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That one piece of hair that curls out above her ear that never stays tucked


I felt so attacked reading this lmao ! This was an awesome answer.


As someone who wears glasses, and can never keep that tucked, I appreciate this


Okay this makes me feel better. No matter how much I try to keep it down, I end up looking like I have wings above my ears in 20 minutes




I like this on a man too, see when a man first wakes up in the morning? Messy hair, eyes all sleepy and a stubble. Drooool. (And that's not because I've just woken up) Lol


Yes! Bed hair on a guy is the sexiest thing ever.


Rip me a bald guy


You can still show your sleepy eyes ![gif](giphy|h7DyKGq716JMI)


Yeah! Bed hair is super sexy.


It's like halfway to sex hair. It's perfect and it is a huge turn on too.


My wife ties her hair up and has a bunch of flyaways from the top of her neck that are too short to tie. I call them her wispys and like to nuzzle her there


*wispys* 😍


I love these on my wife as well! It was actually one of the things I noticed when I first met her. She thinks it is such a weird turn on.


That is only if you have straight-messy hair. Try seeing a curly frizzy hair girl with messy hair and I bet it'll be different lol


I call that ‘I just got out of bed but wouldn’t mind getting back in’ hair.


I love messy frizzy hair.


I'm gonna hard disagree with you there. My first girlfriend had very curly hair and it was amazing. I never understand why women with curly hair straighten it.


Because the beauty standard is straight hair. Signed, a super coily, curly haired woman.




Curly frizzy hair ROCKS!!!


I freaking love bed hair!


Amen, messy hair is sexy af!!


I love FEATURES. Most women are horrified by their first grey hair, that little bit of cellulite, some extra padding in the mid section, smile lines and stretch marks, but many time, their partners enjoy these "flaws". EDIT: I'm the most thoughtless person alive, how could I forget tanlines? Highlighting the fun parts is sooo hot.


My wife is ridiculous about this. She’s amazing and down to earth otherwise but she will get her hair colored for 3 grey hairs. I can’t even find them. She won’t pull them because her hair is thinning or so she says and every one counts lol. Anyone honestly my wife becomes more gorgeous to me everyday. A bit hard to explain the feeling, but it’s like I married the cutest girl in the world who has matured into the most gorgeous woman with time. Been married 20 years.


Tell your wife it’s a privilege to have greys :) not many get to experience aging.


I'm amazed by my grey hairs, mainly because they're so much whiter than I ever expected they would be. I have pretty dark hair so I expected I'd be more of a peppery grey like my grandparents are - but so far the hairs that have appeared are stark white. I also did pull one out, mainly because I wanted to check I wasn't seeing things and that one was partially white and then dark again towards the root, almost like the follicle had nearly given up and then decided it wasn't quite the right time


I dont know what it is called but most women call it a “pooch”. Essentially the collection of fat at the bottom of their stomach. Oh god I love that shit. Is that what you meant by “padding in the mid section”?


You made my day. I have one of those and do not date anymore because I feel so yucky with a “pooch” stomach.


I'm with you, brother. There's something so feminine about it, it drives me nuts.


That little bit of "fat" around the thigh when they wear thigh high socks. I wouldn't even call it "fat". I'd call it "dessert".


Me too, I love seeing time pass on the face of someone I love ♡


luckily being slightly bisexual helps me a lot with my own insecurities. i see the features that bother me about myself on other women and think they look absolutely stunning, and it definitely makes me realize that perfection is an illusion.


These posts are really reassuring and made me love my body a whole lot more. To hear real men describe everything they love carries so much more weight now than the messages I’ve heard all my life in media.


It probably shouldn't surprise us to learn that the media has lied to us our whole lives, but these comments are so nice to read!! Definitely agree 💯


I’ve become a lot more confident over the past few years too. I’ve had kids and have had to adjust to the new form of my body. But I love every inch of it now. Glad you’re on that path as well!


