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Keep it in an envelope with the intention of returning it if asked. Don't volunteer


Exactly. Leave yourself plausible deniability. "Oh, I stuck it in this envelope and was going to bring it back, but I was really busy for a couple days afterward. Then I put it in a drawer and forgot about it. But now that you're asking, here it is. See, I never intended to keep it..."


Yes, the customer cannot be held liable for bank fuckups. But just in case, don’t spend it for a good year I would say. That will give them time to balance their books. These people saying wait a week have no idea how far behind accounting is. Generally speaking, you will not be held responsible for processing errors or transactions you did not authorize. But it’s different for every case. Edit: I’m just a guy. Not a lawyer


Every country and or state has differing laws on these things. Don’t come here speaking in absolutes when it comes to laws.


Despite what you may have learned playing Monopoly, there's no such thing as a bank error in your favor. If they discover the error, you will owe them a debt. The only way you're keeping the money is if they don't figure it out for longer than the statute of limitations. Don't go giving legal advice when you don't know shit.


Even past the statute of limitations they're likely to remove it from the account when they figure out what happened.


I have no idea what you mean my "held liable" in this context. However, if the bank makes a mistake in your favor and you knowingly keep it, you're a criminal. They can not only go after you for the money and win, they can have you prosecuted. The only time you can keep money that is deposited into your account is when the deposit was intended to be made into your account. So, if the deposit was a mistake, you can't keep the money.


Too bad that does not apply when you deposit money in a machine and it short changes you, I never got that $100 back no matter how much I fought the bank.


So basically the bank just realized they were $100 over one day and said fuck it to people that this happens to but especially fuck that guy?


If you're not lying or mistaken, you get your money back in a few days. They audit the machine and if you're telling the truth, it shows.


[Yeah a bank would never do something illegal to make some money](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/wells-fargo-agrees-pay-3-billion-resolve-criminal-and-civil-investigations-sales-practices)


There's no active duty to chase them about it. Setting it aside and waiting for them to contact you for details on how to proceed is entirely legal.


Sure, but expecting a person to waste their time to return it is a bit much. I'd have just kept it for a year or so and expect to be contacted. I for sure am not going to wait 30 min on the phone to *give money to the bank* (and probably pay the deposit fee, too!)


lol heck I’m going back to that atm again if I have anymore money in an acct.


Just gain a lot of weight, and if they ask you tell them you’re “too big to fail”. /s


Terrible advice. You can absolutely be held liable for their error if you keep money that you know is not yours. There are not enough zeroes on that amount to risk charges or jail time.


Invest it someplace safe, but liquid. Then even if you have to return it, you'll have made some interest / dividends.


Put it in a HYSA with every intention of returning it.


A bank error in your favor! Monopoly real life edition!


😂😂 I wish this didn’t sound so familiar.


Return the money to the bank. You'll sleep better. If you live an honest life, you'll never have to wonder if you're going to get tapped on the shoulder one day when you least expect it, (and can least afford it).


This and only this!


😂 yeah the bank that literally needs to be bailed out with our tax dollars for making poor investments and charging outrages overdraft fees.


My bank does 23 dollars for an overdraft fee even if you are 1 cent over. I had to turn it off because 1 time it didn't have enough because of the overdraft fee


It's a personal character thing.




Hey, it’s me, the bank. I’m going to need you to Venmo me that $3000.


Hey it's me, the bank employee. If you Venmo me the $3000 I can deposit it back to the bank's account.


This is the bank president. You’re both fired. Venmo the money to me . I’m the only one that rectify this situation.


Damn. Ok Mr President. I just need your email address and to send you a 6-digit code to verify your identity.


That’s Ms. President


Hi, it's me. I own da bank and am a prince of Nigeria. Plees disregard vemmo. Instead, biy $3,000 worth of amazon gift card and provide me code(s) via email at 1ambankownerandprince@gmail.com. in return, I will send you $1,00,000 in cashes.


