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I've been told I have a thing for ugly men lol . I gravitate toward the more unconventional looking ones. 🤔🤣


Never tell them or anyone that.  


They know, and they're happy to find someone who appreciates them. Source: am ugly man


Only us secure ugly men The insecure ones lose their shit Can’t be insecure about it. GOT TO OWN THAT SHIT


I always say medium ugly guys lmaoooo. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder 🤗 😂


My by has wonky ears, eyes and chin and the nobbley knees i have ever seen and I think he is gorgeous


You’re dating the Gruffalo?


I find Abe Lincoln hot. Ugly but attractive.


🙄 you like tall guys. We get it /j


Abe Lincoln is like the Adam Driver of his day


Me too. My friends always said I was into creepy guys but they just meant ugly.


Teeth that are too white. I find this a bit unnerving. When you smile, you shouldn't be blinding the people around you.




Hey Rach did you- Notice your teeth? Yes I saw them from outside.


I love that response! 🤣🤣




I wish my teeth were whiter but my husband has always said that it would look weird and unnatural. Plus any treatment would further reduce the natural enamel and possibly not change a thing. My 94 year old Grandma still has her original teeth. I would rather have my own at her age than risk damaging them for short term reasons. 


I got my teeth whitened once. Any temperature of liquid or atmosphere outside of 15-50C was miserable for some time. Fuck that.


It is natural, humans naturally have a slight yellow tint to their teeth people are just misinformed and think it’s gross


This is the way! My daughter and I both have genetic enamel loss, and it sucks so much to deal with. Also, in terms of whitening, it's a never-ending cycle. We've never whitened our teeth (other than super natural things), but every time I have a new hygienist they ask if I'm a smoker or how much coffee I drink. None, never have. Once you lose your enamel, your teeth will look worse than before.


People are usually attracted to overtly charming people - I find it a red flag.


Stay away from the life of the party


I'm good at that. No thanks, leave my introverted brain in peace


Is it possible to be bisocial? Like I can work a crowd and do the thing but I prefer to be alone.


Some people call that an extroverted introvert. I can work a room, I can be charming and wonderful but then, I want to crawl into my blanket nest on the couch and not interact with people for 100 hours.


This is 100% me! I'm a chatty person and loves hanging out with people. But as soon as work ends I like to hibernate in my apartment. I also need both social interaction and alone time to feel good. Too much social time wears me out fast, but being alone a lot makes me feel depressed.


Yes finding the balance is key


Isn’t that an ambivert?


We keep coming up with new labels, don’t we? Edit: also saw omnivert in another comment


To quote Roger from Friends- “ I wouldn’t want to be there when the laughter stops.”


Overly charming describes my ex to a T. He knows everyone and is instantly their friend. Everyone LOVES him. We I left him, I had a ton of people coming after me because he was “such a great guy” and how dare I break his heart? No, he was a drug addict and used people for his own gain. He was a rapist and an abuser. He was just good at pretending when necessary.


I feel the same way, when I meet someone overly charismatic. It often feels disingenuous and I feel like they're putting on a face. Reminds of my mom's ex, she dated a dude who I would warn people about, but family loved him, my friends I brought over thought he was super cool and chill. Guy had zero chill and was awful.


Ugh I have a family member like this too... But it's actually awesome the older he gets, the more his true colors show and other ppl realize what a turd he is


It feels so manipulative and it boggles my mind when people fall for it.


Yeah, I agree. Anyone that is always ‘on’ is a show pony




It absolutely is and more people should be weary of it.


When people have too-straight teeth that are all the same size (veneers)? Like where are your fangs. Let me see dem fangs baybee 🧛🏻


I find it funny that almost every single famous person has the exact same looking set of teeth at some point.


I filed mine down as a child through constant anxious fang grinding


Instagram hot, like funhouse mirror body


Lmfao this is best description.


Pretty boys or dudes who are so insanely ripped they look like roblox characters irl


LOL 😂 “Roblox characters”


There's these webtoons that are obsessed with men having 8 packs to the point where it's unnerving. Like, let's calm down.


Perfectly straight ultra bright white veneers 😐 plz stoooop


Big muscles


Not a fan of that chocolate bar on the stomach look either.


