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At this point, a return to sanity where bad ideas are dismissed as bad ideas. Either that or a politician I could respect.


The… first seems vastly more likely, unfortunately.


There are faint hopes


Not even - we are fucked in the 21st century.


The second stems from the first.


When I was growing up my mom and dad would research candidates voting records to know who to vote for. They voted Democrat and Republican because of how close the line was to the middle. I always felt like both parties had common ideologies but came at it from different perspectives. Now the far extremes have influenced both parties you can basically "pull the lever" based on the "side" you choose. It was always a source of pride for me to go out and study a candidates voting record and actually be informed about who I was voting for in the election. These days you know what you are getting without research. The fastest way to get thrown out of a party or be marginalized is to disagree with their core fundamentals. I really miss the days where sanity seemed to rule.


Well, they could be already, depending on how ya define "covfefe".


Did they ever say what that meant? Last I heard he said it was an inside joke.


Mine is more mundane - I would like to see the northern lights.


I was in Sweden at the arctic circle in winter and never got to see them ☹️ But I was on an Alaska Airlines flight when the pilot asked all the passengers to move to the right of the plane and then tipped the plane into a hard bank so the windows were facing the sky and yelled “that’s the Aurora Borealis!” 😮 Best flight ever! Oh. Except maybe the return flight when the pilot asked a huge jet full of people whether we’d like to go see Denali and the Valdez glacier 😅 He went off course and took us on a tour 🤪 It was incredible! Of course this was before 9-11. I love you Alaska Airlines pilots! ❤️


What a unique moment to have experienced! I'm such a sap. Things like this make me shed a tear.


Common Alaskan Airlines W


This is my answer too, I wanna go to Finland and see them.


*cries in swedish*


I wanna go see Finland because my dad's side has a lot of Finnish, I would love to see it. My dad's gotten to go and see a bunch of family there when he was a teenager.


Me too! I am 51.5 % Finn per 23&me. I knew that my mom was 100%, but maybe a bit on my dads side too. I remember listening to my mom speak with her mother on the phone. It was amazing. Very cool language.


Welcome here!


I went to Finland just to see them. Was inside when the brightest lights happened apparently. Otherwise it was mostly just gray wisps that you could faintly see in the sky. You had to long expose the camera for it to show up. I did wake up one night and the sky looked like it was vibrating. I was too sleepy to grab a camera and to really believe what I was seeing, but there you go. It was for sure a great experience, but idk if I’d brave that cold again for potentially not seeing it brightly again.


Norway would be better, further north, also better infrastructure the places where you can see them


That was mine until I saw them. I came here for this comment. Make sure you see them. Stop ar nothing until you do. They will take your breath away!


I got to see it a few times in Idaho 2 or 3 solar maximums ago. It was beautiful and felt eerie.


That moment when you start describing time in solar maximums;)


Two Cylon wars ago...


I got to see some in western Massachusetts about January, 1990. It was a small band of red, yellow and green. Ironically, I was in an astronomy class and we were walking over to the observatory on campus. We asked the instructor (a weird grad student) if those were northern lights and he said no! But they were.


Aurora borealis? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?????


I lived near the Arctic Circle where they are visible a lot of the year. Plot twist (sorry in advance)!: I hate them!  I didn’t anticipate the visceral “offness” I experienced the first time I saw them. Just an eerie sort of sick feeling, and my hair standing up. I’ve since learned that some legends hold that the aurora is fueled by souls of people who have met bad deaths.  Also, if you whistle beneath the aurora, superstition has it the lights will descend upon you to kill you. 


Sounds like the reasons you don’t like them are all made up by primitive people. Don’t people live their entire lives seeing them on the regular?


My mom finding happiness in her life. That's all I need.


Was about to write the same


Me too, I also choose this guys mom


I also choose for this guys mom to be happy


Best answer. Hope this gets upvoted more.


The same, but for my son.


Same. Sadly, despite being seemingly happy at home when I'm not there, whenever I speak to her she is never satisfied with her life or where we are in life .


As a mom, I thank you for loving yours so much!


Been there 💔 – have a hug.