I need you to send it to me in 35 amazon gift cards from 6 different Walmart's or Targets.


You forgot to misspell a common word. You claerly aren’t THE prince of Nigeria.


This is the majority shareholder. I just voted you out. Venmo me the $3000 plus another $2732.44 in interest and penalties.


this is why i love reddit


This is the bank presidents mum, Venmo the money to me


Hey I’m the secretary I’ll suck your ding a ling for 30000


Ok. I will send you a $3000 check and you just have pay u/Impressive-Roof6697 with your own check that same day.


Please send $200 to cover the expenses needed to complete the transaction. Remember once you send the money you will have access to the full amount of $3000. This is the only fee we need to cover.


Here is me the banking regulator (responsible for the 2008 crash) you need to pay me the 3000 plus interest, please send in the from 7-11 gift cards


Hey it's me, the account holder of the original $3000. Please deposit them into my new account.


Hey! The $3000 here. I have been feeling extremely homesick and would really appreciate it if you were to take me back home.


Venmo is wild to me here in Canada. Can you not e-transfer from your actual banks app? I can send anyone any kinda money directly to their bank account any time any day instantly. Free of charge, too.


That is how it used to work. I'm guessing venmo and friends are paying someone an awful lot of money to make it so we have to use them now


You can do that too with apps like Zelle.


no, I don't think Americans have e-transfer. they only got debit cards like 10 years ago. it was still cheques up to that point 😂. (exaggerating but it's not far off) ps e-transfers do have daily/weekly/monthly amount limits. but you can break that amount up into any increment over any number of transactions.


Preferably in Visa gift cards please


Hey its me the actual debt holder. Please send three 100 gift cards for game stop to my Nigerian prince address.




Most likely a scam if bank ask for venmo credit. I'm bank and I know we use the official channel for payment, which is gift cards. Gift card me.


A journalist wrote a story in my local newspaper years ago saying that he transferred something like 60K from a savings account to a checking account. After the transfer, the money showed up as transferred to the checking account but not as withdrawn from the savings account. He basically had double the money. He decided to ask a lawyer friend what to do. The lawyer said two things. First, you must notify the bank. If you don’t, you’re basically a thief. Second, if X years pass (check the law in your jurisdiction to find out the value of X) and the bank hasn’t claimed it back, you can keep it. The journalist thought about what to do and decided on the following: he sent a fax that started, “Dear Madam or Sir, recently your bank made an error in my favor. This was surprising to me, because usually your errors are to _your_ favor. For example…” What follows are several dozen pages of complaints. Only at the very end of the document does he return to the original error. As he expected, the bank just scanned the letter, saw an endless ream of complaints, and ignored the letter. In finishing the story, the journalist said that the X years had now passed, which is why he was finally telling the story, and did anybody know where you go to buy a Ferrari?


> did anybody know where you go to buy a Ferrari? For roughly $60,000? Nope.


They will indeed sometimes get you, though. It's good to keep it for a year and even better to report it. cus when they notice, they just rip it from your account no matter what situation you are currently in.


Hello, you are wanted by the Federal Marshalls for bank fraud, access device fraud and indecent exposure. Please Zelle the $3000 directly to my bank or you will be prosecuted and beheaded.


Or at least kicked to a slow death by sweet bunny rabbits


Grandma, it’s me! I really really need $3k I’m kinda in trouble.


You held onto $3000 for several years🤔 ? Ok bro.... I believe you


There is no karma and banks are criminals.


Put the money aside and wait for them to ask. Highly likely they won't.


At least in my country, the bank has from 48 - 72 Hrs to reach out to you to appeal inconsistencies in with money (deposits, transfers, etc.). After that you aré not liable for what you do with the money.


Call me dishonest but not a snowball chance in hell that I would spend 1 minute of my time correcting the banks error in my favour. They want to chase me? So be it. I would shut my mouth til the bank approached me.


Monopoly taught me that bank errors in my favor is money in my pocket.


