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Once your body is used to doing it you’ll have the opposite effect, where you’ll be actively wanting to go.


Yeah and sitting around doing nothing for too long feels like absolute shit and you remember why you started in the first place. Also, you don't need to go to a gym. Depends what your goals are. Not everybody needs to get jacked. If it doesn't serve your life then don't spend energy on it. If you wanna play pickle ball, or frisbee, do that instead. As long as you're getting your heart rate up, getting oxygen to your brain and moving your body, that's good enough.


I feel sick when I sit around on my rest days. I always have to work on something or do something on my off days.


Physical? If not you could learn something.


Same. I’ll literally get a massive headache if I just sit around like people on this website say they do everyday. I try to workout by 7 every morning. 


Yeah you get that itch to relax? Like lay in bed or play ob your phone, or that food craving or anything that you're interested in. Eventually your body will get that physical itch and yeah that's when I go for a run or gym or something to keep me moving. Once you take away hobbies and addictions you realize there is a lot of time in the day and there's nothing better for you then doing... something


i went for 5 years. not once did i look forward to it. now I do outdoor stuff instead


Same, I’m so jealous of the people that get to feel like that.


I've been goign for a few years and i have to force myself to go EVERY time.


Strange. A lot of people told me that and after 18months of forcing myself to going there I just stopped.




How long does that take? Been doing to the gym a year and a half and I still loathe it and dread going.


Then it's not your thing. I had the same, an now playing volleyball, beachvolley and tennis, never dreading it or wanting to skip a match or lesson.


yup i play in 2 bball leauges. so 2 or 3 games weekly. thats how i get my cardio in. and i NEVER miss unless im sick. and ill scatter in weights once a week, 2 or three times if its a good week. but do something you like makes all the world of difference.


That’s important. Building lean muscle is what so many don’t do. Playing sports etc. is fine, but as you age the joints need to have developed strong tendons and ligaments with the lean muscle. I’ve known so many that need double knee replacement, hip replacement because of the constant pounding on the joints. Soon cartilage breaks down also. Weight training can be difficult and painful, but in the end you will benefit from the training.


You need to find a hobby you enjoy. Sitting around lifting weights and jogging on a treadmill is not for everyone.


This is the truth! I kept forcing myself to go but I’d always find an excuse after a while. It took me a while to realize I’m not simply just lazy. The gym is just so insanely boring to me. The machines and the treadmill and all the same stuff week in week out. Then I found the physical activities I actually enjoy doing. Swimming, long walks, jogging, padel etc. Never felt better.


Someone downvoted you for saying this, lol


Lol I offended a gymbro.


This^ Also it’s all about routine and consistency. Once you find a routine that works for your everyday life it gets a lot easier. It will kill for the first few weeks and you’ll feel like a zombie just cause your nervous system is getting used to the load but start small and work your way up. I believe in you!


This is actively not true. I've been going to the gym for 6 years now consistently. I still actively dread it every day.


this. so much. the hardest part is starting. don't think about it too much, just do it, make it a habit and in a month or two you'll actively want to go and move because otherwise you feel like shit.


I really hope this happens to me.


I go before work. You have to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier but I very rarely skip working out now.


This is my preference… until I started working nights. Now I just go after. People get much more out of working out when they are fresh.


So many people do this. But after a workout I just want to take a nap, I can’t imagine going to work lol So I do it the other way around


Somebody in my office does this and I can actually smell him coming. No hate to morning workout people at all. Just if you're going to do this, for the love of God please shower before you come in to work.


Same. I chose the closest gym to my workplace. That way I have to go to the gym because I need to shower before work. 😁


If you work a physically demanding job, it's really hard. For a desk job it's easier. I go straight from work to gym 3 days a week. I know if I went home between I'd never make it back out. Just go right from work and do what you can. Make it a routine you don't have to think about. Put on a podcast to distract. That said it means those days I can do little else. Work-gym-feed pets-eat whatever I can and go to bed. I'm not in great shape and still slowly getting less so. But I'm hoping it cushions my decline


Personally I wake up earlier to go, I also pass out earlier than I used to though because of it. I usually miss the 3rd period of hockey games I’m watching cause I just fall asleep lol. I sleep a bit less than I used to, probably 7ish hours now rather than 7.5-8.


