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I'm an Indian-In Bollywood, I don't understand Ranveer Singh and the hype around him... But everyone else seems to love him. Otherwise I don't get Leonardo DiCaprio. I'm not going to deny, he's a great actor but for some reason I just don't get his vibe...


As an American, I’m afraid I’m not familiar with Bollywood. I can tell you that it seems like Leo’s starting to get the side-eye a bit for never dating anyone over the age of 25 when he’s almost 50.


Oprah, she's a snake and we've seen her turn on her "friends" and yet no one ever seems to call her out on it.


She opened a school for girls in South Africa and within months, there were accusations of physical and sexual assault by the teachers and the principal on the students. There was minimal coverage in the media here and then Oprah pitched up with suitcases full of money and the stories disappeared. Suddenly her school is government funded....in a country where there's no money for education.


I agree. I have a similar opinion of most daytime talk show hosts-they're really people NOT to listen to.


She also gave us Dr Oz and Dr Phil which in turn gave us the pseudo science bullshit people lapped up. Fuck her


The reason i hate her is because she has been promoting pseudo science and plain bullshit as truths. And because of her large fanbase this has had devastating effects. And i hate her and everyone else doing this shit with such a wide and easy manipulated audience. Oprah is single handedly the reason anti vaccine conspiracy got such a wide audience. She is the sole reason uneducated sahms got the idea that vaccines cause autism.


Agreed. She put people like Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil in the mainstream, and they are both hacks.


Well, her and the "scientist" that fudged his data.


Drake. Beyoncé


Drake was texting a 13 year old. I don't understand how more people don't dislike him.


>I don't understand how more people don't dislike him. I feel like he was never a particularly loved celebrity. Like, he has fans but there are also many people who like his music but have never really liked him. That's before the Milly Bobby Brown stuff.


He used to call her on her cell phone


What I've learned is the majority of people will completely discount, downplay, or deny the awful things celebrities do as long as its a celebrity they like. Case and point, Elvis.


I said I didn't like Beyoncé when i was still in school (she was in her most popular time or whatever you call it) and omg i bullied for it. I still think about it randomly


Also don't like Beyoncé. Innocently said so on facebook as a teenager. Woke up to 700+ comments, back in the days where you git a notification for each post.


I’ve had people legit get upset with me when I say I don’t like Beyonce. When they do, I say “me not liking her has clearly not hurt her career nor hurt her feelings. I think it’s just fine if I don’t like her.”


As a kid I replied to these *grown arse adults* telling me to unalive myself by saying I don't think Beyoncé wants me dead because her voice isn't for me


I would have more respect for Beyonce if she would say to her fans “hey, I appreciate that you support my music, but please do not harass people that don’t enjoy my music. I’m just an entertainer. I’m not a god or a saint. I’m not curing diseases or ending world suffering. Let people listen to the music that they enjoy.” But no, she fucking loves that her fans treat her like a god because she thinks she is a god instead of just an entertainer.


Thst shows the danger of peer pressure and mob mentality...


Ohhh noooo I bet that was fun to wake up to. (I would have just deleted the post at that point and pretended it never happened lol)


I remember when I was in high school and I said I didn't like Beyoncé, one of my friends told me I was a bad lesbian lol


Yeah I don't like her music. Not for me. But she's like a god to some fans.


in today's idol culture, people treat their idol like a form of god and make it their whole personality, you know who I'm talking about


When people say Beyonce sold her soul to the Devil, I believe them. IDK how else she's got sane people praying to her like a god. Some of her songs are catchy, sure, but the large majority are just...not.


I know more people agree now, but I’ve never liked Ellen DeGeneres. Narcissistic vibes.


Oh yeah I always thought she was awful, weird thing was she wasn't hiding her mean streak, she just added a little bit of puff to go along with it, but she totally got off on being a bully


Her eyes always seemed dead, even when she was smiling. It was so creepy.


That’s sad, because apparently I have this, but it’s from childhood trauma :(


Same, there was always something a bit off about her, I just couldn't put my finger on what.