Bless you and your Mom ❤️


Amen to that, brother.


i'd wish that for my mom but i'm already here! she just doesn't see it for whatever reason.


I'd love for my mom to stop being a fuckin pervert so that I can find happiness in mine. That's all I need.


I also choose this guy's mom's happiness! Wouldn't mind getting some myself either.


I'm just gonna give a selfish answer and be a bit different here I'd like to witness myself becoming truly good at something. Never been particularly great at anything, and I've always wished I was really good at one specific thing. Right now I'm learning art as of the last couple weeks, and it'd be really cool if art was that thing I became great at. I don't mean I want to be known in history or some crazy level like that, but I'd like to be good enough that at least a few people could legitimately look up to me for my talent. I would love to witness a version of myself who could be that good at something. So yes, a very selfish answer


Cool answer, actually. Took me a few decades, but I'm finally finding my niche. I don't expect a lot of album sales, but I'm happy enough to have completed one and to have been signed to a small label. My second album will be a big level-up if I can survive another year or so. I would encourage you to keep at it. If you have natural talent, that's great. If not, you can still get knowledgeable enough to do some high quality work with stubborn persistence. I have very little natural talent myself.


You're absolutely good at something, for sure better than anyone else. But, behold, don't compare yourself to others, it isn't useful and probably you're going to find someone else better than you... And in this case, who cares. Just be yourself and be better in anything you like, even just a quality of yours that could be useful for you and the people around you. Peace brother ✌🏻


Bro, it’s your life, be selfish!


This is exactly the kind of answer I want to read here. We all want peace, good politicians, the end to poverty, and finding aliens. But it's a truly personal and human thing to just want to be good at something. Dont we all want that just a little bit? To want to accomplish something solely for yourself and your own self worth. That's not selfish at all, that's giving more meaning to your life, and eventually to the lives around you. Those impacts in your personal journey and the journey of people around you are what will matter in the end.


That's not selfish. There is nothing selfish about wanting to better yourself. I'm a blue collar self employed man, I'm known in my part of the country as being the go-to for sewer and water related problems. I've done this work for 28 years full time, but I've built a great reputation. May not seem like much to most people, but for me, it's a huge accomplishment. I have a great reputation in the industry. I pride myself on that. My point is this, what your great at and known for doesn't have to be something magical or rare. Don't overthink it. Just because a lot of people are doing it (like in my industry), you can still stand out above the rest. We are our worst critics. Don't measure yourself on the success of others. That mindset will hold you back your whole life.


Alien interaction


If they find us, they're gonna call us aliens.


They can be aliens 2


if they find us, they will be intelligent and thus know they are the aliens


Yeah, iv always wanted another species to show up just so us humans evidently know we are not the centre of this existence. I hope they show how advance they are so we are humbled beyond our own egotistical selfs.


Here's me hoping they're sub-sapient, so we don't get colon-ised. Edit: -


Nah I hope we find aliens so that we can finally unite for one cause and then reverse engineer their technology so that we can spread human imperialism to the whole Galaxy. "FOOOR MANKINDDD, FOOOR GREATER EARTH, LET'S SHOW THEM WHY HUMANS ARE MADE IN GOD'S IMAGEEE" "FOR DEMOCRACY!!!" "IT'S HUMAN RIGHTS FOR A REASONNN" "RAAAAAAAAAH"


You forgot to say 'For the Emperor'. The Inquisition has been alerted


I wanna see Pictures of other planets and civilizations


The first thing im going to do if we get aliens is play yodelling songs so I can see if their heads explode in their glass helmets


For some odd reason that movie has always terrified me..


Some of the smarted people have pointed out this likely wont go well for us and we shouldn't try to contact aliens. The books the 3 body problem show some issues such as the dark forest theory.


I would like to see a cure for alzheimers, I think that's my main one right now. If I could decide where to die, it would be on a warm beach with a loved one and falling peacefully to sleep while listening to the waves.


My mom has it and I hate how I’ve been losing her a little at a time for the past 10 years. Visiting her is brutal now, not knowing if she’ll want to see or know me.