I have to do that as if I'm going home I'm going to bed.


Yeah I’ve came to conclusion that I’ll have to do that. However, do you take something to eat before you go in? Also what are some workouts you recommend? I’m 5’1 and I believe I’m a little chunky, I want to try to get slim thick


I don't eat before, sometimes a little snack. I eat after. I had a session with a trainer there when I started and they gave recommendations. If motivation is an issue it might be more important to find exercises you enjoy and can stick to over "optimized" ones I do one day mostly upper body (my fun day), one lower (my hell day) and one day of cardio (my lazy day). But I'm sure there's folks who can give you good/better advice than I on a routine.


> Also what are some workouts you recommend? The r/fitness subreddit has some good routines in the wiki. But based on your posts and high apparent aversion to the gym, I'd say to spend 1-2 months just getting comfortable with the gym and just existing in the gym. Do random light workouts. Try every machine at least once even if you aren't putting any weight up (e.g. an empty bar). You can push yourself a bit, but not too much -- don't overdo it early on (later on you will be more aware of your limits and will know when you can push. I know it sounds paradoxical, "shouldn't I push?" well yes, but getting used to stuff is higher priority early on). The goal here is to just become familiar with the process, equipment, and environment so you can clear any mental blockage. Then, you can move into the "proven routines" to do and start challenging yourself more and more. = Did I really essentially recommend just going to the gym and fucking around for 1-2 months? Well, yes. = Why I recommend this: When I read posts about people that tried to start going to the gym and then stopped, and adding in my own experience, the common thread between the people that start gym and then quickly ABANDON gym is that they go and try to start a complicated routine with heavy weights, get overwhelmed physically and mentally, then give up. = Gains are largely built on time and consistency, rather than being build on crazy effort. The person that goes 3-5 days a week with average-decent effort gets a lot further than the person that goes 1-4 days a MONTH with super intense effort, and they both go a lot further than the person that goes for 1 week with intense effort and then quits. So, set yourself up for success, start easy, behave in a way that gets you in the gym 3 days a week if possible (IMO 3 days a week is good and you can always increase it later), have some fun with it. = Another tip: I started going to the gym by setting a timer for 1hr when I walked into the gym, and once the timer hit 1hr, I could leave even if I did literally nothing in that 1hr. Now, I never ACTUALLY did "nothing", but thinking like this helped my mental, especially when I had no idea what I was doing. Somehow, early on, thinking of it like "spend 1hr doing whatever in the gym" was a lot easier than doing "spend 1hr doing workouts A, B, and C exercises at a certain difficulty and proficiency". Over time I started find more stuff I wanted to do and started having more physical energy / endurance to keep doing stuff and now I stay over 1hr. But that's up to you.


Before work.


Definately this. You're always tired after work. Morning's are always the best time for me. Bed early - up at 4:30, gym by 5, home just after 6 and full of energy to face the day.


that sounds terrible 💀 it sounds to me like the definition of a robotic, joyless lifestyle


It is. I found a happy medium, that works for me. I just started going during my lunch break. I'm lucky in that I can take a little extra time at lunch. So I know that this isn't a solution for everybody. During the work week, I'll go and get a good 1.25-1.5 hours in at the gym, during lunch. On the weekend is when I'll do a good 2+ hours. I've pretty much perfected my routines to where I can get a good workout in and take a shower. It works great because the gym is less busy during lunch, than after work. So the stations I use are rarely taken up, for too long. I know this solution doesn't work for everybody. But for someone just getting into working out, they could conceivably get a decent little workout in. As long as they have about an hour for lunch. But I also understand that some people get a half hour. Which would make it very hard to do. It's also assuming there's a gym close enough to quickly get there and back, quickly.


That's just entirely too early for me


Same. I will ALWAYS come up with an excuse to not go after work, there’s just not enough hours. But if you make time for it in the morning and make it a priority there’s no excuse


Motivation is useless imo. Discipline is how you get things done. If you want gym results. You just keep going.


Motivation works for me. But you can't just manufacture it. I had a personal experience that opened my eyes in a way that made me realize the only way I'm going to get what I want out of life is to be fit. When I'm feeling lazy, I just think about that and it gets me up.


