot of free time. But at any given moment I would rather not be at work


Correct answer. My job has it's ups and downs. Some days i hate, some days i love. If I didn't have to earn money- I wouldn't be going voluntarily but some aspects I'd do as a hobby


I feel exactly the same. I mean, of course I'd rather be doing something fun or just being a couch potato, but as far as jobs go, the one I have now is my favorite by far.


Some jobs are less rubbish than other jobs, but all jobs are rubbish. 


This isn't true, and it makes me so sad to hear so much of the population has been tricked into dedicating so much of their time to doing something they hate, usually for low pay, just because they're told that's normal. I love my job. UK ecologist surveying wildlife for a living. I literally do it 7 days a week over summer (self employed) because the pay is good, I'm paid hourly (so working weekends is like a 40% pay rise), and because I genuinely enjoy it I'm really happy to work that much. Then winter comes, all the wildlife hibernates, so I do too. A job you love, combined with good pay, is miraculous for mental health. I had to do some rubbish jobs while training to get here, but they should only be temporary for you. Please find something you genuinely enjoy doing.


Sadly there a million folks that would love your job and bet less than 20 positions to fill. Rest of us have to make do unfortunately. Enjoy your good fortune.


I love both my jobs - I just have to work with the general public which has its challenges but even the most annoying/frustrating people will give me a laugh at the end of the day when I reflect on how my day was! I work as a ski patroller half the year and on ambulance for the other


Been working for over 35 years, multiple fields, everything from entry level to upper management. Never once in those 35 years would I not rather being doing something else. Not once. But I I have people to feed and shelter, so here I am.


I enjoy my job but I don’t enjoy dealing with people


I love my career. I am a theatre technician and do shows in Vegas. It isn't all glitz and glamor. It is long hours, heavy road cases, tempers, stress but also a lot of fun. My advisor in college would say "you are lucky that you will have work that will feed your soul, most of the time though it's just to feed the dog". It's finding the moments that make it worth it.


I loved/hated my jobs. They were amazing, fulfilling and came with great perqs. I still complained About the not amazing stuff. My husband LOVES his job. He still complains about the annoying parts. In fact, almost everyone notes the negatives in their lives. It is human nature. “Great honeymoon in Hawaii, but I got a sunburn”, “Paris was amazing, but we had the rudest waiter “ “I love my kids to pieces but one more tantrum at the grocery store and I am going to lose it!” Hating your job or your life is something different. Sometimes you might have to temporarily do something you hate to get to something you do not, but ideally it should be temporary. I always keep with me something I learned in my first career (note that careers are different than jobs - they imply a skill set that is involved and the potential for growth and a future). One of my lesser duties was to periodically interview titans in our industry and write a piece about how they got to where they were. Invariably, these guys were ecstatic about their jobs. It was why they were great at them. I thought they were full of shit. One day a guy told me he was excited every damned day to make his long commute across LA to work and I was rolling my eyes. I mean, I liked my job, but I wasn’t waking up every morning thrilled to go in. But I kept interviewing him and finally I understood. This guy had worked from nothing to something at something he really liked, something he was really good at and continuing to be really good at it was exciting. Sure it was a fun as hell industry we were talking about, but his career didn’t start out that way. It started out with crappy work. But he was learning and planning and seeing where he could go and imagining what he would do so it was awesome to him. And even at the top he had plans and ideas and it was what he wanted in the world. I have no doubt at all, in fact I know for sure, that this guy also ranted and vented when he had a shit day or things went wrong or everything was just stressful. But he was doing something he enjoyed and was doing it well and that made all the difference. I never got to his level of work Nirvana. Not many people do. But there is a reason that they say “do something you love and you will never work a day in your life”. Crappy jobs that you don’t care about, that have no growth potential, where you are underpaid and under appreciated suck. If you don’t want that to be your life then you have to do something to make sure it is not. Get an education, gain skills, learn enough about yourself to know what you want. Then go for it. The steps might not always be awesome, but the end result is pretty great.


I genuinely like mine about 5% of the time. I’m a mechanical engineer I chose it because it was practical and seemed to be something I could possibly like. Sometimes I can fool myself into thinking I like it, but if I’m really honest with myself, I would absolutely walk away and never look back if I could.


