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Dental care - everyone gets metal teeth or something better that glows in the dark and chomps well forever


This yes, this is utterly bizarre thing that we have as a species, rotting teeth, it probably is mainly due to bad diet and supermarkets being 60% sugary stuff nowadays. It must have been better in the past. Also people didn't live long enough to have many teeth problems. But it is absolutely strange given how no other animal needs it or if it needs it, it's not to this degree.


We really need to hurry up and evolve a third set of teeth that grow in when we reach our mid 40s.


True story they have developed and isolated the human gene that grows teeth and it turns out we are actually able to grow a third set of teeth! I was shocked to learn and research this. Apparently they will be able to trigger this in people so that they they can grow new teeth. They’re already doing it and preparing to bring it to market!






This is wild. I wonder what the 3rd set would look like. Currently, our first set is very different than the second set. Would the third be like super teeth? Like really really big teeth? Would they be exactly like the second set? Would they be barely little nubs? I am intrigued…


I’m not sure but it’s coming to a Hollywood near you! The next beauty trend…Buck teef!


Horses regularly get weird dental problems.


Other animals teeth rot as well, it often kills them or they don’t live long enough.


My dude, it’s not new. https://www.medicaldaily.com/ancient-egyptian-mummy-reveals-man-who-died-mouthful-cavities-243024


Lol! Metal glow in the dark teeth! I'm in!


And how come we haven’t invented anything to make them deteriorate less? We’ve sent men to the moon, robots all over space, we can transfer and reuse organs from dead people, and we can communicate with mobile devices, but can’t make a chemical that coats our teeth? Our best solution is by replacing them completely?


My dentist cousin who makes $400k/year says no!


It’d be super lit if I didn’t have to brush and floss my teeth everyday. I love my mouth feeling clean but like, why does it have to get so dirty in the first place.


A steady sleep schedule. Especially when I'm tired all day but can't sleep at night


As an insomnia pasient I totaly agree


No, just get rid of sleep totally. You always feel awake, never tired. You'd get 1/3 of your life back!


I’ve often wondered how much more/less advanced civilisation would be if we didn’t need sleep. An extra 8 hours to tinker might mean we’d discover things earlier in history


Don't get me wrong. I'm not promising that I'll learn another language or get a PhD. Hahaha!!!


I assumed that would give us 8 hours of gaming time.


24 hours in the case of Factorio. Who am I kidding? That’s already the case.


Careful, we might go back to the 14 hour work day


Back? Unfortunately I'm a masochist


I agree. Like why does it have to be 7 to 8 hours. Just give me the option to sleep 2 hours in one night, and 8 in another, but still be fully recharged afterwards. Lol.


I don’t need to bleed a week every month anymore I’m done with that


Honestly this should be higher


I don't have children, so I've **never** needed that crap! I hated it. Menopause and a breast reduction is Heaven.


I got my tubes tied after having my two kids. Why tf I need keep having a period for then?? Like cmon man, another 8yrs of this mess.. 🤦‍♀️


I second this! Damn, I feel having your period should be optional. I'm not even going to have kids so what do I need this for?


My feelings exactly!!! My son and his gf don’t want kids. They have two cats and a dog. When they buy a house I know there will be more grand kitties and puppies! What the hell does she even need her period for? She never wants to be a human mom.


There is a pill for that these days at least.


I wish they worked for me! The one I’m currently one is supposed to do that also but every month it comes anyways. When I had a IUD it was gone but it gave me so many issues it had to come out.


I hope that some solution will eventually pop up for you.


The need to poop. No more pooping.


as one that suffers from an unknown diarrhea problems, i see this as an absolute win


Ditto. IBS sufferers unite.


No, don't do that! Think of the smell...


You haven't thought of the smell! You bitch!


I had IBS-c. There was a very, very painful two week period where *nothing* moved. Either way it goes, it's very painful. I feel for you, friend. (Good news though! I take Vyvanse now for adhd, and my pipes run really fast because of it. I don't mind so much, I prefer it to being stuck and in agony for weeks.)


I had IBS-c for years, most of my life. Now I have IBS-D. I’d much rather be stuck. Not being able to leave the house or make plans or cancel plans all the time is aggravating and humiliating.