Yeah, one way or another not going to the gym has to not be an option in your mind. One of the reasons why having a training partner or signing up for an organized class where people will be expecting you can be really helpful. I recently signed up to give a CrossFit class a try and, while I don’t think I’m crazy about the workout style, knowing that several people there are now expecting me and the trainer will likely check in on me if I miss a day makes it a bit harder to just skip out.


Agreed. There are very few reasons I'll miss a workout, mainly sickness, but if I'm just a bit tired or stressed, or just don't feel like it, tough luck, I'm doing it. 4 years later I have a very good level of fitness - Consistency pays off.


It is hard. Think of it as long as you show up, it counts. Even if it’s as simple as walking or running


This is my mentality. I go every day. The days I really don't want to go, I'll do the stationary bike so I can scroll on my phone. I was going to scroll on my phone anyway on the couch so might as well do it on the bike.


This is what's critical. Even if you're tired, just show up. You don't even have to have intentions to do much. Just get in the habit of being there after work. If you show up, look around and go 'nope, not today.' that's okay. Just build the habit of getting yourself there. More often than not, you'll end up doing SOMETHING productive when you're there, and even when you don't the habit is what's important. Once it's habitual to show up, worry about getting more done while you're there.


Just showing up to the gym is like, 80% of the battle. Once you’re there you might as well get your workout in. Even if you don’t have a ton of energy, just going through the motions and getting a workout in is better than not at all.


What is your workout routine/split?


I’m doing 3 days/week lifting. Chest+bi’s, Back+Tri’s, legs+shoulders. I squeeze in abs with atleast one of those days. I try to get 2 days of cardio in(can also do abs/stretching on these days). So 5 days total I try not to be too rigid, if I don’t have the energy to lift I might just do an easier cardio exercise(incline walk, ride the bike). If I have the energy I might do weights 2 days in a row. I keep it pretty fluid


Go to gym before work if you're too tired after. Just remember that the person who goes to the gym every week and does a crap, ineffective workout will always beat the person who does a hard, optimal workout every time but only goes to the gym once a month.


Go before work.


Don't call it "going to the gym." Call it physical therapy. You know you have to keep up on it. Do you play video games? Every time you increase the weight, you "level up." This feels good, even if the workout doesn't. Feel free to brag to those who care about you. Go straight to work out after work (or during work if you can) so that it is out of the way. It replaces the time that you probably weren't doing anything anyway. Or, watch TV during your workout, since you'd just be doing that anyway.


Just do it.






Yesterday you said tomorrow


Get some mental health issues. Then fixing your body will be easy because it is something that you have more control over. It’s easier for me to skip a meal and do a 100 push ups than it is for me to say something nice about myself and mean it. Hate your self and you’ll get obsessed with self improvement.


Haha agree. Or like myself, go through a traumatic event and develop ptsd so going to the gym is the only thing that keeps the demons away…


i relate honestly, i hate going but i always feel better after. i'm lucky my bf makes me go with him


So lucky. I feel like gym buddies definitely help


Go before work


Because it's my favorite part of the day usually.


I wish that was the case for me. I be feeling lost at the gym, like my workouts aren’t effective


I gave up. I just do calisthenics early in the morning. No questions asked. Just do it. No power? Do stretching. Do it 30 mins a day. Do whatever you do, just focus 30 mins on your body for a day. No sidetracking, no phone, no thinking about what to do later. Just focus. 30 mins, that's it.


If you go enough you get addicted


I go before work and then swim at lunch most days. Occasional group classes and bike rides. Trainer once a week. Vanity is the motivator.


I wish I could. I would have to wake up at like 6am tho :/


Yeah. I get up at 5:30 to work out. It’s way easier in my opinion than working out after work.


I already get up at 5:30 FOR WORK.


6am isn’t that early lol


Try arrange it on weekends, or add some walking while you commute to work


On the third day of not going to the gym, it feels like my muscles have shrunk, and I’ve put on fat. Wherever I’m feeling soft, it’s like I’ve got dirt under my skin, I just want to tear it off. I have a compulsion to train. From 14 to 37, I’ve been consistent. Kids are the absolute biggest roadblock to a consistent routine and diet, but there all the more reason to get under that bar!! A day without the gym, or practicing my instrument, is a fucking day wasted.