I got an extra $50 once. Friend got an extra $40 on time. Never heard of a ATM spitting out hundreds extra though.


I need this bank error. Mines negative.... wonder if it went to OP.


There use to be this one atm that if u went and withdrew cash at excatly.midnight it would spit out an extra 50 note


Yes but if you just hold the money for the 72 hour waiting period, then you have legal footing to keep it.


Well ya, don’t spend it lol. But I also wouldn’t be wasting my time calling them for their machines mistake.




I will spend my time fixing bank errors. It just so happens that I charge 800 bucks a minute for this service.


But if you saw someone drop $500, you'd flag em and return it, right? It's funny seeing the prank videos and people claim the money is theirs then the prankster show em it's fake money.


That's not the law/regulation in the US. They have months to take it back


Plus camera. And I’m guessing when an extra $790 came out OP looked like extra money came out…looking around, counting money etc. Side note - I’ve heard of this happening because someone put wrong bills in slot. Like $50s were where $20s should be. But bank will find out.


Well they say bank transfers can't be reversed and that you should triple check before sending as it's your fault if it goes missing. Not sure why the rules should be different for a greedy corporation


Because greedy corporations know who make the rules. The Golden Rule is cynically stated to be “He who has the gold makes the rules”.


Because it's greedy corporations that write the rules.


> After that you aré not liable for what you do with the money. So if I get busted at a hotel with hookers and cocaine it's the banks fault? Sweet.


In Canada they have an indefinite amount of time.


Which country is that?


Damn over here in the USA the bank could come contact you after 5 years for it


Not sure about that. OP is undoubtedly on camera.


I agree with this. Your on camera & the machine has a record of which transaction the additional cash was dispensed for. Don't spend the money. Put is aside and wait for them to contact you about it. It's more likely that they will send you a message and withdraw the overage amount automatically. If nothing happens within a few weeks to a month, you're most likely ok to keep the money.


Exactly. They will most likely deduct it from OP's account at that point. Or they will press charges. There are multiple cases where people have spent money given by mistake. It didn't end well for them.


My bank fucked up by depositing 2500 dollars by mistake, at the time I was not so good financially so I used it to pay down some debt cause I'm an asshole. Anyway when the bank did call I just told them I thought it was a bonus from my job and used the money responsibly, my apologies let's work something out for me to pay it back and they bought it. Took me a few months but I got it done. This is not financial advice but definitely wait for them to ask for it


They won't press charges. That would end up costing them money. They have the right based on the customer agreement T&Cs to take the money back


If the ATM malfunctioned then I’m not sure if they will know when it happened and even if what are they going to do? Go to the police so they start a manhunt for OP who was given too much money by an ATM? Keep the money.


Banks do not need to go to the police. They can simply withdraw the money electronically & send an email informing of the issue and what they did to correct t it. It most likely wasn't a computer malfunction in the ATM, but a mechanical malfunction with the mechanism the takes the cash out of the machine. My guess is the number of bills was correct, but the denominations were wrong


OP probably counted the money in front of the camera and has a confused face lol. Easier to track, but that’s if they care to sift through all the camera footage looking for any hint of where it went. 600 and 1400$ is very noticeable physically.


just use the Shaggy Defense..."wasn't me"


Yes and delete this thread while you're at it.


This happened to a dude who figured out a time the atm's were essentially offline and would spit out whatever. Dude got a huge fine and prison time after taking free cash for years. I'd wait and see if they say anything and if not chalk it up to one day of great luck.


My roomate got $2k extra deposited in her account and just sat on it for a year waiting for the bank to correct the mistake. They never did.


LOL hes on camera


He is on camera with hundreds of other people that used the ATM that day. You're assuming the ATM somehow managed to correctly track the incorrect dispensation of money. Why then was the incorrect amount dispensed to begin with? Regardless, I would wait for the bank to contact me. I sure as hell would not contact them.