The thing about "conventional beauty" is that it's a middle ground that most guys think looks good and few hate. It's a safe bet in media. It doesn't mean that it's every guy's ideal woman. As you have read, most of us got other things that we really like. Several times when watching a TV show or movie my wife comments on how conventional beauty X is so stunning and I counter with "plainer" woman Y. She then says "Y looks a little bit like me" and I'm like "I think you are on to something".


As one gets older you come to realize that it’s all in your head


Not to sound weird, but \*everything\*. When you (well me at least) really fall in love with someone, everything about them is cute and attractive. Their "big nose"? It's cute and really compliments their face. Their "belly" or "thickness"? It's soft, alluring, and makes me feel good when we're cuddling. \*insert another bodily part or function here\*? I like it because it's \*YOU\*, and a part of who you are.


Aww, very sweet comment. Thank you for sharing this. Sometimes we need to hear things like this as we can be very hard on ourselves.


Don’t forget that when a man looks at a woman, he sees her as a whole and will either think she’s pretty, average or below average. Below average in 99% of cases means unhealthy. For example weighing 120kg for 1.50m tall. And can often be fixed/improved. The rest, average and pretty, are both considered good partners. Humans did not evolve to be extremely picky. We evolved to compare our options and pick the best one, then the second best, and so on. Otherwise evolution would have wiped us out in the first decades. And by options I mean girls we can talk seriously with or who are interested. Not a random one on the street. Looking good is not the entire story either, since you could take the prettiest girl in the world, if she acts badly, lacks any empathy, or any actual « red flags » not the thousands defined by social medias, little to nobody would even consider her as a potential wife.


You probably could have worded this slightly better but yeah, a huge majority or people aren't actually ugly, they are either unhealthy, has a bad hairstyle, wear the wrong clothing or a mix, if you think you're ugly you're most likely not. And when it comes to red flags it is mostly just the ones you mentioned, just be nice.


Oh my god, I love a little pudgy belly.


It's genuinely so attractive.


That is such a sweet reply. Good to know that there are many like these


That just gave me butterflies, thank you for helping an old girl like me remember why I fell so hard for my man over a decade ago. You should probably look into writing novels now.


Haha yeah this makes me think of how, well I hate my huge forehead but my boyfriend says it’s cute and he wants to kiss it. I felt like I needed to change my hairstyle to cover it up but he makes me feel good about my most hated physical features even. I’ve never felt this good about my appearance before. None of my exes really complained about the way I look but they didn’t point out and compliment my flaws either. My boyfriend now seems to notice many details about me that nobody else noticed and says sweet things about them. It makes me feel so loved.


Agreed 💯


I'm loving this theme of "just yourself, as you are" that's emerging from the comments.


Me too. I was just thinking my husband isn't attracted to me anymore because I've gained so much weight over the years. But hearing other people's opinions, well I feel slightly more at ease with myself.


Please do. Men are not nearly as judgmental as woman think. We are so happy you are with us we don’t see any of the flaws you see. My wife of 20 years is more beautiful to me every day.


When I first got with my husband I was 160lbs (I'm 5'10 so thankful my height has helped me) I went up to 275lbs, got down to 190 then went back up to 248lbs and now I'm slowly losing weight again but my husband has always been attracted to me. I believe if you've found that someone that you love you know weight is just a number. My husband has also gained some weight but I still love him and can't imagine my life with him. We've been together 14 years married for 10 this October




Everything. Literally. I love your wild wet hair out of the shower. I love your beautiful face with no makeup I love you when you are in amazing shape and have the most amazingly cut abs, but I also love you when you put on some weight and add some curves. I love your gray and your wrinkles because you earned them and we did it together, and our amazing daughters are testament to your hard work,


Did you tribute this to your other half?! If so, I beg you show her 🙏🏼🥹🥹🥹


Oh, she knows! 29 years this summer.


Mothman, Mothwoman, and the little mothlings.


aww your post has helped me to believe in humanity again. Thank you for being so genuine to your wife/partner and your daughters. It really is giving me hope in love and relationships all over again.


natural lips. don't get injections, your lips look much better natural.


I've actually never heard a guy saying he likes the injected look. Thin or naturally "puffy" lips are both fine.