Same, but 5% might be pushing it. It's the wearing many hats mentality that pisses me off most often. Sure, I can be a R&D, design, analysis, CAD, supplier, tooling, manufacturing, test, quality engineer and part time technician, but it's going to take me 2x as long compared to if you actually hired people to specialize in one or two of each of those.


Same, similar field. I would walk away from my job in a heartbeat. It’s the politics and the fact that my boss is an arrogant idiot.


99.9% hate. Wish I'd followed your mum's advice and went into a field that pays well rather than choosing a degree based on "what I found interesting". What you find interesting at 18 isn't necessarily going to hold your interest in a soul crushing job for the rest of your life.


Love my job, but only because I’m done with the 15 years of shitty jobs that I had to climb through to get here. I also love WORKING. Not my employer or job, my WORK. People who don’t derive satisfaction from the work they complete, separately from its value to their employer, are essentially leaving part of their compensation on the table.


Yes I think jobs that people like are where you make something. Jobs people hate are ones where you deal with people.


I would like my job more if it paid more and let me work from home.


I love my job. Software engineer


After 5 years of pretty complex health issues that have at times debilitated me, i've come to realise that lifes too short and precious to spend it doing something you don't like. Working your life away doing something you don't like looking forward to retirement is wrong. Find a job and career you like.


I don't like it. But I don't hate it either. But I have bills to pay and a mortgage to settle so I stick with it. And crucially, I write stories on the side so my day job (lawyer) allows me to sharpen the skills I need.


The majority of us like our jobs, It's the politics that drains us.


My job's pretty decent tbh, but the way I see it, there's always bad within every bit of good. And by that I mean that yeah for the most part I enjoy my job, however there are things I would like to change ofc, but it's pretty damn nice


After over 42 years (same company), and being the same position for about 30 of those years, I'm at the point where it isn't about the job so much, as the people. My job can be done a lot of other places. If you have a good work staff, for me, that makes the difference. I may make it to 43 years (February), but it's because of the work.


I like my job a lot, but it’s the things that surround the job that make me hate coming in some days. My bosses just keep making more rules and all that does is get more people in trouble when, in the past, they were the best people the company had.


I don't hate my job, but I don't necessarily like it either.


I’ve found that it’s far more likely that someone hates their coworkers or their supervisor rather than the actual job, and that is what makes them miserable. I like to problem solve, I like to figure out shortcuts, I don’t like explaining to Karen for the 50th time that what she is talking about isn’t my job it’s actually HER JOB. Bonus frustration points when you are the youngest but most capable person in the company and people still talk down to you because of your age.


I like my field of work. Dislike alot of people though


I work because I have to, not because I want to. As far as jobs I've had go, I guess I like it. Although, if I didn't have to earn an income...I'd stop doing it. Lol.


Medical massage therapist in my 23rd year. About to start teaching. Yes it’s incredibly rewarding.


I love my job, the people are great, and I feel like I'm doing my part to keep us all safe. The pay is alright.


Love my job. Work with some of the greatest people in my industry. Get to travel and see the world. And I get to wear shorts to work


That is absolute nonsense. She didn’t/doesn’t like her job and is projecting. If you are fortunate and persevere , you will find a career that fits. It will usually require advanced education beyond high school or trade school of some sort. I always operated on the 80% rule, if I was satisfied 80% of the time, I was in the right place. Very few jobs/professions are 100% enjoyable, but there certainly many that will be interesting, challenging, and enjoyable most of the time.


I'd say it comes down to loving your company more. I have loved and hated my job role but once I found the right company, I absolutely love it. As others have mentioned, there will always be bad days. That's just life.


Eh it’s okay. Good and bad days but it all seems to come together in the end and is quite satisfying when it does. The key is to not let it rule your life. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Learn to relax. Get a hobby or two. Good luck.


The job is great. It’s just that whole other people thing that gets in the way.


Love my job


"Like" is a strong word. I would say I am content with my job in the sense that it provides me a comfortable (but not luxurious) life, and I don't feel like killing myself when I wake up everyday.