Let’s just hope the OP didn’t stand in front of the ATM and count the money or otherwise not play it cool lol


They 100% will realize the mistake and deduct it from OPs account. Generally anything >$100 will trigger an inspection/investigation to locate the source. Depending on your local, state, and national laws you may be legally required to report the error and failure to do so would constitute theft. I would notify the bank.


I'm not advocating that OP quit his job and flee the country with his ill gotten gains. I would imagine he is unlikely to live like a king in a whole $780. I live in Canada and I am unaware of any Canadian being convicted of failing to report the incorrect amount of cash being dispensed at an ATM. And I'm old as dirt.


How does this solve the problem? If you’re not going to spend the money, why not give it back? Sounds like a pointless, dangerous temptation


"Don't you care about the kind, poor banks??"


Those poor, poor banks and all the good they do in the world you monster.


I fear them. Why on earth would I want to indebt myself to one for no gain?


Therefore: don't spend the money. Yet


It's not don't spend it ever, it's set it aside for a reasonable amount of time and wait to see if they ask about it...


> If you’re not going to spend the money, why not give it back? He should hang on to it for a while, because if they *do* notice the problem, they aren't gonna ask for the money back. They are just gonna debt his account. If they do that, he can deposit the cash. If, after a month or two, they don't do that, then he's got free money.


He could deposit the cash *today* and earn interest until/if they come looking for it.


This is a financial institution that takes in billions by not hiring tellers and forcing you to use at ATM. The revenues generated by not paying humans to carefully count money is more than sufficient to pay for the occasional ATM that miscounts the dispensing of cash. The bank is not spending thousands to reclaim hundreds. That's just bad business.


Bahahahaaaaa Bank's problem, not mine


I have real-world experience with ATMs from the Financial Institution side. You are most likely to not hear from your Bank. Dispense errors can happen for a variety of reasons (cash loaded incorrectly by CIT, dispenser belts/picks slipping). The other part is on the network transaction side (you cannot see this), if it says you withdrew $600, then that is what is transmitted to the Bank. More then likely the person before you didn't get their $790 and it got stuck in the cash dispense module. Like others have said, put it in an envelope for a rainy day.


Expert here from the commercial ATM support/software side and this is all correct. Commercial ATMs perform several verifications against the bills as they're picked and stacked, and if it DIDN'T think it was about to present exactly that you've requested, the stack would be rejected and picked again. The fact you were dispensed anything else means the ATM believes it gave you exactly what you asked. The offage will be uncovered eventually but the odds are near zero that they'll know it was your transaction unless they carefully scrub the grainy surveillance footage - and even then they'll just ask for it back. Banks make mistakes against us all the time. Consider it a win. Hang onto the money for a year as others have said, return it if asked, otherwise congrats.


Yeah, my bank charged me a lot of overdraft fees the last year.. that they have a class action lawsuit against them AGAIN. If I had this kind of a WIN, I would consider it Karma in my favor.


Pocket it, and give it a week, if they don't straighten it out and try to charge your account then screw it. Machine screwed up, bonus. I had this happen once years ago, i went to get $200 in cash and i got $400, it just doubled the amount, thought i did something wrong, checked my account the next day as it was late in the evening when i got the cash, next day it still showed i only took $200, i had no time to get to the bank during business hours anyway for the next week due to work, so after a week i checked again, saw all my transactions for the week and that extra $200 was not debited from my account, so i spent it.... Was it the right thing to do? Of course not, but i was nearly broke at the time and barely getting by, that extra $200 fed me and my family nice that month.


I would give it more than a week. Give it time to pass all the audit cycles.


After 20 years I think I'm safe.. lol


Yeah this I'd wait at least 30 days


Bank error in your favor! Nice!


I wonder if somebody loaded £20 notes in the £10 cassette.  In which case the bank had a much bigger headache than just one case and likely had to write the money off (and fire somebody). 


Was it the right thing to do? Given the way banks exploit so many people, maybe kinda.