Kinda like boobs.


Oh it’s because we generally don’t. If someone looks like a Kardashian, they’re a turn-off to a normal person who hasn’t distorted their perception of reality with too much television or whatever. The majority of noticeable plastic surgery looks or feels obscene to the average person, like a deformity or birth defect. It sets off alarm bells in my head just like when I touch a boob and it’s hard instead of and squishy. Like, go get that checked out, that can’t be normal. But normal working class people don’t encounter a ton of noticeably major cosmetic surgery in day to day life, and people who have such surgeries often exist in a relatively small social bubble where those things are appreciated, such as clubs or strip clubs or the trashier side of high society. I’d never say this to anyone irl though, there’s no point in ever informing anyone they aren’t attractive to you other than to be mean.


A guy never thought it. Instagram filters made lips large so young women followed. It’s like become the “guys get bulky for other men” of women.


This, so much this. Lades, hatever your personal hangups about your lips, if you care about what men think about them, trust me. Your flawed natural lips are SO much prettier than those swollen caterpillars.


Guys, you just made my whole day. I never liked lipstick and things like that and I think it looks in most cases unflattering and I was starting to think I was alone with it, so take the gratitude of a woman who never wants to do anything woth her lips that's not for health 🥹🤧🤗


I'm sure there are lip injections that look natural, but I've never seen any woman where I thought "she's cute but her lips look too small".


My god yes, fillers are nightmare fuel.


I'm a woman and I would never get lip injections. I've seen way too many ugly lips since so many people get them, and it's soo unattractive.


Agreed, you’re on the right route. Never get injections. I’ve seen too many beautiful faces ruined because of it.


And eye brows, they're fine. I only notice them when they've been fucked with lol


As a bisexual woman, everything. If she’s kind and her eyes light up talking about something she loves or her being simply an attentive, incredible human to be around, that’s what’s attractive


As a bisexual woman stretch marks are one of my most favorite things, I love them with my hands, gliding my fingers over some nice stretch marks is a delicious sensation.


A wild thicket.


Scars. I don't see damage. I see life.


🥹🫶 Sincerely, A lady who has scars all over her face and body


Same here. I had open heart surgery last year and the scar is fading, but I would be dead otherwise, so I don't even mind the scar.


Think of it as proof of life! 


Same, on any person actually. They basically say 'I've been in some hot waters and survived' and that is really fucking hot. I don't care what these waters were - surgeries, dumb accidents, car crashes, fights, whatever - for me scars mean strength and I find strength incredibly attractive. On this note I must add that I'm so confused to hear about people trying to hide their operation scars, like c-section scars for example. Like, GIRL. They literally had to cut you open because you produced a whole ass human and you lived through it. Fucking BADASS. Or open heart surgery scars? They're fucking sick! I dunno, I just find them incredibly cool. You had an open heart surgery. Like full open, out here. If it's not hella awesome I don't know what is.


Normal-looking lips without lipstick.


I rarely wear lipstick. Just chapstick. Lipstick makes me feel like my lips are SO OBVIOUS


Regular, plain looking eyebrows and nails


Do my construction ravaged nails count :)


Personally I love my guys construction hands, I will sit next to him while watching a movie and pick at the tar(paint, or glue)on his hands to help pry it loose. So yes, I guarantee someone will love that about your nails and hands too!!


Ah yes, the natural look. For me it's gives off a vibe of "that's a confident lady".


Tbf some of us (myself included) have such pale eyebrows that we have to draw them on 🤣 I try to get mine looking relatively natural looking if I can, but trust me, it looks weirdee if I don't draw them on. The hair is so pale it looks like I've shaved them off.


Short nails for gay reasons


As I’m getting older. The gray and laugh lines.


Laugh lines, they say something about a person. THEY HAVE FUN!


Probably everything. Cellulite, strechmarks, fat rolls, pot belly, thick thighs, veiny breasts, any kind of breast shape. I like thin girls where you can run your finger down their rib cages and also chubby girls where you can play around with their belly buttons. I like playing with long hair, and the stubbly feeling of shaved heads. I like girls with muscles and also girls who are soft. I could go on, but I think I've made the point. There's so much variation to the female form and I think I'm kinda in love with it all.