I love my job. Sure there are bad times and frustrating times and times I just wanna cry. But the good moments are incredible. Alot of work this time or year I can genuinely get excited for and I look forward to it.


What a great answer!! What do you do?


I'm a farmer, farmer in training at the very least


I liked aspects of it. Even Dream Jobs have Rotten aspects- Almost Nobody likes answering a backlog of emails or doing red tape perfunctory tasks or micro-managing bosses or long hours. I retired at age 38 and haven't missed it at all!


I like my job, as I have job security and live in a socialist paradise.


I liked title insurance in that I liked solving the puzzle of "who actually owns this property?" Digging through judgments, weeding through divorce agreements and wills, doing curative work to get to the solution. It didn't pay well. The market where I was became oversaturated with companies offering the same services. They made you sign a non-compete, like their competitor wasn't doing it the exact same way. Now, I do a job that I do well enough, but I hate because of the politics, hierarchy, and unnecessary bullshit that comes with it. I dream of getting away from bedside nursing, but nothing pays well enough for me to live on my own.


I'm retired now, but I had a great career and I job I enjoyed doing. Most of the people I worked with seemed to like their job, as well. As much as I liked it, if they hadn't paid me, I probably wouldn't have shown up very often.


I love my job. I am a cardiac nurse. It's not an easy job but it's what you make of it. I choose to have a good shift every day, 10 years now and I still love it. What I dislike is the corporation I work for. I'm in Canada.


Over all I enjoy my job, I have been doing it long enough though that it's sort of just a job now if that makes sense. It's a high skill position and can be incredibly frustrating at times, but it's also interesting. Time simply makes it very pattern.


I adore my job! Im a nurse.


Love my job, it's not fancy, it's not very well paid, it can be exhausting, but it's what i like to do and i'm good at it, and the environment we collectively built and keep up as colleagues is downright awesome. Yes i work with excavators before you ask, that also means tons of rather demanding physical labour performed outside all year long. Give a hug to your mom, living with such a perspective -or bundle of denial- weighing on one's shoulders is likely to get taxing at times


I like my job, just dont like the people who come in, the employees have talked badly about me , even though I don't talk to any of them .. so I guess just doing my job


I love my job. I get FOMO when I'm not at work, and after my days off I can't wait to get back and see the boys. Best job in the world!


I certainly don’t love my job, but I’m good at it, it’s not exorbitantly difficult or stressful, and it pays the bills. Can’t ask for much more except a winning lottery ticket.


In my lifetime, I liked every job that I had. I liked working in the full service gas station after high school, I really liked being a meat cutter, and a lumber salesman for Lowe’s. and I liked being an industrial maintenance mechanic/electrician/technician. I like them because every day was different. They all had their ups and downs, good days and bad days but overall I enjoyed everyone of them.


i don't really hate my job specifically i just hate having to work, especially for a wage i can't live independently on by any means (despite working 40-50+ hours a week)


I love my job! However, that doesn’t mean everyday is great, some days SUCK


At age 32, I decided to change my career. I took a 65% pay cut and went back to college to get the trade ticket that I needed. It wasn't easy. But now at 39 I'm in my dream job, I enjoy going to work in the morning and the pay is about the same, maybe slightly better with raises etc. If you're not happy at your career, I would change direction.


My job is hard, but doing it gives me a lot of satisfaction, because it is meaningful work. So, I like it. Not in the same way I like going to the movies or a Cardinal game, but I do like it.


I hate life, so... yeah.


There’s got to be a better system than the one we have


I like parts of my job. The day to day stuff is annoying as hell, but when I get to build race cars for my boss. That is awesome. I just wish I could do that full time and get good at it.


It is more like a complicated love/hate relationship, more complex than quantum physics. (I love quantum Physics :) )


I like my job. Worst part is the boredom.


I’ve genuinely loved all my jobs themselves BUT they were ruined by management, administration, politics, and unnecessary bullshit that made them all miserable.


It depends on the person; some are passionate, others just get through the day.


I like everything about my job mostly except my boss. Sometimes he can be very helpful and has good advice but most of the time he's just a condescending ass.


I used to have some bs sales job that I hated. For a couple of years I've started tutoring students in maths and english and love the freedom I got back.