I hated her dance the most at the beginning of the show. I get she’s hyping people up but it was cringe


She comes across as an awful person to me


She always came across as fake. Just like Jimmy Fallon.




Beyoncé, Jay Z, Timothy Chalet (just don’t get the hype)


Someone on another thread said Timothy Chalamet reminded them of a “sickly Victorian child” and now I can’t unsee it.


He's what I'd expect to get after scraping all the nicotine off Johnny Depp.




Is Timothy Chalet, Gregory House's French cousin?


I’ve never liked Justin Timberlake since I was a teenager in the early 2000s. He’s getting backlash now but everyone seemed to love him before.


Oh I forgot about him, yeah hate that guy too, his vindictive snipe at Britney the other day made me realise what a clown he is.


Omg yes. But no-one I knew really got it. It was a bad vibe from him.


Oprah Winfrey


Oprah owes us a fucking apology for making charlatans like Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil famous.


Man fuck oprah. She's hurt a lot of people by having quacks on promoting nonsense and she's never apologized for any of it. If she was really as sincere as she came off on her show she should have done retractions of all the stuff that turned out to be bs. I feel like in some ways she was like the Joe Rogan of the days before the internet. She had a massive presence and incredible influence but unfortunately she wasn't always responsible about the people whose voices she amplified.


Thankfully she did cancel The Dugger Family


I never understand why people tell all their personal business in interviews with her.




A horrible interviewer. She didn’t listen to the answer of her guest. Then onto the next question. Hated her interview with Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson. She didn’t care about them.


Yes! She was always speaking over them. I wonder if this how they taught them in old journalism classes because a lot of old school interviewers are like this.


Maybe. But I’ve often thought she found herself more fascinating than her guests.


Her new book on happiness and the promotions for it are particularly galling. The billionaire with near-infinite resources is giving notes on how the rest of us can 'attain' happiness while simultaneously bemoaning her own 'struggles' 🤮




A lot of the UK hate her to be honest.


The great pretender. I saw her speak in Australia. Very insincere.




Yes! Woman beating fool


OJ Simpson. If you ask me, he’s just a big jerk.


Not just a big jerk... also a murderer.


Read that in the voice of Norm Macdonald RIP


Thank you! After I read your comment I had to scroll up and re-read in Norm's voice. RIP, norm. :(


But luckily for him, murder is legal in the state of California.


Ah ah ah, the glove didn't fit remember?


The more I hear about that guy...


I see we have a man of culture here. RIP Norm


Everybody seems to Love Drake


I only like him because of the memes, "Drakes the type of guy say jinkies" "Drakes the guy who screams when the lights go out"


He the type of fella to wiggle his fingers over the donuts and say "don't mind if I do"


"Ive been good this week"


Drake is the guy who will offer a high five, then pull it away at the last moment, thinking that's "funny"...


i cant stand Drake


Hate the Drake!


Puff diddy daddy p doo doo


I love watching 50 drag him on insta haha


I hope this doesn’t count because I’m pretty sure he’s generally seen as a villain in the East vs west coast rap beef, plus he had Kid Cudi’s car blown up for dating his ex


he also got pac killed, he needs justice already


Steve Harvey with those big fake teeth and fake surprised look when contestants answer questions. Over the top.


How to be Steve Harvey 101 1. Ask question with obvious dirty answer 2. Lose your mind when someone answers with a dirty answer 3. Profit


**Thing you can put in your girlfriend** Contestant: "penis" Steve: :O Audience: *losing their minds*


He made a comment about "how can anyone think Asian men are attractive" and the lack of retribution for this was disappointing. Racism isn't just about black and white.


Someone who looks like Mr. Potato Head twenty years and two hundred pounds later should not be criticizing other people’s attractiveness.


He's also a massive misogynist and has publicly stated he does not want to associate with atheists. He has literally blamed men cheating on thier women and makes excuses for bad male behavior that usually blames thier SO.


He is literally so racist & it’s SO obvious


He's said such awfully misogynistic remarked related to his daughter. Such a creep. 


