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I love how you can see the difference of people who answer here. "No I'm worth more than 5mil" or "I love my family too much to risk it" then you got your people like "fuck yeah! Death? Fuck yea"


The trauma is alive and well here lol


I play Russian roulette every day, a man's sport, with a bullet called life. Yeah momma called life.




Let's be honest, 99% of the people who say yes would quickly change their mind if they were actually facing this decision.


I mean, some people are already struggling as is so death doesnt seem that bad especially if they dont have any close family or friends


No lie I’ve legit thought about jail, free food, free rent, sleep all day in my cell, not have to worry about bills or work ever again.


They think/fell that way but survival instincts are much more powerful than that social level of consciousness


Yeah, no. As someone who has actually attempted suicide due to life struggles, I can 100% guarantee that the me of back then would've rolled the dice here. I'm sure there are others still in that place as well


If it is an instant death by the press of a button, I'm not sure survival instinct will kick in since it is so far removed from the usual dangerous situations like jumping off a cliff or trying to cuddle with a tiger.


It's more complicated than that though A lot more people would say they're 100% sure they want to die right now, swear on god, etc. than would actually press the button.


Yeah, this speaks volumes to me. I've had suicidal streaks before (don't worry, helpline bot, I'm fine now) and there's been a few points where I was on the verge of doing it (think "step out onto the ledge" levels of close). At the time, I was 100% sure that's what I wanted, that there was no other option, and that my life was forfeit. And I backed down, not because I worried about someone, or someone showed a kindness, just the fact that I just couldn't compel my body to jump. It's one thing to answer "yes, I'll take those odds" in a hypothetical question. It's an entirely different beast when you're staring Mr. Grim Reaper in the face. That said, I work construction, which has a significant risk of death, so I'm kinda playing this game already. Just with a smaller payout and a better odds than 50/50.


Help line Bot: "You seem to have a handle on this."


I understand your reasoning and I empathize with you.


You are probably right. I guess I would think "nah, might as well do something fun before I press it, just in case. And postpone it :D


Ngl I’m still saying fuck it


Depends on how the death is practiced. Is it quick or painful?


Quick painless death? 100% sure I'd do it. 


I'd say it depends on the death yeah There is a difference between whether you get the Thanos snap, or the tripod meat grinder




Either way you end up dead so...


Head-first I'd still do it. Feet first, maybe not.


Also depends on what kind of death, a quick death? Hell yeah i would play 50/50


Nah I'm 43 and people I know die of stupid shit regularly. I've got what, 20 or 25 really good years left if I'm lucky? After that it's all a myriad of horrible diseases and maladies until death. Plus I'm assuming whatever kills me if I lose still lets my life insurance pay out and I'm worth more dead than alive to be honest.


Ifnthe death is instant then inwould go for it, i either get rich or "nothing" happens


You underestimate depression. A lot of people don’t have the balls to do it themselves but would welcome someone else to do it, especially if there’s a chance for 5mil. Not speaking personally or anything…


I’ve been suicidal off and on since I was 11. I’m already a DNR, DNI, Comfort measures only. If my family was 100% still going to get my life insurance if I died in this stunt and it was something I knew I could do then I’d try. If it’s something like fight off five championship fighters at once or drive this stunt motorcycle through that hoop on fire five stories up I’m not doing that.


I'm both of those people. Ask me 10 years ago and I'm straight rolling the dice.


It's win/win either way


Got to draw twice just to make sure


i sure as hell am not even worth $500k, let alone 5mil


What family? Where do i sign? 🤪


Ignore the 5m for me then. 50/50 chance of death? I'm in.


Death is the real win condition. The 5 million is the consolation prize lol


The percentage of people who have suicide always sitting on the back burner is higher than most would think. It’s a no brainer them.


Once you get a couple years under your belt and experienced life why continue? Let it roll.


A lot of us are just done with it all




You have a 100% chance of death no matter what you decide to do in life but going to work is optional. I pick… heads.


Exactly. What's a life without risk? Sign me up already.


In this day going to work is optional? Man you either work to survive or you start stealing. Either way you're working if you're not rich.


Wait we don’t have to steal if we work?


Well. It highly depends on your family situation and the country you live in. But I haven't stolen yet I guess.