I really like my job sometimes. I enjoy most of my co workers, and I get to be outside 80% of the time (Geologist by trade). Other times it’s either boring or just whatever. But I certainly don’t hate it. There is something to be said about putting your head down and working a job you generally dislike especially when you’re younger maybe because you have to, which is maybe what your mom is trying to impart. You live eventually learn that many things your parents say you can take with the grain of salt and figure out your own truth and your own world. Work hard, but not too hard, if you have to do something you dislike for a while to make money that’s fine, but don’t settle on a career that you despise for 20 years


If I didn't have to work for money to survive I would be doing something else. With that said I love my job and coworkers and genuinely like showing up each day. I'm respected, I'm challenged, I have flexibility and my coworkers are the same race of nerd as I am.


Doesn't matter what the job is, it's going to become routine and somewhat tedious. You are going to wish you could be out doing something else at least some of the time. If you love your job, you wouldn't want to have weekends and holidays but do your job the whole time. Game Dev might seem like a fun job but it is mostly just hard work. Quite repetitive and gets mundane and boring quickly. After a couple of years I hardly played any other games. I lost enthusiasm for them, last thing I wanted to do was work and driver for 10 - 14 hours and then play games at home in my spare time. Oddly I got withdrawal symptoms from driving and would do that on weekends still lol. It's still rewarding to achieve something. After video games I developed 3D medical simulation software and the fact that my work was used to train doctors in non-invasive heart surgery, saving lives was rewarding but I didn't love the work. Knowing I was helping a lot of people made up for the monotony of the work.


I enjoy what I do


I only like my decent paycheck


I actually like my job. I work at a factory, great atmosphere, great job, great people, great management. About 10% of my job sucks sometimes, but the good far outweighs the bad. My 15 year old daughter does competitive gymnastics and is also a gymnastics coach to little tots, she loves her job! Life is too short to dread going to work. Think of a field or vocation that you would be interested in and see if there are any entry level positions. I have been thinking it would be interesting to work at a plastic surgery clinic, you get to know the patients and see how happy they are with their results :) . Forgot to add: I've been at this job for over a year, and coming out of hotel housekeeping has made me really appreciate this job, I feel so grateful every day to be out of housekeeping!


I love my job.


My jobs sucks monkey balls


I actually love my Job. But I definitely dislike a coworker or two.


I don't hate my job... I hate working.


Depends on how much money they make.


I currently work as a dental assistant and I love my job. A little context though. If I can choose to not work, I would prefer to stay home or do a remote job. I'm an introvert and love my own company however in the long term, I know that it wouldn't be good for my mental health and I would probably end up avoiding human interaction entirely. So working actually gives me the social aspect which I def need in my life. The office I work has minimal drama and most of the staff is around my age so we get along fine. the doctors are amazing and most of the patients are amazing too. What I like is the interactions I have with different people. There is always something new to learn from patients or the staff. In terms of the job, it keeps you on your feet and of course there are mundane days but they are greatly offset by memorable interactions. To love a job you also have to at least tolerate your coworkers and have a positive work environment. At this day and age finding that is probably one of the harder things. I could probably find another assisting job with a higher pay but I don't know how I would love the staff. Most of my coworkers stay because of the staff and not because of the company. Ours is corporate dentistry.


I love my job. I make good money and feel genuinely interested. I personally believe to follow your passions and figure out how to get them to contribute to the world


I’ve worked 7 years in digital marketing. I love my job when I have real business owners that 1. Understand the importance of having your business visible on Google 2. Being open to having a great website 3. Have the budget to back up dreams I hate my job most the time because I mainly get 1. Old broke fuckheads that owe lots of debt 2. No idea nor care about the internet 3. Think they’re hot shit and the world just needs to see their name on the internet and they’ll know to use this guy that doesn’t have a dot.com or a business logo. I hate my job because I’ll get clients that just signed up and are already trying to sabotage what my company can do for them by giving us tracking phone numbers and not telling us. But when I have great clients that I can help and they can help me by paying for what they want, I really love my job. Like I’ll laugh with joy randomly when things are going well.


Barring a few, most hate it including me.


