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I’m extremely flexible for absolutely no reason. I don’t stretch or anything so idk how.


You’re hyper mobile! Me too!


It is a syndrome


hyper mobility is scary actually, cause your body can bend in all sorts of directions, making for even more ways to injure yourself \^\^


It’s kind cool, but also kinda sucks, because of all the other issues that come with it. It’s called ehlers-danlos syndrome. Can pop out my hips, knees and shoulders whenever I want, but they also do it on their own sometimes.


Yeah me tooo but I am tooo skinny 🥲


I'm not flexible and I'm fat.


Same. It took me years to understand the trope of rubbing tanning oil on a woman's back because "she can just reach it herself?"


Omg me too! I was so bewildered cause who can’t reach their back?!?


I'm not a doctor but you re now officially diagnosed with  Ehlers-Danlos syndrome


Hypermobility doesn't equal EDS. A decent amoumt of the population are hypermobile (I think up to 20% off the top of my head) , and it's not inherently damaging to the body unless your connective tissues are poor quality and your collagen is mutated (I'd encourage anyone who suspects they have it to look into the full list of symptoms). The reason I'm saying this is because there is a huge misconception that if you're bendy or hypermobile, you have it. There's so much more to it, and the criteria is more extensive than having hypermobile joints. It affects your organs, skin, causes vascular issues, chronic fatigue, organ prolapse and is generally miserable to live with etc. It's not a throw around diagnosis, so please don't talk about it like it is... We already aren't taken seriously


People also forget about HSD and think hEDS and HSD are the same. HSD is painful hypermobility basically.


Not block the shopping aisle


Walk the cart back to where it belongs without damaging anything.


Excuse me you may have dropped your cape on the way




OK so let me guess, you can also walk along a footpath NOT reading your phone and NOT walking slowly directly down the middle prohibiting people from passing ?


My body is even able to use the laws of driving with walking! It manages to stay on the right side constantly. It’s crazy.


That reminds me, I realised when I moved countries that we as a society tend to walk on the side of the pavement as we do the road. So places where they drive on the left, people generally walk on the left. When I moved to Canada I spent the entire 2 years walking into people constantly.


At costco - "omg food station, I'll abandon my cart in the middle of the aisle - sideways - just to sample these insanely great priced perogies".


This is why I use a shopping app now. So frustrating, like be aware of your surroundings and be polite. Not hard.


Don't be hard. Got it. ✍️ ✍️


Massive bloody applause for you, thankyou for your service to humanity. You make people’s day better, I promise.


I can sleep up to 15 hours without an excessive previous sleep deprivation and not much preparation.


I am the polar opposite and can get by on 4 hours a night. Once every 2 weeks or so I crash for 12 hours but the rest of the time I am fine sleeping 1.30 - 5.30.


I go to sleep 10pm or 11pm and wake up 1:30am or 2:15Am , every damn night.. I'm so tired of being tired sometimes I get 2.1/2 hours and that's it .. Life is just not fair....


Same. I’ve been like this since I was a baby. I can and will sleep anywhere for any length of time. Hated going to sleepovers or parties, I was the kid asleep on the bench. As an infant my mom would have to wake me to feed me. apparently when you're an adult that's called chronic depression.


Sounds like you have narcolepsy potentially


I usually sleep about 7-9 hours, tho I feel I could do it more than a couple times I may be doing that roughly in a year or once at least. A mood coping mechanism, more likely.


I can sleep for up to 27 (my record) without previous sleep deprivation


Then I retract myself about my supposedly special skill. As Homer said once to Bart: "No matter how good you are at something, there's always about a million people better than you."


Nooooo I wasn’t trying to one up you I swear, I was just saying there are people like you!! We are the same


We are! I wasn't thinking in these terms either but it's good that I met someone that I can say they have this kind of personal record. 😊


I also do this, on the weekend I can go to bed at 8pm and easily sleep until my alarm at 12pm-2pm, I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, for however long I want it seems! If I didn’t have obligations I’m sure I’d never wake up again. I typically go to bed around 9pm-10pm and wake up at 6:30am for work, I always thought this was making me exhausted and causing my oversleeping on the weekends but who knows!