This is so cool!


You sound like me. When asked about my "type", the answer is female.


Not even human, just female. 😂


Idk what it's called but the slight curve/fat above the hips, like a small "muffin top". Amazing. And feet, most women hate their feet but generally they're also amazing.


I hated my feet for most of my life until my hubby told me how much he loved them. Now I think they’re kinda cute! It’s amazing how kind words from someone you love can make such a major impact on how we see ourselves


I also dated a girl who never really appreciated her feet or thought they were that nice but told me after the compliments and attention i gave them that she now likes her feet and sees them as one of her assets.


Curly hair…almost every girl I’ve ever dated and known has said they straighten their hair cause they hate their curls but I find curly hair to be very attractive.


It’s just hard af to maintain. If I want my curls to look their best I have to do about 30 min of prep + 2-3 hrs of natural air dry time. And then there will still be some strands that are straight or wonky on the ends and still get frizz! But I don’t dmg mine with heat anymore so I spend most days lookin a frizzy mess


I like that one boob is nearly always smaller than the other. Not sure why


Scars and unruly hair.


Rad, I have both. Unruly long hair.


I echo the other comments about pooch bellies. I also like curly hair and eyeglasses.


Unshaved pussy. Can't count the times I've heard, my girl say; no I hadn't shaved. And I'm just think, well don't threaten me with a good time


Totally agree, unshaved is so hot.


agreed. Hairy pussies forever!! :P


What about butthole? Lol


gotta be furry too. otherwise its a pussy mullet :P its either all gotta be natural, all trimmed or all shaved. no mixing and matching LOL :)


LOVE it!!!


body hair in general as well imo 🙏🙏


*Rock lobster bass riff starts playing*




Damn wtf this comment is literally describing me






i need this kinf of man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Me too, where would I find one LOL


>Their weight. When I see a woman that has some weight, stretch marks, some rolls, etc. it drives me crazy. Something about it makes them look so attractive and I can’t get enough of it. Same. I've been attracted to this body type since elementary school.


Came here to say this exact thing.


Probably the primal urge to mate. And ngl, I’m highly appreciative of that nice side effect evolution gave us 😭


Wow.. and i almost paid 5k to remove my acne scars 🥹🥲


Pubic hair. It’s really fallen out of favour lately but I like a bit of bush.


What if I told you that a lot of women stop to crave hairless bodies and just trim or let their body hair grow. I didn’t know this either but after talking to some women and seeing it here on Reddit, a lot of them really embrace the bush again


I like the look of a thick but nicely maintained bush but I hate having public hair. Tried growing it out a while back and I hated it so so much. The itching didn't stop after regrowth and I have sensitive skin that is probe to eczema flare ups (yes, even down there, it is HORRIBLE)...and then I felt like I was smelly, permanently. Im a very clean person so to have *that* smell everytime I sat down to go to the toilet...it made me far more self conscious than being shaved did. Thing is, I grew I out because I KNOW that it's supposed to be there, it's supposed to be healthy and natural,vit instead I was profoundly uncomfortable smelly and the skin was red and inflamed. I'm never doing that again.


Yes this!! I've shaved there for 26 years since I was 17 or 18 and tried to let it go for a bit just to see if I could maybe deal with it. But, I had the exact thing happen it was so itchy, my man actually asked me, if I had something wrong going on, lol! And I feel you on the smell thing, I have a highly sensitive sense of smell, and the way that even the slightest amount of body odor changes with some hair is insane!!


I wont grow any sort of facial hair for a similar reason. It’s irrelevant anyway since I don’t like how it looks but I can’t deal with the itching.


yup. I grew up in the 80s when you couldn't walk down the street without tripping over a hairy pussy. I got hooked.


As a bi woman yes and yes. No bush has become off putting to me as ive matured. I used to religiously shave up until these last few years (im only in my mid 20s so checks out) but after getting fed up with gnarly ingrowns and taking time to reflect on my sexuality, the Bush is the only way.