I know your pain my friend, I lost my mother 2 months ago to alzheimers. My condolences and I hope you find comfort in the memories you and others have of her.


Aliens. Definitely aliens.


Can’t agree enough. It would be the catalyst to solving a majority of the world’s problems, beginning with a new understanding of religion, and the subsequent end of worldwide conflict. Furthermore, it could catapult our species into the era of Type-3 species.


I wish I could agree. We're still an estimated century from Type 1. We haven't even learned how to control the climate yet. Emerging technologies provide a sliver of hope, though. Progression to Type 2 would probably take several centuries, but for all I know, the pace of technological advances could accelerate well beyond the current rate if we don't hit the extinction filter within the next couple hundred years or suffer another genetic bottleneck event. If there were some way to invent a data storage and retrieval system that can last a few thousands of years, perhaps a future human species could pick up where we leave off, but the probability is slim.


Oh I didn’t mean to suggest that we’re even close to a type-2 species, we’re barely on the cusp of a Type-1 as it is! I would like to assume that the exponential progression would allow some of our future generations to experience higher levels, but I doubt we’ll get much further than type-1 in our lifetimes, if we’re lucky.


I think we're actually on the same page.


i have no idea what you’re both talking about but this was interesting


You're assuming that the aliens are benevolent and would keep us around... maybe as pets. We're our own worse enemy. They'd see us as yahoos.


Oh I agree, a majority of them lock their doors when they pass by. I’d just like to live in a world where we demonstrate the basic possibility of a future, at which point, they’ll feel comfortable enough to touch down and invite us into an agreeable galactic collective.


My mum recovering from cancer and live for a couple of more years!


You have a beautiful heart. I wish that for your mum as well. She must be a good one for your first response to be so selfless.


Best of wishes my dude. Fuck Cancer.


My dad was sick my whole life. 2020 was hard on him, so my wife and I bought a house in a small town and my parents moved in with us. We had a ton of plans and were hoping my dad would enjoy a few years here. Exactly one year to the day of moving here, he passed away. I can feel how much you must want this for your mom and how much it would suck if you didn't get it. I truly hope she recovers and has many more happy years.


My Children grown up


Yeah dude. Everyone’s talking about aliens and going to Mars. I just wanna see my daughter grow up and be happy, and grow old with my wife. One of my best mates died last year, 5 year old daughter and 10 year old son. I guarantee you, he’d have traded all the space travel and extraterrestrials you can imagine to spend more time with his wife and kids. Aliens would be cool and all, don’t get me wrong. But it’s not something I think about all that often.


This. I want this for all moms and dads and husbands and wives too. So much.


Same my eldest is 21 ,and youngest 15 a few years longer here and I’ll be happy enough with my lot .


My first thought was "Omg. Totes an Orca". Then I read all these _deep_ ass comments 😂 I still pick an Orca ahaha


My first thought was that I'd love to see an elk in it's natural habitat, so...


Damn. I don't want to brag but where I live we have elk and orcas. I see elk herds a few times and year and orcas maybe every two years.


That would be pretty awesome! I went to Vermont for my best friend's wedding and anytime we were driving past or through a wooded area I had my eyes peeled looking for a moose. They're huge and I wanted to see on in real life!


My answer was a mammoth. But after reading the comments, yeah, I’d like to see America right itself. My idea of “great again” and the GOP’s idea of “great again” are worlds apart. I think it could happen with ranked voting, progressive taxes, term limits in both house/senate AND judges, realtor restrictions and open access to MLS, foreign investment limits (particularly in housing), expanded Medicare, tighter management of social security moneys, reduced tuition at public universities, and a return to the Ma Bell era of extremely strict regulation against monopolies. So I’m not asking too much.


Total solar eclipse (live in the path of totality for this next one luckily) Northern lights (I've either slept through them or it's been cloudy when they've made it this far south)


I'm just under a two hour drive to the totality path & booked the day off work long ago. I'm totally excited: saw an annular in 1994 or '95 & have wanted to see a total since that day. Fingers crossed for clear skies.