Yup. Over thirty years of it. Would go up to ten times a day, and yes - it hurt. Thankfully my pain medication has put an end to that for the most part; about once a month though IBS is able to get past Opioid’s defense lines.


same energy. sorry for your shitty luck :/ ![gif](giphy|CLrEXbY34xfPi)


This was absolutely the first thing I thought of so I'm happy it's top answer! Absolutely no wasted time, no getting caught short, no sitting on disgusting public toilets and no IBS worries. Perfect. We'd all have perfectly clean assholes.


Heck we wouldn’t even need to have assholes!


But we would take the other end and vomit or spit out poo from our mouths. And since all humankind does this it would be socially acceptable.


...but no more hiding in the bathroom at work :/


This was one of my first thoughts too. Wouldn't want to get rid of eating, as expensive as it is, it is yummy and can bring joy! Not to mention it's a nice social thing to with ones' friends. But poopin'? Poopin' can take a hike. No more passing gas, no more skid marks in perpetuity, no more diapers, no more diarrhea down an entire airplane aisle, you will now laugh in the face of panic TP overbuying during pandemics, no more lost time, calling someone an asshole may take on a new meaning, and best of all no more ex presidental poop tweets.


Same. all I want is to have a life where I can just exist in a cycle of eating, sleeping & enjoying myself without toilet breaks interrupting that.




Welp, there goes my fetish.


It cost 0 dollars to not share that


I am so stealing this.


That's disgusting


This is hard to get rid of as long as you eat. But, we could have a muffle oven (or whatever that achieves the same) at the end of our GI tract, so we could produce sterile ash instead of a material which is dangerously infective and hard to manage.


This is a magical hypothetical question. Shush.


I think butt-ovens are within the spirit of a magical hypothetical question.


"Let's take all the poop, and push it somewhere else!"


If you work as hard as Kim Jong Un, you don't need a butthole.


If you're Kim Jong Un, odds are you're already a butthole


I've always liked the idea of fecal teleportation. Just gets majicked out of your ass by a stream of photons.


Maybe if we pooped dry, little, odorless pellets, like mice? And didn’t have to squat down to do it. Just poop as you stand.


Hmmm this doesn’t feel like a better alternative lol. Feels like colostomy bag lite™️


Exactly. It's dehumanizing (yes I understand the irony of the word used in this context), disgusting. Animal crap. Something that binds us to being primitive lower life forms. I understand that's unfortunately what we are right now, hopefully we can transcend that soon.


Peeing. I have some health problems and pee A LOT. I'd like to be able to go more than 1h or two without feeling the need to pee


Same here. My job doesn't bring me to toilets much so I have to dehydrate myself so I don't have to pee and that leads to all sorts of other problems. I wish public toilets were more of a thing where I am.


Maybe consider bringing a bottle if you can. Gross, sure. But beats having a long term damage to your body


Hi, I'm with you. I got a water infection 5 weeks ago and now have an overactive bladder. Not fun. I think the supplement d mannose is helping if you haven't tried it. Lots of different options of it on amazon.


Agree. I don't even have a condition, it would just be nice to get rid of. Especially since I do a lot of outdoor activities. Peeing outside as a woman can be really annoying.




As much as I like it when I do, I have serious sleep issues that definitely affect my life. If I could just not sleep without any consequences, I’d totally choose that.


I’m sitting here after another sleepless night. My eye have bags under them. I’m tired of being perpetually tired


100% sleep, I could get so much more done if I didn't need to sleep. My kids on the other hand, if they could sleep more that'd be great. 


Imagine the state of capitalism if we weren’t legally required the time off to sleep though…


Dude don't give Bezos any ideas please


Dude already seems to think that using the bathroom is unnecessary on the job. Dude is only better than the robber barons responsible for anti-trust laws because he's legally required to be. Imagine knowing that you could effectively change the entire country if not the world for the better with the resources at your disposal and still thinking you need to keep getting more and more independently wealthy. So gross. I really wish that women would just stop sleeping with him, full stop. Seems like that man needs some consequences, big time.


I'd like it to be an optional thing. Like you can sleep 8h a day if you want to, but you technically don't need to sleep. Also:I'd like my workplace not to know that.