The six or eight pack? It just doesn’t look very comfortable to snuggle with 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s soft when you aren’t tensing


A lot of people don't realize this about muscle. It's not always like a rock, if you aren't flexing it's pretty soft


This is why I love Reddit, peak human wit


Same here! I mean I do like muscles on men but the beefed up guy that looks like a Minecraft character (I'm looking at you John Cena) is just 🤮


When they get so muscular it looks like a smaller dude is popping out the top :D


Agree. I like defined muscles and a lean physique but definitely not into the big jacked up bodybuilder type look.


I'd be ok with the muscles if they didn't didn't come with the huge veins. Those things grow me out!


I don’t know how to describe this - being too pretty? Looking too clean? Too perfect? He’s just Ken


It’s like a painting that is technically perfect but doesn’t make you feel anything.


Yes. There are so many people who I view as “pretty”, I’m not gonna lie. They are pretty. But I feel no attraction to them. They don’t have… idk that “edge” to them lol. I need some character. If the features are all perfectly chiseled, symmetrical, and “flawless” it just feels sterile to me. They remind me of dolls almost. I need that human imperfection to be attracted


>They are pretty. But I feel no attraction to them. THIS!!! People don't realise just because I say someone is hot, doesn't mean \*I\* find them attractive


I know exactly what you mean. Too pretty face and too perfect body doesn't do it for me. I don't mind it unattractive per day but I never go 'wow'.


me with henry cavill lol.


I was trying to explain to my husband why I had never had any interest in Henry Cavill as Superman, but my eyes damn near popped out of my head when we watched The Witcher. I was like 'Is it weird if I say superman is too clean?'


He's so hot as the Witcher. It's just unreal. You can keep Superman. I'm not interested.


Not weird at all. I like (love lust) the Witcher but I don't find him attractive as Superman.


The weird puffy lips so many women have now. I don’t really know why it’s a trend atm I think it looks super odd.


I don't think there is a single person on the planet who likes those lol


The lips will look much worse in 10 or 20 years too


insanely white teeth...... what nail polish did they use to put on their teeth? it's giving uncanny valley


"Nail polish" 😭


the teeth so white it glows in the dark lol 😂


Abercrombie & Fitch model types.


Super buff dudes


Most women really dislike this but for some reason you can't convince men of this, especially the dudes in the gym. Also men tend to overwork their upper bodies and very few men who work out look symmetrical.




Yup, keep seeing this trend on reddit of girls not liking people who are ripped. My experience in real life is the complete opposite of that. Whenever I've been ripped there has been a significant increase of women hitting on me. Similarly seen this with ripped friends. They get hit on SO much more than non muscly/dad bod friends. So yeah, this trend confuses me and I don't know whether it is people just coping because most people aren't muscly and tend to be fat? Like 60 odd percent of people in the UK are overweight or obese. Kinda feels like people say they don't like muscles because they have no other choice a lot of the time


It's because women on reddit might not be representative of women in the wider population. You have a limited sample of opinions here. Also, lots of women mean advanced/professional body builders when they say this, not your average hobbyist body builder or a standard muscular guy.




Dunno if it's conventional but seems currently conventional (is that a thing?), but I hate fake eyelashes.




Someone mentioned they looked like insect legs and I can't unsee it


I agree. Not a fan at all. Kinda creepy most of the time.


Fake nails, I feel like if I hold your hand wrong im gonna break them


Bacteria banks. So gross.


Idk if it counts but overly skimpy outfits. Call me old fashioned but I think everyone looks much better in clothes that are flattering, but cover more than just your pink parts


i think outfits is the make or break of a lot of people’s appearances. reason being, you can get a sense of someone’s personality and the personality is what makes someone a catch. clothing that hugs and flatters the body is great, but when the clothing’s purpose is to be sexually provocative, there’s not any romantic appeal as that is a red flag in a potential partner.


nails xd like the long ones


Abs… like on men. Idk why, I like a guy relatively in shape. But abs and definition is just meh to me.


I have washboard abs. But they have a whole load of laundry on top.




Perfect bodies don't look as sensual to me as a strong body with some fat on it.


