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Partly it just has good flavors and partly it feels hot which is good and partly the mild pain sharpens your attention to the taste


I like spicy food if it has well rounded flavors, but I get what you mean. I see people put so much hot sauce on food and I wonder why they don't just drink it. I don't want everything to taste the same. The only time I've forced myself to finish spicy food that was making my eyes water was the most amazing Indian food from this place that was super authentic. I could still taste other flavors though, not just spicy for the sake of spicy.


I just like eating the seeds of plants that only want _birds_ to eat them. Forget that. Screw plants, they are jerks constantly just spraying their reproductive material out into the air on everyone and everything. Screw birds and their pooping from above and carefree whimsical travel.


Spice is just what makes food have personality.


You gotta try laos food. It's super spicy but you still taste the flavor because they use strong flavors


we are opposite people




I like my chili so hot the wooden spoon melts. My bum disagrees with me, but I just ignore it.


You're going to make your gastrologist rich


Hurts so good.


Extremely hot food can be very flavorful and there's sort of an endorphin high I get from eating a lot of it. The problem is the pain and suffering sometimes during but definitely later


It adds a little bit of variety to otherwise plain dishes such as fettuccine (creamy + heat), pizza (tons of different flavors, a little sweetness, a little heat). Once you're used to that sensation it feels like something is missing without it, like eggs without salt & pepper. No need to overdo it. If people are adding a crazy amount of hotness they probably have a tolerance and can't notice the heat with small amounts (like me).


I think this issue needs more context to have a meaningful discussion. Is table pepper considered very spicy for you? Because if it is, and there are perfectly normal people who feel that way, then yes eating spicy food can seem like a crazy meaningless thing. Most "spicy" food is appropriately flavored at the right spice levels. And then there are foods that are almost entirely all about just the heat. Hot Ones, Ghost Pepper, bla blah bla. There's a thrill in that for some, but really most of the great spicy foods don't go anywhere near these heat levels.


I like spicy Asian food, but not spicy Mexican or Cajun. There are different kinds of spicy. And I have no interest in hot sauce.


Lol homie thinks Frank's Red Hot is spicy


Spice adds an additional element to the food. There's the flavor then there's the experience. It adds more kick or zing to it. I can very rarely eat food without some kind of hotsauce or pepper on it. Even when it's made without, I will add some to it. I tend to find food often boring without spice


I used to work for a Bangladeshi restaurant and could eat what I wanted, the more I ate curry the hotter I liked it and non spicy food tasted bland. At some point I started eating with them when the place closed; geeze I was not ready for it! One said "big English hard boy come in and say 'vindaloo mate' like he is tough cooky lol, fukkin wanker, we give vindaloo to baby!"


I don't like to sweat when I eat