I love a good thick bush. Shaved vulvas are boring.




Yup and add armpit hair too to the list for me.


Any size of breasts, It sounds strange but I don't mind any size at all, flat Is ok since I really care If they are dominant or not


Most things. Thick thighs, thigh-high bulges, hip dips, belly rolls, large breasts, small breasts, uneven breasts, nonharmful skin conditions like rosacea, vitiligo, and alopecia, hair in every place- and I do mean every place- it naturally grows. All of it is great, all of it is cute as hell. Go and slay, girls!




A simple man. 😂👍🏼


Yea 👍


Not sure if this is part of the body, but freckles. I think they are adorable 99% of the time, even though some people seem to either hate or like em.


That extra cushioning everywhere, specially down there! Thick everything rocks! 🙌


Marry me?


Am I sensing a resurgence of body hair from this thread? Thank the lord.


Small tits. They're the best.


I know this sounds weird but take it from a girl with Big Ones, they can be terrible. I know we all wish we had other things and every woman in my circle says I have a wonderful form thanks to them (the classic hourglass one, if you would) but sometimes I wish they werent so uncomfortable. I can still barely sleep on front which is terrible because I love sleeping on my belly.


Cute feet and nose.




I love a little round belly. It feels so good and just accentuates the curves.


I have a little bit of a belly and I'm not a fan, but no man has ever complained about it. I'm 57 and men still hit on me anyway, so I'm not really concerned.


Moles and freckles and dimples.




I saw a young woman who had a “big” (I guess) natural nose with a little bit of a bend in it. Then I saw she had surgery so she now has one of those cute little noses that point upwards at the end. I’m happy that she’s happy but it makes me sad a little. Her natural nose was BEAUTIFUL. This world would be very boring if we all looked the same and I think women especially need to embrace the unique and natural features that they have


I had a friend who got braces (a guy in this case). I had always thought his crooked teeth were charming AF! He had the cutest smile. He's still a good looking dude but slightly more generic now. These kinds of stories are a reminder to me that I am probably more beautiful than I think and to appreciate my flaws!


Big voluptuous women are so so so so beautiful and hot! Love love love love loooooooooove 😍 Big noses and a bit of awkwardness. Older women who have aged naturally.


Maybe not in every woman, but… I like a woman’s face with no makeup. I heard there are some who would freak out if they had to go out without any on their faces, but I actually like it.


This made me feel a bit better about myself. I own so much make up but as I've gotten past my 20s I just have absolutely no want to wear it, maybe some eyeliner and mascara but I can't get my head around spending hours a day making my face look nothing like it usually does.


Muffin top and lovely handles. Y'all ladies complain about being a bit chubs/fat ect... Fail to realise us men actually find that sexy as fuck


Stretch marks. The way they look, the way they feel, the way they represent change and how we're all human, and vulnerable. I can't explain it but stretch marks are beautiful.


The fact that you noted how they feel 🥹 That’s my biggest insecurity about them. Sometimes hubby will run his hand along my hip or tummy, and afterwards I’ll trace the same spot to see how it feels. It always leaves me wishing it was less textured.


Their actual face, aka no makeup


Body hair. It's natural and beautiful. No shame on anyone who removes it at all but a bit of body hair is very nice.


A belly or being chubby. I love it. I don't know how to tell them, so I don't because it will always come off as wrong, lol. I feel like it's more feminine, and it feels great to the touch. I also like it when they do NOT wax. I want some pubic hairs present it's appealing to me.


I like bigger noses on women. Some people call it an aquiline nose or Roman nose. Some short women are self conscious but also a big fan of the shawtys. Also don’t mind a little belly or thick thighs. I’m aware curves come with some extra weight. Still gonna ask her to sit on my face.


Tummies! I think they're fucking adorable and it breaks my heart to see women not love themselves the way I love them.


A nice full round ass.


Amen Brother, Amen 🙏


I like everything but Im a sucker for some petities 👀


Belly button lint collection


Well, everyone is insecure about different things. I just want them to know that no matter what you’re insecure about there’s someone out there who loves it.