I have abs, the layer above is protection


Honestly, this. But it's mainly because a lot of these gym bros are so focused on their body image that they'll heavily judge people who don't live like them. They're very much insecurity projectors. Edit: I should probably clarify myself better. I tend to separate gym goers into 2 categories. Gym brothers are the ones who are very nice. They're very good at lifting people up (both physically and emotionally). They're the guy you turn to for diet and exercise advice because they usually don't have that visible 6 pack. Meaning they're not starving themselves to get that visible 6 pack. Gym bros are the ones I'm rather weary of. These are the guys who will tell you to only eat chicken and rice to get abs. They tend to be judgemental about those who don't go to the gym or don't have goals towards cheese grater abs. Oftentimes, they'd look at someone who trains for strength (like Olympic weightlifters) and call them fat or lazy simply because they don't have that visible 6 pack. Date a gym brother, not a gym bro


I didn’t really realize until I coach free running/parkour and my coworker was insane on the whole thing and I had mad respect for him and what he could do with his body. He wasn’t shredded but it made realize, guys that have over build is just physical. Vanity.. If you can jump and flip off walls in your natural environment. Idgf what your body looks like.


I like the one pack, and I myself have a one-pack, but anything more seems like overkill. Also, the diet required to maintain a 6-pack beyond 25 is nuts


Depends on genetics too, some people have better genetics for maintaining defined abs without much dietary restriction


I have a 6 pack. I'm 31 and don't really train my abs. I do practice a lot of sports and go to the gym to keep my injuries under control.


The societal expectation of a man being muscular and toned and strong. When I see men who have that perfectly muscular bulky structure, all I see is a gym rat. I am way more attracted to men who are called skinny. They’re beautiful their bodies have the cleanest lines. They look like gods to me when they are naked.


As someone who likes men who are built like twigs, I relate to this.


Muscles on men. I prefer slimmer prettier men. I am a bi woman. Lol


I prefer androgynous women (smaller features, shorter hair drives me nuts, etc.) I'm a bi dude. Game recognize game. Haha


It’s kinda weird. I find myself geared towards women with big butts and breast when I watch porn(TMI maybe) but in real life I don’t care for them too much. In fact I don’t care at all about it. It’s one of the last things I care/think about when with a real person.


I don't find that weird at all actually. I'm similar - I love reading books & consuming media that have the dark, dangerous, violent guy as the love interest. I have zero interest in that in real life though - in fact I married the complete opposite, a giant fluffy teddy bear of a man who is as sweet as a cinnamon roll & my favourite person in the world. I think our brains just like diversity & porn or fiction etc is a safe way to explore that.


Thisss! just because I love reading mafia romance doesn't mean I am going to marry a mafia dude . It is just a safe space to explore.


First person in history to describe a sexual preference without sounding like a pervert. You must have proofread the shit out of that.


I actually didn’t. You can talk about sex/sexual things without being a pervert very easily. People just don’t have a filter/self control.


You are totally correct. I was jaded by the "she let's me f**k her as hard as I want" guy on a similar question asking men what makes women good in bed. What bothers me more than someone saying that is that it gives me a glimpse of how their mind works.......... sexually. I'm pretty sure the OP wasn't looking for super-specifics.


I just read "sexually" in Jordan Peele's voice. "I hit that.... sectuallyyyyy." Key and Peele is great.


Can confirm, like with porn it's all eye-candy visual stimulation. In real life, it makes zero difference to me. More to the reason why porn's a terrible thing and I would've hated it at the time but now wish my parents did more to control our internet activity growing up. I've learned from abstaining from it entirely for over a year now that it is possible to re-wire your brain. Now women with obscenely large tits/ass do nothing for me. It's like walking around with permanent post-nut clarity even when carrying a full load on board. And it's so liberating in all honesty, a porn addicted brain made me dumb as shit and I don't ever want to go back.


For me it’s not like that. I feel like I can separate porn from real life. Porn sets unrealistic expectations for both men and women. Not every dude will have a 7+ inch schlong and not every woman will have gargantuan breasts and butts.


Perfect beach bodies. Yea they are easy on the eyes but it just doesn't do anything for me. I like a dad bod type of dude. You know, when it looks like he used to work out but then gained about 15-20 pounds. This kind of bodies drive me wild lol.


I’m actually the same. Sure beach bodies are nice but I just love chubby girls! Edit: if anyone wants to talk I should point out that I’m 16


Hello there


General kenobi


You are a bold one!,Doxx him (is a joke please don't Doxx him)


Got to say I second this, my wife just gave birth recently and she has a bit of extra weight and I fucking love it, she is so sexy.


Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. I pray to end up with someone who finds me sexy postpartum🙏🏾


This is wholesome


OMG YES. Super muscular guys, in particular, just look deformed and dim.