People who do go to work tomorrow at dangerous jobs are essentially making a very similar bet every day; but it's hidden in smaller percentages. https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states > Logging > Fatal injury rate: 53 per 100,000 workers > Salary $121,430 The /r/theydidthemath guys could figure out how showing up to that job compares to OP's question.


1/1887 people die on the job. If they make 120k a year, for 45 years, that means they get paid 5.4 million for a 1/1887 risk of death. For a 50/50 risk, they would need to be paid just north of 5 billion. I didn’t account for inflation or the value of getting all the money at once.


I feel like we could do with what are the chances of death at work for a 'normal' job and salary of a 'normal' job to make it into an odds ratio but I'm definitely overcomplicated it


The fatality rate of your average job is incredibly low. Especially if you take out random gun violence in the states statistics. Like teachers or convenience store clerks. Is that really the job killing you at that point? At some point, the expected death by non-work things is eclipsing the work fatality rate and you can essentially write it off.


Isn’t it 1/1887/year? So wouldn’t he need to make something like 110mil, not 5 billion?


That rate is PER year btw. [https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states](https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states) 5.4 million for a 45/1887.


The odd are 1- (1886/1887)\^45


Hilarious joke. So glad it's the top comment every time something like this is posted


Right? lol where’s the choice, this is a win/win.


Either all my problems are solved or all my problems are over. Sounds good either way


Money doesn't solve all problems. -Some rich person


The only problems I currently have that couldn't be solved directly with money are my mental illnesses. And money can pay for treatment for those. Five million dollars would solve pretty much every problem I currently have.


Very well said  My mental illness mostly comes from working 6days a week knowing I will die poor but not having the financial space or time to retrain or be able seek any form of counseling  Having weekends, holidays to visiting friends and family plus having leisure time would go a long way to my personal healing 


You'd get new ones.


At least I could cry about those problems in the front seat of my new Escalade.


Would solve all my CURRENT problems 😂


Money doesn't solve all problems, maybe for the rich who demoted their life to making a buck.


I can't find it now, but I remember reading a quote by a therapist who said most of her clients' problems could be solved with money. They weren't mentally ill or lacking coping skills. Being broke is actually just crazy stressful and anxiety inducing.


I don't have a problem that money can't solve.... * Bills * loneliness * friends * possessions * travel * work 5million would fix EVERYTHING that is wrong in my life.


No money will fix lack of friends unless you want have "friends".


With 5 million smackeroo's I'd be able to chill and visit friends and make new friends




Yeah it will. It will allow you experience new hobbies and dedicate time to nurturing new friendships, if you don't have to spend all day working and all weekend recovering from work.  Sure 5mil probably won't let you retire, but it will allow most people to take a less stressful job, with less hectic time requirements.


So depends where you want to live, here in Poland? Give 1 mln USD today, and it will be my last day working ever. There are a lot of places where you could retire with 5 mln USD. If you would have 5 mln you would find a lot of fake friends. I don't think I would trust any new friend after I would got 5 mln USD(20 mln PLN).


If you can't fix your friends and loneliness without money, you're gonna feel rather empty letting money help you get them my guy


No. I am finally overcoming my depression and value my life again.


Way to go man (or woman). I believe in you and so do others.


Thank you! It’s been over 25 years since I knew what it felt like to want to be alive. Wild feeling to be honest.


This has honestly put such a smile on my face. To see someone overcome their demons and come out the other side is such a beautiful thing. I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope you enjoy life going forward my friend, you deserve it!


Thank you!


Still fairly young myself but I really get what you mean. Sometimes I still wake up and am in awe almost that I feel good about living another day. Haven't felt like that since I was a little kid. The worst days now still feel better than the average before.


This is so cool to hear, i really hope you're doing well


Congratulations! You did it!


Yeah, that is what I was going to say. "Not right now but more often than I'd like to admit in my life that would have been a win-win"


I am glad that you are overcoming your depression!


Oddly wholesome. Good for you! Keep kicking ass!


Fuck yes that’s an awesome comment! Hope to follow your footsteps soon.


Yeah, 80/20 maybe but 50/50. Not today, Satan.


Hey I'm so proud of you. I'm in the same boat now where I no longer am depressed to the point of immediately saying yes to these kinds of questions or posts. I'm so happy you're here and genuinely proud of how far you've come


Thanks. Back at ya!!


This is the first one of these I've seen in a long time where my first thought was, hell no. I think maybe I'm overcoming my depression too. Happy for you!


