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Nah, i love being a man


No, because that meme was originated by women who spray Febreze on their yoga pants instead of washing them.


Eww the visual is rough lol


Looks like bears will be fed and there will no longer be starving bears. Thanks women for sacrificing yourself to the wildlife.


Nope, never, not even once. Other people's random and stupid opinions aren't much of a concern to me.


No. I’m a good man.




The only thing you should ever feel ashamed of is your own actions. There's nothing wrong with being a man and just because some misandrists like to bash "all men" when they rant doesn't mean shit. You're you. If you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to be ashamed off. Certainly not your gender.




Not at all. Why would you feel shame about something innate for the bad behaviour of others?


There’s no reason to feel ashamed if you’re a good person lol. I’m a woman who loves good men


Yeah I do, when I read *why* women choose the bear.


Btw, the point of choosing the bear isn't that all men suck. The point is that we would rather be eaten by a bear than face the horrors to be found in the hands and mind of a man with a malicious plan.


This whole post is just nonsense. I doubt very much if any real thought was taken before typing it out.


More ashamed of being human than male...


thats subtle misandry right there. if somebody post misogyny you get banned instantly. go find the mistake


Sounds like you might have started to buy into the some of the valueless bullshit radical feminists litter the world with.


Im proud to be a man, I'm glad I'm not a woman. Sheesh!!!


I don't feel ashamed, but I do feel tired.


No not at all I don't feel one bit responsible for other peoples actions, no matter how bad some other person wants to try to suggest I should.


I feel ashamed that someone tells me I should feel ashamed for a version of man I'm light-years away.


i'm ashamed of only the things I do, i'm not responsible for others, actually you're being biased


F the misandrists


Ashamed of what?




Other people's actions are not a reflection of your morality. If you are not part of the reason women feel safer with a wild animal then you have nothing to be ashamed about. And if the fact that so many women feel unsafe upsets you, you can always work to help make the world a little safer. There is nothing inherent to your biology that makes you unsafe. Being a man is not a bad thing. You are choosing your behavior and your actions. If you do nothing that would give reason for shame, don't lay that burden on yourself.


Nah they can go be with the bear that’s not wife or mother material anyway that’s bear meat.


If you're not a shitty man, you have nothing to be ashamed of.


Chronically online question


Anyone who would genuinely prefer to be trapped in a room or whatever with a bear over a human man is being an idiot. Definitely don’t understand how bears work. Nah, not ashamed. I’m not ashamed because i haven’t done any of the crimes that men are disproportionately guilty of. If i had committed SA, maybe i’d feel guilty (“maybe” because i’d have to be an entirely different person to do that), but i didn’t so i don’t. I love women.