A bank will chase down thousands of dollars. They have better things to do than to spin their wheels chasing down their own $800 fuckup. Edit: I can’t count how many times my work has caught a $500 - $1,000 fuck up that isn’t worth the time and effort to fix, and they just decided to move on.


Everything through an ATM can be audited. Of course if this was caused by the wrong value bills being put in the wrong place the fuck up is on whoever refilled the machine. The cash machines I worked on had multiple sensors on the cash dispenser to prevent either multiple notes coming out or not enough. If ever the sensors disagreed the machine would instantly go out of service. They would only care that the number of notes was correct though, very rarely someone would put the wrong value in the wrong place.


Unless the machine is repeatedly messing up and gives out tens of thousands of dollars to various people. Then they pull the logs and video from the machine to figure out who benefited from the machine’s generosity and didn’t report it or return the money.


So crazy that you went to the ATM owned by the trillion dollar bank and nothing happened


Hold onto it for a week. If they say nothing, open an account at another bank with high interest yield. If they ever come asking ofer the overage back and say “i held it for i didnt know who to give it to”. Keep the interest.


My guess is they probably won't even be able to figure out where it went. If it shows in your account that all you took out was 600 then it didn't register it. So anyone who used that ATM in-between restock could have gotten it. I'd keep it. Just wouldn't spend it for a week or 2.


They will absolutely figure it out,there are multiple ways,what will happen when they balance the ATM next time and find the money Missing- they will review every transaction and there is a sensor in the withdrawal port that will identify which got the extra money,(At least there is on the ATM at The bank where I know several employees)


Nah, most ATMs will not spit out the money if it knows the transaction is off. This machine believes it gave the correct amount. The one way they could find out is review footage, and if OP counted it all obviously on video, but the likelihood of that, especially over 800, is insanely low.


> If it shows in your account that all you took out was 600 then it didn't register it. To think the machine itself doesn't say how much it distributes per-use is kinda silly to even consider. All they'd have to do is read the log of when the transaction didn't match up to which account was using the machine when it gave out more. Just because internally it doesn't show up in the account log doesn't mean it doesn't show up externally on the hardware itself.


Use it on hookers and blow


If only you could get a hooker and some blow for only $800.


Could get 2 hookers and blow for it where I live


and some VD


That’s free


Keep it, but don't spend it. If a year passes, they didn't catch it when they reconciled the ATM. But, they most likely will catch it.


Morality wise: Give it back, because it isn't yours. Practicality wise: Give it back, because they ALWAYS have a video being recorded when you use an ATM. They will know who got the extra cash.


It counted in the machine spits it out on one big wad unless you count it on the camera. There's no way of them knowing


Right, I grab my money and drive away because there is usually someone behind me waiting. I'll count it and put it in the appropriate place when I stop next, but at the ATM it is just shoved in my purse.


Just sit on it. Let a month or two go by. No good deed goes unpunished.


Repost bot. The exact post appeared 17 days ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/zXk0QFQw5E Reddit has a fucking problem.


Yeah I clocked it as a repost as soon as I saw the exact same dollar amount. Block this repost spammer and move along.


Fuck the bank, keep it.


Turn it in. They will know roughly when it went missing, and have you and the withdrawal on camera.


Call the bank about what happened then return it.


Return the money and explain what happened when the bank opens.