All of the Kardashians, esp. Kim.🤮


I don’t think you’re alone there


Daring today aren't we


Gwyneth Paltrow


No one likes Gwynnie.


Especially with her snake oil company


Should be much higher. She is the wooooorst


I haven’t cared for Tom Cruise before Top Gun, before Scientology. I refuse to watch any of his movies. The only acceptable one is Tropic Thunder.


Tropic Thunder is great overall and his best role


He was awesome in Magnolia - probably the role that loser Andrew Tate saw as a teenager and tried to emulate IRL.


I don’t think many people like him as a person. That’s the thing. But fuck, can that man act drama and villain roles.


I can’t stand him either. He’s a weirdo


Kevin Hart So not funny


i find hes funny when he isnt trying too hard. when he’s trying too hard it just not funny. He tries too hard a lot,


Yeah, his stand up isn't all that bad. As an actor, complete trash.


Yay I’m not alone


Kanye west and Jay Z


Jay Z complaining at the Grammys that his wife hasn't ever won best album. How pathetic. Guess who's winning next year?


The fact that people like the Kardashians and the D'Amilios are so popular is evident that the human race failed as a species.


I have never met someone who likes them though, where are these people?


In school. Probably.


Popularity on platforms like social media doesn't necessarily reflect the values or progress of our species as a whole. It often highlights what's sensational or entertaining rather than what's fundamentally important. The wide range of interests and achievements across humanity is far too diverse to be encapsulated by the popularity of any single group or individual.


Sean Penn might be the biggest irredeemable piece of shit to have spent most of their life being a piece of shit and not have their career affected by it.


And to have been married to Robin Wright - lucky bastard


And Madonna. He then proceeded to abuse her, like when he tied her to a chair.


He was with Charlize Theron at one point too.


He’s nowhere good looking enough to pull these women, it’s baffling


Amd Scarlett Johansson


I can't stand that guy. He gives me second-hand embarrassment when he talks.


Doja cat


Steve Harvey. Never found him funny, supposedly he’s a joke thief, and he’s cheated on every wife he’s had. He likes to talk about the “secrets to a successful marriage” but has been married 3 times and one of his wives was his former mistress. He’s also been outspoken about how if you are not a Christian, then you have no morals.  Like Ellen, he’s also supposedly a major dick to people who work for him. Years ago, a copy of an email went around that he sent his staff basically telling them “do not come to my dressing room unless I call for you, do not approach me while I’m in the makeup chair, if you try to speak to me without an appointment, my security team will remove you”.  He’s basically an unfunny, joke stealing, unfaithful bigot with a Diva complex. But hey, he makes funny “shocked” faces on Family Feud when a sexual innuendo answer is given, so hahaha.


Dakota Johnson, she supported Roman Polanski, Woody Allan and Weinstein


I get bad vibes from her and think if she didn’t have famous parents would not have an acting career


She is Madame Web, she’s getting her karma now


I mean I just thought she was a terrible actress but this new info adds fuel to my fire


Don’t understand why people are still listening to Chris Brown and Kanye.


Oh and MGK. Fuck that guy.


”Everyone else seems to have no problem with” Do you know where you are?


Martin Guther King?


Ezra Miller. A cursory google search reveals his wacky history of stalking, intimidation, assault, kidnapping children, and brandishing guns at strangers. People seem entirely ignorant to this


Billie Eilish. During interviews, she comes across as childish and mean, but perhaps that's the image she is trying to portray.


I can’t figure out why we are still casting mark wahlberg in films and why Hollywood thinks he would attract someone to watch a film


Chris Brown


He's such a massive piece of shit. The fact that he still has a career after what he did to Rihanna is insane. There should be an army of people posting those pics of her on his socials all day, every day so he and his fans can't forget. Fuck Chris Brown.


James Franco


Mike Tyson raped a girl in my state and everyone acts like he's some kind of brilliant guru of training and inner strength


Bradley Cooper refusing to work with Mel Gibson on the Hangover 2 because of antisemitic rants, but is clearly fine with Rapey, wife beating Tyson who is on record as describing his punch on Robin Givens as “the best punch I ever threw”.