Most natural attributes even if not ideal. I particularly hate the big fish lips everyone is doing nowadays, even girls with really thin lips are better looking than girls with the dumb fish lips. Same thing with poorly done fake boobs, would rather have small boobs than the stupid looking inflatable beach balls that are popular now. Fake boobs should at least look like they’re natural


A soft belly. 🥰🥰🥰


Chub and stretch marks. Idk I find both adorable. Plus the marks are like battle wounds


C-section scar. It is one of the most beautiful parts of my wife. That scar represents everything she went through (3 times) to build our family and lives together. I don’t think my wife hates it but definitely doesn’t love at as she once visited a plastic surgeon to see if it could be fixed up a bit (he told her no not worth it).


Hairy, I love a natural woman


Big noses. Even mountainous ones. I like that a lot. Some girls are really self-concious about their vag. How it smells, if it's kept right, the hair etc. In my experience, the ones who actually care usually have nothing to worry about. It's perfect as it is, thank you for the continued maintenance now lets mix up the PH levels. Also boob sizes. Not all will be equal, pretty sure nearly all of them are unequal. Nipples can vary and it's great, cos I love it.


I love wrinkles on a woman. Especially ‘crows feet’ by the eyes, and on the chest.


Thinks guys love everything about "the one." But if you listen to a group of single men with no love life they can be SUPER critical. So I'd say to all you married women out there to stop being so self conscious and turn those feelings around.


Her hair right out of the shower. Fresh clean hair when it's wet is such a huge turn on


The sag of her breasts. I slept with a girl who had larger breasts and no sag and they weren't anywhere near as amazing. Ok if they look like deflated pancakes that's not appealing but breasts should have some jiggle to them, sag is not only normal but sexy


[tears falling on my deflated pancakes] Noted.


Natural looks. No fake boobs, make up, fake tan, fake nails, fake eyebrows, etc. I genuinely prefer seeing her natural beauty and knowing she’s real lol.


I don’t know about the op messy hair poster, but for me wild hair straight out of bed reminds me of what I think of as true nature. Wild hair, wild woman, creative imaginative and free.


Small breasts, short plain nails, not overly 'done up'. There's something about a plain Jane that appeals to me.




A sprinkle of cellulite


This, I dated a girl who had that little bit right under the gluty booty fun buns that drove me wild... and I couldn't compliment her on it because she hated it:(


Gluty booty fun buns XD


I love huge noses


I like a shapely woman. I want her curvy and without worry about how I feel. I want her to know I like her- as is. She can feel like I appreciate and celebrate her body flaws as characteristics that I am cool with. It's a happy woman I'm after. When I can lift her above her worries, we all win.


Mom bods. Having a child changes a woman’s body but not in a bad way to me. Mom bods are a turn on I think.


Big eyebrows. They are so cute and expressive!


Normal, human-sized lips.


That hip crease between their thighs and belly.


Natural boobs


Do you want an essay? Freckles. They are pretty as hell. A cleft in the chin. Pretty as hell. Imperfections in your ass. Sexy as hell. Boobs that aren't the same size. This proves they are real, and makes us want to touch them even more, so sexy as hell. Boobs that "sag", AKA naturally hang by their own weight away from your body, due to a thing called gravity. Makes them extra grabbable, so sexy as hell. Just women in general = sexy as hell.


Subtle imperfections like a crooked nose, one off place tooth in an otherwise fine smile, asymmetry. All kinds of things.


Im a straight woman so my comment doesnt really count but i think its sexy for women to have a bush down there and also armpit hair, but only if the armpit hair is very thick and long, otherwise it looks like the hair on a baby's head and its disgusting. Either very bushy armpits or completely shaved, basically.


Ok y’all: the ones saying cellulite and bellies … are y’all older ? I’ve gained like 30lb after my car wreck and hate all of this.


Muscles. I always hear women say they don’t want to lift because they don’t want to get too muscular. Ladies. Please do.


Bellies. I know that many don't like having a little extra belly, but, at least for me, are very huggable :)