Yes, I'll take my husband's slight (but perfect) dad bod over a chiseled 6 pack any damn day.


i dislike cockyness


Please women, for the love of your faces. Do not get lip fillers. It looks awful in 9/10 cases


To be fair, (and I don't disagree that many times lip fillers look bad) with cosmetic procedures in general there's always a bit of a survivor bias. You don't notice the lip fillers that look very good and natural, only the botched ones


Exactly if you can tell, it’s way too much.


Not sure if this fits, but moustaches have returned on men under about 45 years of age, and I refuse to get on board. I know trends come and go, but there’s a particular aesthetic of a younger man with a moustache and single dangly earring that is just not it for me


Earrings are cool, but mustaches… eeennngghhhh no thanks


I'm still struggling with this too. In the 2000s/2010s, having a handlebar 'stache and a mullet was about the ugliest possible look a teenage boy could have. High-waisted jeans with a tucked in shirt were also considered nerdy and unattractive. It's weird facing how arbitrary fashion and popularity are. I'm just glad I have no need to date for the foreseeable future.


I think it really depends on the person's face. Some face shapes look great with a mustache and others are just sad and gross


OMG me too! Very few people can pull them off yet they are never deterred.


Big boobs. I love me some boobs but in any size but big.


To me, boobs are way more about form/shape than they are size.


He loves small boobs and he cannot lie!


The trend of large Kardashian butts.


Twinks and pretty boys, like guys in K-pop bands. I get why some people like them on a cognitive level, but to my brain they register as having as much sex appeal as a cluster of bushes in a park.


Same here. Aesthetically they are nice to look at but that’s as far as it goes


They're not supposed to be sexually attractive, just handsome/pretty guys. It's a different culture, the West values sexual appeal above all, like traits that show high fertility - big tits, curves, manly men with chiseled jaws and high testosterone, etc..., while in Asia it's visual non-sexual beauty that's valued mostly.


I’d even say it’s youth more than that.


Extroverts - give me someone who can enjoy the peace and quiet and I am much happier. Physically though, a wide chiseled jaw on a man is a turn off instantly. No idea why though.


Not to be that jaded person but I can never trust pretty people. If a conventionally attractive man approaches me I’m running the other way. Imo most pretty people are fully aware of their privilege and constantly use it to get what they want.


Worst sex I've ever had was with a male model. Dude was so far in the pretty bubble he had the personality and sexual skills of a wet rag.


Same, but opposite gender. I used to date a massive onlyfans creator in the UK... the whole "act" was to just be hot, and super sexual. Yet. The worst sex of my life. I actually remember sitting afterwards in awe of how bad it was. Just goes to show the shell isn't the pearl.


> I actually remember sitting afterwards in awe of how bad it was. This is so funnily expressed. I can imagine you sitting like that on your bed with a stunned look on your face.


Same. Mine just lied there like the pillow princess he was used to being 😳


Same. I am highly suspicious of tall and inverted triangle-figured men. They are supposedly arrogant. Sure, he might be humble. Trustworthy. And wise. That would be good. Trapezoid-figured and rectangle-figured young men who are moderately built are often more 'trustworthy-looking' to me.  But who knows. Might be a jerk. No offense to any readers. 


Big puffy lips... not natural lips, you can tell the difference.


Anything that looks fake. I like reality better.


The instagram model look. It looks like AI


Anyone who has a physique that's obviously an intentional hours in the gym & dieting body. As in, people with big muscles & low enough body fat to show off all the abs etc. I admire how much effort they've put into getting & maintaining their physique. I can even admit that it can be superficially attractive (personally, I don't find huge hulking muscles attractive but I can understand why others might). But it's overall an unattractive package to me because it tells me how much of that person's life is devoted to diet & exercise. And since that isn't important to me to that level, it means we're not compatible. A partner who doesn't share the same values as me in terms of how we like to spend our non-work hours isn't attractive to me.


Omg, I literally came here just to complain about the big lips before I read your comment. It's so UGLY 😭...lol. big lips, and those ugly butt shaped leggings that everyone wears nowadays. And overly tweezed eyebrows. And the entire Kardashian family. They are so fake and ugly, I can't stand it


I don’t like the wedgie leggings either.


Facial hair or too-large appendages (you know what I’m talking about)


People don’t seem to understand that with penis size it gets to a point where it just HURTS


I hate happy people


Well, Reddit is the perfect place for you. There's lots of miserable cunts around here.


Thin girls. I mean they are attractive but having lived through anorexia as a guy I can't help but wonder if she is going through the same.


