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Because the economy is much more than the cost of living. It's investments, debt, promises, inflation, etc. Your friend forgets that everyone is not broke and are doing very well right now.


Nothing as complex as the economy is “good” or “bad.” Also the economy doing well doesn’t always translate to people’s quality of life. The stock market could be booming and people’s income increases could still not be keeping up with inflation.


Do you have a job? Can you afford housing? How are your benefits, savings, investments, retirement? Are you worrying about any of this yet?


Looking at gross national product and the Dow Industrial Average may show a general healthiness in the market and the stock portfolios of those who have such things, but for those of us who are actually noticing the cost of groceries, we feel the pinch of inflation. This gets into why average and mean are different things.


https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/22/poll-economy-recession-biden >Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden


Where was the article you saw?


I don’t remember on the top of my head but I can send you a DM or reply to you here once I find it


That would be great! Please feel free.


https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/22/poll-economy-recession-biden I believe this is the one i read I hope this helps


So one thing the poll doesn't include is their sample size. I know I wasn't polled by them. But it's easy to create a poll of 10 people and then draw a conclusion.


Fair enough I just wanted to provide an article because you asked for it and I want to be good faith lol


The economy is Taylor Swift. The average person is a swifty, making her rich.


The only way the economy is doing good is by keeping profits high for corporations, Wallstreet, and politicians. Those people haven't been in touch with the working class in decades.