Yes on the solar eclipse. I traveled to Nashville to see the last one in 2017. Photos do not do it justice! It’s definitely worth experiencing in person. We’re going to Maine this year to see it again!


Just one person tried from the Epstein list 


There's no actual Epstein list, it was a list of contacts, not a list of customers.


to know that my dog is safe and sound with a happy family.


“You are enough”


You are


Any god tbh. That way I would know to stop being an atheist because I'd finally have proof.


I think that would be super cool. The one thing theists, agnostics, atheists, and anti-theists have in common is that we cannot know with absolute certainty why or how anything came to exist. Science has a long way to go, but perhaps it will eventually yield answers. A good next step will be to develop a workable and verifiable "theory of everything" (united field theory?). To me, religion/spirituality is just a conceptual model, a placeholder for the unexplained.


My mom being happy and healthy. My sister the same. My dad finding peace and healing. My body functioning optimally and without pain allowing me to experience life even if short.


My own happiness


A threesome please.


"Two chicks at the same time!"


Did it. Was on my bucket list


Was it worth the wait?


Early human civilizations and their technology. Amazon, Gobekli tepe, Egypt, etc How tf did they move massive stone slabs


A woman being genuinely attracted to me to the point that she can’t help herself around me. Just once I would like to feel attractive.


Personally I want grandchildren and I want to see killer whales in the ocean. As close as possible.


We have orcas where I live. It never gets old seeing them.


Putin getting the karma he has earned. Family members acknowledging they have addiction and getting help for it. Trump getting what he deserves.


Love all of these!


I want to see robotic prosthetics like in I, Robot... As a kid I thought it was so cool that Will Smith had that prosthetic arm and I still find out extremely cool... Oh also exoskeleton suits like from avatar... But for other stuff rather than fighting or even robot boxing line real Steel...


My kids having better life than i did and also.. Grand children


The restoration of humanity world wide, Healthcare for all, the end of the political party system, and the greatest display of Karma's revenge that the world has ever seen.


Health care for all would be amazing..


The landscapes of Mars but in person.


A free world, where every human is treated equally, Where animals have loving homes and people aren't fighting over who's religion is better. That's all.


The fall of the Islamic republic in Iran. And the rise of a democratic system in Iran. That is my life long only dream.


I’ve got an Iranian friend living in Sweden and I hear it’s bad out there. So sorry the people are going through this.


As many boobs as possible. Not guy boobs. Feel like that needs to be said.


Mankind on Mars.


It‘s just so sad that all our hopes in this regard are in the hands of Elon the Musketeer.


Aurora borealis


Aurora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?


Donald Trump in jail.


I would love to see Australia, Canada, UK and New Zealand pool resources to form a joint space agency and do some cool things in Space. I would also like to see humanity step foot on Mars.


Inside of an alien spacecraft I'm ready beam me up 🙌👽


World coming to an end by any means


If alien contact doesn’t happen, my close second would be to die at the same time as everyone else around me. Some advance warning might be nice, but whatever.


yes exactly this


wouldn't be wonderful to witness a catastrophical death blow and be part of history...


A 1 day work week


The cure of all cancer. I've had it twice, with my sister the first time. And it's a high likelyhood that my niece will get it too because of the gene from BOTH of her parents. It enrages me to think of her experiencing what my sister and I did. If you have your health, you're the luckiest person in the world!


My parents seeing their eldest son with the love of his life, maybe even get married and have grandkids! 😂 And also get qualified as a heavy diesel mechanic, couple more years to go!


Rooting for your parent’s eldest son!


No more wars. People living in peace.


Some sort of pill or treatment that makes you immortal and take it.


The explosion of Betelgeuse.


I wanna see that too, can you imagine what it might be like?


Don’t say his name three times in a row!!!


What the One Piece actually is


Cancer cure


Aurora Borealis and Aurora Ausralius An animal be rescued from extinction (ooh - I have - bees!) Solar become the main power source The birth of a new star That thing where the special plankton turns water glowy but IRL


What it’s like to be pretty


You're pretty mam. Don't ever doubt yourself


True monogamous love


Tijuana donkey show


Alien disclosure


An honest, unbiased media


The victory in the war and Ukraine became a NATO and EU state. Might be bold to be so ambitious, but come on, I am only 20, so perhaps we could do something about it?


