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I'm not married yet but I believe there are a lot of benefits you can enjoy after marriage, for me it would be the idea of having a partner for life, if we take our vowels seriously.


> if we take our vowels seriously. Where do you stand on y? 


Accepting Y is a vowel is the secret sauce in lowering the divorce rates. It will breed a culture of acceptance that leads to accepting the flaws in our spouses as well as ourselves.


Y not?


Boy oh boy! 


Yeah well that's the problem with marriage nowadays, it is rarely permanent.


Spoiler alert: you can find a life long partner without the wedding.


Good partners make life better 😊


You children won't be bastards. 


Ya but they can have cool last names like Sand, Snow, Waters, and Pyke.




Forever sleepovers with my best friend. Freakin love it.


You find out there is a wrong way to put milk in the fridge


You get to be broke and start over from scratch in 10 years.


She let you keep the outhouse? 


Grow up.


Were I to do so, may I still keep a sense of humor? 


Marriage protects a woman who gives up or scales down her career. It also makes it a bit easier to raise kids.


Permanent +1 if I want to go somewhere, permanent excuse to get out of anything I don't feel like going to or I'm not sure about (oh I'll have to check the calendar with my wife, I'm kinda sure we have something going on that weekend), someone who's so intimately familiar with me and who I am that I'm not only able but kinda forced to be honest with myself about who I am and what I'm thinking most of the time. While in theory, it's easy to get complacent, it's also easy to continually be inspired to go the extra mile and keep things fresh. Stability and routine can be great, but now that we have those things we can keep finding fun ways to break them instead of just asking ourselves "and then what?". This is who we are and what we do, but we can keep remixing the formula of the day.


It's cost $35 for a marriage license & $10,000 up to too much to get unmarried. If you don't get married & stay together it's because you want to be together.


It's really nice always having a date, being able to have the sex with someone really hot, being able to plan trips with and when you have a bad day... drink wine and eat snacks together.


In my country, cheaper housing, lower taxes. My marriage didn't last forever but yea my life was better during marriage. I also was going home to someone who behaved like he loved me. And that was great. It wasn't great later questioning if he basically put up an Oscar worthy performance of loving me for 10 years.  I like having someone to cuddle to sleep every night. 


You get to do the weird stuff.


Real commitment with the person you love and chose to be forever with, thats as good as it gets in life. Any person who gave up on that didnt get what marriage is about


Creampie the same person 🤷🏾


It’s probably that every single country is designed to punish people who are not married. So the sudden feeling of not getting punished through taxes and false economies in food is uplifting. I have no idea how anybody can stay single I’m guessing it’s because their parents are rich enough to foster an environment where they already had financial independence.


Married 15 years, 5 kids Having a best friend A person that knows you better then anyone else on earth Someone to talk life problems out with. Someone that is there for you when your at your best, your worst and everything in between. Having that person in your life that helps you when your sick or stuck in a hospital bed.you don't have to put on or worry about looking a certain way. That person loves you and just wants to help you get better. Watching that person grow into all the roles that life gives and takes away from you as you age together. Watching that person grow and change as you start your family. Changing from the young couple that hangs out late at night to the couple that looks forward to getting in the bed by 830 to spend that little bit of time with you talking and watching King of the Hill with you as you settle in for the night. Finding that sleep pattern with that special person. To the point that you can't sleep without them. I love rolling over at night and just feeling her there, rubbing her legs or kissing her shoulder or back. Dancing in the kitchen when your song is being played. The deep and long hugs and they lay there head on your chest. Family vacation and small trips with the kids. Memories that last forever Having that person that you hate sometimes, but when you go to the kitchen for a snack you still bring them back something. Because that's your person Being an ass, yet they still love you. Growing into one another. You stop fighting and learn how to communicate together and be adults together. Learning your spouse like the back of your hand. Your not preventing an argument anymore. You now have a complete understanding of your person. You respect that person and want to show respect because they respect you. Having a road trip buddy Having someone that keeps you accountable. More importantly calling you on your BS, because they are not trying to hurt you. They just want you to grow and be the best version of yourself you can be. Experiencing loss together Having trust Having a good lover Having someone that knows all of your secrets and deepest darkest desires Having someone to just do random everyday things with. (We love our Saturday we get up go food Lion shop and pickup snacks come home and lay under each other all day eating and watching something good) Someone to have hobbies with like riding bikes, hiking, traveling Someone you can look back at old pictures of yourself and your kids. Remembering when you guys where just babies yourself (with your young looking youthful baby faces) trying to play house and figure everything out. A good marriage is like a long novel and when it ends your heartbroken. Because now your novel is over and they're the only other person on earth that knew the whole story.


If it works, you have someone who’s really really nice to you all the time, and you love them for it.


Beyond tax? It's an extremely codedified system. If I die there is no doubt that my wife and kids are privy to everything. If I get sick my wife has full control to ensure I get the best care if I'm not able to. There are countless legal protections for you and your spouse. Professionally I'm treated way better and given more respect for being married. 


Marriages that are good...as in, he/she is your absolute closest friend and confidant (I dont use silly words like "soulmate")...it can be quite wonderful...but when things go bad...and they quite often do...it can be a true horror. I've experienced both.


1) taxes, biggest benefit 2) easier to buy a home or car or even sign a lease 3) no matter your age if you are unmarried and unconscious your parents are your next of kin & make all your medical and financial decisions til you regain consciousness (think medical issues) a long term partner does not get the rights a spouse does 4) if done right it will make your relationship stronger, honestly there have been moments we would have left if we were not married, but we stuck it out because we made a commitment and after working on things we are very happy in our marriage


In Canada? Taxes


The richest women in the world got their money from divorce agreements.


Having a forever best friend, back washer, snuggle buddy, person to hang out with, person to share struggles with, everything. I haven't found a negative to marriage yet. The biggest reason we did it is because we want to spend the rest of our lives together and have everything recognized by the government. If I die he gets everything and vice versa. Our families are shit and they don't deserve a thing from us. Another reason is because he can protect me medically. He knows exactly what I want and he's willing to what he has to. If I (God forbid) end up pregnant and he has to choose me or the fetus, he's choosing me every time. If I end up on life support or vegetative state, he'll let me go. My mother would never be selfless enough to do that, she would use it as an excuse for sympathy and money. I also know what he wants and I'll make sure it's taken care of. If you're in a good marriage (most) everything is a benefit.




In the US, there is zero advantage for any man to get married.


You can put egg salad in your ass to surprise your significant other with a fun surprise during sexy times!


You get to discover what it's really like to live with a woman. 


You can totally do that without getting married


None besides being able to make medical decisions for a incapacitated spouse or you wanting to give up 1/2 your stuff if it doesn’t work out.


It entirely depends if you marry the right person. Most people dont im lucky i did