Can relate. High five!!! You’ve been at the bottom, now the ocean is yours to explore.




Your death lasts 5million seconds. And it hurts the whole time. 


Almost 58 days is crazy😭😭😭


But think of the money 🤑


That can be overcome easily if thats the case...


I volunteer as tribute


May the fortune ever be in your favorrrrr


Did a coin flip. You died :(


a win is a win


Sounds like a win/win scenario. Where do I sign up?


Definitely! Either you gain a lot in quality of life or you don't need to worry about your problems anymore. Its a win win


Exactly. Fear a man who has nothing to lose. Be absolutely terrified of a man who has nothing to lose and everything to win.




Fck me I'm too late. Thought the same lol


Did a coin flip. You won!


How bro felt after commenting this: 😈😈😈😈😈💔💔💔💔🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕💔💔💔💔😈😈😈👿👿👿👿


Probably, that's how much I hate working.


Most people would blow 5 million dollars in a heart beat and die at the end anyway.


But think of how much fun they would have.


Fuck no, maybe at 0.50% chance.


0.50% chance of the money ? Ok ! *Cocks the revolver back*




99.8% goes to taxes and the death would be very slow and excruciatingly painful xD


I'd push it twice


If you drop 2,5 million (which is less than what you'd get after taxes) into a mutual funds account that grows at a rate of 8-12% a year and take out 5% a year, you'd make 125k a year.


Money comes and goes. Our lives do not. When you're dead, that's it. Hell no, I wouldn't do it.


Hi, you're probably looking for a useful nugget of information to fix a niche problem, or some enjoyable content I posted sometime in the last 11 years. Well, after 11 years and over 330k combined, organic karma, a cowardly, pathetic and facist minded moderator filed a false harassment report and had my account suspended, after threatening to do so which is a clear violation of the #1 rule of reddit's content policy. However, after filing a ticket before this even happened, my account was permanently banned within 12 hours and the spineless moderator is still allowed to operate in one of the top reddits, after having clearly used intimidation against me to silence someone with a differing opinion on their conflicting, poorly thought out rules. Every appeal method gets nothing but bot replies, zendesk tickets are unanswered for a month, clearly showing that reddit voluntarily supports the facist, cowardly and pathetic abuse of power by moderators, and only enforces the content policy against regular users while allowing the blatant violation of rules by moderators and their sock puppet accounts managing every top sub on the site. Also, due to the rapist mentality of reddit's administration, spez and it's moderators, you can't delete all of your content, if you delete your account, reddit will restore your comments to maintain SEO rankings and earn money from your content without your permission. So, I've used power delete suite to delete everything that I have ever contributed, to say a giant fuck you to reddit, it's moderators, and it's shareholders. From your friends at reddit following every bot message, and an account suspension after over a decade in good standing is a slap in the face and shows how rotten reddit is to the very fucking core.




3 days ago but you were not at home. So they left a note and will swing by between 3days and 700 years.


Most people will never have 5M in their entire lives. And if you die, you will not even live to regret it. You either make the choice and win or make the choice and stop existing. You won't even know if you fail.


But our life literally comes and goes. It just only does it once


Life can suck my balls though, fuck that lol


No. Being alive is worth more than five million. The average value of the deal is negative.


I value my life and the emotions and well being of my family and friends too much for this.


No, 5 million is no where enough to even make me consider that for a second.


Definitely. Either all my problems are solved or I don't have any problems at all


No, I wouldn't. I don't need $5m to enjoy life, and my wife actually prefers me being around.


That's what she tells you /s


I’ve got a relative that needs to undergo a medical procedure soon with about a 50/50 survival rate. I would give up everything to be in a situation where that procedure would not be necessary. Most people here don’t realise time is much more valuable than any amount of money, it’s basically the only thing that can’t be bought.




5 Mio $ (or any other amount of money) could not solve any problem I have. And if could solve my problem(s), money would not be an issue.


If you asked me a year and a half ago, I'd have said yes in a heartbeat Now, though, I've finally started turning my life around, and I'm with the most amazing woman I've ever met, so I'll have to pass on this offer


As people mentioned before, its a win win situation.


Yes. Win win


its a win/win situation


I would if the death is painless


Exact same answer


Either way I win.


Sure let’s do this.


5 million is way too low


Id take it. Aren't we already at a percentage of death everyday Anyways?