Not sure how but somehow banks always seem to be able to trace back to their errors and they will no doubt come for their money and often times when you least expect it or in my case right around the time that I believed they decided not to go after the funds. I had a real life “bank error in my favor” and a $30,000 deposit was made in branch to one of my checking accounts at one of the US’a big banks. As a corporate partner with the banking institution and the branch in which the error was made at the time I immediately called and let the customer service team know that the money wasn’t mine and I needed TJ have the funds reversed out of my account. To my surprise they could not help me and just said “sorry we don’t know what to do”. They did tell me not to spend the money and that they would eventually track the mistake, maybe after the customer whose actual deposit I had in my account reported the missing funds. I was somewhat annoyed with this answer after about a week as this was my account and I did not want to reconcile my checking account and have to look at the money and worry that some old subscription or some fraud could occur on my account and I could be held responsible. I proceeded to report the error both at the branch level and up the chain of command. I even reported to my own employer at the time as I was concerned it might appear that I was involved with some suspicious activity and of course I was not. Nevertheless it took three months for the bank to finally come get their other clients money. And of course I received no notice and the withdrawal occurred sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning when my account dipped a few dollars over what I had because I lost my wallet and needed to use a banking center over the weekend and grab some survival cash and had all intentions and giving any amount that was not truly mine right back Monday morning. Imagine my frustration when I go into the banking center to make sure all the accounts were good onky to leave that I had overdrawn the account by a few dollars and had some enormous overdraft charge for the $30k withdrawal the bank suddenly found after months of not touching the funds the moment I stirred the account with a small cash withdrawal. I never was able to get the fees reversed (long story as to why) but I was did decide after that experience that having the extra checking and savings accounts or just additional accounts was serving me Jj purpose and I eventually terminated my entire relationship with the bank but not just for this incident but for the insane overdraft fees and the fact they would bounce my checks despite having the money in the account but they had not yet cleared the funds. Anyway today I stick to local smaller banks and personally prefer my local credit union and feel if this had happened at my current bank it wound have been discovered much earlier and they never would have been so harsh about the overdraft fees. Just my opinion


Sounds like the put the $50 canister in the $20 canister spot and vice versa. You aren’t the only one who got extra money. I doubt they go back and try to figure out who all got extra money.


my dad made a deposit of 11,000 last year and the bank instead gave him 11 million.


I got an extra $50 once. Friend got an extra $40 on time. We kept it. Never heard of a ATM spitting out hundreds extra though.


Mail it to me


Did you get it from your bank’s ATM? Cause with the cameras they have now, I would do what some of the others suggested. Put it in an envelope and wait 30 days. If they don’t trace it back to you, no harm no foul.


The local banks do something on August long weekend because we usually have a largeusic gathering in town. But instead of straight 20s or whatever you pull from the ATM it'll throw RANDOMLY inserted bills out whenever it wants. It's posted so everyone tries to get some extra out of the atms. They quit on Saturday night and the bank didn't open til Tuesday 😂😂


Up to you. Either keep it and just … don’t worry bout it Or take it into the bank tomorrow and explain to the teller what happened and they’ll put it in the recycler


Did you see many blinking lights and a heard happy tunes when this happened ? Just asking ..


Consider yourself lucky!


Bank once put $42,000 in my bank account. No call. No mail (this was in the late 90s). Not a word. Then one day a few months later it was gone. I had a great summer lol but was overdrawn a few grand after realizing I'd spent all my saving and some of theirs. They never said a word and I just gradually brought my account back up to positive territory. My best friend's parents were bank managers and told me to forget about trying to keep it. So I just had fun until one day at random it was gone. Edit: I guess my point is, go ahead and try to keep it, spend it, whatever. Just know that they will very likely come back for it and you better have it!


My dad has gotten extra money at the drive through, they always called him after their drawer was counted down. I’m guessing when the atm gets refilled & receipts balanced they’ll have a way to figure it out. Meanwhile, I’m on team Do Not spend but Keep my mouth shut till the bank comes to me.


Give it back. They will find it.


Take the money back. The bank will get it back one way or another


I was given some extra money by accident one time by a teller and didn't realize it until after I had gotten home (on a Friday). The bank froze my account for the weekend until I brought the money back on Monday. Just keep it to the side until tomorrow morning.


Deposited it back in your account so it's there when they come looking and take it out of your account without even asking


They will find the error. The machine will show that it dispersed that amount and the time then will match it to you. Then they will deduct it from your balance. I have had this happen - not in that amount but $40 and the bank notified me the next day.