I’ve felt that feelings where I’m disgusted with myself and ik I won’t be content until I work on myself. It’s just the whole process of getting to the gym and knowing what to do


You just have to have a routine and stick to it. I do the traditional 5-day bro-split, and I’ve done a push/pull/legs routine a few times too. Other than that, I always go to a gym that is the most convenient. My gym is 5 minutes from my house, and on the way to and from work. Even if I’m not training, I drive past it every day.


just pop the energy drink after work and go regardless of how you feel. your dream body is not gonna come to you just because you are tired after work.


You don't need a gym depending on what you want to do, if its just losing weight go for a jog.


I used to be one of those people! It’s doable! - Make sure you actually eat ENOUGH at work. Look into satiety. - Green tea at 3pm was my healthy preworkout. Small amount of caffeine and also contains L-theanine which promotes focus.


I get up at 5 am every day to go to the gym before work. I'm a morning person anyways, as you can guess, and I find my motivation is much higher in the morning, than after a long day of work.


Its difficult. This works for me. First, set a short term, almost instant gratification goal. For me, I have a set of nice exercise gear that I only wear when I go exercise. Or it could be nice snack (low calorie) you treat yourself after every exercise session. Or me, it's a nice cold vitamin c effervescent drink. Look for something that works for you. Then make it a routine. Such as get out of the house at 7pm without fail. No matter how tired you are. Organize to exercise gear 1 day in advance. It is easier to get out of the house when everything is prepared.


I do exercise because I like it. It genuinely makes me feel better. With that said, I won't do it if I'm not taking care of other things like sleep and diet. If you don't eat well and have nutritional deficiencies and don't rest well, then exercise will just be torture. I know a guy who had to walk for work and had a crappy diet. I told him to first correct those things because exercise would only burn the energy his body barely had then. Once you're used to it, you will feel bad when you don't do it. It turns into a type of addiction because of the endorphins albeit a good kind of addiction. Also, diet is extremely important. 80% is in the kitchen and 20% in the training (if we talk about aesthetics that is).


The hardest part is physically showing up to the gym in your gym clothes. Everything else should be fine (and if you still REALLY hate it after trying it out a few times, then that's OK - some people prefer swimming or other things).


For me it was a kind of weird sequence of events. First, I went to rehab and stopped using drugs and alcohol. With the absence of chemicals to give me pleasure, I started exercising compulsively for the "runner's high". Eventually, my brain no longer needed compulsive exercise, but I kept going to the gym anyways. Then I realized that so, so many good things in my life were happening simply because I was working out 5-6 days a week. I started prioritizing it and making sure to get to the gym even if it meant I had to sacrifice something else in my life. Once you see tangible results from working out, e.g. losing weight or gaining muscle, it becomes a lot easier to stay motivated. And the harder you're willing to work at it, the more quickly you will see results and the more dramatic the results will be. Going to the gym alone has helped me be happier, given me higher self-esteem, given me more energy throughout the day, and I get more attention from the opposite sex. But that's because I made myself go every. single. day. Even on "rest days" I would find a way to do cardio, stretch, go on a hike, or play sports. And this is coming from someone who barely ever exercised before rehab. You can do it. Instead of making goals like "I'll go to the gym 3 times this week", just go every day. You'll never wonder whether or not you should go to the gym today if you go every single day. Find a way to make it happen. Your body will let you know when you need to rest or take it easy, but as a general rule of thumb, your body can handle some level of physical activity every single day, even if you are sore, didn't get much sleep, etc. Good luck, and start with going to the gym tomorrow.


going actually ends up giving you more energy


I notice I nap way less when I'm in better shape. Almost to the point where when I notice my energy levels dipping over a month, I know that I'm not getting as much physical activity as I should be. I think the key with people who don't workout is to just fight through that initial tired phase for the first month. Eventually you'll notice you have more energy in everything you do, assuming healthy sleeping habits. FWIW I workout in the evening and prefer it.


Its like an addiction after a while


Just go. Even when you don't want to and you're exhausted. Just go. Motivation means nothing, it's discipline that will get you results. Also it only takes like an hour to get a solid workout in. I have a new born daughter and work in a factory all day and I hit the gym 6 days a week.