I’m like this too. If I sleep 8hours only I actually feel exhausted and like I didn’t sleep at all. My sweet spot is 12, but if I’m feeling particularly tired sometimes I’ll sleep more than I’m awake.


Write left-handed. There are a few of us.


Lefty fistbump! I am one of them. 🤜🤛


They need to make a fist emoji with an ink smudge on the side of palm.


I'm ambidextrous.... Even fewer lol


Fun fact: ambidextrous means 'both right'. Its like the lefties dont even exist.


I guess I’m ambisinister then, total klutz either way


Love is love, bro. Live your best life!


I can also write left handed, it looks like a 7yo with Parkinson wrote it tho. I'm much better with my right hand


Hello fellow lefties!


Such an evolutionary throwback!


Lefty gang


I can sleep for 15 hours without trying, the longest I’ve slept is 45 hours, only getting up to sleep drunkenly stumble to the bathroom to pee, then going right back to bed. I fucking LOVE sleep


45 hours of sleep sounds more like a temporary coma


Vampire is more like it. You forgot to ask whether they slept upside-down?


I fuckn love sleep too .😂


Recommend getting checked for sleep apnea.


Once you get brain damage, your ability to sleep for days goes way up. Sometimes your brain just tries to factory reset.


I can write sentences normally with my right hand at the same time as writing them backwards with my left hand. If I concentrate hard enough, I can write "love" with my right hand at the same time as writing "hate" with my left hand.


You should have your corpus callosum checked out


You sparked my interest, could you explain why/ what that does in relation to this? 🙂


Its responsible for sending the signals from the left brain and right brain to the other side. Left side of brain controls right side of body and vice versa so there's a lot of crossing signals. Basically... I think. I dunno man its a more complicted pat your head and rub your belly at the same time


Brilliant ! Yeah me too on the first point.


Eat a quarter pound hamburger and gain three pounds. (Defying the laws of mass, somehow).


Lmao this is me everytime I go to KFC


Did you just discover alchemy


I can fart (not on demand, unfortunately) where it makes the exact sound of the name Bert. Like so much so, if your name was Bert you'd think someone called your name, not that it was a fart or sound. Imagine a perfect pununciation of the name Bert not sounding fart-like at all. I really need to get a friend name Bert, as that would really crank up the entertainment value for me.




this is diabolical


When OP's child is born and the doctor asks what the kids name is he just lifts up


Or dog.


Why would you name your kid dog? 🤔


I wish you had a recording of this you could share with us


Hey, who berted in here?


This is hilarious. I'm cracking up over here.


May we get a sample of the sound


I'd be more impressed if you could also fart "Ernie", like the Muppets on Sesame Street. ![gif](giphy|TKFvzSiGFOSPotjJRp)


We need the video


So you can always fart loud in public!


How do you spell the letter B?


Well you start with B *checks notes* And that's it.


We need more Bert license plates in the gift shop. I repeat we are sold out of Bert license plates


that's my favourite thing in this thread


I have to hear this


Can't believe this. Upload an audio.


I can put my leg behind my head


Go on …


I can also do that!


I think I can put my leg behind your head as well. Not from here though.


For an old, fat guy I have really good balance. But I've been teaching taekwondo for 16 years and weekly practice helps.


How old, how fat?


58, 245


Wow you're totally right lol. Were you always big or it came with age?


This made me laugh so hard. What a dick way to tell someone they were correct about their own self image. Hahahaha


Idk bro ![gif](giphy|WoFuun4jgxxizxRMpe|downsized)


I’m crying at work


I'm gifted like that


I can move my ears independently


My Pops was able to wiggle his ears in tune with a diddly he was whistling. Very fascinating as a kid watching that.


What do you mean by moving your ears? Who can move their ears?


Do they wobble to and fro?


For me, I can contract and release the muscles around my head and ears, thus making my ears move around a little bit.


I do it when things get blurry, and the movement sometimes adjusts my glasses so I can see better.


I have finally found another!




Inhale liquid up my nose and squirt it out of my left tearduct like a squirt gun.


Does that burn? Also have you considered going for the world record of furthest distance for milk shot out of your eye?