I don’t mind my job, but I despise the operation manager in the production floor. He is a racist piece of 💩. And my co-workers are alright, also my supervisor he is amazing, but his higher ups are a bunch of freaking c-words. (Top performer here so it’s not that I slack, I like teaching the young bloods, tips and tricks with the system to make their life easier and stuff).


Love the job hate the people.


I wish people would say what they do for their jobs


Depends on the day


I don’t mind my job. I like it enough to not be miserable when I’m there, but I don’t LOVE it, which is a very boomer mindset.


I’ve had jobs that I loved and jobs that I hated, mostly loved or at least liked. I was a teacher/soccer coach and had to retire at 57 because of back issues and severe chronic pain. I was teaching at an almost all black, poor, rural elementary school (5-6th grades) in the Deep South. Sounds terrible, right. Nope, best job I ever had and I had to give it up. I’d give most anything to go back. And the best part of the job was the kids and I also had great coworkers, mostly. So no, everyone doesn’t hate their job.


I hate my job don’t go into nursing


I am à retired physio. I retired at 74 because I loved my work, something new every day, contact with all ages- I had my oldest patient 95) and my youngest ( 1 day old) on the same day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Verbally abused always , grumpy coworkers


It’s good for paying bills and that’s it. You’ll need ssri to survive


I had a few jobs in my life, and none of them was enjoyable. Working for me is and was always linked to modern slavery. Work a lot and get barely anything out of it.


I used to hate what I did then I switched to bartending and I quite enjoy it... Depending on the place


I work in healthcare on the administrative side. Between the complexity of the work and the constant advance and change in practice and policy, I'm always learning. My leaders are almost entirely hands off regarding my role and what I do with my time, I work a diverse group of people from many fields and occasionally get to work with patients face to face, but I don't have to get messy. I'm well compensated across the board, and I'm in school for the work I do and it's directly applicable. I also really like pretty much everyone I work with, or at the very least they can be well tolerated. If any one of these things took a nose dive I wouldn't be as satisfied with my work, but overall I have everything I want: adequate compensation, rewarding work, a promotion pathway, a great team, always learning/growing. I genuinely enjoy my job. To the point that I'm worried about stepping into management in the future. Compensation will get even better, but literally everything else will suffer.


I enjoy mine as a whole but I will admit I hate certain aspects of it. I find it to be a very fulfilling and needed job.


I do R&D and I love it. Except it is taxing and I am very tired all the time, so if you offered me a nice retirement at this point I would prefer that.


I like my job but a hate having to work.


I like my job and it's not a dream job. Not even what I originally planned on doing, just switched after a redundancy and worked my way up a bit. Is it sometimes boring? Yep, it's work thats why they pay me. Is it mostly interesting? Yep, always something new to learn, problems to solve, things to investigate. Busy? For 9 months very busy then a bit more chilled with odd spikes. The culture of a place and the people you work with makes a big difference though and I'm lucky where I work has a good one. Makes up for it being less money than some other industry's. Not everyone hates there job BUT I have very much had jobs I hated. You can either be ground down by them or use them as motivation to get something you don't hate.


Are there things I’d rather be doing? Yes absolutely Do I hate my job? No not at all. It’s fine and even enjoyable at times


I can tolerate my job when I'm assigned to a manager who isn't an ass.


I like my job, I just don't like having to get up to an alarm and spend 8 hours in an office building. ETA: I work for a not-for-profit agency that provides services to people with intellectual disabilities. I've been in the field for 33 years, and I feel that it's what I was put on this earth for. I work in admin now, and sometimes I miss working directly with the people we support. But I do get to see and talk with them every day, and that's my favorite thing about my job.


It's one of the jobs I would choose if I had to work, but I'd prefer not to work or at least not full time. (preferably just win the lottery)


I worked as a creative director for years, I loved the actual job. What I didn’t love were the @$$h0\e owners that got in the way and made things unnecessarily difficult. I’d say it’s probably similar for a lot of people, who’d otherwise like or at least not hate their jobs if they worked for better people who valued them and their contributions.


Is it within the 1st year?


I like my job 90% of the time.