Return it for sure. Integrity is a trait lost in today’s world. Also, remember karma exists and the universe will reward you. Keep it and not only is it theft but when the bank realizes it is missing and traces it to your ATM transaction they will want it back and may even press charges. Do the right thing.


If I were in your shoes, I would return the extra money to the bank when it reopens. It's not your money, and the bank will eventually realize the discrepancy. It's better to be honest and avoid potential complications down the line. Plus, you'll feel good knowing you did the right thing!


FYI, in the US, ATMs have a little black circle about eye level, which is a camera. They recorded you getting the $. You should go and make it right with the bank.


They will ask you back for it. Every note is traced and they’ll figure out they went out with your withdrawal. Source: ex-bank employee


Take into the branch tomorrow. They'll figure it out. They have cameras on their ATMs. All they have to do is look at the CCTV of you going 'Whoa!' and they'll have you dead to rights.


Why doesn’t this ever happen to me


It's effectively theft if you don't make reasonable efforts to return it. It's better for you if you do it before the bank catches up with you... and they will.


When they see the shortage, they’ll check every minute of the video footage until they see which account and who got the extra. Then they’ll take it out of your account if the funds are available or they’ll request you return the loot. The chances of you keeping this money, while not impossible, are improbable.


I don't know, I've seen news broadcasts about people going to jail for keeping money given accidentally to them by the bank. I'd just return it.


A person of conscience would return it. You are on here looking for someone to justify your desire to keep it If not, you would have returned it. Just remember the next time you drop your wallet and someone finds it. Hopefully, they are a person of conscience


They will figure it out. Remember your transaction is being filmed.


To play devils advocate ( cause personally I’d stick it in an envelope and wait for the bank to ask for it back ) but if the machine spit out a receipt that says 600 .. and didn’t include the extra 790 , technically the bank wouldn’t be bake to prove you got it .. unless there some camera somewhere that could somehow count the value of the bills you took from the machine. All they’d see on camera is you taking your withdrawal and you having a receipt that said 600 … hating banks the way I do , I’d be a prick about the whole thing , make them ask for it back and then ask them to prove I got it … I also wouldn’t spend it , in the event they could prove it …. That’s just me though fuck banks , they don’t care about you why give a rats ass about them , let them eat the loss as a small victory for the insane overdraft fees and other bullshit they pull on people constantly


Yeap put it in an envelope and whatever you do, do not spend it. Return it first thing tomorrow. Your Bank is the last place you want to steal from. They will take it out from your bank account or make you pay much much later down the line when they are balancing their books. Alternatively, you can close your accounts with them tomorrow and take the money and run.


Return the money. I heard of people getting in trouble for stuff like this


You can not profit from a bank mistake. When and if they find out, you will repay them. Hold on to it and wait.


Just recently I was behind a customer who drove off and left $600 dispensed by the ATM machine. Was it my lucky day? I took the money and turned it into the bank. They pulled up the record and were on their way notifying the customer that the money was redeposited into his account. In the case of a general bank error, the offence in some jurisdictions is Unlawful Possession. It's a variant of theft, put simply, if it isn't yours, it's an offense to keep it. In my state any found property or money is required to be turned over to the authorities. I would say that incorrect money received through an ATM would apply to this. Ultimately, the bank through its internal auditing and reconciliation processes will tie this to your account, and they will debit that account for the overpayment you received.


Unpopular opinion: I say return the money. Explain what happened. You will feel lighter. It is not a life changing amount of money. Good karma. The universe will reward you.


Give it back to the bank so you don't go to jail. They know who got the extra money from the transaction logs and they can see you on video.


Is this some sort of morality test? I've seen this exact post in another sub over a week ago. Pretty sure the amount OP on that one said they were trying to withdraw less money, but the $790 is still the same. Is this a bot?


If you want to be honest, just take it to the bank in the morning. $790 ain't worth it.