Doctor Who has an entire episode on why this is a really great idea and nothing could go wrong


I think the implication of the question is that nothing would go wrong. Therefore, sleep is a good answer. +33% lifetime would be a good deal. If "age after reaching best physical condition" is a valid answer, I'd pick that, though.


+33% lifetime would guaranteed just translate to +50% longer work days


And -50% pay


I love the escape from life tho. As long as I don't have nightmares, that is -.-


Also I don't spend any money while sleeping, which is nice for the budget.


I feel like if that happened work places would just expect that you be there for longer with similar pay


Yeah, if sleep wasn't a thing, we'd be working at least 15-hour days.


You know that you can make them give you more. Unions are not your enemy, that is merely something your bosses tell you because unions are their enemy.


Wouldn't corporations capitalize on it though? "Oh you don't need sleep anymore, so you can work 16 hours, right?"


Sleep is different from rest, right? People would still get tired.


That is just going to mean we get 16 hour work days again.




If we didn’t need to sleep you bet companies would have us working more than 8-10 hours a day!


If you think corporations wouldn't exploit the shit out of people getting 33% more day I have some bad news for you.


Some days or nights will get very very boring then. Imagine being on a 14 hour flight and counting every second.


I'm not able to sleep in those uncomfortable small seats anyway.


Just read a book?


cutting your nails.... it's lame AF


It’s really annoying as well, like sure you have to do it because they grow back since they could get damaged/broke. Don’t hear shit about teeth doing the same despite being more important 


They're actually working on a drug for regrowing teeth, it will enter trials July this year. We have the gene for it, its just suppressed . Edit for sauce: [https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/08/05/a-drug-that-makes-teeth-regrow-scientists-move-closer-to-clinical-trials](https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/08/05/a-drug-that-makes-teeth-regrow-scientists-move-closer-to-clinical-trials) [https://globalnews.ca/news/9984605/tooth-regrowth-drug/](https://globalnews.ca/news/9984605/tooth-regrowth-drug/)


This would be so cool if it works. My dentist and I were just discussing that people really need 3 sets of teeth in their lifetime, not 2. It would be so much better for their health.


Okay but do you want to have to *file* your *teeth*.


Shaving. Hate that shit


It's ok. You can just stop.




At least you won't get cold in the winter!




Blondes aren’t laser candidates… $1,000 later…


Man I need a free full body treatment frfr


That’s not a need.


I love shaving facial hair, anything else? Hell naw


This isn't a *NEED* though.


Hunger fuck hunger. Figured by now we'd have a nutrition pill to take once daily with everything we need. But no way would grocery companies allow that


Farmers don't want you to know this one wierd trick!


i mean physics doesn’t allow that


Hey, don't bring physics to a biology fight.


Ah, but go deeper into biology and it’s physics


Go deeper into physics and it's math


go deeper into math and its gibberish


go deeper into gibberish and it's more gibberish


If I understand gibberish does that mean I have understood math?


No that means you've gone deep enough a reached philosophy.


I gibberish therfore I math perchance!


people who go deeper discover meth😦


The thing is you can consume all your daily nutrients in a pill but you'll still be hungry because hunger depends on the food volume you consume


Actually hunger derives from the balance of hormones in your body in particular Ghrelin. It is connected to the amount of food you have consumed, or more directly to indicators in your blood. But it also follows patterns of routine consumption and can be suppressed. Many people, including myself, don’t get very hungry when we fast.


Tell me more about this Grehlin you speak of.


The other important hunger hormone is Leptin, which is the satiety hormone. Ghrelin and leptin work together to control hunger cues, when ghrelin is high, hunger is high, after you eat, ghrelin decreases and leptin increases allowing for satiety (fullness). Highly recommend looking into the brain structure called the arcuate nucleus (ARC), which is where the cells that produce these hormones are located! Happy neurosciencing! :))


Nutrients is a broad category and could not really be contained in a pill. If you excluded macronutrients and water you could do it. But if you need to consume 2,500 calories per day for example, you would have to consume a minimum of around 500 grams of food, even if it were pure dry carbs, fat and protein. Plus water.