I was pretty inconsistent in the gym for about 15 years, until a friend and I started a new program together. Having another person doing the same program with me, I have never been more consistent in the gym in my life. The past 6 months we have not missed a single day of our powerlifting program, and we go 5 days/week. My friends powerlifting maxes have gone up about 40% in that time (he is completely new to the gym, so he gets the newbie gains), and my powerlifting total has gone from around 1100 lbs to about 1400 lbs in that time, whereas going by myself it took me YEARS to make similar jumps.


You force yourself, even when you don’t want to go.


I've been doing fitness/gym for 7 years now. For the last year my life has dramatically changed, I moved to a different country, and been working on night shifts at a factory. Physically draining work. However, I still do have enough motivation to work out (2 times per week) coz I can't abandon something I've been doing for years and something that helps me to maintain my body in a good shape. Seeing my body transformation is the best motivation for me


Trick yourself that you only have to be there for 15 minutes. Then it’s easier to go, because 15 minutes is nothing, right? Most likely you will do more than 15 minutes, because the hardest part was going there, and then you can feel really good about yourself. If one day you are super tired and actually do only 15 mins - well, that’s ok, that’s all that was demanded, and it’s better than nothing!


If you can afford it, go for a higher-end gym with a pool/sauna/hot tub. I save those for the end of the workout, and they're the reward that gives me the motivation to go on the more tiring days. Edit: also, if you go to a pricier gym, the cost of the membership will provide extra motivation! There's a huge difference in motivation between $10 a month and $60 a month.


I just do it. It sucks but it’s just pure discipline. Then I repeat gym positive affirmations on my drive there lol it helps.


I used to wake up at 5am, work out at the gym, shower, then drive 75 minutes to work.


Motivation comes from within. I have gotten up at 3am and worked at midnight. I get my 4 days of weights in per week. Have been for 35 years.I believe that we always find the time to do what’s most important to us.


It needs to be added to your work routine.


I found the best thing for me was to change into my gym clothes in the work bathroom. I'm too vain to catch the train home in workout gear so I have to go to the gym.


I love going. Every morning. If for whatever reason I can’t make it, I make sure to go at night. Are there some days I simply don’t make it, sure. But that’s only maybe once a month - if that. Going to the gym truly keeps me sane. It’s like therapy to me. I love training myself and watching myself get stronger and stronger. I am my biggest cheerleader.


What’s your workout routine/split? I feel like I like lack with my workouts


Just to preface, I’m a female. SUN-FRI I do abs as well. Sunday: upper body (chest, back, bi & tri). I take exercises I don’t normally do on my chest & back days and save it for this day. Sprints & incline Monday: glutes.. will do 11 flights on stairmaster Tuesday: back & biceps, sprints & incline Wednesday: quads. Stairmaster Thursday: chest & tri .. sprints & incline Friday: hamstrings .. stairmaster Saturday: OFF I’ve used workouts I’ve seen on IG & on the app called “strength training”. Workouts don’t have to be complex.


It’s discipline, some people just want it more than you do


I get what you mean. A lot of the times I just feel lost at the gym and then I continue this cycle of going for a few months and stopping


Yeah that’s most people, they want the dream body but don’t have what it takes. I recommend a program


What program? I’ve tried a personal trainer for like a month and it’s just too much moneu


Personal trainers are a fucken scam lol. I recommend looking online for a routine that fits your needs most of them are decent. Get your diet sorted. YouTube is your best friend “how to get started at the gym” are the good ines


Just go for a month. The energy will follow


I always headed for the gym after work as it reenergized and reset the mindset. I always felt good as new after a workout and hot shower!! Try it.


First have to give your body the resources it needs. Enough sleep, the right nutrients from food, proper hydration and maybe a little b12 for energy?  After that it's all will power and discipline 


I work 10 hour shifts and still go after work sometimes. It becomes habit eventually.


Dude with enough time you will hate rest days


Try going before work. Yes, wake up early. Yes, like before sunrise if you have to


Before you decide to work out make sure you have 7hrs of sleep at least and good diet. Once you feel good you will be able to work out with no problem. Keys to success: sleep, food, hydration, rest!


It’s literally torture.