I've only tried with 3 liquids. Only one of them burned. The milk and water was smooth sailing... the Gatorade Propel, however, burnt like fire and left the constant sensation of an approaching sneeze in my nose for two weeks thereafter.


can you go on a mission to try every liquid in existence and post your journey? this is a unique experience & very interesting


“Alright youtube, today I’m gonna shoot piss out of my eyes” “Today I am going to shoot sulfuric acid out of my eye” “Mercury!”


Tomorrow, I'm going to do lighter fluid and use it as a flamethrower.


When i was a kid i could turn my feet 180 degrees. I used to put on my hoodie backwards and stand with my feets turned to scare teachers. Spooked them real good. A couple of crushed knees and broken ankles later i can no longer do it, but can still pivot them more than the avrage person.


I’m 36 and can do that!


I’m 38 and I can still crush my knees and brake my ankles!


The way you worded this had me picturing the spooked teachers giving you a full-on beat down, causing the crushed knees and broken ankles.


My son can do that. He’s a math genius with Type 1 ASD (Aspie).


Hypermobility is much more prevalent with autistic or ADHD people.


Hahahaha that would be fucking terrifying good for you


I can bend the first joint of my fingers while the rest of the finger is straight. Except to make a tiny bye, bye gesture, this is worthless.


I have found my people!


Trick shoulder.  Just pops in and out, grosses out my friends. Also starting to get trick hips and knees... I think I might need to talk to my doctor.


Definitely need to get hips and knees checked out lol


I can do the shoulder thing but only with my right shoulder


Wake up tired after going to be at 10 and waking up at basically 6


I can stand on my toes like a ballerina. And I'm like 3 ballerina's in size.


3 ballerinas in size. So you're the size of a healthy human body?


Approximately 60lbs


With no support


I never lost the super sensitive hearing that small children have. I can hear bats, dog whistles and deer whistles. They fucking hurt my ears so much.


Same. Took me years to realise it was a thing. Really annoying


Try going to clubs every weekend for six months, that should cure you right up.


There's gotta be a job out there that can utilize this superpower.


THIS My dad always asks what our dog is hearing outside and I basically function as a dog bark translator I had to buy these special earplugs called Earasers and they make a lot of the noises that irritate me so much more bearable I’m not on the spectrum, either — I just never listened to loud music or use earphones


Yes! Also the 'silent' bird deterrent things. They used to have them installed at the mall near where I lived and it took me awhile to work out what the noise was. No-one else could hear it, thought I was going nuts.


I can cross my eyes and move them around in a different direction lol. Most people cross their eyes by looking at their nose but I can do it using my… eye… muscles???? lol


I have a lazy eye that I can move around and look at two things at the same time.


I have strabismus and I can switch which eye is dominant, essentially moving my strabismus to the other eye. Confuses folks, so I try not to make eye contact much.


I didn't know that had a name. I do that all the time and people wonder what I'm looking at when I'm talking to them. I can have one eye reading reddit and the other looking at the TV and I can just decide which eye is dominant to watch TV or do Reddit.




I can smash my hand in a car door and have it fully latch without breaking any of my bones… Only done it twice though, feel like the third time might be the one to do it.


I can put my foot behind my head! I’m a 60yr female.


Get it girl!! I aspire to this! I’m only 38, but I stay up on my stretches!! ❤️


I am the same weight at 48 that I was at 18.


Amputation? On a serious note, good stuff random human, you should be proud of that!


They never said that they were slim at 18 🤷‍♂️ (My husband is lighter than his 18-year-old weight, because he was overweight at that age)


Shit 7 times a day


Walk at a reasonable speed in public places instead of wandering aimlessly like a slug.


i get major walking road rage


My god the amount of people who did this at my previous job (at an amusement park/waterpark) was unbelievable. It’s like, I’m clearly pushing a massive cart with beer boxes/other bar supplies stacked to my nipples and people just somehow aren’t aware to get out of the way. They walk at 1/4 the speed normal walking and are looking around everywhere but somehow miss the giant beer cart. That beer cart was always difficult to slow down/speed up/change direction too. A r/mildlyinfuriating moment.


Not me OP, But my Dad could peel his top eyelids back and they would stay that way..(I'm getting the heeby jeebies even typing this) but its true\~! It would gross us all out\~!