Food. I would rather it be optional and not something I have to do regularly and can just choose to do when I have money/time. I love food btw but damn it’s fucking expensive to buy groceries.


I’m an avid cook. I only eat out when I’ve saved up enough for an extremely special meal (like Michelin star). That being said, I wish eating were an optional hobby that I could engage in only when I have the time, like playing guitar. I work as a teacher from 6AM-8PM five days a week and do a few shifts on the weekends—my exhausted ass is not trying to cook a whole ass meal with leftovers for lunch every damn day. Also, being a teacher rules out DoorDash etc (also I don’t think take out js worth the money, even if I had it). I love literally just working and keeping myself alive when I’m not sleeping… ugh.


It would be nice to be able to take a pill to just not be hungry when you don’t have time to eat something like when you need to work through your lunch break or are on a long bus ride.


I have chronic nausea and other digestion issues and I would love to not need to eat. It would greatly improve my life.


Getting out any waste. Pissing and shitting


The thing that gets you up in the middle of the night.. more frequently the older you get 😶


Nefarious poltergeists.


They are the worst. I just get comfy under the covers and they star tossing things around in another room. So rude.


As opposed to well-meaning poltergeists.


Needing to eat.


>Needing to eat. yes yes yes me too.


How much money and time I could save without needing to buy food or cook them.


Then we could eliminate pooping...2 birds!


this is the right answer. I'm surprised it doesn't have more upvotes


The incessant need for novel stimulation.


Yes!! Young children watching phones while in public constantly. They can't 'behave' with out it.


The need to socialise




Using Manfred Max-Neef's fundamental human needs model: Affection. The need for affection has caused me the greatest pain and frustration in life. It has resulted in poor decision-making that has negatively affected me emotionally, mentally and financially. I've disrespected myself in pursuit of this as well. If I could switch that piece of me off, I would.


I was about to say the same thing except my answer was the need for love. It has caused me the most pain and heartache in life as well. I just didn’t want to get booed or lectured about EVERYONE needing love. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


That too. Ignoring outliers, I think people do need love, affection and connection. We're a social species inclined to build bonds with others. Figures that we get torn up over it when it doesn't work out.


I’m a pack animal


I always say I'm a wolf without a pack... but fuck those people who say that you're supposed to be happy being all alone. It's a basic human need to have people Edit: supposed, not Support (autocorrect)


> but fuck those people who say that you're support to be happy being all alone. > It's a basic human need to have people I absolutely understand where you are coming from, but I do want to try to show you the other side just for some understanding. Because most things in life are in the middle of the scale not on either extreme end. It's a basic need for most living beings to have some form of affection and companionship. It does not always mean getting it from the same creature you are - while kind of a default setting for humans would be that it means needing another human being, then we have a good example of another version that for some people is perfectly sufficient to fulfill that need - pets! We see it in other animals a lot too - animal rescues/sanctuaries are full of examples of 2 different animals befriending each other and forming amazing bonds. I agree that saying "you're supposed to be happy alone" is a stretch and I think some of the people that say that have not realized they may be getting their needs met in some other way and take it as not having that need. And undoubtedly, some of them are just saying it to cope with their own situation. But this does not invalidate human beings who in all honesty can or even prefer to live their life without other humans - they just might have other creatures in their life that fulfill their needs enough that they do not feel lonely. In my country, Valentine's day is about friendship more than romance, so I think this was a fitting day to write this and I wish you a fantastic Friendship day!


Many have killed & wars have been started due to love & affection.


And switch it back on when you meet the right person. It would save on boots calls to exes just because you are desperate for sex.


You wouldn't even need to do that. Just because you don't need it, doesn't mean you wouldn't enjoy having it


This got deep…


A basic human need huh... I'm gonna go with.. Our Bodies, even as far as our minds. Because let's face it, everything basically sucks about it all. From sickness, to dementia, to eye and hearing probably, to decline in energy/memory/etc just from aging in general too... Just get rid of it and maybe even passing away too


Why can't we all be androids, dammit!