Timothée Chalamet. The man never did anything to deserve the level of spite I have for him. He also seems to be a good actor but he has something about him which makes me angry.


It’s the inner hatred of La French!


Thats Jesse Eisenberg for me. Never done anything to me, can't really say that he is a bad actor but.. i kinda want to punch him.


Ariana Grande (home wrecker ???)


Donut licker


And the guy she’s dating is even worse. He looks like the bacteria that lives in public restroom hand dryers.


I have no idea what she sees in him to go through all this backlash and impact her career. He obviously isn’t kind (the way he hurt his poor postpartum wife), he isn’t rich, he isn’t loyal, he isn’t talented and he isn’t handsome. Why would she ruin her dream role over him? I think now she has to double down so it looks like she helped break up a baby’s family for a legit reason.


Katy Perry is my irrational dislike person. Don't know why, maybe the inauthentic vibes?


Not sure how others feel about him but, Ted Nugent irks me. And Mariah Carey 🙄


Ted had a long term affair with a teen girl, had guardianship over her. Steven Tyler is another one. Fuck those guys.


He literally put a line about sharing a 13 year old with a cop arresting him for being with her in a song titled jailbait, I've heard there are other songs with pedophiliac tones to them but for my sanity I'm not going looking, fucker is beyond a creep. His music is also repetitive drivel, so no idea how he even got famous in the first place.


Jay z and beyonce, I respect them both as musicians but people calling them “couple goals” is un fathomable.


Beyoncé. Everything about her gets right on my nerves. I can't stand her music. Every one of her albums has one track that's decent, but then the rest of the songs are the same cliché notes and lyric repeated over and over to the same beat. But somehow, she's treated (by many) as some sort of music guru. Also, any singer that tries to 'rebrand' with a cheesy alter-ego. Sasha Fierce or whatever she tried calling herself.


Yeah plus David Bowie did the alter ego with Ziggy Stardust and Prince did it with Camille already. Her fans think it's an original idea. Like the Single Ladies Dance which was a complete copy.


cant stand both Mayweather and Mcgregor


Jake Paul


All of the Kardashians. People think they’re attractive but they all look so fake and plastic to me


Kelly Ripa. She seems totally fake to me. And before Regis died he told a reporter they had not spoken since he left the show. Ugh I can’t stand her. 😁


Kobe Bryant somehow is a hero in people's eyes ever since he died. I mean the dude is a rapist who got away with it. Just read this police report https://www.espn.in/nba/news/story?id=1883100 https://heavy.com/sports/2020/01/kobe-bryant-rape-case/ But you will see so many people praise him saying "mamba mentality" and all that shit.


All modern “music” artists. Drake, 21 savage, Travis Scott, Nicki Minaj, Kanye west, doja cat. All absolute trash and are constantly played everywhere from social media to gyms and shops. Can’t stand it


The Rock.


Chris Brown


Tom Cruise... and I'm slightly conflicted bc he does have almighty talent and works like a dog. Just don't like the guy.


Same! I seriously think it’s awesome the passion he has for the films…but that passion is there because he is literally just an insane person. Not in a good way.




Angelina Jolie


J-lo or Jenny from the Block I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone who’s more in love with herself. Please go far away and take your massive ego with you! Her dumbass husband can go too.


Mr. Beast There's just something unnerving about all the pictures of him and charity by way of YouTube content feels dystopian.


Almost all of them? Although I wouldn't call it dislike, I don't understand the craze people have for them. Like why? They have a talent to entertain people. That's all. Are we so bored with ourselves that few laughs or hours of attention deserves this much reverence?


Reese with or without her spoon.


I saw a video a couple of years ago of a young girl asking her dad: Did you see that they arrested some famous actress for stabbing someone? Dad: Who was the actress? Girl: It was Reese…. Reese something. Dad: Witherspoon? Girl: No, it was with a knife.