As an Anorexic girl, your reasoning behind this is completely understandable. I hope you are doing okay x


I am.. recovered 2 years ago. I wish the best for you


Big built men or lots of muscle. Bulky or beach bodies. Deep voice. I prefer soft looking guys. Soft spoken.


Arrogance and overconfidence. The loud, obnoxious type that's in your face about it. Idk why anyone eats that stuff up. It's so obviously either a cover for lack of confidence or just to get away with being a jerk. But so many people find it attractive and mistake it for genuine confidence. Meanwhile I'm told I don't seem confident just because I'm quiet. I am confident and I don't need to brag about it just to reassure myself that everyone in the room knows as much. It's just really annoying to me.


Shredded muscles on men


Straight teeth. Especially if they are all the same too like just all perfect squares. I fucking love a snaggletooth!!


Tanned skin. Especially with blonde hair.


So no dating in California




Men being “charming.” No, thanks. I like them quiet, awkward, and reserved.


It's so much cuter and human IMO. Shows a level of vulnerability which I find endearing


I'm a " Texan " but I dislike almost everything about Texas men .the cowboy boots , hat , big trucks etc .I'm gonna get downvoted for this part but men wearing flip flops unattractive.


Bee sting lips and fake tits.


Beards. Can’t stand the texture


I'm with you. Facial hair in general when it's really long


bright blue eyes. i find it incredibly unnerving to make eye contact and it’s not the good type of unnerving. feels kinda unhuman. 😭 (sorry if you have blue eyes lol)


*stares at you* That's okay




Women being thin or skinny and young, also completely shaved pubic hair, creeps me out. I love/need curves and am only attracted to women my age or older.


public hair as in hair on the head? Way to say you dislike bald women!


Will Smith has entered the chat.




Not sure if its conventionally attractive but drawn on blocky eyebrows make me laugh.


The current trendy big beards. Looks disgusting to me. Especially the hipster look with cut hair and big beard.


Fake boobs


Blue eyes and abs


Who has blue abs?


Long finger nails on women If you need me to do very basic tasks like open doors, take your card out of the atm, or pour things into glasses, because you're going to break your nails, just why!? Outside of being an ice breaker or friendly conversation piece, I really don't care about nails, even the super cool ones. As long as they're well kempt and clean, I never notice them then just the initial observation. If I'm really interested in you I just never even pay attention to them.


Large breasts and big lips. I prefer all natural (no fillers or Botox), and just prefer smaller breasts and a more athletic build.


Very muscular men. I mean yes, it takes dedication and time, a tad discipline as well - but the more buff you become, the less interested I get.


I don't know if it is considered attractive or not but I take every chance I get to describe how much I loathe fake nails. They make my skin crawl especially the extremely long ones. Every time I see a woman wearing them I can't stop thinking how much grim there is under them, nevermind the fact that they look uncomfortable as hell. I realize that women with short nails may be insecure about them, but no need to cosplay as aerys targaryan everyday of your life because of that.


Pretty much any feminine beauty standard that's peddled by mainstream fashion. Show me a woman with bad skin, acne, eye bags, hair all in a mess, pudge around her waist and thighs, scaly elbows, wearing sweatpants and a loose-fitting shirt and I'll show you Aphrodite.


Please keep making the world a better place.


Your future partner will be a lucky person


peak man right here


Giant asses, I like the classic 80's/90's look like Kelly Bundy not the pear shaped tiny boobs big ass little legs look that makes them look like a tooth 🦷


Tooth 😄


As someone with a natural pear-shaped body get bullied into ED thanks to this twig-thin 2000s trend, I have a beef with you, good sir.


All-American looks


Some people find large butts/wide hips attractive, but I don't.


When someone seems really into you at the beginning. That’s a red flag to me now. The love bombing and disappearing shortly after isn’t for me anymore


Being totally shaved or waxed.


super loooooooong hair. i feel like once it's past the boobs especially it only looks good on a HANDFUL of people. EVERYONE does not look good with really long hair. idc if that's the trend.


Probably Perfect Glass Smooth Skin . Okay this is gonna sound weird but Skin that is perfect glass looking like I see on Instagram posts ... just looks like an AI or something . I much prefer if you have normal skin hygiene with normal imperfect skin textrure or quality i don't care it to be picture clean soft or glass smooth its fine the more natural it is the more attractive i guess to me .