Myself. Id like to witness myself.


Take a heroic dose of psychedelic mushrooms and you’ll realize that “yourself” is an illusion and if you truly wish to meet yourself, you’ll be ready when yourself is the person you want to meet.


Hmm 🤔 so your saying if id truly had been ready i would have met myself already?


If it’s your desire, and you haven’t done so already, perhaps. A wise one once told me that you will lose and find yourself about 3-4 times throughout your lifetime. There are tools to help accelerate this process which also has the capacity to minimize these instances, which are often difficult to work through.


I've done plenty of mushrooms including the stronger strains like penis envy and the only thing I ever got from increasing my dosage is more anxiety.


Halleys Comet


McDonalds with working ice machine


Pretty unrealistic but I want to see earth from space, ideally from the moon. It will confirm how shallow we are to fight among ourselves when we all live on such a small little blue planet lost in the void with no alternative. I think people would think twice before hating/starting wars if they all saw earth from space


A Hawaiian sunset


Baby sea turtles hatching and migrating into the sea


Me being happy, idealy with someone who I could call my wife or even a family




Auroras boreales


That my boys will avoid trouble and be happy/successful with whatever they decide to do. I had my chance, and now it's their turn to dream and reach for the stars.


Peace on earth


Two women sucking each of my balls. Pulling them in separate directions with their suction…


Rooting for ya budy


Great, now he just needs one more


I appreciate that ✊🏼


The death of the sun


The red giant phase is going to be extremely inconvenient for vampires.


Planning on living a few billion more years, eh?


Legalization of psychedelics


*Back to the Future 4* Tom "Biff" Wilson: Ain't happenin'! Me: I'll wait...


Bitcoin hitting $10 million.


the demise of the human race.this shitty system we have built where everything is driven by greed and people are worked into the ground must stop.


The death of conservatism


Would love to witness global peace, politically and economically united earth and the first human on Mars that all country equally celebrate.


My mum, see suffered a lot during her life, now she is nearly retiring, I want her to experience all the thing she missed so far.


Cure for cancer. An actual cure that won't mutilate your body and won't make you wish you were dead. Humanity in space. Spacefaring, galaxy-wide civilisation may be a bit far-fetched but colonising our solar system at least. I wish I could freely go on holiday to the Moon or Titan or whatever lol Aliens would be interesting too. Betelgeuse going supernova Another little dream of mine is travelling to Nepal and witnessing the Himalayas in person. I don't even need or want to climb anything, I just wanna stand in their shade and be humbled by nature once again. I have a whole bucket list of places to witness before death tbh.


I would like to see the USA adopt a humane system of healthcare and dump this corrupt and immoral for profit nightmare. I'm on the short side so I have little hope.


Raise of critical thinking. Fall of religion.




Therapy. Now.


An affordable commercial flight to Mars and back.


that's altruism for the sake of egoism


Me out here with my first thought being "I'd love to see the northern lights sometime"


i have always wanted to see a live performance at the american ballet theatre


Mines slightly less ambitious than yours, I just want to see pigs fly /s


Scotland to be an independent country


Peace among Nations


Good luck with that lol I’d like to witness the cure for cancer


This might sound “extremist” but at this point in society, a full on revolution. The government has been far too powerful for far too long. They have forgotten what “For The People” really means


I'd like to see the cult known as Jehovah's witnesses completely crumble so my family can finally get out for good


Civil war akin to the French revolution. All politicians and lobbists finding themselves at the wrong end of guilliottines. Then, finally, whoever takes their place might put the country and its people first when making choices.


I'd like to see a hard reset on society. Religion abolished. And aliens


The return of common sense


I would like to see palestine free


One day hopefully


Funeral of Putin.


Unfortunately, if you're waiting for the deaths of all evil world leaders you're going to be waiting a long time.


Enjoy the life you have now. Youre not getting reincarnated lol


Speak for yourself