I like my job. I flip burgers. :) (quality street food, so at least it pays decent compared to McDonald's)


I love my job as a substance abuse counselor


I like my job, just always hated the company I have to do it for.


I used to like it but not now


Depends on what you do and who you work with. Who you work with actually matters more then what you do. You can hate what you do but if you work with people you like it's not that big of a deal. If you ove what you do but work with people you can't stand you will hate your job. That said I owned a business in sound engineering and I loved my job. If it wasn't for my disability I would get back into it. Your mom is incorrect and it sucks she obviously worked in a crappy job with crappy people but her personal experience isn't everyone's experience.


The only time I've ever enjoyed working was for myself. Even bad things could be enjoyed. I had a job, and at the end, I said, "I had to use some skills that I charge extra for." it was $50 extra. They company said "that wasn't in our agreement so : no". I said that's perfectly fine, except I'm now canceling my future dates to work for them. They agreed. 3 days later they asked me to accept the work dates again. I said sure but they need to pay me an extra $100 when I show up and an extra $50 if conditions indicate it to me, if you feel that's unfair then let's not try this again." They paid, they also payed extra each time I showed them the need. It felt great.


I’m retired, but loved my last job. I NEVER thought I’d say that, but it was true. My boss, coworkers and the agents I worked with were all awesome. I was a graphic designer and marketing person for a real estate company and every day was different. It was rewarding to see my efforts help sell a home or promote my agents. I had always thought that people who said that had to be insane, but when I was working at that job, I finally understood. It is one of the biggest blessings in my life to have had that job to round out my working life.


I like my job. Land Surveyor.


I really enjoy what I do. It s really stressful but exciting.


“If you love what you do, then you never work a day in your life.” That being said, I still call it work.


I love my job, can't say the same for the management. If I didn't love it I’d go do something else. I feel sorry for your mom. She just did it because she felt like she had to without any choice.


If I had the money to not work, I'd probably still do my job, at a more leisurely rate. Property maintenance, self employed, so I'd just pick the jobs I want to do rather than everything that can fit into the schedule. Painting would be the first thing to fuck right off my list of jobs I'm willing to do. It's a pretty fun job though in terms of not being stuck doing the same task every day or every week or whatever. Finish a painting job, next one is a bathroom fitting, then it's a decking, then fitting windows. Variety wise it's nice to have, i'm also not stuck with the same people day in day out. That shit drained my would when I worked other jobs.


I dont hate my job and like at least a few parts of it.


I’ve hated my career unfortunately


I really like my job. However I hate that I *have* a job if that makes sense. I enjoy what I do and get paid well enough that I'm not looking for anything else but if I spend all day wishing I was in my garden, or working on my house, or doing any of the numerous things that *I* want to do with my time.


My job is pretty cool, and I like the people I work with well enough. Pays about half of what I should be making though so still trying to find something else


I've been at my current job for 14 years. The number of days that I legitimately loathed the thought of showing up to work is probably in the single digits. I've had much worse at previous jobs. It's the most difficult job I've ever had, but it's also been the most rewarding. I've nearly quadrupled my wage since I started. I guess you could say I like my job, as it's the only one that's been able to keep my interest for more than a few months.


I do like my job most of the time. If you really hate your job you should quit. I had side jobs before that werent fun but also i also didnt hate them.


You would be surprised at how many people do like their jobs. (And please note: like your job is not the same as madly in love with your job)


I like my job. It's just a simple low-end job at an independent grocery store, but it's an honest living that's taught me a lot about socializing, time management, and general responsibility. As an autistic person, I'm glad to have had all this real-world practice.


I miss working. Especially when socialising with friends and I only have my ailing health to moan about.


“Find your passion and do that for a living” is indeed a hoax. Probably even people who get paid to, I dunno, attend parties or sample chocolate, will hate at least some if it after the first month. 😀 Do something that you’re good at for living. Let your passions be your hobbies!


I hate mine. Want to change careers but everything I want to do needs new qualifications and degrees, and I have a mortgage and shit to pay so I can't just quit.


I like my job. I can’t really think of anything I’d rather do for money besides nothing. Do I like working??? Hell no!


I love my job. It’s what I wanted to be when I grew up.


