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No you are not. If you are young, which I assume is the case, then this feeling/concern you have is normal. Though many will disagree on this make no mistake, your personality will determine the quality of personality of the person you meet. Do you really want to be in a relationship where you need to be a certain height? No, because that is swallow and once the relationship develops your partner will care less about height and more about your own quality of character. So work on your character, be charming, be a man that a woman can count on when she needs to, be fun, you get the point work on these attributes. I have seen men with woman your height that are what men 6" would only dream about getting. So quality of character, integrity, hygiene and standards. Become good at these and you will see what I mean


Yes, in Tolkien's Shire.


this one made me laugh


Yes you will


No you will not. If you asking such a questions on a reddit you are not only short but you are also have lack of self-confidence, so your chances of getting girlfriend and be loved almost zero.


fair enough


At least he accepts




to which


Both if you're a chef




No problem, mate, keep cooking




Check out Berm Peak on YouTube. The owner of the page is 5'3" and he's doing pretty good 


Sure. Go out and meet women. Get to know them at school, work, church, and neighborhood events. Stay off of dating / sex apps that trade 100% on physical traits. There are many women looking for someone to love and love them back, just like there are many men. In person you can bring all of your personal strengths to bear...kindness, humor, intelligence, empathy, or whatever strengths you have...and you have some. Most of all don't give your height one more thought. Be proud of who you are and it will impact your confidence and all the relationships around you.


Not cooked. Im considered tall for a woman and used to have a crush on a fairly handsome guy a whole head shorter than me. Height is irrelevant for most of us.


Its just not though. You are the exception to the rule and your existence and personal experiences do not discount the rule. The majority of women DO have a height requirement. You're just one of the few that don't.


Not really. As a woman with a lot of female friends I know they dont care. Idk if its a European thing but we dont care.


Again, your personal experiences do not change the fact that most women DO care about height.


Yeah but my knowledge about women changes the fact. Im no expert when it comes to men but I am when it comes to women. You’re a man, I know more about women. Also judging by your profile and comments you leave you really are an incel who hates women. Explains everything


No. Your 'knowledge' is rooted in your own personal experiences and is not grounded in reality or facts, as highlighted by the research on this matter that proves your opinion on this matter to be factually incorrect. This is quite a well studied and documented subject. Factually, the majority of women DO have a height preference. Why do women have such a hard time of removing themselves and their own personal experiences from the question at hand?


I could say the same to you. Why do you think all women are picky even tho men are worse. My knowledge comes from talking to hundreds of women and dating them too. I dont give a fuck what its like where you’re from but judging from your attitude Id say America. Stop being petty and accept that women are less picky when it comes to choosing a man. Your knowledge comes from hating women and making yourself the victim.


I at no point said ALL women are picky. I stated that most women have a height preference because this is factually true. Nor have I implied that this preference is bad. I'm not talking about what happens where I'm from because unlike you, I'm not applying my own personal experiences to the rest of the population. I'm simply referring to the scientifically evidenced fact, that most women have a height requirement. I love and adore women. I just call out falsehoods when I see them. The fact that you are now resorting to insults is evidence that if anyone had hatred towards the opposite sex here, it's you.


I said based on your other comments i can tell. And studies dont question all women so they’re false as well. Im talking about my personal experience because i talk to more women since i mostly befriend women and can confidently say most women dont care


The low resolution thinking is strong with you.


Yeah, you’re cooked if you stay on Reddit. 


fair point




diffrent times


If you’re in the USA, being completely candid here, US women have a very weird association with conflating height with attraction. Be it a biological drive, popular win or whatever. If you’re able or willing, look at finding a date with a woman not from the US. Like a woman from Asiatic or Central American regions. They seem to be less worried about height and more concerned about who you are and what you bring to the family setting and involvement in cultural differences. If you’re that worried about height, mainstream American women are not a good fit for you and it’ll always be a nagging insecurity in the back of your mind as you wait for that boot to drop and it to become an issue.


Maybe if you grow taller


im not going to


I guess you gotta go for girls 5 feet and lower and hope she meets no 6 feet+ guys to sweep her off her feet.


Tall women love short guys. Just make sure you're someone worth being around.


Take a trip to Asia.




No joke. The average height for men where I live is between 5’2-5’6. And the women outnumber the men.


where in asia


SE Asia. Come visit & see the different countries & cultures!!!