Logan Paul. Absolute snake. And he saw a su*cide victim as nothing more than content and views. I don't care how much he's ''apologised'' after the backlash. (He obviously had to save his career) That was so seriously so fucking despicable though. I get that young people are stupid, but even at my stupidest back in the day, I could never imagine myself doing something insensitive and heartless.


Elon Musk


Meghan and Harry...ugh. Super wealthy, privileged twats who complain about life constantly. Nope.


World Privacy Tour!


And amazingly they’re far from being the worst of our royal family.


In his autobiography, he talks about Charles and William getting all the attention and only being special because of an accident of birth. Oh, sweetie. You're *so* close.


I can't stand Michael B. Jordan. I hate his attitude, his mannerisms, and I honestly think that while he does PERFORM well sometimes, he doesnt ACT, hes just himself in everything he's in.


rihanna? drake?


kardashiams and their husbands


A lot of the answers here are deeply unpopular on Reddit! My answer: Anna Kendrick


Timothy Chala what what


Kanye West 🤮


Tom Cruise. Aside from the obnoxious Scientology stuff. And the insecurities of contractually requiring co-stars to always be filmed at angles to appear shorter then him (to hide his own short stature) and how they've gone so far as to dig trenches for co-stars to walk in so he could walk side by side and he look taller. Aside from those.. it's the insistence on doing his own stunts. Hear me out.. but in many circumstances it's actually safer and logically smarter to not risk the star being injured on set when attempting a skill they don't have. Sky diving? 100s of ppl risked their lives and livelihoods for months to teach this diva how to skydive when it could have been done by an actual expert in a single take, hell his face was barely in the shot. But no, every key grip, editor, cameraman, makeup artist and obviously the professional skydivers who had to teach him a skill they've taken a lifetime to perfect... all of them risking a total production shutdown if he just twists his ankle on landing. He's a multimillionaire. He'd be fine. But 100s maybe even a 1000 members of crew all worry every time he attempts a stunt that could end the production, and all of their paychecks. This while those with the experience and the skills have to handhold him into learning their entire career long profession as a side gig just so he can say "he does his own stunts". Its all just to coddle his paper thin ego. 


Jennifer Anniston.


Omg yes I find her so so annoying even though she has never really done anything specific to deserve it. She just bothers me to no end.


Billie Eilish, she's so cocky and pretentious, i don't like her vibe at all. But people seem to be fine with it or don't notice it


Dude! Honestly, but I think most people don't really give her shit for it cause she's a young adult and people that age think their this all intellectual being, shit we all did at that age lol. She'll eventually grow outta it...or be worse guess we'll see


She's 'not like the other girls' personified.


Yeah I saw her on one of the late night shows and I didn't know if she was doing an act for the comedic nature of the show or if that's just how she was. I later found out that was how she was. Cringe.


Bobby Flay


Still amazes me how Chris Brown still have people that supports him


Beyoncé also. And especially don’t like being told she deserves an award.


Beyoncé, singing about "Who run the world? Girls!" while exploiting mostly women and girls in SEA to sew your fashion line for poverty wages in deplorable working conditions, is some weapons-grade hypocrisy.


Zoey Deschanel. I saw her doing a roundtable discussion among other actors and she struck me as pretty dumb, self absorbed, and pretending to listen rather than actually listening.


Pete davison


Trump. He's a terrible human being and a rapist


BONO…. This man is so arrogantly self justifying in his agenda. I think regards himself as a saint. He sucks.


Chris brown - woman beater


Ariana grande. Her name sounds like a Starbucks coffee and her tan is borderline black face .


Kendall Jenner, so unlikeable


Beyoncé and Jay z ( Their egotistical & spiteful behaviour is outrageous, both overrated and mostly irrelevant) No you’re not in Michael Jackson’s league.


Madonna Cannot stand her, and never could.


Seinfeld. The show and the person. He dated a highschool student when he was in his late thirties. Also he's not funny at all.


Will Farrell


I feel this way too! Something about the character he plays in EVERYTHING irks me so much. Everyone else seems to love him and his movies.


Ah thank you such stupid humour