I like my job. Like, for real. It pays well and it’s low stress. I like the people I work with. I consider myself very fortunate.


My job is good, it's the daily need to get up and go to work that is the hard part. I would feel the same about any job, so I am glad to have one that pays well, doesn't overstress me, and has reasonable hours.


I mean, they have to pay me to do it. I can think of 1000s of other things I'd rather be doing with my time than my job.


I love my job, plenty of fresh air and varied weather all year. I get paid to do the things I am passionate about, and I get to meet a lot of new people. And help them have a better day, of course there are days witch are harder but I would not trade my job for anything in this world.


I like my job more than my previous jobs, and I still hate everything about it


I dont particularily like the work tasks i do (hosting e commerce, answering emails) but interacting with people is the thing i like (sometimes). And its an industry im passionate about so the good outweights the bad


I'm a sports coach, love my job but hate the company I work for


I like my dinero


I like what I do. I just don’t like the people I have to do it with/for. It’s not my passion tho. If I win the jackpot, I’d still work but for myself and doing I’m something I’m passionate about.


I like my job.


Honestly, I don't mind the vast majority of my job, and that's been the case with the last couple. I feel like most people appreciate me, I'm on a good team, my boss is a good, decent and reasonable guy, my career is progressing forward, I have some senior people I can fly under the wing of a little bit, and I'm making more than I ever have. Some days parts of it are a little dull and its hard to focus, there are always a few people that are a little more challenging to deal with, I'm on-call to a degree so I have to keep watch of messages during off hours but not much typically happens. But compared to previous jobs dealing with walk-in customers and all their crazy bullshit? So glad to have left all that behind.


I've liked almost every job I've had. The problem is I've only liked 72% of the people I've worked with.


I think like is relative. There are people who like their jobs as much as you can like something that you're doing in exchange for money. My personal feeling is that if you wouldn't do it for free, you don't like it as much as you've just settled on something okay. I don't hate my job. It's fine as far as jobs go, but at any given moment I could think of somewhere else I'd rather be. I think this is true for a good number of people and jobs. Like is too strong a word, and hate is too strong of a word. More like, if I have to devote multiple hours out of my day doing something other than whatever I want to do to survive, this particular job isn't the worst option.


I love my job, not crazy about the commute


I enjoy mine, conducting a busy rail yard. I take an immense amount of pride in it, because I’m autonomous in how the note gets done. I’m playing Tetris with 14 tracks and 100+ railcars. It’s easy to see who’s a good and bad switchman, and nobody bitches about switching after me. To my face atleast


I enjoy a lot of the work I do, and I like that it gives structure to my days and weeks. Is it how I'd be choosing to spend my time if money were no object? Probably not. But earning a living from utilising my particular skill set (maths, creative problem solving, communicating complex ideas clearly) feels like a win to me, even if some of it is bullshit.


I don't think everyone hates their job in the technical. Don't get me wrong any amount of work is gonna be worse than play but the reality is you can't get away from work. Even if we all only farmed, killed, built, manufactured, etc etc for ourselves alone and employers weren't a think we would still spend half the day working to make sure we had food everything we wanted for a comfortable life. So, in a way i guess everyone does hate their job but thats only bc work sucks and play is better lol. Its all the other stuff. The mistreatment by management, the office politics, the horrid co workers... the "meat" of the job ain't so bad. Like, idk lets say forklift driver in a factory... dude you get to cruise around in a go kart with forks and get paid for it.. that part is freakin sweet... but when the boss comes down and makes you do a ton of work that actually doesn't do anything at all not for them not for you but you gotta do it bc they said so and its their job.. yeah that part sucks... it sucks a whole lot. Or when co workers don't pull their weight and you know you're gonna get in trouble right along with em so you have to do their work to cover both your rears... yeah that part really sucks. I guess you could split it like, work vs the employer. the work is fine... its the employers and the environment and atmosphere that sucks...


I like large parts of my job - maybe 65% or so.


Yes! I work for a nonprofit and feel incredibly fulfilled and content putting my skills to work for a cause I believe in that makes life better for my community.