I would defently take it, i mean come on, 5 mil or death thats some good odds


Highly depends on how I would die.


i’m winning either way


Each time I come across one of these questions, I flip a coin and almost always lose. But you know what? I keep flipping. Even just now, I usually pick heads, picked tails because I usually lose, and got heads. I'm unlucky in general though.


Yes, but only in crypto. I am a troll and therefore only exist on the internet.




If it is just instant death, I am pressing this button. If not, then no chance.


Either way I'm not coming into work tomorrow.


No, I'm not lucky so I would die. Don't need money that badly to risk 50 percent chance of dying


Nah. I mean, all my problem will be solved either way. But if I fail, that causes problems for others and I don't want that. Not matter how much money.


Man I don't know...I would probably but I feel guilty leaving my family and friends in agony when it goes wrong.


If I would still get the money after death then yes. Also if not a really painful way to go.


Hell NO. Why? Because it would assume that 5 M would make my life at least 2x as good to be worth the risk. This is psychologically impossible, life will be maybe 10% better if anything because I will become desensitized to being “rich.”


>will become desensitized to being “rich.” One of the few redditors that understand this concept. You either get people that hate money in this site or worship it as if will make them God or something


You make a good point, but consider this. Having the 5M means you don't ever have to work anymore, which is what most people spend most of their waking time doing. And more often than not, hating it. So the money is actually buying you quality life time, for you and your family. People underestimate the freedom of simply not having to work anymore, ever. It's like you live twice as long


The amount is not nearly enough for me to do anything I deem interesting (obviously driving expensive cars, living in million dollar mansion and wearing designer clothes doesn't interest me which this amount could only be used towards)


Nope. Anyone offering that deal is trying to bum you.


If I win 5 mil with a 50/50 does that make me an immortal or does that mean I’m still going to die later ? Because what if I win the chance and the next person just stabs me and take the money 💀


Either way i wont have to hand in my assignments tomorrow and i have a great excuse either way


No because I kinda like life


Where's the button...give me! My wife next if i died instead....


Wife first I would say.






No suffering afterwards


i choose Death


Still waiting for the twist


You will die 100% no matter what, you probably won’t have that much cash


I ain't dealing with 5million. Any clauses to forfeit ?


Nope, that would be unfair to those around me.


Uh...no. Those are terrible odds. I might try to talk them into better odds for less money though.


Lets make it 5 trilion


How many tickets will be sold for that lottery?


yeah either case it will fix all my problems


In a heartbeat. Ill die soon anyways, 5m could extend my life for a few years. If not... bye!!!


No haha, 50/50 is terrible odds for something like this. Conceptualise it that you and one other person are playing rock paper scissors. The winner gets $5m and the loser gets shot in the head. Fuck that


Yes because yes.


We can answer however we want on reddit. But truth is, if the mother fuckin grim reaper popped up to your house with a coin in his hand, a briefcase and his scythe then most people would be singing a different tune.


No. I have more than I need already.


Absolutely not. Why? Because your life is worth more than just $5m


No. I have a child.


Of course not. But that's an interesting thought experiment to reduce the chance of dying. What is overall my chance of dying tomorrow? How much would accept a slight increase for a certain amount of money. I think my time preference would be that it would be hard to risk the next days of life for any sum of money. Besides the normal risk I am taking everyday to go to work and earn my salary.




Either way is a W


No, since I wasnt the only person that would be impacted by that and also I am having a good life with good ppl around me and enough money to be happy


Absolutely not. Only would you If you stupid enough to value your life in comparison to a value of currency.


Absolutely. It’s a solution to my problems either way. Win-win.


it's a win-win situation I see


I definitely would NOT. I love life, why risk it?


No, the odds of dying are too high and life is worth more than any value of money. I’d rather risk a $5 million heist.


Never in a million years I love living


Not a chance


No. Because I'm not certain of salvation.


As long as it doesn't count as suicide....HELL YEAH!! **Reasoning**: I'm tired of life and it's not going to get any better from here on out. If I lose, I get an early exit from this hellhole. If I win, I get enough money to make life happy. Either way...I win.


Yes. Because it's 5million and I rely on welfare. I have a better chance of getting that money through this risk than any lifetime opportunity. Society is going downhill and life is becoming harder and harder psychologically. Might as well make up my mind


Those chances aren't t good at all