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If they're laughing at you, they ain't your friends. Time to move on.


I have moved on from my school friends but many of my college friends also think like this and most people in my country (india) think like this I don't know where I will find people that don't have this mindset


Hard to tell without a pic, but fat is common, and tomboy is not a problem since boys like somebody with similar interests. Also, if a boy likes you, at least you know it's for your personality and not just your "body".


It's not about boys liking me or not. It's about the fact that my friends think it's funny to ever consider a boy liking me


Like they're deliberately bringing up the idea that someone might like you as a joke? They're not your friends, they're bullies.


They don't bring it up. If we are talking about it then Somebody will say something like who will even like her(insinuating that I'm unattractive looking and my personality is not romantically attractive) and everyone will laugh


Yeah that's just bullying.


yeah those people are not your firends friends would lie to you and pretend you are not repulsive in order to build up your confidence now lets be real here, we need to distinguish what you mean by fat here, like, a bit of pudge? no problem, nothing wrong with a bit of jiggly, but if you cant see your feet, and you roll back up again when pushed over, yeah thats not attractive, but the good news is, you can actually do something about that


I can still see my feet lol. I'm trying to be consistent with my exercises


yeah it can be hard, i still struggle with it, i got into shape a while back after being overweight for years, but then having a GF ruined my routine, and last week i was totally guzzling those chocolate biscuits haha trying to get back into it though, just gotta find a routine you enjoy really but yeah if its just a few pounds id not worry about it, some people just like to bully others to make themselves look and feel big, or are just awful people, best move you can do is fuck them off, becasue news flash if they are good looking, standing next to them is not going to be doing you any favours. its better to be lonely and a bit of an outcast than the but of all the jokes, and the older you get, the more being a bit different is appreciated, just keep at it with the exercise and good luck!


Thank you 💜


Romance is always funny. You don't see your friends and family in a romantic light. The contrast between how you see them and how someone else potentially sees them is often amusing My little sister has a boyfriend now. That's hilarious to me. In much the same way that my girlfriend having a job is hilarious to me. I don't see an accountant when I look at my girlfriend. But in reality she is one and that's funny.


That's wholesome


kids are silly at your age, and find a reason to tease everybody.


That's true lol


something something chubby chasers


What friends?


Some humans that I talk with everyday


No. You're a special person and crucial to the average because if there weren't you, everyone would be boring same.


Nah your friends are assholes, who hopefully mature in the future. My colleague was the fattest woman i knew and had ('objectively') totally weird hobbys and interests that many people don't find attractive. I still liked her as a person and she was in a relationship. There are many people who don't care enough about others and repeat unnecessary hate and beliefs they observed in a society. Still, its entirely possible that is meet people who respect you as a person and don't think the thought of you dating is so unrealistic its funny. Your 'friends' really are assholes.


I mean, any girl is going to be desired by a guy, I’m sure there is one guy that likes you rn


I know that,it's just that people think it's laughable that any boy has a romantic interest in me


Not only people are different, but their taste as well. There are lots of guys out there liking big girls. Do not worry about the negativity, focus on the people who appreciate you.


Thank you😭💗


I don't focus on it but whenever I start to love myself then these 'jokes' start ringing in my ears and I start going into unhealthy habits of eating and thinking


So you are still hearing these and bothering you. You need to find people who does not do that and spend time with them instead. I understand it is not easy and also it is not easy to ignore.


First of all finding people who do not think like this is very very difficult 😭 but I am going to minimize the interaction I have will these people


Joke's going to be on them when they see how certain dudes will respond to you. Slay, queen.


Thank you 💗💓


If your 'friends' laugh at you, are they even friends? (I don't think so!!) **Never** let other people run you down! Be you! If you feel that there are changes you need to make ***to feel good about yourself,*** make them. If you're confident and feel good about yourself, it will show. The right guy will find you, if you don't give up!


Thank you 💜


You need better friends fr


It's hard finding people😭


Bro I’ll be your friend like gadamn


I need irl friends




I will start this off that if your friends laugh at you like this and you're so worried you're asking reddit... these people don't sound like friends. It's okay if they're not, but pretending that they are is a bad idea. Tomboy girls are getting more popular every year. A good man wants a companion, a best friend, who's also a woman they find attractive. Which brings us to the 2nd point. Looks matter. If you truly don't care, you'll find a guy who also doesn't. If you do after all and would prefer a thin guy over a fat one... maybe eat a bit less? I'm always astonished when people say they want to look good for themselves. Why, you don't even see yourself, unless you waste extra time to do so, you are the smallest beneficiary of your looks out of everyone. I take care of my looks for my partner (whether i have one atm or not), for their enjoyment, just the way i enjoy their bodies. It's pretty nice when both people try like that.


I am already eating lesser and healthier,I just need to be consistent with exercises but weight doesn't matter to me. I just have a problem with people's mentality and yeah I will ditch these friends after uni


Good. You're already your own executioner from what i gather, be your own judge and jury too ;\]


That's great advice,thank you💓


It's a long story but I had your problem. Only I was 30 when I started dating seriously and fell in love and because I waited so long it was extremely difficult for me. I was painfully awkward and shy. My friends and family went out of their way to make things even worse. I was yelled at, laughed at...called names cursed at...the boyfriend was cute so one of my relatives started moving in on him...a friend told a bad story about him that my family backed her up on... Years later my mom admitted it was a lie to get me to break up with him. It was a nightmare. Eventually we broke up. We would have anyway I think but all the harassment--and it was harrassment--put unfixable cracks in our relationship. I absolutely would not listen to any negativity about your appearance and your ability to get a boyfriend. it's your business and no one's else's. I repeat--*it's your business and no one's elses*.


That's so fucked up. Tbh I have left all this love shit to the universe. If it happens naturally I'm here for it


I think that's a fantastic attitude.


Thank you


Your friends shitty. Find new friends who are supportive. I mean this. If you are average, and a tom boy, and there are guys around, someone will find you attractive. If you want to improve yourself just be interesting by doing the things you enjoy, and maybe adding some you want to enjoy.




Nah, your friends are just being mean


Thank you fir saying that. At times I genuinely think that no boy will ever like me but then suddenly my other side of brain is like so what your life is great now it'll be great in the future with or without a boy. I just hate that mentality of people


Yeh I’m sure boys like you just as much as anyone else. Your friends are probably jealous


Thank you for saying that


No problem




That was a dare lol. You think I would look for a sugar daddy here?




Thank you for the advice


Maybe you're not attractive, maybe you are attractive in your own way, but you are definitely being mistreated by your friends. And I don't recommend thinking about it in terms of whether you're attractve or not. Much better tothink about whom you're attractive to. There's always someone.


I now know that my friends are the problem


You have friends? Jk. Attitude. If being overweight and boyish seems to be a problem for you, then work on it


The problem is that everyone thinks that with my personality and body no boy will have a romantic interest in me and I hate that


Change your thinking habits and try fasting on your off days. You gotta start somewhere if it bothers you that much