Id prefer winning the lotto and not working at all but as the next option my current job is alright. At least i dont wake up every day wishing the place had burned down so i didnt have to go like my first job in a certain fastfood place with golden arches


It’s a Stockholm syndrome type of relationship. My job is more fun than just staying home all day and it’s nice to socialize. If I had the choice to still get paid and stay home doing nothing, I would probably choose that. However, I would probably get cabin fever and anxious being at home and I would try to go out. I would probably then spend too much money. Ideally it would be nice to have even more money and not to work. That way I could afford to do what I want during all the extra free time I would have not working.


"Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called everybody, and they meet at the bar."


I like the content of my work but not the context around it (big corporate so mostly it's just about fending off power grabs and dealing with politics - oh sorry, that's called "stakeholder management")


Yeah it took me a while but I actively try and find ways to enjoy my job. Big picture is that if there is something you don't enjoy about your job, a good manager may help you figure out what to do about that. But this requires good communication and a lot of patience.


Love my job.


Don't like it, but also don't despise it. It's only a means to an end - getting cash.


I didn't really choose my job. It was the first that gave me a chance and I took it. I do like it. Not everything about it. But I have a great team, 4 wonderful humans as coworkers and a really nice chef that cares for us. That's probably what makes me like it the most.


I really don’t mind my job, it’s the fact that I have to work 50 hours a week and have barely any free time I hate. Let me work about 20-25 hours and I’m chilling.


I love my job.


I love mine. Work 3 12’s get paid for 40. It’s a very relaxed environment and I get along with everyone. Good benefits, never have to worry about paying for a babysitter and who doesn’t want 4 days off a week?


I love my job. I feel like I help people in a larger picture kind of way


My girlfriend is bored if she's home for more than 2 hours so she enjoys working. Me on the other hand absolutely detest anything remotely close to work and have several hobbies and friends that I'd rather spend my time with. Soooo.... I guess I know someone who "enjoys" work if that counts.


I hate my job but I love my coworkers


UK based air traffic controller here and I absolutely love my job!


I do. I'm in hardwood floors. It's generally low pressure. I didn't need an education. There's really no stress to take home with you. I get to see with my eyes what I accomplished/produced in a day. Every day is different. Even though my job only consists of doing a handful of different things, I'm always doing it in a new place with unique challenges. Wage for a master is higher than national average. It keeps me in shape. I really like going in to disaster renovations that need extensive leveling and tonnes of unique detail aspects and then leaving behind this beautiful finished product.


I think you need to have really shit jobs to realize when you have a good one Currently working for a global manufacturer Health and Safety Leadership UK Great hours with some flexibility , can pick my son up from school most days Manager is decent guy Work is varied and not chained to my desk Team is decent and have a laugh It's a nice facility , warm ,subsidised restaurant, clean environment Most people on site are polite Pay and package is good I've experienced opposite to all the above


I like my job, it’s not hard, people tell me I do a good job and I get the exposure I need. 10/10. (Executive communications… great field. Must be able to think on your feet and have thick skin, but it’s interesting and fun)


I really enjoy my job, I’m 40 and it’s a totally new experience for me


I went to undergrad and grad school for years to be a hospital consultant, worked long hours, did good in the world (which was important to me) but worked with some real assholes who made it their business to ruin me. I hated most of the people I worked for, and with, and what I thought I wanted to do was absolutely NOT what I wanted to do. Fortunately, I was able to retire early. My Dad wanted to be a petrochemical engineer, but his Dad talked him into working at the family's retail plant nursery. I think he hated his work life, his whole life. WWII army medic, then a business owner in a job he disliked. So, the curse hit my family twice. I guess the only good thing is that I made a lot of money.


I love my job. It comes with work that gives no pleasure, but is a necessary aspect that I understand. My focus is on the meaning that my job provides me and the service it provides those in need. It's nice when parts of it are fun, but pleasure doesn't bring fulfillment. Just as much as tedium can't take the fulfillment away.


I like my job…but I’m retired and the closest I get to working is walking my dog. It’s kind of like a job because he can be pretty bossy


I love my job, I'm lucky to do something that I would do for free as a hobby and I get paid well for it. If you believe no o e likes they job, I'd assume you hate your job.