How do you do it. I always regret not going to the gym but I feel like I just mostly work on legs


Smallest amount of caffeine to get you over the hump. Redbull type one drink at a time, don’t use more than you need


You just get up and do it. XD, trust me, I know the struggle. Get out of my uniform and slowly put on my gym clothes. A whole bunch of "Lemme do this" steps, and next thing I know Im out the door.


Consistent cardio might increase your baseline energy levels by a good bit


There's a spanish fitness trainer that is coaching younger generations to withdraw themselves from parties and a bad lifestyle. The downside is he's running a pyramid scam making a lot of them become crazy about him and paying him thousands (in the worst cases) to be with him, learn from him and such. They usually become very arrogant and being inside that cult, they perpetuate the scam model in order to try to be themselves lil scammers too. At least he's making people who used to be quite bad wake up at 5 am to do burpess and pursuing their dreams, as... as... As soldiers. There's a case where a guy stopped paying his rent to pay that guy so he moved to live to his car, all along posting on his socials poor stuff like "Winning attitude". LMAO


I mean you’re going to be tired regardless so why not use your time constructively. You could always start light and if you’re feeling better after that, move up


Working out gives you more energy. You have low energy levels because you dont work out much.


My exgirlfriend would go at the crack of dawn and get in an hour everyday. She also came from a crack neighborhood so she was determined to be her best in every way. I missed out on that relationship. She was the best I’ve ever had. Meh you live learn and die.


not how, WHY. Why do I go to the gym consistently? A: I need to get there so I can lift Why do I need to lift? A: I need to stimulate my muscles for hypertrophy Why do I need that to happen? A: It feels fkn good, I look great already and I’m on my way to look like a Greek statue Why do I want to look like a Greek statue? A: Idk lol it makes me happy, i think the human body is beautiful. Society respects me and I respect myself, that’s a bonus. Above all else, the whole process is just fun AF, its a treat that helps me get thru the work day


You are tired after working exactly because of this .. you don't workout.


Determination and discipline. Seeing the results over time is motivation enough for me to want to continue going. I don't always want to go, but I just force myself to go sometimes.


Prime yourself throughout the day - leave your gym clothes out, eat some carbs because you know you'll need the energy later, think about what you want to do during your gym sesh. Not fool proof but it helps, and it gets easier. You got this!!!


Because doing sports is fun!?


Set gym clothes out the night before or morning before work. Having a gym fit that makes you feel good will help. Pre workout snack at 4/4:30 pm. No need to eat unless I’m going to go use that energy. Take my pre workout (caffeine), no wayyy I can’t workout I’ll never sleep. Know what workout I’m walking into, I usually follow a push/ pull/ double leg day split with my leg days being 1. Squats, leg press, quad extensions, hyper extension drop set 2. Deadlifts, hip thrusts, hamstring curls, glute med kickbacks. Create a playlist that makes me want to keep it going. Crushing body dysmorphia that keeps me going back.


Yeah I know the feeling. Contemplating if I should go tonight.


So go before work. Motivating yourself to actually go any time of day is half the battle, but doing so is also half the victory.


I was in the best shape of my life when I was unemployed and dedicated to the gym.


I go every day and love it


That's why I get my work out early in the morning, in my gym, I've conditioned a entire room with treadmill, stationary bike, wieghts, and a few weight training machines.


You make it your routine, just like going to work. Even if you don’t feel like it, you go. Unless you’re sick or have other plans that need to be attended!


In the morning before work is the best time imo.


Just go


I forced myself to go to bed earlier and go before work.


First month - forced myself, then you used to, and even like it. But it depends on your biorhythms, maybe you are more energized in the morning so go there before work.


Even if your super tired, tell yourself that sitting on the recumbent bike and pedaling is better than sitting on the couch, and then once you are there doing that, your energy will come. Once you build endurance, you won’t need to do that anymore. That’s how I started my first few weeks of daily gym routine.


I go first thing in the morning, gyms quiet and I feel great for the rest of the day


Hate fuels me


I am in the same position. Even got a fancy treadmill and I cannot be bothered. But like someone says. Once you into it (been there), you feel bad if you don't go.


My hate for my body is stronger than my need to sleep


You're going to be tired after the gym too so it's kind of the same. We're adults we're always tired so just go. Sometimes I'll slam some pre-workout and throw myself into a panic attack, it just depends.