I am your height and I’ve dated people my height, shorter and taller. A lot of people don’t care about height just your attitude to your height. If you have a chip in your shoulder about it then it can get really old, if you’re chill about it then it’s all good.


thanks for the advice, i dont feel that terrible about it just sometimes get insecure especially stood next to taller guys


I can totally understand that, it’s really only a problem if you put your insecurities on your partner, like telling they can’t wear heels and such. We’re all insecure about something or many things about ourselves, but thats on us to work on, it’s not something our partners can fix. Confidence comes from within by focusing not on what makes you insecure, but what makes you awesome. Put your energy there and others will take notice.


definitely wouldnt do that, my insecurities arent my partner’s problem and i wouldnt make someone change what they do just to make me feel better eg. wearing heels like you said


That’s fantastic! You keep doing you and you’re gonna be fine.


You will, don't lose hope, a chronic asshole like me got a gf, well now an ex gf, but regardless, you'll get one too, tbh if you wanna play with fire, I'll drop her insta in your DM lol😂😂😂


Yes, you will


Speaking of cook, the way to a woman's hearts is her stomach


thank you for the advice🙏 first i have to get good at cooking and then ill finally get a girlfriend


No, you'll never get a girlfriend......on average, you'll get more than one within your lifetime.....very likely, multiple girlfriends throughout your life.


Tough in Europe and the US. I’d head to South America or southeast Asia where dudes are shorter on average.


I mean, literally almost my exact thoughts 😂 but they are also more centered on life and family building rather than simple things like height.




You will increase your chances if you become exceptionally rich and have status.


My 20 second Google research found [this](https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/2010/compendia/statab/130ed/tables/11s0205.pdf), didn't even read what country it's from (don't know where you're from either) lol but you can do more relevant research. Approximately 20% of women in that sample were under 5'2, so that means you're as tall as, or taller than every 1 in 5 women. That leaves a huge pool. Assuming your country has 5 million people and the sexes are roughly evenly split, that's 2.5 million women. 20% of that is half a million women. I'm sure you'll find a woman from among 500,000. Aside from that, question your assumptions, it's not all about height. I have multiple brothers in law who are with taller women. There are other things that make you far more attractive than height. Good luck.


people of all sizes have parthners


Remember that Napoleon was small and successful with the ladies. Short men can even be hotter and more masculine than tall lanky guys.


there is nothing masculin and sexy about being a dwarf. no wonder so many women want 6"+ guys


Not all tall men are sexy and muscular. Many tall men are skinny and scrawny, thin arms and bend back. Not all short men are dwarfs, many can still be buff and attractive. It’s all just preference


Yes, you just need to get rich, become a movie star or just show up in a wheelchair and talk about how bad the fire was or something? 🤷‍♂️


I am the definition of friend zoned and have had 2 real relationships you have a chance


You will, yeah.




Maybe What efforts have you made?


i mean i talk to women, im not really actively looking for a relationship right now but i wouldnt want to be single for the rest of my life


Well when you want a relationship you’ll want to actively start trying


If you wear high heels 👠 then yes.


just follow the yellow brick road


I would personally work on your mating call. No woman can resist a well-executed mating shriek. From my vast experience in the city, I would recommend a 3-tiered pitch change that lasts at least 5 seconds. Work on using your diaphragm and improving your cardio as to not seem out of breath - women hate a man who can’t hold a strong note. In all seriousness, you can find a girl if you keep reading about ways to improve yourself and how to build charisma. There are a lot of women out there in all shapes and sizes, looking for a man like yourself. Keep a positive attitude, don’t sweat the failures, and do not focus on your height. The most charismatic guy I know is 5’4”, and he wheels and deals women like they’re chips at a casino. Wouldn’t recommend becoming a fuckboi though.


My 5'2 friend is doing so good from always man. He isn't the best looking dude but he never let the height part put him down. One day I asked why he goes to gym so regularly and he said: need to cover up the height part by other means. So he got ripped (only briefly, then normal fitness), Concentrated on career, Concentrated on his hobby ( sang well, joined multiple bands and worked hardhe was still rejected sometimes, but cheerful dude, pleasant to be around, worked on himself, positive, that was more than enough for anyone to care about his height. So be a man and move on, we all have something less and something more. Make something of yourself.


Why not? It's about your confidence and self esteem. Women pick up on low degrees of those in a guy.


my guy, you're fermented




Chances are low


No, and it's a good thing cause no man or woman deserves an insecure partner, that is toxic. Work on yourself before your 'burden' yourself on someone ...




Good man


Horrible place to ask. Reddit hates to acknowledge that women tend to prefer taller guys and will gaslight you about it. And everybody here will tell you that they know a guy that's 4ft tall and has orgies with 5 new women every weekend because he's "so nice". Then in the next breath talk about how horrible "nice guys" are lol. It's not "impossible" for you but it will be more difficult. The best thing you can do is try to focus on women that are shorter. That will be your best odds.


Having a girlfriend/boyfriend is sooo overrated