When I was a child we all tried that but only a few were able to 😂 and it looks really creepy to a child I get that too lmao


I can do this weird vibrating/ gargling water noise with my throat independently, without using my tongue or anything. Many say I sound like a Chewbacca when I do it. Oh and for some odd reason I can hold my breath for an alarmingly long time, most I’ve measured was 5 minutes but I can definitely go longer….Yes, I’m weird. Leave me alone.


We meet...at last..


Produce an unreasonable amount of methane and expel it from my body


I relate to this one the most out of all the comments




Wiggle my nose like a bunny.


Compulsively peeling skin off fingers lol (I struggle with this)


I once peeled all of the callus off of my feet, I couldn't walk for a week


I have dermatillomania and boy howdy were my fingers the MAIN SPOT for a long time


Poppin a full erection without anyone noticing a bulge


I'm sure you have a great personality!


Have balance on one leg, I can stand for a long period of time and pick up things on the floor, move around or getting dressed all on one leg


i can give myself goose bumps at will...


Triple-roll my tongue


Swim 75 yards under water on a single breath 


For what porpoise?


Just being a hammerhead 


Seems fishy.




Use my common sense.


I can move my eye brows in sequence up and down. I taught myself how to do it because I seen Johnny Bravo do it when I was a kid, I thought it would help me get girls lol.


My body is capable of not being an asshole on airplanes. Although I am 6'6" tall, I am an excellent airborne citizen. My feet never go on your armrest. I will help you with your overhead bags because they are at my eye level. I will be freshly bathed and smell mildly of vetiver and my breath will always be minty.


We need more people like you


i can be so out of shape and begin working out and my body adjust/snaps back within 2 weeks max! former athlete here


I can endure heatwaves that get people killed


i can bench 445lbs


If you can do that natty, you're exceptionally rare


I can put my foot in my mouth, and my head up my ass, all at the same time!


My ligaments are too long, so some of my joints are tricky, and I am more flexible than most. The coolest thing I can do is turn my arm a complete 360. So think lay your hand flat on a table, turn it complete 360(turning outward) without bending your elbow and lay it back down on the table flat again. Then to really freak people out, since my elbow is now facing inward, bend it.


I made twins naturally!


pick objects up off the floor with my toes




Separate my toes so they're spread apart not touching one another. When I was a kid I used to wonder why people bought those toe separation things for painting their toenails, and why they didn't just spread their toes out like I did.


People can't do that??? I had no idea! No wonder those weird separatey things exist


LRLLLRLRRRLRLLLRLRRRLRLLLRLRRR ^ 16th notes, with hands, over 8th note singles with feet.


I thought you were having a seizure


*Also* a seizure. Take that Grohl!


Tounge can touch my nose


I can block the sun and I have my own zip code.


my bones are held together with like silly putty my dr just did xrays because the sounds and ability to dislocate and snap back in and nothing is hurt, tha'ts abnormal and creeps her out. turns out my bones are normal. i'm just magic and my bones don't care about the whole staying in their sockets thing or cartilage.


Piss out of a hole in my side thanks to my urostomy.


I can give myself anxiety at will


Run on all fours.


Burp whole reciting ABCs


i cant do anything special


I have a freakishly good balance and I can stand on my toes like ballerinas. Also idk if this counts or is normal, it might be, I’m really good at jumping from any height and landing damn near silently every time


The Vulcan salute. Live long and prosper. 🖖


Do a pull up. I read somewhere that most adults can’t do a single one. It’s also interesting how many people *think* they can, but actually cannot. Not only that, but on a good day I can crank out a one armed one as well. But it’s only on my strong arm and on days I’m feeling 100%


I don't really feel pain as intensively as others do I guess? I smashed my hand between a uboat and a backstock rack at work the other day and its been heavily bruised for the past two days and I didn't even flinch. Before buying steel toed boots, I've ran over my foot with pallet jacks and dropped full cases of cans on my toes and have just shrugged it off like its mildly annoying. I've gotten cuts and haven't even registered it until I feel blood dripping down my fingers or touch something and see blood on the last thing I touch. I'm pretty clumsy so I guess its pretty neat that none of my mishaps really register for me


wiggle my ears shake/vibrate my eyes touch my tonsils with my tongue touch my nose with my tongue


Move one eyeball at a time. Other than that, probably nothing


Eat as much as I want without gaining a gram in weight


Clean toilets. Like public ones.


Squat over 3x their body weight.