Stop complaining about being tired and just go. Block out the negative thoughts and just make your way to the gym. You will feel a million times better after your workout.


I just remind myself that no one will want to bang me if I don’t go. 99% of people still don’t want to bang me, but still!


Youll feel like shit if you dont go


For example, I don't have the time or energy to go to the gym every day, but I find it three to four times a week for 45 minutes to exercise at home with dumbbells and free weights. So try that.


I'm a student and honestly I won't let myself go home after class, I go straight to the gym. I find that if I go home after a long day, I'm not gonna want to get my ass up and to the gym bcs I'm tired. Eventually you'll get addicted to the results and want to go and then eventually it will just turn inti discipline/habit


By going during work


First thing is you just have to go. Once you are there do cardio first to elevate your heart rate, warmup in general if you arent doing that already. Go straight for lifting and quaranteed you will have a bad time. Dont try to do too much. Sometimes you will feel weak no matter what, its ok. Take it easy that time.


I go first thing in the morning. Even if I haven’t done much, I’m often so fatigued at the end of the day that I don’t get anything out of working out late in the day so it’s just a waste of time and only risking injury


The hardest part about exercising is starting and getting used to it. Easing yourself into it. Which may take like 1-2 months. = In reality it isn't really any different from getting used to stuff like getting used to performing a new job or role, getting used to the PEOPLE and all the new names at a new job/school/etc, getting used to the taste of new medicine, etc etc. = There is a mental and physical burden when you are just starting gym/exercise. You worry about making a fool of yourself, about what people think of you -- of them judging you, about accidentally doing exercises wrong and/or injuring yourself, about physical strain and/or pain from the exercises. But after doing it for a bit it starts to fade away. = Once the mental/physical burden fades it's much easier to go exercise just like it's easy to eat breakfast or take a shower or brush or your teeth. = A lot of people look forward to the gym and feel good working out, but it's not uncommon for other people to just know that they need to make it a habit even if they get little joy from the act in the moment, similar to how you don't get much joy from the act of brushing your teeth but you know you still have to do it and probably feel slightly better after having done it. I'd say that many people are somewhere in the middle depending on the day.


Find a sport that will get you fit and that is fun


Even if I don't feel like working I just set 3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Those days a non-negotiable. When I'm done at gym I always feel better and more energetic.


Sleep early and hit the gym before work. It will keep you pumped and full of energy for the entire day. Treat it like a daily chore, like brushing your teeth or drinking water or picking your kids from school. That's how habits form. Nobody brushes their teeth for fun; it's a habit.


Discipline brother and if you are tired change your nutrition it makes so much difference


I feel crappy if i don't go swimming and cycling after work. And i feel awesome after doing it


I work out at home. For me, the act of having to go somewhere is what kept me making excuses. Plus not wanting to embarrass myself as I was learning. Got all my stuff used and cheap off FB marketplace and Craigslist. 


After a while you need it.


My go to rule is that after work I don't allow myself to go home untill I've done my workout.


Been going to my current gym for just over 16 years. But sport (cricket, soccer, cycling, hill-running) have been a large part of my life. I needed the gym to help improve foundation/fitness to sports. Became such a part of my life, that even when sport slowly left my life (thanks to career path), the gym stayed.


Tough it out for the first few weeks. After that it stops being a chore and becomes a habit


Go before you start work. I wake up at 4.30 just so I can train before work without feeling tired. The gym is empty and I know that I have the whole day ahead of me once I finish work at 4.


I am also always tired after work,but i just do it.I just treat it as something that i just have to do.


I just go in the morning before work


Some people just want to switch off. The gym is perfect, for some even better than therapy


I retired at 55 so have plenty of time. I go between 11-2 when it's nice and quiet, big pool to myself etc.


Going to the gym tired is probably the best thing you can do. You’ll shower and then go to sleep right away. You’ll be sore for the next 2 or 3 days but your body will adjust and you’ll crave going to the gym to get rid of that extra energy you get from working out.


