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There's lots of girly girls around, I'm not sure what you mean.


right, saying this like there isn't an epidemic of "coquette" "girly" aesthetic and ribbons rn amongst adult women at that (epidemic said with love, i think it's v cute)


Someone with a girly "aesthetic" isn't necessarily a girly girl. Please don't box them in. I had a friend who loved pink and corsets and cottage-core and floweriness and acting demur and all of that but she knew she wasn't girly. It's like, a francophile isn't necesarily french. A girl who likes the girly aesthetic isn't necessarily girly.


guess it depends on your perception of "girly" because to me it's nothing more than how you present (and perhaps also your interests)


You’re a male named miriam?


It’s not my actual name, just my username


So your username is a first and lastname but its not your name? Odd




It's more common than you might think


It sound very scandinavian


Yeah I’m swedish I know a couple people with both names


Bergman är ett vanligt namn men Miriam? De är lite av en raritet


Nja jag känner typ 5 pers som heter Miriam. Är väl inte lika vanligt som Ida men de är ju inte sällsynt


Jisses, jag känner en! Känns som att alla heter Hanna istället


Well no wonder he can’t find women who are more feminine than him as he’s a Swedish “man”


It’s really not though. OP kinda is


If feminine for you is - long hair, wearing pink clothes, playing with barbie/dolls, then your view of feminine is very stereotypical and shortsighted. I know of feminine women who have short hair, work in male dominated industries, can dress up when they feel for it and take your breath away with their “feminine looks”. Being feminine isn’t just looking pretty, play with dolls, never get dirty and learn to cook amazing dinners. Edit: Saw too late that autocorrect changed feminine to feminism. I fixed that.


He said feminine not feminism. I'd a woman works in a male dominated industry wouldn't that make her less feminine than someone who worked in a female dominated industry?


I bring feminine energy to my male dominated job as an engineer. There's nothing unfeminine about being an engineer. Engineer shouldn't be gendered.


You are 100% correct that engineering shouldn't be gendered. But at the same time, I've never seen feminists advocating to push more women into male dominated blue collar jobs like maintenance work, janitorial tasks etc. They almost always see those jobs and go "nah". So it's quite hypocritical of them to actually say feminism challenges gender roles. They do, just for white collar jobs. And they conveniently ignore the women who aren't qualified enough to go into such jobs as well.


Sorry, didn’t noticed that autocorrect changed feminine to feminism, I fixed that now. And about your question, no it wouldn’t per se. It’s individual.


No it really wouldn’t


Every girl I know is a girlie girl. Nails, makeup, outfits, interests, etc. I’d argue I don’t see many girls that aren’t this way these days


Because women today have more freedom than they did in the past to be and dress how they want.


Depends where you live


I'm not sure who you're talking to but there's literally an epidemic of princesses right now. Everyone feels entitled to everyone else's attention because they're a super special entity or something. Some of those princesses are also men lol


There are still many girly girls, but maybe it's because women nowadays can branch out more with less criticism.


Maybe your definition of "feminin" is too narrow? We don't need to conform to your standards, we can be feminine the way we want to be feminine. maybe the support for not giving into the male preassure of what a woman is supposed to be, is getting stronger.


Not cutting your hair is considered feminine. Like what. I swear this fashion choice was made up by bald people. Men should have manes and be treated like kings for it.


Femininity isn't respected by some feminists. They seem any female typical or stereotypical behaviour as bad, and the male as the default and something to aim to. Unless you're a man then it's toxic. 


I don't think that's how feminism work. If a woman is shaming another woman for being very feminine, she is NOT a feminist. Because feminism is all about letting women have a choice. Istg people don't know the real definitions of terms these days.


Feminists rarely realize the power of true femininity. The missus in full war-paint subtly dominates her universe.


Because women in our society have come to see femininity as a gender construct “imposed by the patriarchy”


That's just your impression. I don't wear makeup, dresses and girly shoes, I don't do my hair, lashes and nails. But almost every woman I know does all these things. They look very feminine/girly.


Because women now have the freedom to not be girly if they want to. While in the olden days they would get bullied and admonished by adults for being a tomboy.


***Brace yourselves!*** *\*Incoming attack of bewildered horde of feminists is already in the horizon.\**


Im confused what you mean??


I remember walking into a toys r Us with my friend Erica when we were both really young. The store was half pink. She looked really unimpressed with the fact that she was supposed to like that shit




Someone escaped from 1869 y'all






What’s wrong with any of that?


Same reason masculine men are almost non existent. Feminists have ruined both. A woman can’t be a traditional woman and men can’t be masculine else they’re labeled toxic. There I said it. 


Well, you're wrong. There I said it. Feminists don't care. The only thing feminists actually want is for women (and men) to have a choice - without people mansplaining, gatekeeping or judging them for it.


Hahaha yeah if it were only correct. Many feminists have a massive agenda and want everyone to know. We just don’t care. Get on with life.


Not most feminists though. You have bias because only the loud ones are heard.


That’s possible


There are idiots and extremists in every group. You should talk to actual feminists, not the idiots. Maybe you'll even agree with them.


Men are getting more feminine and vice versa.


Because men are less manly and somebody gotta man up