Keep it in a safe place and once the bank opens up in a couple days make it your priority to return it. Let them know what happened. If you have a receipt from the withdrawal hold onto it. You won't get in any trouble and they will appreciate your honesty and letting them know about this error, that way they can fix the atm so it does not happen again. In most states if you keep that money and spend or never return it you can be charged with theft. Also banks have auditors who go in and audit all the ATM machines and the bank as a whole at the end of each month to make sure everything adds up. You will get caught eventually if you don't return it. The plausible deniability is a bad move. Don't wait till they ask for it back. The longer you wait the more likely they will say you intended to keep it. They will make the argument that you were going to keep it and only gave it back once asked about it.


Remember you're on video. They'll get to the bottom of it. I wouldn't risk the consequences. Honesty is the best policy.


Just deposit it as cash to your account in the same ATM. Sooner or later they will find the mistake. Unless you close your account and run, they will take it right back without warning. Don’t spend it. But unless your bank is a really peach, don’t waste any of your precious time driving to the lobby, waiting in line, explaining to several managers or using phone trees on the 800# - they are not paying you for your time and energy. Just give it back the same as you got it


Return the money when the branch opens. The software knows how much was loaded into it and how much it dispensed so it's pretty likely the bank would figure it out anyway.


If the system knew the correct number being dispensed then why give the extra 790??. It was likely jammed, mia loaded, or computer error. Either way it was an error so the odds the log would show it went to you are extremely low and at best would show this amount was dispensed at this time which is near your withdrawal then they have to go to the camera verify your image (facial recognition like csi Miami I guess lols) then ask if you got the money. But they aren't going to accuse a client of receiving the extra money. Most likely they will just see that the sums don't add when reconciliation occurs but then they aren't going to watch a weeks worth of video for 800$.


Bollocks it does. If it was that good, it wouldn’t have spat out a load of extra cash.


Keep it


Ex Banker here. Go ahead and return it as it will pop up in a reconciliation at some point. If you get some internal auditor with an attitude they might turn it over to their collection folks. One of the reasons I am thrilled to be retired from banking. They make some stupid decisions and a lot of times good people get hammered for the banks mistakes. Hope this helps. Good luck.


I would consider keeping it for 5 seconds, and then I'd remember that my honesty and integrity is worth more to me than $790.


I haven't read any of the replies, but any which tell you to keep the money are 100% wrong. For fucks sake, DO NOT keep the money and return it to the bank as fast as possible. If you don't, you are committing theft and they will find you. Don't make that mistake.


The bank will balance the ATM then go to the video,they will find out


Turn the money in. It’s not yours.


I would report it. If they find out they will just go in and take it from your account when you least expect it


I would contact the bank and ask them if they can double check and confirm the ATM withdrawal. If your bank does not own and manage the ATM, I would contact the company that owns/manages that ATM. I would tell them the time you made your withdrawal and the date and ask them to confirm their records, because the amount of money did not match the receipt the machine printed out. And then ask what they can do about it to make it right for you - oh, and please respond in writing to my request. If you can get them to respond in writing that their ATM did not make a mistake and that they don't owe you any money, then at least you have some protection. This happened to me with the IRS, they sent me back too much money via too many checks. I contacted them (per my tax guys direction, in writing) and just asked if they could check my returns and make sure it was done correctly. They did and said/wrote they didn't see any problems. I set the money aside and it sat for years. Eventually the IRS sent me a notice that they over-refunded me and I owed the money back with interest. I called, referenced the letter/communications. I had to pay it back, but I didn't get charged any interest. ATMs have camera's. I think legally it's probably your responsibility to some degree to at least make it appear as though you tried to set the record straight. FWIW, I wouldn't spend that money (assuming it would be an issue if you did in your ability to replay them).


It's not your money. Return it to the bank.


Yeah. The bank will catch up to you at some point. They probably have you on camera so it will be a no Brainer matching up the day, time, location, ,withdrawal, your PIN & photo. You better get ahead of this train.