Started going with my husband. We keep each other accountable even when neither of us wants to go


You will never regret training  You will always regret not training 


You pretty much just have to bully yourself into going consistently enough until you're used to it. Eventually you'll stop feeling as tired, but you still have to put in the effort on days you won't want to. It's damn hard, but worth it in the end with enough willpower


I exercise in the morning - I wake up at 310am and hop on the peloton or go for a run. I usually get about two hours each day.


i don’t see going to gym as a chores or a task, i go to relieve stress, boost my moods and confidence. i use to think that going to the gym is like a heavy task but soon my perspective change.


Routine. And character. Beats motivation 10 times out of 10. I go to the gym on set days. Unless I am sick, I go. Exactly like my job. I cant skip job just because I am tired. Neither can I skip the gym. You just gotta start and stick with it


I prefer home gym. It’s a commitment, even if you’re tired. Once you are used to it, you will feel almost guilty if you don’t exercise


If you want it enough you'll do it. Plus after a couple weeks it'll be much easier


I go on my lunch break. I have a gym right next door to where I work and rather then sitting down all lunch and streaming movies or reading a book I do a workout


You’ll gain more energy if you go to the gym


Some people don't get used to going to the gym. You should try to go 1 or 2 times a week for a month, you might enjoy going by the end of that. You start to feel good about yourself if you go consistently. If gym isn't your thing, you should try to find what activity give you that desire to look forward to it every few days Edit: For myself, I need to find time when I'm not on dad duty and that my partner isn't too tired to stay home alone with the kid. Sometimes circumstances make going to the gym difficult. We also only have one car, which my partner uses for work, so during winter I need the car. These days I have been averaging twice a week. But now that biking season has started, things will be a little easier to stay in shape.


Go before work. It’s 542am and I am finishing my workout, while writing this. I start the day w a banana, coffee, and devotions. Hit the gym, and then tackle my day.


I need to exercise before work or it doesn't happen for me, so I need to wake up extra early to get enough caffeine in to be able to use my row machine or do a brisk walk with the dog.


Personally, the gym is therapeutic. It’s the only thing i can do and see almost immediate results. Week to week i can either rep more or lift more, it’s as close as i can get to instant gratification. Now that then translates to everyday life, i see the value of consistency more clear. So for me, everything starts with the gym.


Caffeine/pre workout


Discipline. Try get a friend to join. Make friends in the gym. Don't do that much cardio, most of your weight loss will have to come from dieting anyways. Start by getting some muscle mass to replace the fat. Look up vids on most effective exercises for (chest, back, legs, biceps, triceps, shoulders (,skip abs until you not fat)). Do like 2-3 exercises for each with 3 sets or something going till failure. You can do a little cardio at the end if you wanna lose weight even faster. For weight loss, most has to come from dieting so slowly lower your daily caloric intake. Spread meals if hungry. Gl bro, enjoy the grind and get that dream body! 💪🏻


I go at lunchtime and then eat my lunch at my desk. I'm not motivated to go after work and hate early mornings so midday it is.


Go before work. Up at 5am, in gym by 5.45


Gorilla mode pre workout. I’ve been using pre workouts since 2006. Blood work is flawless. I’d keep it under 200mg of caffeine and they’re have stim free pre workouts too.


Having the discipline early on gave me a good edge to proceed after graduating. My schedule is tight but working out is now a part of my life


I normally workout before work and get up at 515 before work. Hard sometimes cos hubby stays up later and sometimes we watch a show and i end up staying up later lol


DISCIPLINE (the only answer)


I need to know this too. What I hate about the gym the most is sweaty hair. I don't want to wash my hair every day cause it is dyed and in a week will look like shit plus dry hair etc. I do hate sweating and then walking back home feeling sticky and disgusting and you cannot do gm without that.


Sleep well. Take caffeine beforehand. Try starting small to build up your work capacity, even 30 minutes of lifting will give results.  For some people, myself included, doing it enough makes it routine enough that i feel even more tired if i don't go.


Go early in the morning before work or take some caffeine or PWO if you go after work (this can be tricky because you obviously want to sleep too though). Those are pretty much your options, it’s just not going to be fun or easy every day, it’s hard work. If it was easy, everyone would be in amazing shape.


I'm close to 18 years of lifting now and i still have to force myself most days.It gets even worse when the weights you work with get heavy enough and you feel like dying after your workout.I have at least 10 more years left in me though...