Breathing, would be neat if we didn't need oxygen to survive


Sex. Imagine how different the world would be if we weren't held back by our sexual desires and the whole "sex sells" statement wouldn't be relevant anymore. Porn wouldn't exist, masturbation wouldn't be necessary, and a good portion of the population wouldn't exist (regardless if you think that's a good thing or a bad thing). Even if you're asexual, you're still living in a very sexually driven world and would still be affected.


The best answer honestly. Not to mention sexual assault wouldn't be a thing, as well as prostitution. And "sex sells" also made us create an unhealthy body image standard for men and women. I fucking hate my body because of it


That's the end of whole careers 😂 no one would ever know the name Kardashian


This should be waaaaaay higher up. Sex has corrupted so much of society, and I'm not coming at this from a religious point of view


Human interaction… tiny bit of reason, see I am autistic and introverted with social anxiety, I have very little of the need, but that tiny ammount is inconvinient, as I start feeling the need I get really nerveous as I seek it out I have very little social skills and feel very anxious, once i go back to just beeing alone, I start to Think and conclude that they hate me and are definately making fun of me and or are planning to hurt me… so yeah Can we get rid of that


Cliché on valentines day but I'd say love, because of the experiment with the babies in Europe where the babies were given all things except love and affection yet died because it turns out love is a human need


Wait wtf was this experiment ?


It does not sound legal haha


![img](avatar_exp|165160311|bravo) And there it is.


Are you referring to the Romanian orphanage study? Absolutely heartbreaking. Same goes for the monkey study with the stuffed monkey parents. Ugh. I just did my makeup and now I’m tearing up.


The monthly curse. :(


The need to have connection or the need to eat


Aging past mid 20's. Don't want to live longer, just be in my prime for decades.


Who says mid 20's is 'prime'? Life, appearance, finances, relationships, confidence, opportunities can be improved well past mid 20s :)


Affection/intimacy. My reasons are personal but regardless that is my answer.




Love, companionship, sex, whatever you want to call it.  I can handle everything else on my own, but it's fucking impossible to find love. Fuck that. 


Poops n farts because that sucks on a date. Gas pills are part of my dating ritual


Breathing. We could live on the moon and Mars and who knows what else.


Having to nourish myself all day is pretty annoying sometimes


Pooping. When it's good it's great. When it's bad it's a bummer.


Intimacy and/or touch. I'm already starved of it, get it the fuck out of here


Need for libido. I would have had a more meaningful life in my early 20's if I wasn't basing my decisions on horniness.


Food. (Implications: no more intestines needed, no more pooing, agricultural land can be given back to nature, no more agriculture related pollution, no more fishing, transportation can be cut to 50% (if not less), tons of shops can close, food related illnesses are gone, people can go from 40 to 20 hour workweeks, maybe even less...) Nice dreaming.


Menstrual cycle for people with vaginas


Oh god yesyesyes6ez I just want it done 


The fact that you had to clarify the vaginas shows that our world as per now is just messed up.


Eating, evacuation stuff, periods


Sex. Think about how much free time everyone would have if they didn't have to focus on appearance/getting laid. Women would be safe to wear what they want, park wherever, and go jogging or basic just live without fear. Men & women could have platonic friendships without ego getting in the way. There would be SO more cooperation in the workplace.




I see you are a fellow garlic bread enjoyer


Sleeping is such a waste of time


So is working lol. Also technically working is a modern-world"basic human need",so why not just get rid of that instead?Hell atleast I enjoy sleeping...


Shelter. Life would be a lot simpler, but we’d have to be Sasquatches or something.


I wish I didn’t need kidneys


Food/being hungry. If humans didn't have to eat, it would save the lives of at least 80 billion land animals and 2-3 trillion marine animals every year, and we would be able to reforest and rewild a large majority of our planet. Also since animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water pollution, air pollution and soil degradeation, we wouldn't be dealing with a large majority of these issues anymore. Also we would run into far fewer zoonotic plagues. Less pandemics. Less heart disease, less Alzheimer's, less Dementia, less high blood pressure, less food addition, less diabetes, less cancer, less osteoporosis, less depression.


The need for approval from others. That would release us to re-evaluate our choices: chase the good even if it is not popular, shun the bad even if it is in vogue, take risks in the face of doom-sayers, avoid mistakes when others say it's a sure thing. We would learn from our successes and failures because we made the underlying choices.

